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Are elevated Hcg levels good during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for urethra irritation and pain in penis post recovery from UTI Are enlarged lymph nodes in neck a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for chronic abdominal pain What does vaginal bleeding in a 75 year old indicate? How long does a change in Klonopin dose take to be effective? Suggest treatment for dry eyes What causes loss of sense of smell, dull headache and fatigue? Does severe abdominal pain suggest diverticulitis attack? What causes balancing issues in a heart patient? What does my CT scan test result indicate? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest ways to manage bleeding hemorrhoids What causes fluctuations in white blood cell count? Suggest remedies for sore throat and stiff neck What causes high heart rate despite having normal ECG? Does stress cause breathing difficulty? What causes cold, cough, sneezing and lower back pain? What does my Echo test report indicate? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest remedies for vitamin D3 deficiency What causes toe nail infection after wearing prolonged wet shoes? Are red spots on the penis signs of STD? Suggest tips for weight loss Suggest remedies for back pain during pregnancy Suggest tips for preparing oneself for parenthood What are the chances conceiving through IVF for a patient with loose cervix? What does my echocardiogram test report indicate? Can a car injury cause essential tremor? Can HIV be contracted through protected oral and vaginal sex? What causes low BP and fatigue in a CHF patient? Suggest remedies for elevated liver enzymes Does intake of Lexapro cause bladder problem? What causes numbness in the left thigh and arm? What causes extra space between upper teeth of a 6 year old? What are the side effects of Carafate? Suggest treatment for fever, body pain and throat pain What happens if there is no dominant or mature follicle? How long should Levosulpiride and Rabeprazole be continued for GERD? Can Viagra be taken with Atenolol? Suggest medication for sciatic nerve pain Suggest medication for sciatic nerve pain Suggest treatment for diarrhea and passing of foul smelling gas in children What causes weakness, nerve pain in hands, giddiness and abdominal pain? What causes black waves in vision of a myopia patient? How to determine the paternity of the fetus? Why does my breast smell like cheese? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes fainting followed by chest pain, memory loss and shortness of breath? What is the dosage of Clonazepam? Suggest the ideal dosage for Trimix Are there any age restrictions for pacemaker implantation? Suggest treatment for vomiting in children What causes burning sensation around the vaginal area? What causes excessive swelling in legs and ankles? What causes lower abdominal pain and urine leakage in children? What causes vaginal bleeding after menopause? What causes severe pain in knees and toes? Suggest the ideal dosage for Acetaminophen and Oxycodone Suggest remedies for respiratory problems in an elderly woman Suggest treatment for chronic pain syndrome Suggest treatment for constipation during pregnancy Is Cartigen forte the right medicine for osteoarthritis? Are constant diarrhea with alternating constipation and bloating signs of IBS? Suggest ways to grow taller What causes lack of erection during intercourse? Suggest treatment for localized pain in the thoracic region Is Aspirin safe to take when diagnosed with atrial fibrillation? What causes difficulty urination while suffering from prostatitis? What does this blood report indicate? Is Levofloxacin the right medicine for kidney infection? What causes yellowish nasal discharge? Does Mensovit plus help in terminating pregnancy? What causes dysphasia? Is there any permanent cure for hypothyroidism? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Unwanted 72 pill? What do these SGOT and SGPT levels indicate? What causes bruises and reddish patches on the legs and arms? What are the possible repercussions of taking Rabies and HRIG vaccines same day? What causes blood filled spots behind the legs? What causes discoloration and itching sensation on the knuckles? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes hoarse voice while on decongestants? What causes sharp pain in nose and behind the neck? Is it safe to cut Synthroid tablet into half and take it? Does Clonazepam interact with Flunarizine? What causes constant vomiting in a 28 week pregnant woman? Suggest remedies for neck pain What causes a laser beam vision from the side of the right eye? Suggest treatment for paraphimosis Is there anything to speed up the process of alcohol removal from the system? What causes false positive result in pregnancy test after abortion? What causes radiating nerve pain in chest, shoulder, back and behind the ears? Suggest treatment for haemorrhoids What does increased beta hcg levels after an abortion indicate? Can turmeric be used to treat severe arthritis? Is alcohol consumption safe prior to Rabies vaccination? Suggest treatment for side effects of NIFTAS What causes difficulty in swallowing, throat tightness and constant burping? What are the disadvantages of the surgery for pinched nerve? Suggest remedies for multiple cysts on the labia Is shingles infection