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Child having itchy red bumps on torso, no fever, had cold sore, had chicken pox vaccine Medicine to increase height at the age of 27 What is the cause of upset stomach with lack of appetite, esophagus pain and hot flushes ? Pain and swelling in joints. Elevated SGPT, SGOT. History of psoriatic arthritis. Treatment for swelling? 5 weeks pregnant by IUI, no vaginal bleeding. Seacure 200 ill effects on fetus? Skiny, loss of appetite, want to gain fat. Solution? Can one with gestational diabetes take butter milk and raw mangoes ? Two red patches on buttock, hot to touch, covered with itchy, watery blisters on the site of insect bite. No relief with tinactin. Effective remedy? No bleeding post intake of mifepristone from Mtprost kit. When will periods commence? What is the cause of red, itchy swelling on the face and lips ? Have PCOD and MSF on both ovaries. Chances of conceiving? Energy drink, regularly,pumping feeling in right arm and leg. Please suggest why? Bloating, excess fat on belly, want to reduce flab. Medicines? Postpone periods,Regestrona 5mg. After how many days will the period occur? Itching, gagging cough, Flu. Bronchitis? What treatment should a diabetic take for cataract ? What is the cause of constant pain under the rib cage, nausea, vomiting, dizziness with digestive digestive disorders ? Pain in the shoulder radiating from the rib cage, intensifies on deep breathing. Medicines? On metrogyl 400 for bacteria infection of vagina. Recovery time? Cold & cough, montair lc kid, stuffy nose Are pulsing lips and numbness in right arm related symptoms ? Not eating properly for 8 days, fibrous stools, dewormed, rinifol syrup Diabetes in children. Warning signs and symptoms, treatment options? Feels hungry and weak, lose weight, gets irritated, dark circles increased, mild psoriasis on knee and scalp Is the homeopathic medicine Y-LAX prescribed for constipation carcinogenic ? PCOS, taking clomid, delayed period, HPT negative. Pregnant? What is the cause of fluttering sensation on the side of the head ? What treatment should one take for cancer with metastasis in liver and what is the treatment cost ? Can medicines for typhoid - zocef,azee,amikacin,paracetamol and ocid lead to side effects in children ? Child on encorate 300mg. Side effects? Medicine to overcome the side effect? Complete thyroid removal, related to irregular period? Early pregnancy, high hcg levels, ultrasound showed irregular sac without heartbeat, yolk. Chances of pregnancy? Is there any remedy for removing big round mark on nose which occurred due to pimple ? How are gall stones treated ? Losing hair, hit on head, pain in head. Cure? What measures can one take to maintain an erection ? Medicine to gain weight? Married, erection time 5-7 minutes, medication to increase erection time Fluctuating BP. Is that ok ? Fever, stomach ache, sensitive eyes. Flu symptoms? Transvaginal sonography done. How to get uterus and ovary removed? BP patient,had heart attack,tenormin, babyaspirin, novasc, cholesterol 4.5, pressure 130/85, to continue medication ? PCOD, unsuccessful IUI, regular periods. Ayurvedic medication helpful? Hole on the thigh with white ring,bleeding,swelling,peeling skin around it.Cure? Child having constipation, hard stools, strain while passing motion. Have good food habits, drink plenty water. What can be done? High uric acid level and esr rate,joint pain,left knee swollen.Cure? Pregnant, having cardiac problem, preffering cesarean section. General or spinal anaesthesia will be good? Mole on arm hurts, hurts on other arm What is the treatment for enlargement and curvature in the penis ? Specific drugs for cholecystectomy Petechiae red spots all over abdomen, had hysterectomy, no hormone replacement. Causes? No beard, less facial hair, no genetic problem. Medicine? How long will it take for lump in the lip to subside after the tooth pierced in it ? Delayed periods, unprotected sex, no ejaculation inside vagina. Pregnancy test negative. Chances of pregnancy? What is the remedy for recurring bump on the hard palate ? Stomach bloating like I'm pregnant, urine smells off, weird salty chemical, itchy, smelly stool, burning throat, weird menthol sensation, diarrhoea Abdominal pain, anteverted uterus, appears subnormal, endometrial echo thin, bladder adequately distended cystocele What is the cause of recurring bumps on the back with grey pus ? What ointment should be applied for an infant suffering from rashes on face ? Eye exam, taken two eye drops, irritation Green color loose motions in 5 month baby, stool test normal Chest pain, shortness of breath, low blood count, 3 cesarean sections, gall bladder removal Got periods after six months, bleeding after drinking beer. Is this normal? Pregnant while on mirena birth control, abortion done, stomach pain, got the IUD above uterus Sudden change in skin color to darker Spotting and bleeding after periods. What could be the reason for this ? What do suspicious densities in the right apex indicate ? Heel and Achilles pain, taking acetaaminophen Tear ducts turning white and pain in eyes Persistent severe cough causing fainting occasionally, taking cough suppressants Child having stomach pain while breathing and eating, constipation. What is the problem? Pregnant, having melanoma, red scabs appeared on body. Should i be concerned? What can I do to stop a positive hair sample drug test as I am having only cough and allergy medicines ? Jaw bone degeneration, pains, taking aleve and tylenol 3 What is the cause of fever post abdominoplasty and umbilical hernia repair ? Leakage of bright yellow fluid from nostril. Had taken amoxicillin for cold and flu. What is the reason? What is the cause of watery brown stools in a new born ? Low sperm count, infertility , more intercourse the solution ? Hangovers, nausea, lack of energy, irregular bowels, dark green diarrhoea. Are these symptoms due to stopping meth? Can I give mucolyte for cold and throat irritation to my baby on medicines for hemangioma in the eye ? Red dot on gums, pains. Ulcer? What is the cause and treatment for sudden drop in blood values, night sweats and persistent leg edema in one on hemodialysis ? What treatment should be given to an infant suffering from entamoeba coli ? Hernia, have loss of feeling in the knee and upper leg on sitting Newborn child, suffering from stomach gas, liquid bowels. On similac newborn. Should we go to the ER? 27 weeks pregnant, loose motions, on calshine, ecosprin, softeron-z, side effects of duvadilan ? No ovaries, estrogen and testosterone pellets, hypoglycemic, Could this be reactive to testosterone? Pain in left side during periods, fever, constant lower abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea Diarrhea post taking laxatives. Had laparoscopic hysterectomy. Treatment required? Baby having fever and loose motion, throat infection. Is it malaria? Fever of 100.7, red cheeks watery eyes, stomach pain Arm skin darkened on right hand than rest of the body. What kind of disease is this? Repeated blocking of glands in vulva, prescribed pimufucort. Specialist opinion required? Have irregular and heavy periods. Feeling light headed, shaky, dizzy, tight stomach. What are the complications? Low blood sugar, diet? Loud explosions in head, leg and groin pain, mutism, neuro symptoms. History of migraines, conversion disorders. Causes? Will there be any effect on pregnancy by having horseshoe kidneys ? Stomach infection, fever, vomiting, later diarrhoea, red blotchy rash near eyes. Cause of rash? What is the cause of dizziness, palpitations, difficulty in reading on PC screen, blurred vision post strenuous exercise or meal ? Analysis of lab test No periods, LH 2.6, FSH 22.4, Prolactin 3.5 ng/mi. Chances of pregnancy? Pain between heel and toe, no swelling, no bruising Fever, hurts to swallow, sore throat Red bumps on penis, have fungus, using lamisil, not cured. Suggestion Smegma infection, chronic condition, not cured in spite of washing, anti fungal cream for it ? IBS, stomach cramps after meals. Glucose intolerance? Noticeable veins in leg, reason and treatment? Want to conceive. Taking fefol. Medicine to get pregnant? What is the remedy for burning in the esophagus post eating extremely hot food ? Constant burning sensation in urinary tact, urinalysis, STD ? Paralysis after doing PTMC, done physiotherapy but hand not functioning normally. When can I move fingers as earlier? Microgynon 30, nipple soreness, negative pregnancy test, chances of pregnancy ? Scabies, itchy, bumps on whole body, permethrin cream. Cure? Three child through c section, can pgd and ivf help in delivary Trying to conceive, Miprogen for 14 days, 9 tablets, any side effects ? What measures should a mother take to increase milk production ? Is the baby crying due to less milk secretion or strain in neck at the time of feeding ? What is the meaning of vertical in the scanning report ? Have UTI, drinking cranberry juice and water. Something else I can do? What measures can I take to get a proportionate body ? Diagnosed with Mycoplasma pneumonia, prescribed Zirthomax, Prednisolone, taking Seretide Diskus for allergy, borderline asthma. Do I have asthma now? Intercourse, taken i-pill, abdominal pain, vomiting. Pregnant or side effects of i-pill? Pneumonia, shivers, fever, long sputum, blood report and sputum normal. Why is Glycomet prescribed for one under laser treatment for getting rid of unwanted hair ? Can I ask a doctor about my urine report ? Purple lumps on the bottom lips, cause of concern ? Stomach ulcer, omez, suggest medicine Bloody discharge, cramps, early periods. Tri sprintec or colposcopy? Pcos. Finished taking hyponidd. Planning to conceive. When to start siphene 50 mg? Will intake of oxyelite pro affect the results of pregnancy test ? Leg rash, swelling, stomach pain, headache after taking Calpol, Alerid, Combiflam Baby suffering from loose motion. Pus cell showed in stool test. Will it affect baby in future? What could be the cause of white spot on my child's cheek ? Myeloma, have skin irritation near the breast, bumps on the chest, neck. Have recently acquired a new pet. What could be the cause? Treatment for stomach injury? Pain in the leg that originates from thigh post angioplasty, difficulty in walking, no improvement with spinal surgery. Solution? 