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Does a heart rate of 44 indicate any abnormality while taking Catdizem for atrial fibrillation? Any relation between Lactogen+Breast milk on the baby's motion? What are the alternatives to Nitrofurantoin for UTI treatment? Why am I having dry itching, anorexia and bad taste after taking Indocap, Saaz and Medrol for Ankylosing Spondylitis? Is it normal to have severe reaction inside my vaginal lips after taking amoxicillin and prednisone for strep throat? Suggest remedy for bump on tailbone caused by a fall Is it normal to have spotting and cramping post hysteroscopy polypectomy? Is it safe to take Excedrin for headache and sinus pain? What causes blood stains after masturbation and ejaculation? What should done for oxycodone overdose? What is the treatment for lower back pain? What is the treatment for burning sensation on the tip of my tongue? Can Systemic Lupus Erythematosus destroy my child's bladder? What is the treatment for oval shaped lumps under my chin caused due to a bite? Why am I feeling panic and having heavy feeling in my chest despite taking xanax for anxiety? What is the treatment for superficial clots and phlebitis in left leg and deep vein thrombosis in right leg? Give information regarding gastric bypass method without surgery to reduce food consumption and appetite What is the cure for my wisdom teeth pain and jaw pain in right side? What should be done for sugar level increase before doing colonoscopy ? No relief despite taking Z pack and alcohol drops for fluid in ear, what should I do? What is the best way to get off gabapentin for neuropathy? Why am I disliking my psychiatrist while suffering from Bipolar1 disorder? How effective will my medications and therapy work for bipolar disorder when drinking coffee with caffeine and smoking? Why am I having electric shock like feeling in my neck even after taking treatment and what causes pain in trapezius area? What is the cure for pimple marks? Can feeling burning on penis be STD indication and how can it be diagnosed? What is the complete cure for schizophrenia? What is the treatment for a marijuana smoker coughing up brown mucus with pain in rib cage? What causes blood traces in saliva and dry mouth in the morning? Is stuffy nose caused due to midazolam hydrochloride injection given during colonoscopy? What is the possibility of pregnancy despite taking yasmin pills after an intercourse? Is pregnancy possible when on birth control pills? What causes early morning diarrhoea when on asthma,Gerd and arthritis medication? Is the pea sized movable lump on the outside of my jaw just an abscess? Can flu shot and topical steroid,used the same day cause health risks? What causes tender nipples post hetroscopic surgery and D&C to remove polyps? Is pregnancy possible when on birth control pills? Is it normal to have tender nipples post hysteroscopy and D&C for polyp removal? Can alcohol addiction causes low WBC Count and haemoglobin count? What is the treatment for swollen lymph nodes on the back of my child's neck and repeated fever? How to deal with a talkative wife? Recommend options for combined vaccination What is best way to deal with constipation from either Tramadol or Lortab? Can I take Phentermine in the morning and Restoril at night? Suggest treatment for drug-induced constipation How to get rid of sharp pain in lower spine due bulging in L4 and L5 and cramps in legs while on Amitriptyline and panadol? Suggest diet plan to increase weight What are the findings from the liver function test of a HBsAg carrier? Is pregnancy possible during menopause? What are the differences in appearance in herpes blisters and genital warts and where are they located? Suggest treatment for ADHD,RLS and Anxiety? What causes numbness in my right foot and nose bleed after vomiting? How to confirm if I have schizophrenia? Is painless red blister on my lip a sign of skin cancer? Why am I feeling a pop on my lower left side while sneezing? Treatment for buring and itching in eye when suffering from Ocular Rosacea What is the treatment for frequent urination while suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What is the treatment for headache, dizziness, cramping, diarrhea and fever with chills? What is the generic medicine for cold and cough? Treatment for sores on nose? What causes night leg sweats and appetite loss after pneumonia treatment? How to overcome my husband's death caused due to lung cancer while suffering from early Parkinson's disease? Can I take Flexeril along with Baclofen and Valium for muscle spasms and multiple sclerosis? What should be done for "Dolo650" overdose? What is the treatment for skin candidiasis? What causes discharge from my red eye and why am I having blurred vision? Should esophageal problem or atrial fib be treated first? Is pregnancy possible after immedidiate intake of ipill post sex? How long should I take Losar for high blood pressure? Is irritation on left glans after a handjob with saliva a sign of herpes? What causes dry throat and mouth with choking sensation? Is it safe to travel far distances by car during pregnancy? What causes suddend numbness and sweating in the body? Why am I having severe memory loss, back pain and acid reflux while on diet product milkshake? Is regular cow's milk consumption safe for a baby? What is the treatment for itching in thigh folds? What can cause elevation in creatinine level despite avoiding red meat? Should I consult a doctor for coughing up phlegm while suffering from cough and cold? What does positive skin test and negative AFB stain mean? What questions should I ask the oncologist? Is hypnosis helpful in curing stress and anxiety leading to depression? What kind of test is done to determine alkaline phosphatase levels and what is the treatment for patella femoral syndrome? How to know exact age of baby by an ultra sound? What is the treatment for fever while suffering from back pain and psoriatic arthritis? What should be done for cough with sputum with sweating and itching? Is bleeding with pain due to cyst rupture in my ovary a sign of miscarriage? What should be done for skin over the penis? What is the cause for fecal incontinence? Is lymph nodes around lower left posterior cervical region malignant? Suggest home remedy for termination of unwanted pregnancy? Does Truvada side effect cause Paresthesia? What are the findings from the follicular study? Suggest treatment for ankle swelling and stomach pain after a fall when suffering from diabetes? What changes heart beats when suffering from anxiety? What does ESR count of 95 mean? Suggest remedies to increase weight of a baby? What is the treatment for gastric mucosal prolapse? How to increase hemoglobin level during pregnancy? What is the cure for constant bloating and constipation? Can prostatitis cause a spike up in the PSA? What causes lymph node enlargement? What causes infertility when everything is normal? What is the treatment for spreading blotchy patches on legs, stomach and back? Is resting heart rate in the low 50's considered safe? Does a blood pressure of 150/85 indicate any abnormality? IS drug-induced hemolytic anemia possible and does tamoxifen make it worse? Why am I feeling tired with left iliac fossa pain and bloating? Suggest treatment for pain in lower calf? What is the treatment for mild diffuse disc bulging at L3-L4? