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Are nausea, vomiting and frequent urination signs of pregnancy? What does this Pap smear test report indicate? Does Amlodipine interact with Benazepril, Simvastatin and Levothyroxine? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes double vision and dizziness? Suggest treatment for persistent cough post surgery Suggest treatment for painless swelling inside the lower lip What causes severe diarrhea in an infant? What causes muscle strain in ribs after vomiting? What causes brown vaginal spotting after taking Duphaston? Suggest remedies for painful toe Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the penis while on Trimix What does my pathology test result indicate? Can Coreg be purchased online? Can Asthalin inhaler be used along with AB Phylline for breathing difficulty? Suggest treatment for severe chest pain and fatigue Suggest treatment for blood spots on the inner labia after waxing Can a home test diagnose inguinal hernia? Suggest treatment for knee and joint pain in an elderly person What causes sore scalp, stiff neck and shooting pain in the head? How long does nicotine stay in the body after smoking? Suggest remedies for penile pain in an infant Suggest treatment for pulsating headaches, nausea and shortness of breath Suggest treatment for red rashes on the arms, legs and torso region What causes facial inflammation and soreness in jaws post intake of Amoxicillin? What does my pathology test report indicate? Can Azithromycin be taken in place of Penicillin? Suggest treatment for presence of fatty formation inside the left thigh What causes numbness in right thigh and knee pain? What causes swelling and sensitivity on the labia minora? What causes chest pain while breathing in a GERD patient? Does sarcoidosis cause right bundle branch block? Suggest treatment for swelling in the feet post injury What causes dark urine? Suggest treatment for hemifacial spasm What causes small red dots with a halo on on different body parts? What do presence of cuts on the penile head suggest? Can HIV be contracted after exposure to undetected viral load sample? How long do pain killers remain in the system during pregnancy? What causes bad body odor? Suggest treatment for lump behind the ear caused by lymphadenitis Suggest treatment for itching on the body, increased sugar cravings and skin tags Suggest treatment for severe fever caused by a tooth infection Can HIV be contracted by needle pricking during an acupuncture treatment? What causes recurring cold and cough during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pain in the back of the head radiating to the neck What causes right sided abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for plantar fasciitis What causes pain after urination? Can milk and papaya consumption lead to breast enlargement? Suggest treatment for tumor in the stomach Can Duodart and VitaPulse supplement be taken together? Can Volini gel be used on the face? What does a greyish lesion on the foreskin indicate? What causes persistent high fever despite taking medication? What is the life expectancy of a psoriasis, psoriasis arthritis and hepatitis-B patient? Is epilepsy curable? Does Zovia contain high estrogen levels? Suggest medication for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for severe gastric issues What causes elevated HCG levels after an abortion? Suggest alternate over the counter medication for Cilacar What are the side effects of stem cell therapy? What causes vaginal bleeding after an Mirena IUD removal surgery? Suggest treatment for persistent high fever Can an inhaler be used without a space maker for wheezing? What are the effects of taking Provera? Can genital herpes affect fertility? Suggest treatment for severe headache and fever in a child How soon after childbirth is it safe to conceive? Suggest medical tests for checking testosterone levels in the body Suggest treatment for dizziness and nausea in a person with dementia Is long term use of Advil advisable? What are the repercussions of overdose of Tranexamic Acid? Suggest medication for gum bleeding during pregnancy Suggest treatment for hot flashes, acid reflux and anxiety Suggest treatment for side effects of Prozac Suggest treatment for an ovarian cyst with separate nodules What do frequent urination and fever indicate? What do my lab test reports indicate? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for fever in a child while on Meftal Spas Suggest treatment for altered sense of smell and taste Do Rifampicin, Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide cause drug induced hepatitis? Suggest treatment for pain in the abdomen What do the following blood test reports in a hypertensive person indicate? What causes increasing abdominal girth while on Percocet? What is the prognosis of an early-stage melanoma? Suggest treatment for hallucinations while on Abilify and Risperidone Suggest treatment for severe pain post knee injury What do the following blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for chest pain and low BP What causes persistent cough despite taking medication? What causes renal glycosuria? Suggest treatment for pain in the wrists and thumb Suggest treatment for productive cough Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest dosage for Ativan Suggest treatment for swollen scrotum post vasectomy Suggest treatment for indigestion and dyspepsia Suggest treatment for blockage in both carotid arteries Suggest remedies