33 years old, very thin, constant weight. History of rheumatoid arthritis. Evion E suitable to gain weight? Is it safe to take LEVOCAST and montelucast sodium for 6 months ? What does heavy discharge post sex indicate ? What is the reason for white patches on the face of 50 day old child and how can it be treated ? Mania,on lithosun SR and macorate medication,frequent urination Severe constipation with bleeding. Colonoscopy showed fissure and small red spot on the wall of colon. What could the red spot be? Hot and yellow urine, warm and painful lower abdomen, occasional diarrhea and headache. Cause? Does period come after stopping of regestrone after 3 day dose Yellow mucus after blowing nose in morning, bad breath, sour taste. Shoulder pain, headache, sleeplessness Worried after a fall and large bumps on head Spots on abdomen, smelly stuff comes out after squeezing. Solution? What could be the cause of high sugar levels in a diabetic person ? Symptoms of frostbite affecting sinus and throat Bruise on hand, white central spot, painful to touch Neck pain for a year Frequent bowel movement, back pain, stomach pain, missing periods. Pregnant? What could be the cause of painful swelling behind the ear ? PCOS, hard hair growth on chin, taking Finastin and Obimet. Treatment? Blocked tubes, advised operation. Treatment options other than surgery? Fits, taking Gardenal 6o. Reason? PCOD, irregular periods Psoriatic arthritis, severe joint pain, low concentration, advised refrain from sports, prescribed medicines. Should I take them lifelong? Severe pain in head and neck, Advil, dizziness Wrist drop, symptoms, treatment, recovery period Suffering from itching. Why the lower part of my abdomen feel swollen ? Frequent cold, cough, enlarged adenoids, allergic, steam inhalation okay to give ? Delayed period, light brown bleeding. Reason? No beard growth, shave every week. How can I grow it? Is Zenflox helpful for pus formation in urine? No beard. Suggest how to grow beard? Hypochromic microcytic red cells, Leukocytes normal, increased platelets Tired, stomach pain, upset stomach Acne, used toothpaste, now red and dark, will benzaclin and bandwidth help ? Is there a chance of HIV contraction through brush through mechanism ? Treatment for scabies Which specialist can we visit for joint pain? Varying degrees of blood loss in gastrointestinal system resulting in frequent blood transfusion, have low hemoglobin levels. What should be the safe minimum level? Irregular periods, want to know side effects of livogen When is the best time to conceive? Having speech problem, not able to speak fluently, was very fluent, versatile speaker. Solution? Oedema all over body, urine output decreased, blood test done, given gramocef. Advice and treatment? Dizziness and pain,pressure in the ears Sore rashes behind ear, has cold and cough. Body temperature normal. Looking for treatment PCOD, missed periods, get periods only after taking Regesterone. Sonography, hormonal tests normal. Side effects of prolonged use of Regesterone? Allergic bronchitis, no fever or cold, sudden cough, suggest ayurvedic medicine Occasional cough, no phlegm, infection, moxikind-cv625. Diet? Tenderness in stomach. Will traveling in bumpy roads effect the chances of conception? Missed period, negative blood pregnancy test, blood in vaginal discharge, taking Primolut N Ultrasound showed mild right pelvocaliectasia,partially obstructing ureteral lithiasis,crystals in the kidney Will there be any effect on baby if I take zapiz for depression during 34 weeks pregnancy ? Stomach ache, hurt while standing, always dizzy and cold Solution for habit of looking at other's private parts? Bums on penis, scaring. Is it due to masterbaiting or an std What is cause of constant pain behind the eyes with nausea, fatigue in one with pressure headache ? Purplish lump near the ear, pain on touching with occasional itching. What could it be? Sore throat, swollen tonsils, pain in chest, ear, jaw and throat, taken injection and medicines. Suggestion? Loose motion after rice, rajma, curd. Is it ok to take Zanocin? Is there a hormonal correlation between irregular periods and underdeveloped breasts? Pregnant. Can take mifepristone 200 mg and misoprostol 200 mcg? Severe acne started after having sores in mouth and swollen neck. Medication ? Patches on skin, taking medicine. Treatment? Why bleeding occurred after masturbation? Chest pain, chest heaviness, cold and pain, post shower bath Swollen breasts, abdominal pain before periods due. Experiencing the same while on follicular study. Does that mean I have failed to conceive? Gastritis, tips to gain weight Low hemoglobin, vomiting after taking Vitcofol. Mixed with food? What is the cause of knee giving up after physical activity post several years of injury ? Had unprotected sex, nausea, light headed, loss of apetite, tiredness, vaginal itching. What can be going on? Got white, red and soft acne on face. Taking good diet. What could be the cause and cure? Pre-requisites for kidney donation Discoloration in groin area. Medicine? Is it possible to get brain worm eating noodles? Irregular periods, early menopausal. Is it safe to take duphaston? Small size penis, Premature ejaculation, foreskin does not get back What treatment should one take for hemifacial Spasm ? Is Fertyl-M effective in increasing sperm count, sexual urge ? Allergy on eyelids, prescribed Elderoid lipocream. Cannot use it due to unavailability. Can I use cutisoft? Looses erection while sex, soon sperm ejection One of testis removed due to non circulation of blood. Can spend normal life? Next step after failing first IVF? What is semen analysis test and why is it done? Contracted STD and taken antibiotics. Now testicle pain. Prescribed Ofloxacin for epididymitis. Correct treatment? Used contacts without prescription. Having red eyes, cloudy vision and rainbow halos. Precautions and medications? How much time does it take to recover form laparoscopic appendectomy ? Testicle pain, varicocele in testis, taken medicine. Will it be cured by medicine or surgery? Sharp pain in left elbow, forearm, left hand, small finger, indigestion Drinking coffee, alcohol, lower back pain, tingling sensation at the back of head, probably kidney problems Trying to conceive, taken duphaston, missing period, spotting, pregnancy test negative. Suggestion? Numbness in left arm, are panic attacks the cause ? Stomach stings when moved and do crunches, torn muscle or strained muscle Child has hoarse voice, running nose, fever. What can be the cause? Petscan, nodular foci in left basal ganglia, metasis in lung and liver, breast cancer Penis problem with brain inactivity Suffering from viral fever. Having severe body pains, not able to sleep, dry cough. Need some home remedies? Child has TB, prescribed Forecox. How long should it be taken? Chlamydia, prescribed medicines, had sex. Recovery time? Diagnosed Spleenomegally, anal and mouth bleeding Itchy vagina, creamy discharge. Cause and medicine? Child having dry skin due to continuously washing hands, worsened on applying lotion. Remedy? Abdominal pain, back pain, stiff leg. Cause? Salivating, sign of pregnancy Tight muscles around mouth, lips drooping after medication, difficulty eating. Is Botox a suggestion? Pain starting from hip to knee after any physical activity Taking Helicobacter pylori treatment, congested chest, sore throat, weak, tired Mono infection, no fatigue, swollen throat, on antibiotics, monospot positive, WBC low Temporomandibular joint. Medicine for pain killer? White discharge, still have not had period Tiredness, bloating stomach, diarrhea, thirsty. Reason? Pain in tailbone while travelling. Exercise? Done blood test. Kindly advise on report Vyvanse for ADHD, want to lose weight Child having frequent and sudden nasal bleeding, has soft snot. What could be the cause? Got black spots on beauty marks. Should I be concerned? What is the cause of bumps on the tongue post negative STD and HIV tests ? Have hypertension, taking Atenolol and Amolodipine. But BP remains high. How to treat? I am under stress. Getting periods for a week with dark, brown bleeding. Gets worse