contagious? What causes headache, diarrhea and fever after begin exposed to scorching heat? What are the repercussions of accidental usage of glycerine in nose? Suggest remedies for severe shoulder pain Suggest remedies for itching sensation in vaginal area What causes elevated ESR levels while treating extra pulommanary TB? Is a creatinine reading of 1.2 a cause for concern? How long is medical attention required post a kidney surgery? What are the side effects of excessive masturbation? What do my lab test results indicate? What causes severe pain in calf muscles and foot post delivery? What are the possible repercussions of being exposed 15 minutes for paint fumes? Which specialist should I consult for dog bite? Does Acupuncture treatment help in curing osteoporosis? Is blood in urine a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is a TLC count of 27020 in an infant a cause for concern? Why cannot one take Adcal-D3 within 24 hours of eating Bran? What causes headache despite having normal CT scan? Is small white penile discharge a cause from concern? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of Adcal-D3? Suggest remedies for multiple cuts on hand How long does Cocaine remain in the system? What causes high fever along with urination difficulty? What does my Doppler test report indicate? What causes crying spells? Can pain cause rapid heart beat? What causes rib cage pain along with chills? What causes constant ringing and blockage in ears and swelling in cheek bone? What causes pain in the lower abdomen and testicles? What causes a painless hard lump at penis base? What causes constant headache, face flushing, lightheadedness and dizziness? Are large skin tags in rib area a cause for concern? What causes blood in the urine and pain during urination? Suggest medical tests to rule out PMDD What causes recurring pain at the top of the malleolar zone? Does intake of Prednisone help in treating swollen lymph nodes in diabetic patient? Suggest treatment for white coating on the tongue What is Flexon prescribed for? Can HIV be transmitted by sharing the same bed with an infected person? What causes small lumps under the armpit after waxing? Suggest an effective alternative for Avanza Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive pill? Suggest treatment for severe bronchitis What causes elevated uric acid levels? Can alcohol consumption cause depression after two days of drinking? What causes low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse after getting menstruation? What causes strange and strong taste in mouth and smell in nose? Can anoscopy be performed with inflammation in blood? What does this chest X-ray report indicate? What causes fatigue, night sweats and anxiety post withdrawal from alcohol? What causes painful swelling between the anus to the base of the scrotum? Suggest remedies for dry and itchy throat Whom to consult for genital dysaesthesia issues? Is Atkins diet safe for weight loss purpose? Is fasting safe when diagnosed with hypertension? What causes heart arrhythmia and tightness in the neck? What causes pain in the lower left jaw after doing cardio exercises? What causes hot flashes, weakness, nausea and memory issues in an elderly woman? Is Lipocut safe to take when diagnosed with high BP? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in the genital area What causes urine leakage from genitals after urination? What does this urinalysis report indicate? Suggest remedies for nighttime incontinence in a child What are the chances of miscarriage after 16 weeks of pregnancy? What causes pain in the throat, jaws and neck? What do my MRI scan test reports indicate? Suggest remedies for fungal infection in the penis What causes visible lump on the lip? When is intercourse advisable for conception after the eggs are ruptured? Is Oxycontin for pain management safe during pregnancy? Is total protein same as total serum protein in blood test? Suggest remedies to boost immune system What causes constant twitching in left eyelid? What causes itching throughout the body? Are sinus and nasal congestion signs of vertigo? Is withdrawal from Loprin safe during pregnancy? What causes recurring cold and sinus infection? Is alcohol consumption safe while undergoing anti-rabies vaccination? What causes constant high fever in a 3 year old child? What causes white spots on the tongue? What causes bloating and flatulence after a colonoscopy? What causes cold feet despite wearing socks? What causes prolonged cough accompanied with dryness and pain in the throat? Is a low density area on the pancreas a symptom of cyst? What do these BP readings indicate? What causes painful intercourse, hot flashes and fatigue in an elderly woman? Can systolic and diastolic BP levels explain the heart condition? Does climbing stairs regularly have bad effects on the knees? What causes itching sensation in the groin area? What is the dosage of Glycomet for these blood sugar levels? What causes dizziness and headache post withdrawal from Escitalopram? What are the side effects of Thermo blitz? What causes scalp swelling in a child while sleeping? What causes painless blisters on the penis? What causes excessive sweating after getting Diprophos shots for lower back pain? What causes frequent urination, flushing in neck and arms in an elderly woman?
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