for recurring mouth sore Suggest treatment for viral fever in a child Suggest treatment for increased anxiety Suggest treatment for mild GERD and high cholesterol Suggest treatment for persistent dizziness and cramps Suggest treatment for tiredness and twitching of body post spinal stenosis surgery Suggest treatment for upper back pain and insomnia What causes sudden occurrence of itchy palms? Does Clonazepam cause severe hair loss? Suggest treatment for pain and stiffness in the neck What does this X-ray report indicate? What causes adhesion between the bladder diverticulum and bowel? Does Alendronate interact with antibiotics taken to treat Parkinson's disease? Suggest treatment for asthma while on Prednisone and Flovent Is black stool after consumption of steak a symptom of cancer? What causes fatigue after taking Acitretin and Prednisone? What causes severe stomach pain, nausea and vomiting? What causes unbearable muscle spasms in legs and lower back? What causes stomach cramps and high BP? Suggest treatment for dizziness and lack of concentration Suggest treatment for severe anxiety, shortness of breath and panic disorder Suggest treatment for leukoderma What is the normal range of blood sugar? What is the lowest blood sugar level? Suggest remedies for burning sensation while urinating caused by a UTI What causes dizziness and loss of balance while walking? Suggest treatment for severe back pain while on Xanax and Tylenol What causes constant hunger throughout the day? Suggest precautions to take while recovering from heatstroke Suggest treatment for stiffness and tenderness in the legs Does the drug Keppra make a patient angry? Is spinal decompression surgery an appropriate treatment option for spinal stenosis? Suggest remedies for urinary incontinence after gallbladder surgery Suggest alternative medication in place of Pepcid AC Is a ulcer in the mouth a symptom of leukoplakia? What causes mild anemia after heart surgery? Suggest treatment for ringworm infection Is SGPT level of 95 U/L normal? What causes low blood pressure at night? What does this CT scan report indicate? What causes fat loss in buttocks, cheeks, swollen fingers and abdomen? Suggest treatment for profuse sweating Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes strange body odour emission from axilla? Are vaginal bleeding, pain and throat infection post intake of Apcod obis normal? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for chocolate cysts in the ovaries How effective are kegel exercises post a hysterectomy? What causes stiffness in the neck, chills, headache, diarrhea, tiredness and joint pain? What causes severe abdominal pain and bloating after eating? What causes neck and head pain every morning after a C-section? What is the life expectancy of someone with psoriatic arthritis? Suggest treatment for an insect bite What do these MRI findings indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the right ankle Can Effexor be taken in place of Sertraline? What causes severe lumbar pain and chronic fatigue post an injury? What causes severe dizziness in an elderly person on Glucored Forte and Syndopa? What kind of NB UVB treatment is suitable for vitiligo? Why is Meprate prescribed for? Suggest treatment for mouth ulcers while having Crohn's disease What does this CT scan report indicate? What causes severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and excessive flatulence? Suggest treatment for typhoid What causes persistent tingling sensation in face and right arm while treating arthritis? Suggest treatment for severe hand tremors and pain Is HbA1c value of 8.3 a cause for concern? What causes abdominal bloating post an unprotected intercourse? Is autoimmune hepatitis contagious? Can HIV be contracted through protected intercourse? Suggest ways to lose weight Suggest treatment for tanning and hyper-pigmentation on the neck What causes painful cramps in the chest during physical activity? Suggest treatment for symptoms of urinary tract infection Suggest treatment for pain in the penis Suggest remedies for narcolepsy and cataplexy What causes leg and abdominal pain after an IUI treatment? What causes recurring infection in kidney after a laser kidney surgery? Suggest treatment for severe depression in an elderly person Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of nicotine Suggest treatment for inflammation of the sweat glands in the neck Suggest remedies for dry and itchy vagina Suggest treatment for nasal congestion and runny nose in an elderly person What causes breathing problem after consuming chicken? What causes dry mouth and night sweats while on Omeprazole? Is Amlodopine a beta-blocker? Suggest treatment for dizziness when diagnosed with spinal stenosis What causes swelling in calf and ankle after a knee replacement surgery? Can severe migraine cause seizures? What causes dark red painful and itchy scar post recovery from cold sore? What causes excessive sleepiness and diarrhea while recovering from viral fever? Suggest treatment for dizziness, headache and severe joint pain Can Adderall be purchased without a prescription? Suggest remedies for muscle stiffness post intake of Lurasidone Suggest treatment for painful swelling in the groin area What causes headache, fatigue, loss of appetite and muscle pain after taking Prevnar? Suggest treatment for swollen varicose vein in the leg Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What does this blood report indicate?
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