during intercourse? Dog has sleepy red eyes, discharge coming out, unable to keep open, warm compress used, emergency ? Nose bleeding, severe concussion Fluid in ear, hearing problem, eardrum broken. Possibility for normal hearing? Lower backache, muscle spasm, headache Pregnant. How to calculate conception date? Are knots in blood vessel above ankles cysts? Have UTI infection. Took antibiotics. Brown blood tissue appearing in urine. What could be this? What is the cause of red kidney bean like thing in the stools of one on UTI medicines ? Yeast infection, fluconazole 150 mg, unprotected sex, chances for infection Sore throat, burning in back of throat, food tastes bad. What is this? Painful lump in groin, sensitive to touch Taken emergency contraceptive after having unprotected sex. Worried Dark spots inside vagina lips, swollen, irritated, on birth control. Treatment? Delayed periods, taken Primolut. Will this make me have my period? Miscarriage, spotting, heavy bleeding, cramps Anorexic,bluish lump on lower legs Continuous bleeding post taking the depo shot, no improvement with intake of birth control pills. Solution? Depo shot, bleeding for 6 weeks Asthma, fingernails white, pain under breast hurts to breathe. Treatment? Transient ischemic attack, Checkup for widow-maker heart attack if family history? CHF,Mitral Valve regurgitation and enlarged heart. Pain in transverse tarsal joint area and arc of foot, cant walk after sleeping Suffering from sciatia. No relief with treatments. Is it due to lypoma occurred after accident? Cough, humira, azathioprine, crohn's disease. Immediate action? Internal fever, sore throat, bilirubin high, jaundice, HIV a possibility ? Persisting headache, bruising on eye post bang on the head, no relief with ibuprofen. Serious? Feeling of something stuck in throat. Having white patches and itchy tonsil stone. History of cancer. Worried? Ear pain, taken extra dosage of zerodolp, hatrick. What can be done? Very obese, on norethisterone. Chances of pregnancy? Severe pain in left hip, radiating down left leg, vicoden not helping, gall stones ? What is the remedy for accidental splattering of hot grease in the eye ? Suffering from ulcerative colitis. Getting moderate pain and itching in rectum. Looking for medicine Consumption of water after delivery Have piles, passing stool more often, blood in stools. Should I be concerned? Unprotected sex, delayed periods, taken gynaecosid pills, home pregnancy test negative Is there a chance of recurrence of hepatitis A ? MRSA, fluctuating BP, no improvement with lisnopril. Solution? Pain while passing stools, blood and pus, ulcers in vagina, rectal area. How can I cure these conditions? On aciclovir and ampiclox, tested positive to hiv. can those medicines give a false positive result for an hiv screening? Occasional dizziness, on treatment for vertigo, want to know tips to overcome these in a noisy atmosphere. Suggestion? What medicines should be taken for knee pain and brittle nails ? What could be the white spot with a red ring on the inner jaw ? Continuous bloating after taking bread products, had overcome bloating and belly post refrain from bread. What causes bloating? Have diabetes and congestive heart failure. Weakness in leg. Is this from congestive heart? Is it safe to give zolosoft to a child having allergy induced cyclic vomiting syndrome ? White splotches on legs turn purple. Is this due to bad circulation? Why is gyargin powder prescribed during pregnancy ? Why do I get palpitations and dizziness on climbing the stairs ? What could be the cause of continuous tearing from the eye with inability to withstand normal daylight ? What could be the cause of swollen and sticky eye in a 2.5 year old ? Seizure, inability to walk, shivering weakness Irregular periods, on Susten tablets, white discharge with blood, normal ? Stinging pain in the groin, on prednison, had taken Kellogg shot for poison oak rash. Reason? What is the reason of having mild brain atrophy? What is the cause of dizziness and blood in the stools of one with hypothyroid ? Depression, sleeplessness, mood swings Unprotected intercourse after periods, taken unwanted 72, starts bleeding. Pregnant? What is the remedy for small and thin penis, small testicles with absence of semen ? Regular periods, reason for infertility? Child having recurring cancer sores, stomach pain after eating, difficulty in passing stools. Cause and remedy? Small lump on the testicle, family history of cancer. Treatment required? How is a swollen vagina and heavy periods treated ? Headache, high temperature, sinus. Disease? What is the cause and remedy for white patches on the throat and yellow patches inside the cheek ? Remedy for pus cells in stool test What to do in case of anxiety ? What diet should one on a weight loss program take ? Deep wound caused by galvanized iron infected. Swelling and pain. How to reduce swelling and clean infected wound? Green stools with mucus and froth, breastfed and cerelac Ultrasound sound showed bulky uterus, normal ovary. Is it worrisome? What is the cause of indigestion after masturbation ? What is the cause of skipped menses in one with regular periods ? Loose motions, darolac, rectrol, after 1 day, stopped, constipation started, continue taking medication ? Not getting proper result with pregnancy test due to early checking. Too young to visit health clinic Broken ankle, standing for a long time, feet burns and swollen. Normal? Had typhoid, malaria and jaundice, having hair fall. Suggestion? Is it due to Beyaz birth control pills I am experiencing nose bleeds and severe headaches ? Ovarian cyst, fleshy mass passed during periods Does epitril 0.5 cause drowsiness ? Ultrasound, 5 weeks pregnant, decidualized gestational sac, no yolk sac, embryo not seen Hurt little finger in left hand, swelling, pain on touching, unaware if broken or not, solution What natural way should I adopt to get rid of constipation ? Cough due to eosinophilia count 28% Can I be pregnant with an ovarian cyst? Advise required Had good and healthy hair, started hair fall. Medicine? Suffering from vision problems and brain fever. Treatment? Bacterial infection, difficulty in breathing, sleeping due to productive cough, chest X-ray showed vascular congestion centrally, have pacemaker, taken prednizone. Advice? Will Danogen have ill effects on the fetus ? Eyes always twitching due to cranial nerves pressed by blood vessels. Can it be treated? What is the cause of eye twitching which is relieved after a wash ? Trying to get pregnant, normal period suggested to do follicular study, first child died because of brain asphyxia What are the causes for follicular rupture and lack of pregnancy ? What treatment should one take for recurring candidiasis ? 12 years old, svere flu. Done CBC test. Should I be worried? PCOS, irregular cycle, pressure in stomach, frequent urination, hot flushes, mood swings, fluctuating weight, negative beta, pt test. Cause? Infertility, regular periods, urinary pain before period. On duphaston tablets. Causes for pain on urination and delayed periods? Have three premature delivery. What should i do? How is severe body pain and fatigue treated ? Why does one kidney in my child appears to be small ? Does formonide 100 have any side effects ? Can any online doctor help me with the CT scan pns of the nose ? Swollen stomach, gastric, pain is brain, difficult to sleep, wound in mouth, blood in stool. What's wrong? What could be the itchy and burning blister on the throat that is growing day by day ? Missing periods, pregnancy test positive. suggestion for abortion? Pain in knees below knee cap post a hard training session. Worrisome? Is it advisable for a diabetic to continue with her pregnancy ? Having pain in back, thighs and legs. MRI scan done. Looking for the suggestion What could be the cause of swollen, painful tongue with dry mouth in a diabetic on lithium ? 