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome? What kind of cancer should I be screened for bowel obstruction? What should be done for fatigue and sleepiness when suffering from fibromyalgia and arthritis? What are the underlying causes for calcified granulomas in spleen and blood in urine? What are the symtoms of hyperthyroidism and what are the associated risks? Suggest erectile dysfunction treatment when Celais fails What causes blocked mucus plugs? What are HIV chances after protected oral and vaginal sex with sex worker? Why am I smelling badly? What causes dizziness,headaches,blackouts and numbness? Can long term exposure to bleach and ammonia cause vommiting? Will inverter batteries and chargers have an impact on my pregnancy? What causes bad breath from my mouth while using Listerine mouth wash? What is the cure for sharp pain in my chest and stabbing pain in shoulder region? What causes headache from back to forehead and back of ear with a painful pimple? Does Mucinex intake cause depression and insomnia? When can I expect my period after having a heavy period due to emergency pill intake? Why am I getting back pain spasms and pain in ribs after a fall? What diseases can be transmitted through oral sex? Is Hmol Injection, clavam and sinarest syrup the right treatment for child suffering from fever and runny nose? Is Gall Bladder removal necessary for non functioning gall bladder? Causes and treatment for herniated disk and pinched nerve with remothoid arthritis and high BP Why am I not having bleeding despite taking emergency pill? What causes delayed periods after taking morning after pill? Is it normal to have salty taste and stomach upset during alcohol detox? What causes delayed periods after taking morning after pill?. What causes nausea after an endoscopy? What causes numbness and tingling in the feet? Suggest treatment for pain in anus while moving and coughing? Any side effect of Decolic? Does mycoplasma pneumonia cause ear ache and what is the treatment? What do you mean by 'multiple lacunar area of ischaemic foci in the bilateral cerebral hemispheres' in a MRI report? What causes nausea,watery stools and stomach distension when suffering from Chroins disease? What is the cause for white penile discharge with discomfort erections? What causes nausea feeling while urination? What causes blood in my stool? What should be done for high HbF in second trimester? Will vitamin B and fish oil cause strong odor in my urine? Is body itching related to brownish yellow semen ejaculation? What is the cause for stabbing pain in my abdomen below my navel? Does mild water Brash when having GERD symptoms cause health risk? What causes pain in lower left abdomen with Irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis? What is the dosage of topamax for severe Obsessive compulsive disorder? Can I take oromorph along with cocodamol? What causes excessive burping with dull ache on upper right side? What is the suggested medication for improving my skin complexion while suffering from diabetes? What is the future growth of my child suffering from seizures? IS medication necessary for under-active thyroid? What is the treatment for fever, chills and bad cough while on antibiotic for UTI? Does Cryablation cause prolonged weakness? What causes pain and blood in the urine? Can sleep apnea cause weight gain? Causes for pain and burning while passing urine What should be done for bacterial infection with a untraced focus or sepsis? Why am I experiencing pain in my right testicle after sex? How do I improve my bonding with my husband? What causes fever with vommiting and yellowish watery stool? Will prednisone and ventolin cause false positive drug result? Suggest measures for lightheadedness,chest feeling hot and knot in throat? Why feet itches after eating sweets? What do reddish-brown spots on forehead indicate? What causes blood in the urine after polyp removal and scraped prostate? Why am I having discomfort and pain in my penis despite applying clostar ointment? What could cause discoloration and bumps on back that itches? Suggest cause and treatment for recurrent UTIs and yeast infections? How to relieve menopausal symptoms? What is the cause for pressure that causes frequent urination? What causes stomach cramping and light diarrhea with half-digested food feces? What is the treatment for pea sized bump on my scrotum? Suggest treatment for allergic cough Is there any possibility of pregnancy while taking Duoluton L? Why am I feeling dizzy and having nausea after taking Nucoxia, Pan and Thrombophobe ointment? Suggest dandruff treatment Which specialist should I consult for additional reconstructive surgery that will enable to bend my knee to the maximum extent? Suggest treatment for Intraductal Papillary Mucinious Neoplasia (IPMN)? Can I take Ganaton, Motilium and Neksium for severe stomach pain? Is DNA PCR the best confirmatory test for HIV? How to lose weight when on light exercise regiment and beta blockers? What is the cure for my head pain spreading to my neck muscles when working on computer? Suggest treatment for pain due to arthritic changes in the hip joint? What causes pain and swelling with warm sensation on foot? Is my pain in left side related to cysts in superior pole and inferior pole cortex of the left kidney? No improvement with percocet for back pain and nerve pain in left leg, what is the cure? Is natural conception possible when menstruation cycle is of 25-30 days? What is the dimensions of the opening in the skull for implanting a small grid bilaterally over mesial structures? What is the cause and treatment for pain in chest radiating to back and left shoulder blades? Why am I unable to masturbate after color Doppler penile test? Any chances of HIV despite negative HIV report? Suggest bladder infection treatment Any relationship between high cholesterol count and delayed liqufication time? Can I take enablex and myrbetric for over active bladder post transurethral resection of the prostate?
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