23b weeks pregnant, itching all over the body, intense at night, udiliv300, swelling of liver, non-functional gall-balder, effect of medicine on fetus H7N9 Miscarriage, itchy skin, irritation in private parts. Causes for symptoms? Head reeling while walking and driving Which medication should be taken for avoiding recurrence of panic disorder ? Spastic paraparesis, lower abdominal pain, frequent urination, no Urinary tract infection. Suggestion? Presence of intramural fibroids in the fundus, free fluid in pouch of Douglas, follicles in ovary, enlarged uterus post treatment for pancreatic cancer Whitish stuff in mouth on waking up and during the day. Remedy? What medicines should be given to an infant having watery and greenish motions ? Pregnant, soft and big belly in morning, gets harder and bigger throughout the day What is the difference between Glycomet gp1 and eurepa mf1 when both are for controlling blood sugar ? Coughing symptoms, no relief from cough syrup, will cotrimoxazole help ? Will one with cystic mass on the ovary have difficulty in conceiving ? Masturbate regularly, Cause prostate cancer or sex problem? Medication to avoid in Gilberts Syndrome Fungus infection around toe, swelling, pain, Novaclox LB What could be the cause of pain and inflammation around the round clustered lumps behind the knee ? What could be the cause and remedy for swallowing difficulty in a pregnant post vomiting ? Had intercourse, missing periods. Should i take emergency pill? Spondylosis, sudden pain in the shoulder on deep breathing, disappeared in minutes. Cause? Not lasting long during sex. Can you help me? Does the heaviness on my eyebrows is related to my eyes ? Pharyngitis, clamp, Calpol, Meftal-p, fever Dull pain in groin, discomfort, lumps on testicles. Causes for pain and lumps? Had hormonal imbalance. Taken medicine, irregular periods after stopping medicine, prolactin high. Suggestion? Running nose, given zyrtec or ventolin, reoccur in 2 weeks. Food allergy? White patches on below lip. Used ointment and color treatment. Any other treatment to get normal lips color? Urticaria, dynolap, zentech, side effects? Vomiting after eating orange, domstal stopped it, watery stools, on gramogyl, still continues, side effect of medication ? Is there any remedy to remove the burn mark left on my upper lip during waxing ? How can I lower my triglyceride levels ? Baby is G6PD+. Is it safe to use body wash containing lavender and chamomile? Have anemia, taking vitamin K and eating green vegetables. Bleeding daily Insomnia, bad breath, memory impairment, inability to control feelings, taking Fluoxetine regularly. Side effects? Have degenerative disc disease, painful, tense leg. Should I go to the ER? High BP, high cholesterol, high triglyceride, high SGOT and SGPT, suggestions Treatment for leg burn from bike silencer? Sperm test, quantity is 2.5ml and actviely is 10%. Can himalaya speman improve the ratio? Pregnant, had intercourse before evacuation. Chances for pregnancy? Child is dependent on Dexolac. Is she growing normally? Has reflux Suffering from sneezing disorder. What treatment should be done? Cyst in ovary, dominant follicles, trying to conceive. What is the function of susten 200? Treating constipation post anal sex and stomach virus Have dandruff, using dankare plus shampoo, hair fall. Suggestion for thick hair? Flushed face, red blotches on body during strong emotion, shower, external heat. Cause and cure? When can I take contraceptive pills after undergoing Raspa? Continuously watering eyes, no irritation, blocked tear ducts, no improvement with injection and drops. Treatment alternative? Child having fever, nasal congestion, can't take deep breath, no abdominal discomfort, feels lethargy and headache What to do for pain in eye due to injury caused by an accident ? Recurring testicle swelling, pain, gets retracted within minutes. Is it worrisome? Back pain and affecting leg, function of mecofol-a Labia minora hang lower than outer lips, had infection. STD? Cholesterol level and THS increased, swelling in leg and face, muscle pain, taking thyronorm 50, stomach ache Stomach pain, bloated stomach, painful to touch, discomfort Unprotected intercourse, missing periods, pregnancy test shows faint line. Pregnant? Pink boil on forehead, hurts, having headache High cholesterol, high SGPT, hard mass on rib cage. Lipoma? Allergic, itchy lips with pimples, nasal stuffiness, itchy eyes, taking protonix, fish oil, calcium, glucosamine Periods stopped, taking Thyronorm, negative home pregnancy test Itchy nipples, nursing baby, lanolin ineffective Hand turned dark purple, big large vein. Treatment? Neck hurts into ear, difficult to swallow, no swelling or discoloration. Severe damage? Air bubble popping in head, feels dizzy, headache. Cure? Trying to conceive, ultrasound done, uterus is anteverted, nabothian cysts at cervix, no ovarian masses. Suggestion? Hives on legs and arms, painful, swollen ankle Feeling of explosion in the throat, intense pricking throat pain, metallic taste in mouth. Reason? Does seatbelts without air bags cause subcentimeter lymph nodes or loss of appetite? Red itchy patches on mouth, eyes, scalp, burns after shaving, flakes, worsens if not shaved or shaved too much Fatigue, light-headedness, nausea, discomfort in stomach, bleeding with little clots. What does it indicate? Red spot on the cheeks, rosacea. Recommended laser surgery with breaking vessels. What can these spots be, advise? Swollen face, cheek pain post using dermadew product soap. Suggestion? Dizzy, body pain, white tongue, cough, sex with prostitutes. HIV? Ovarian cyst. what does multi septated follicle mean? Obese, irregular periods, dry skin, hair loss, diarrhea, white bits in stool. Hypothyroidism? Polycystic ovarian disease, progyluton for ovulation, clomid to conceive ? What is the cause of bruises and bump on the shin post getting hit ? Having severe dry cough. On non veg diet and caffeine content. What are the risks? Taken postinor2 after sex, late period Sore throat, high grade fever of 103, chills, trouble swallowing, strep throat ? Broken teeth, pain in many of them, head pain, jaw pain, treatment Child having swollen eye due to infection.Prescribed antibiotics and eye drops. Worried? Swelling in cheek, swollen salivary glands Cough, chest hurts, lungs hurts, no fever. Bronchitis? Itching in whole body, cures till medicine taken, dry skin How long does the THC stay in the system after smoking marijuana ? Poly cystic ovaries, late in period, Primolut nor 5 taken, no result Why I am experiencing pins and needles on my finger tips during my pregnancy ? What causes phlegm in the throat and how is it treated ? What is the normal blood pressure range ? Headache, stiff neck, fuzzy face, ear pain, nausea Welts in the inner corner of the eyes, slightly itchy, how is swelling reduced ? Thick heterogeneous endometrium. Is Dilatation and curettage required? What does chronic yeast infection indicate ? Low blood glucose, frequent urination, thirsty always, childhood diabetes ? Pain in lower left pelvic area, having kidney stone, basket removal done, still having the pain. Renal colic or ureter? What could be the cause of movable lump on the shin post an injury ? Hits a nerve, knee cap and elbow, leg cramps, autistic. Is it related to autistic? Frozen embryo transfer, gestational sac at 5 weeks and 2 days, no yolk sac, LH surge, late implantation ? Ct scan of a child done. Diagnosed as lymphoma metastatic. What does this mean? High SGPT and wheal later. What medication and diet should be followed? Severe bouts of hypochondria post remembering a tragic moment. How can I overcome this? What do pus cells in stool analysis report indicate ? Is depo shot a cause for not getting pregnant? Does positive serum rubella igg in early pregnancy cause harm to the fetus ? Child having swollen eyelid post bang on the head, clear vision. Cause of concern? Back pain after an accident, damaged hard tissue, pregnant, tissue becomes soft Why do I have a yellow build up in my armpit ? Trying to conceive, stressed, using shatavari, had intercourse, missing periods. Should go for IVF? Bumps comes after bowel movement or shower, not spreading or hurting. Herpes? Pyelonephritis, elevated liver enzymes, diarrhea, yellow bubbly stools, fever, back pain Mother died of oral cancer, oval shaped sore on floor of mouth, canker sore or cancer ? Red line around ankle, itching, pain Is it due to side effect of sunscreen my daughter is having red rashes on her face which is itchy ? Tendinopathy in hands and wrist, mild pain. Suggestion? Feels light headed and ill, pushing feeling on chest and hurts Pregnant, pseudomonas aeruginosa. Would treatment of Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4 % will be effective? Pcod, laparoscopy, punctured cyst, not ovulating. How to conceive? Neurological disorder, good neurologist? Green stuff running down the nose post rhinoplasty. What can be done? Stomach pain, feels like punched and winded What are the symptoms of HPV infection ? Hurting throat, sneezing, nose dripping, headache, bodyache for a week. Recurrence of symptoms. Whats the reason? Brownish, pink spots over chest, shoulder, back and neck, spreading and getting bigger. Cure? Having blackheads with pus on cheeks. They burst and leaves a mark. Using klin soap. What should I do? Does surgery for thymus leaves any mark after operation? How to remove marks? Child having cold, gets fever in evening. Diagnosed as sinus infection and given antibiotic Cyst on spleen, back pain. Cause? Cold sour, no time for OC treatment. Can use Halobetasol Propionate Ointment 0.05% Arm pain, sleeplessness, feeling warm inside Difficulty in eating and swallowing after laparoscopic nissen fundoplication, taking Norvasc. No improvement with EGDS with dilation and laparoscopic lysis of adhesion. Chances of surgical induced anorexia? Mouth ulcer, taken antibiotic and b complex, rinsed with Solution Crash, wound, red scars. Possible to recover? Weight lifted hard. Taking lipitor. Test done for cpk, SGOT and SGPT. Any suggestions? Under active thyroid, stutter How are white spots in vision treated ? Which antibiotic is best for a urine culture and susceptibility? 4 month old having bruise near nose. Has stuffy nose something blocking his breathing. Can it be fixed now? Black spot on face, herbal method not helpful, expired moisturizer Dizzy fainting spells with headaches, blurred vision. Blood, CT reports normal. Reasons ? Positive pregnancy test, taken isotrin but stopped it due to side effects. Effect on fetus? Will citalopram lower the efficacy of implant on the arm ? No bowel movement for a week,already taken lactulose Sexual intercourse, ejaculate with blood, urine with blood, brown discharge Sensitive upper teeth. X-ray shows no decay, some erosion. Tooth ache. Is it normal? What is the remedy for dry, itchy and hard scar on the face due to a mosquito bite ? Numbness in hands and legs, tiredness and enervation on waking up, normal blood and urine tests, taking b-soft, ferangel. What could be the cause? Lump with blood in throat, no improvement with medicines, had squeezed a pimple on the same site. What is it? How is neck tenderness treated ? Infant having fluctuating weight, has sticky, clay, green stools, taking nutramigen formula. What is the cause? Semen analysis test done. Is there need for treatment? What does negative pregnancy test with light periods indicate ? Challenge for a man AA+ and woman O-, no ovulation after period Continuous spotting, on Evra birth control patch. Should I take it off? Can a person receiving chemotherapy makes a baby sick? Recently married, took femilon 21 tablets to prevent pregnancy. Side effects? Skipping heartbeat, frequent belching Cold, flu, coughing with phlegm, headaches, shortness of breath. Treatment options? Headaches, seizures, high BP and sugar, dizziness, blurry vision Oral cavity cancer, pain in mouth, further treatment for malignancy? Why I am unable to open my eyes and feel tiredness , light headed and dizzy and my hands feel cold and shaky ? Stomach pain, that gradually increases and aggravates in evening. Treatment for pain? What is the cause of rectal bleeding in one on medicines for PCOS and acne ? Is salisa kt shampoo effective in curing psoriasis ? Bad breath, chronic condition, unable to talk to others What treatment should I take as there are traces of blood during bowel movements ? What can be the effect of bleeding from ear in kids ? Copper coil, delayed periods, slight cramps, slight bleeding, pregnancy test negative Reason for hair loss from legs? Pregnant, having back pain, giving betnesol injection. What is the purpose of the injection? Regular periods, birth control, smelly brown discharge from vagina What are the side effects of the drug febrex plus ? Resurfacing cervical pain during moments of stress. How can I overcome it? Hyperpigmentation on cheekbone Headache,pain in the neck and left quadrant of abdomen On healing process for erosive esophagitis, gets acid reflux on swallowing Nexium with water, wants to take without water Mottled appearance on skin after usage of heating pad Pinkish skin post hot water burn. How can I get the original color of my skin? DNC surgery done. Had intercourse and started bleeding. Is there any complication? Unprotected sex, negative early pregnancy test Pain from kidney to knee post removal of kidney stones through ESWL. Cause? Growth of hair on both the sides of neck post taking candid b, lotion mx-2, menofit for hair loss. Remedy? Acid reflux, yellow tongue, taking Spintec Symptoms of taking chemical to get high, psychemedics test? pregnant,strengthen baby lungs with diprospan.Safe? What is the cause of sudden appearance of acne, coldness in skin and sweating in armpits ? Got period post sex, had taken pill earlier. Pregnancy chances? Suffering from keloids on chest. Not cured by steroids injection. What treatment should be done? How to control rising levels of triglyceride ? Rash, bloated head, stuffy nose and ears, indigestion, panic attack after taking marijuana Recurrent head heaviness, occasional watering from nose, neurosurgeon's advice recommended. Serious? What causes black moving dots in the left eye especially in light filled rooms ? Taken hormonal pills, feels dizzy, headaches, short of breathe, tired, nauseous, trouble in sleeping Is Evion effective in improving sexual performance ? Spotting in periods, feels tired and nausea, stomach pain, trying to conceive. Pregnant? Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst Drowsiness, vomiting, extreme weakness, fear. Diagnosed double typhoid, but no fever. Any ideas ? Addicted to ether alcohol, macurate 200mg Delayed periods, had unprotected sex and food poisoning during the cycle. Chances of food poisoning causing delay? What is the reason for pelvic cramp and when is the best time to have sex after having fertomid 50 ? Can I give Enterogermina to my child suffering from loose motions ? Itchy, hard bump below the eye with clear liquid and blood. How can I get rid of this? Kidney scan, Mild bilateral Pelveocalyceal fullness, mild urine retention Where in Kolkata or other part of India can I get treatment for optic nerve trauma ? Hemorrhoids bleeds on passing motion which is always loose. Any problem? Chest pain, ECG test normal, BP normal. Heart problem? Cough, chest pain, blood in bulgum Disc bulge in lumbar spine, doing exercises for flexion. Will it be cured? Period missing, taken prodine, femilon and benforce-m Irregular periods, planning for baby. Is it good to take femilon tablet? What are the side effects? Why did I get unconscious after a sexual encounter ? Can a 40 year old increase his height with Dr. Ayurveda and step up herbal growth formula ? Is it normal to have a problem of erectile dysfunction at an age of 75 even after trying Viagra and should we take sex stimulants which are against the nature's law ? Right sinusitis, no sense of taste or smell, gnitions zero Pain and swelling on knee cap after accident.Long hour standing required. Medications? Diabetic, is Cardace 5mg advisable ? Do Atenotol 25 mg, spironolactone 50 mg cause difficulty in sleeping ? Dryness in eyes, spend long hours before computer. No improvement with drops. What changes in diet can I adopt to avoid this? Delayed period, pregnancy test negative Taken accutane for acne, pimple, dry skin Taken duromine to lose weight. Will it show in medical test? Suffering form acidity during pregnancy. Prescribed Rantac-d. Is it safe for baby? Missed periods, weight gain, negative pregnancy test, had taken a course of meprate 10 mg, vitamin B tabs. What could cause the delay? Child having high fever, green stools with mucus. Cause? Have cyst in ovary, done laparoscopic surgery, taken biopsy of dense adhesions in abdomen. Please comment Child having loose motion. Is this the sign of teething or diarrhoea? What is the cause of loss of vision in a diabetic ? What is the cause of failure in conception post several trials in one with regular periods ? Xanax 100mg, drink lot of wine, repeated vomiting, loose consistency Pregnant, got wounded by a nail. Taken TT shots twice during ANC. Safe to take Ampiclox? Why does my kid pass blood in urine after strenuous physical activity ? Planning for pregnancy. Taking Sysfol. What are the side effects of medicine? Right hip pain due to falling Pounding headache, fever, sore throat, sinus infection, thickened saliva, cause and cure Recurring lump under the jaw, resurfaces on eating and drinking. What is it? Herniated L4/L5, severe sciatic, mild sensation behind knee Is Azithral 500 safe during pregnancy Heart palpitations, normal BP, abnormal heart rythm, ECG showed abnormality, prescribed Clopidogel. Can I take this medicine? Having lower back ache, over weight. How to reduce weight? Surgery for inguinal hernia, re-occurrence, treatment without surgery? pranayama? ayurveda? What are the uses and side effects of cobadex and becosules tablets ? Diagnosed with renal colic, have a sedentary working style. Best remedy and preventive measures? Irregular periods with non stop bleeding, Norgest regular period, Treatment? Which medication can be taken to get relief from irritating hands ? Headaches, dizziness, stomach pain, anxiety or allergy ? Lateral lower leg pain, incapable of running, x-ray normal. What do I do? Extradural mass,mitosis,Extramyeloid Granulocytic Sarcoma,Lympoplasmacytic Lymphoma,cancer ? Is ovamid 100 safe to consume ? Itches when urine water gets on skin Cold and cough starts in evening, giving ovol drops, nasal drops, and menthol. Is it common cold or dust infection? Can there be pain in arm due to hernia and ulcer ? Urinalysis showed pus cells, nil hpf red cells. Is it serious? Child having skin allergy. Using fenistil. Dosage for fenistil? Pile, stopped all prohibited food, cure? Intermittent scalp itching, cure for rarely appearing sores and inflammation points Kidney stone operated through lithotripsy, re-occurring. Surgery or natural elimination? Penis ulcers, no sexual contact, one under foreskin, one on glans, possible ? Tooth and ear pain, medicine? What treatment should one take for red and swollen sebaceous cyst with pus ? No period after taking contraceptive pill Treatment for migraine patient? Gainehair solution for hair fall, safe to use by breastfeeding mother ? What is the cause of flesh colored bumps on the neck, face of a child ? Irregular periods, affecting sex life. Treatment? Was addicted to marijuana, penis not erecting properly. Suggestion? Pregnant. What is the function of allylestrenol in 2nd trimester during pregnancy? Vitiligo. Advantage and disadvantage of skin camouflage? Severe inner ear infection, pressure in head, decrease in concentration levels, increased forgetfulness. Treatment options? Liquid filled blisters. Treatment? Child having fits. Given Gardinal and then Valparine200 syrup. Side effects of long term use of this medicine? Continuous sex, erection problem What do sore armpits, stomach ache, nausea, anal itching after going to the bathroom indicate ? PCOS, missing periods. Should continue medicine or change to protocol? Are there chances of pregnancy if I my periods started a day after sex ? Allergic to dust. Had severe cold. Having pimples after having omnacortil-20. Is it normal, will it vanish on its own? Epilepsy, no seizures, on Valprol CR, jerking and shivering, Escitalopram oxalate, Nexito, dosage for medications ? Habit of excessive masturbation causing dark and sticky penile skin. Is masturbation harmful? Is wheezing curable? alternative to medication? Does Galvus met cause weight gain ? Hair fall, using zestril for blood pressure, using minoxidil. Androgenic alopecia? Walking pneumonia, raspy sensation while breathing Pain in waist line while bending, goes away while standing Positive pregnancy tests. Not frequent nausea. Will i have successful pregnancy? Foot hurts, painful at night. Cure? cold , headache and fever, OMEZ CAPSULES 20mg, OFLOMAC 200 and Zedex cough syrup Prepone periods with Primolut How can I get rid of the rash causing discoloration of skin ? Blister like bump on thigh, not itchy, bleeds on washing and pressing Menopause, normal pap smear, pain and spotting during intercourse Pain in palms and shoulders, Carpal Tunnel syndrome? White particles and white mucus in urine Is HPV transferred through sexual intercourse? Feels like brain is pulling, losing balance. What are the complications? Want to conceive, prescribed Ovral post miscarriage by suction evacuation. Will the contraceptive limit my conception chances? Seizures, woken up with hurt muscles and bites in mouth, epilepsy? Rattling sound while breathing, numbness Dizziness, variable heart beats, decreased heart beat while exercising. Should I get this checked? Spells of lightheadedness, sweats, cheat pain radiating to shoulder without rapid heartbeats. History of anxiety attacks. What could this be? Dizzy,light headed,headache,irregular periods Brown discharge, no blood, pains in lower abdominal Hair fall problem, losing weight, breathing problem, raspy voice, difficulty in swallowing food. Reason? Pregnant, confusing due dates for delivery. Ultrasound scan done, baby moving inside womb. What is my due date? 19 weeks pregnant, blood and urine test normal, dullness, weakness, nausea, normal symptoms ? Upper respiratory problems, pain in mid section front and back Period delayed by taking primolt N Anorexia. loss of appetite in 3 year old Pus cells in stool, nervous dyspepsia Emphysema, high blood pressure and high heart rate. Treatment? What is the cause and cure of gripey pain in stomach ? What could be the cause of swelling and warmness over helix and double lobule of the ear on exposure to heat ? Frequent vomit, anxiety or sadness. Is it normal? Dry vagina, itches before period, no discharge, yeast infection Boils on face, reappear if HHSONE discontinued Right testicle pulled up higher than left during sex, result of hernia operation and scar tissue ? Child having recurring red bumps on face and arms during summer, bumps appear red, raised and end up with pus and scab Ring shaped bruise on lower back, burning sensation under skin Cough since weeks, aggravates at night, taken bricarex expectorant, persisting cough. Immediate remedy? Taken Plan B, suggested birth control intake, bleeding lightly, headache, back pain, dizziness. What is wrong? Taking Amlodipine for high blood pressure. Can I take Cialis with it? Swollen face. No pain or itching, What could be this? Face turns red all the time, self-conscience and shy, cure? Tired, trouble breathing, chest pain, throat pain, cough, mild headache, blurry vision. Cure? Irregular periods, browny black stringy blood, stopped taking pills, trying to conceive, high blood pressure Recovering from flu, clammy skin at night Control pill starts with Sunday. should take from beginning or present day Pain in lower abdomen radiating to the back. Cause? Fluttering or beating sensation on upper right rib area, high blood pressure, no pain. Cure? Two small flat moles spread out,flakey,little purple color Bleeding at the time of ovulation, stopped contraceptive pills. Advice? Leg press machine at gym, muscle in rib cage popped, ibuprofen ? Suggestion for healthy weight Is falling down in pregnancy due to lose in balance or weight? Severe dizziness post fall, MRI showed damage to the inner ear. Chances of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo? Pregnant, feels dizzy. Is it normal? Have itchy bottom, blood in stool. Taken worm medicine. What treatment should be done? Wart grows during pregnancy. Is it Seborrheic keratosis or genital warts? Golf sized lump between shoulder blade and armpit Post nasal drip due to sinus infection by black mold exposure Fussy infant, does not want to eat, sleep, is constantly crying, prescribed Enterogermina. Side effects? Throw up, abused to drug, all tests negative, nausea, pain around the mid section Erection problem, viagra, testosterone, cholestrol, eosinophils high, back pain, penegra 100 mg, ascard Child has not started menstrual period, taking Vyvanse. Any relation? Hypertension, diabetes, bed-ridden, have watery stools. How many Ridol tablets can be taken in a day? Spots on chest, applied topical steroid cream. Taking synthroid. Is it related? Fatigue, exhaustion, started bleeding three weeks after last periods. Causes? Sinus Infection and its symptoms Headache, vomiting, dizziness, stinging skin on arms, frequent urination. Is it related to a computer job? Heart beats loudly, cant sleep, cough Disordered proliferative endometrium Having stress, irregular heart beat, taking blood pressure medicine, having headache, back pain, feels heavy chest Sore throat persistent, viral, not strep What is the cause of redness and yellowish discharge from the earring hole ? Migraine, replace vasograin with valance od, side effects? 10 year old child, suffering from abdominal pain, spots on abdomen. Causes and treatment? Severe stomach pain, tests detected fibroid like growths extending to stomach, liver and spleen. What does this indicate? Suffering from wet dreams. Frequency decreased. Causes dizziness and joint pain. Am I suffering form any ailment? Dosage of nor-metrogyl suspension for diarrhea and fever How can I prove that my husband is on steroids? Back problems, anger issues Child has dark circles, wrinkles, congestion. Claritan ineffective. Anything that can be done? How are lumps in the throat treated ? Headache, eye pain, swelling, antibiotics for sinus, diabetic What could be the sudden weird sensation felt in chest and throat and feeling of dizziness when getting up after kneeing? Delayed period, HPT negative, taken duphaston 2x. Pregnant? No periods, tender breasts, headache, Duphaston unhelpful. Pregnant? How can I control my weight and get pregnant ? Allergic, difficulty breathing,Diprospan, pels What is the cause of nagging pain behind the shoulder blade with breathing difficulty ? Had hip surgery. Hip started paining. Should i be worried? How can I build self confidence for gaining success in life ? Sweet smell in air ,normal health Sexual intercourse 18 months ago, symptoms of HIV, no test done, chances of infection ? Milk on squeezing the breasts, not pregnant. Is it worrisome? Masturbation addiction, Lack of concentration in studies What measures can one take to cure cubitus valgus ? To which specialist should I take my eight year old child who is having blurred vision after a head injury ? Excessive hair growth on body Fever, throat hurting, vomiting. Cause? Scaly skin, red patches, actirin 10mg, telfast 120mg, gupisone 20mg How to get information on staph infection in knee ? Constipation, gastric, blood in stool. Treatment? What is the cause of sudden, stinging sensation in the left knuckle ? When will I get periods after taking Meprate ? Irregular periods,lots of discharge,pain during intercourse,pain in vagina Drugs which guarantee height increase Miscarriage, partial molar pregnancy, wait 6 months after d&c? Kidney pain, passed stone, groin pain. Muscle injury or kidney damage? When will I recover from nausea and vomiting post treatment for H plyori ? Oily urine, not on medication, started exercising, drinking more water, normal ? Suffering from gastritis, small ulcer and gallstones. Tramadol reduces pain. Further treatment ? Do removable stitches burn before being removed ? Big divot in lower left back What does gestational sac with a small fetal node and absence of cardiac activity in the ultrasound indicate ? Lumbar fusion,leg pain,CAT scan shows dense scar tissue, pain near incision site Pregnant. Pain in lower abdomen. On tiemonium methylsulphate. Is this medicine safe in pregnancy? Dark spots on legs and under foot How can I overcome depression and get rid of loneliness ? Could dieting and having fat metabolism tablets to lose weight have any effect on working of mercilon ? Fluid in middle ear, blood from nose and throat, white discharge from eyes, sinusitis Hair loss as a side effect of medication Nephrectomy, Setum creatine is 1.1 with GFR 78, vitamin c for wound healing Stickiness in throat, does not come out, irritation. Home remedies to treat this? Diabetes,prescribed glimisave m1,substituted with amaryl.are the two same ? Sick with sinus infection, antibiotics, itchy rash on back, lower abdomen and scalp, Rx cream cleared abdomen rash, minor rash on back, scalp rash treatment Birth control without condom, pills, IUD? Reduction in disc space, early osteophytic lipping. Arthritis? Problem for not able to conceive since 2 years Polycystic ovary syndrome patient,choromion 5000 injection,egg fertilized after medicine Child getting rashes on skin. Using dermadew lotion. Not cured. Looking for Cure Congestive heart failure. Taking coreg, lisinopril, low BP. Is lisinopril safe to be taken? Loose stools, cramps, foul smell, autoimmune disease. IBS and low gluten intolerance? Pain in testicles, abdominal pain, frequent urination What to do in case of pain due to air bubble under skin caused due to injury ? Bleeding from pores in arms and shoulders, caused by popped blood vessels ? Can uterine cysts be treated by placentrex injections ? Ultrasound showed baby's head and belly to be small and long hands, legs. Is this a matter of concern? Diabetic,aphthous mouth ulcer since a month,unable to eat,burning What itchy and scaly rash behind ears could be ? Can mentos reduce sperm count ? Anxiety symptoms, burping, pressure, chest tightness, stomach bloating, increased heart beat, suffocation, panic attacks. What should I do? Feeling of lungs between the ribs on turning, excruciating chest pain radiating to breasts, relief on having carbonated drinks. Cause and remedy? Abscess in breast, taken antibiotics, have Staph in wound. Blood in stools, painful. Any ideas? Took Tindamax and marijuana. Could the marijuana and beta carotene counteract Tindamax? How can I get rid of bad body odor ? Bruise due to prednisone, rheumatoid arthritis Clotting after accident, leg fractured, rod inserted, taking eptoin, suffering from tinnitus. Cure? What could be the cause of hard boils on the inner thigh and lower abdomen ? Intended lines on back, don't hurt or itch Had spinal tap and fifty needle pricks. Could I be having back problems from that? What is the cause of recurring swollen and painful mass on the mons pubis ? Significance of neutrophils 93.9%, lymphocytes 0.30 K/UL, lymphocytes 4.6%, monocytes 1.4%, platelets 136 K/UL? Repeated foul smelling loose motions, taken Metrogyl-F for bloating, semi solid stools. Normal? Sleeping problem,stressed E-pill postinor 2, first pill taken, second pill after alcohol, still effective ? Watery loose motion in 1 year old,stool test done Have painful, sore, red bumps on tongue and mouth roof. Feels like ulcer. What could they be? Pregnant. Is it beneficial to consume saffron with pregnancy formula milk? Is there any ayurvedic medicine to revive interest in sex as we are planning a baby ? Sperm cell report:20% active, 35% sluggish, 45% dead, treatment ? Is there any harm in using protein supplements for body building? Filariasis/elephantiasis in legs since birth, genetically transferred from father, surgery prescribed, any homeopathic doctor for treatment Size of egg got smaller after follicle rupture. What should I do? Recurring low grade fever with head and body ache, temporary relief with doxy Persistent abdominal pain on taking food, sonography showed vitamin B deficiency. Had taken pantocid, nexium post upper endoscopy. Any other tests required? Reddish circular bruise, near ankle bone, no pain, no swelling What are the side effects of fertomid and paternia tablets ? White hair and eyebrows, control further white hair? Missing periods, pregnancy test positive, x-ray done. Is there any side effects on baby? Can I use nadoxin to remove acne scars ? Feeling vaginal discharge and hotness, smoke coming out while urinating.Treatment? Child having sinus headache, given antibiotics and pain killer, cough, headache, on homoeopathic treatment Nasal septum deviation, polyp, side effect of nasal spray Azeflo? Pylokit tablets, gastritis, blood clots as side effect ? Child having asthma, on Montek 10. What are the side effects? Cough, sound while sleeping. Montek LC a steroid? Wheezing? Had throat infection. Taking gupisone tablets and antibiotics. What is the function of gupisone tablet? Niquitin patches, hot flushes of mammoth proportions What are the side effects of long term use of Libotryp XL ? Does protogen affect the healing process for womb infection ? Bodies with lye, itchy body, burning and watery eye, light sensitive. Cure? Child passing green stools, being breast fed. Should I prefer Zerolac? Diabetes report normal, frequent toilet ,thirsty feeling, itchy penis head, tiredness, nausea and bloodshot glazed eyes Missing menstrual cycle, virgin. Can go for contraceptive? Heavy hair loss post intake of Androanagen and application of Mintop. Reason? Spotting during pregnancy. Can cause problem for future pregnancy or child development? Is it good to discontinue metpure after reduced blood pressure as I am having mild palpitation after that and has a history of breathing disorders and cough ? How long will it take for one with hyperthyroid to get normal hormonal values post intake of thyronorm ? Abnormal bowl movements, taking isabgol husk Is pivd cured by medicine or physiotherapy? What is the cause and remedy for bad smell from the nose ? How can one control diabetes and cholesterol ? Want slogan for pneumonia for health project Took precaution during intercourse. Faint line on pregnancy test. Dose that mean i am pregnant? Suffering from anxiety and BP. Had missed heartbeats. Done EKG. taking cymbalta, lido optic, xanax. Why do I have skipped heartbeats? Regular headache and red eyes with watering and twitching. Cause and remedy? Will Essential Forte N help in controlling GGT ? Gastroenteritis, diarrhea and vomiting, firm tight feeling in abdomen Resurfacing nerve pain in feet, pelvic area post decreasing dosage of Duzela. Restart earlier dosage ? Dry skin in winter and oily in summer. Suggest cream? Want advice on vaccination interval of son. Had rabies vaccine. Not yet taken Varicella and MMR vaccine Swollen eye, collection of pool of blood in a corner forming a bump in the eye post severe fall. Treatment required? Does azithral 500 prescribed for pimples have side effects ? What is the cause of presence of small particles in child's urine ? White spots, red bumps on tongue, lump on back, white things on lips. Oral cancer? Allergic rashes on face, like measles Palms and heels feel bruised, pain in back and leg due to accident Pregnant. Is it safe to have astymin syrup? Will it give all nutrient needed in pregnancy? I am smoker. Lungs hurt. Have cold flashes, headache, coughing. Is it flu? Excessive saliva secretion, upset stomach Feeding cerelac, now on lactogen,reluctant to take, ideal measurement of lactogen Why is L- Arginine and proanthocyanidin Granules prescribed during early pregnancy ? Thyroid and blood test done, irregular period, hormone unbalanced, thyroxine 50 mg, glyciphage, nacfil. Conceive? Having skin disorder, not able to diagnose the problem. Suggestion Acute fissure, burning, itching, paining, bleeding while defecating. Painless surgery? Trouble having a bowl movement, infant suppository, no improvement Yeast infection, occasional brown discharge, started birth control pills and anti-biotic Pregnant, taking lupigest 200. Side effects of lupigest 200? High fever, positive Widal test, Artemether and Lumefantrine along with Frisium safe? Am diabetic, high fasting sugar level, taking Metformin. Please advise Heel pain upon walking or standing Feels like pressure in bladder, back pain, early period Blood in urine, back pain, get tired, burning sensation in tummy Cramping in periods, physical training, never used tampon Low body temperature, sweaty, no allergy, breathing sounds like snoring Urinary tract infection, plenty of pus cells in urine, permanent cure? Dizziness, unprotected sex. Taken HCG injection, miprogen 200. Can these cause dizziness or am I pregnant? Have high BP, Echo showed AR, taken Telsite. Is high BP causing mild AR? Child having bump on neck, feels hard to touch. Suggestion? PCOD, had miscarriage, taken follicular test. Can i conceive again? Trouble taking a deep breath. What should be done? Got tattoo, infection, no swollen White hair, increased by treatment, dandruff, hair fall Influenza for 6 years, digestion problem, muscle pain and headache Lower abdominal pain, muscle tenderness, no fever, no headache. Treatment? Can modus 10 mg terminate pregnancy Taken cremaffin for constipation in pregnancy, got upset liver after delivery. Diagnosed as laxative abuse. Taking isabgol Premature ventricular beats, active, cholesterol under control. Prescribed clopilet, feel tired in the mornings. Are these premature beats dangerous? VDM kit for vaginal infection, 3 different tablets, dosage is single day at different times or for 3 days Planning for a vacation, monthly periods are due. How can the periods be postphoned for ten days with pills, is regesterone ok? Taken something to enhance sex, high BP, rapid heartbeat Pregnant, taken zitotec 200, bleeding. Pregnancy aborted? Trying to conceive. Taking sipehene, progynova, eletroxin. Have hypothyroid. Effects of these medicine? Yellow growth on scrotum, pain to touch, looks like a blister. Treatment? Why do I have small bumps on hands and legs ? What is the cause of recurrent pain in the arm ? IUI procedures, little blood stains like line-style found Had sinus surgery for polyps. Taking nasonex. Lungs feels tight. No response with singular or nebulizer. Any suggestion MRI of lumbar spine, disc protrusion and extrusion. Is it dangerous? Found bleeding with red stools. What can this be, remedy? Not able to speak properly, pain in throat, tightness in chest. Asthma? Treatment? Sperm morphology 4% normal 96% defective, good count. Paternia effective? Intermittent pain in the ribcage, feeling of ribs being squeezed. Pain is prominent on lying down or sitting. Why? Pregnant. Started bleeding. Have i miscarried or its tubal pregnancy? Should i go for treatment? Lumps on the inner thigh and slowly going down to the side of leg, swollen ( spasm ), reddish and tender, slight pain Diabetes, hungry even after a full meal causing increase in sugar level. How can I avoid it? Sugar content in jaggery is more or less than table sugar? Myopia -11, collisions, loss of peripheral vision and responsiveness, stop playing ice hockey/ Child having repeated vomiting, congestion, cough, stomach ache, fever, want to know dosage. Shall I give FLU relief or Junior Acetaminophen? Bleeding after pregnancy, heavy flow, pain, tranexa mf stops bleeding, side effect? Bump on areola, sensitive to touch. Ingrown hair, solution? Redness, burn feeling inside lips and tongue, cause? Continuous headache, fatigue, neck pain radiating to arms post accident. Treatment? Hyperhidrosis, increasing KCl levels, adverse effects Surgery for torn labrum, breathing difficulty, pain in lungs, stool green Having sharp pain from lower stomach to penis tip. Not sexually active. What is the problem? Pain in testicle, feels small lump. What to do? Had teacup pig, itchy rashes, treatment Child having ear infection, taking amoxicillin, cefdinir. Hoe to stop red brown thick discharge? Degenerative disc, trochanteric bursitis in hip, pain in leg and genitals Sleepless night, always tired, blood in urine. Kidney stone? Recurring lip impetigo infection after treatment, taken antibiotics. Measures to prevent further outbreak? Cold and numb feet, stiff legs, painful, difficulty walking, unstable balance. Sarcoidosis? What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder ? White creamy discharge, no odor, taking Clomid. Early signs of pregnancy? Red lump on the shin causing discomfort, tingling, no pain, swelling on the ankle post injury. Treatment? Smoked spice and drank alcohol, still feeling somewhat high Feels tasteless, mouth not fresh, tingling in lips Erythema and swollen legs due to wasp sting, calf warm and limping. Medication? Taken yaz, period started, yeast infection, irritation, white discharge Nipples are staying hard, constant nipping Lower back very sore and aching. How to stop pain? Delayed periods, lower back and leg pain, hot flushes, weight gain, had unprotected sex regularly post tubal ligation. Cause? Doctor looked with scope to see any abnormalities. Had brown discarge earlier now having plastic like discharge. What could it be?. Child bitten by fire ants. swollen foot with small puss like pimples. Have fever. On benadryl. Is this fever normal? Mirena coil fitted, bleeding, anesthetic No period since last six month, should take Primolut N to terminate pregnancy Accidental swallowing of stapler pins, remedy? Gained weight, tongue seems large and affecting speech. Cause? What could be the reason of feeling pressure in chest ? Diabetes. What is the diet to be followed and care taken for diabetic patients? What measures should I taken to overcome acne and its scars ? Spots, blood pressure test fine, 20 weeks pregnant Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma, fluid in stomach, legs, feet and groin area Stomach feels full and rounder during and after periods Protruding spine at the top of the back post fall, prominent on bending the neck, burning upper back, no improvement with chiropractic therapy, X-ray normal. MRI required? Contraceptive yaz, new pills taken, no periods, medication for concussion causing delay ? Myelodysplastic syndrome, refractory cytopenia and neutropenia, unilineage dysplasia. Treated with vidaza. Opinion? Lip getting dry and swollen, starts bleeding. Looking for best medicine Spit showing bile with traces of blood. On plavix post a stroke, Nexium for acid reflux. Side effect? Red, itchy, inflamed skin rash on thighs and lower legs, tried prednisolone and steroid cream, prevention ? Missed periods, thickened endometrium, uterus is anteverted, central echogenic stroma. Pregnant? White raised bumps on ankle, red, not hurt, achilles tendon repair Semen analysis, sperm count 51 million/ml, motility 43%, morphology 28%, Motile sperm concentration is 21.9%, what does it indicate ? Symmetrical bruising on hip and ankles Pulmonary embolism, fell down, scraped arm, upper thigh bruise and swollen, head hurts Treating dandruff and acne What is the cause of recurring skin rash on the buttock ? Which soap should one use for oily skin ? Dizziness, motion sickness pills, cant get up, vertigo Pain on the left side of under back of neck, absolut 3g capsules, escitalopram, ultrasonic massage Delayed periods, now got periods with pain in groin, feels bruised and tender with bumpy lumps. What can this be? Want to undergo plastic surgery for bright skin tone and fair complexion. Any side effects? What could be the cause of severe chest pain followed by outbreak of hives in Chron's disease ? Cramping in 8th month pregnancy, black stools diarrhea What is a safe dosage of lisinopril ? On breastfeeding. Is it safe to get pregnant now? Advantage and disadvantage of having baby again? Should a hypertensive having chronic bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal problem and anxiety continue taking clopidogral tablets ? Cramps after end of period? Myelodysplastic syndrome, taking cyclosporine. Ultrasound showed perpancreatic lymph node. What can this be? Black stool, EGD, ferrous sulphate, risk of perforating stomach lining, iron pills, respiratory arrest How to avoid pregnancy for 1 year Abnormal hair growth with dark hair from neck to buttocks, cause of concern ? What precautions and diet should on take before and after dialysis ? Cure for cold oral sores during pregnancy, spreading to lower jaw and chest LFT done, borderline high. Eat chocolate everyday but weight normal. Taking colchicine 2mg. Should I be worried? How long will it take to reduce high BP to normal with amlong 2.5 ? Intracranial vascular calcification in computed axial tomography scan Heart disease,numerous heart attack,sleeping lot,defibrillator going off in night Spasm and pain in left breast, no heavy lifting, no sports, no muscle pull What could be the cause of absence of bleeding post 48 hours of misoprostol consumption ? Fell down, no bruise, leg aching, using capacin cream and arnica gel. Cure? UTI, on Bactrim medication, red flecks in urine, when will effect of antibiotic take place ? Reduced heart rate post intake of Lisinoprel. Had high heart earlier due to nervousness. Reason? Recurring kidney infections, viral and throat infections, difficulty in swallowing, weakness, dizziness, photo sensitivity, loss of memory. Conclusion? Can a hypertensive take benadryl to get rid of rashes ? Round red mark on the bottom of leg, itching goes after scratching, no bugs. What can this be due to? HPT, faint lines, u/s: corpus lutuem cyst, no sac or embryo Off Depo shot, continuous bleeding Chicken pox, black spots on forehead and face. Treatment? Severe dry cough, knee pain, fever. Taking painkillers, hetrazine. High eosinophilia detected. Causes? What should I do to reduce headache ? Suffering from severe PMS, scanty flow during menses. Can I take Pyricontin? Hip and vertebral compression fracture due to vitamin D3 deficiency. Taking medications. Can she walk in future? Unprotected sex, delayed periods. Pregnant? What treatment should be given to a diabetic with heart bypass for a lump on the knee due to injury ? Fever for 3 days, headache, leg pain in calf muscles, blood report normal What could be the cause of blood in urine and stools in one undergoing stroke treatment ? Tightness in the abdomen below the ribs with pain post gall bladder surgery. Cause? High blood pressure,no full erection,no satisfaction in 54 year old White layer on penis glans. What is the cause of cystic acne in a teen taking vyvanse ? What does the blood and semen analysis report indicate ? What treatment should I take to prevent spreading of Vitiligo ? Small uterus, trying to conceive. treatment? Severe pain in rib cage, pulled muscle, does eating eyelashes cause this ? Red mole around belly button and groin area Sneezing, coughing, back ache, stuffy nose, no chest congestion, have nausea Fell on knee, swollen and bruise knee, blood pooling in shin, taking naproxen. Should I be concerned? Cracking on sides and lips, persistent lip swelling. Remedy? Painful breathing after boxing, muscle problem?
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