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What does the following chest X ray report indicate? Is it necessary to have EKG inspite of having fast heart beat and family history of heart disease? Suggest treatment for advanced prostate cancer What are the side effects of Humira? Suggest ways to get rid of pimple holes on face Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis Suggest treatment for tinnitus Suggest treatment for irregular heart beats What causes high SGPT level and fatty liver? Suggest treatment for decreased appetite and sleeplessness in children with autism What causes tingling sensation in left cheek and jaw area? What causes severe cramps in foot at night? Suggest treatment for neck pain and stiffness Do itchy flaps around the vulva suggest HSV infection? Suggest treatment for acidity during pregnancy What does my transvaginal ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for irregular menstruation while trying to conceive Is it possible to get pregnant by having unprotected sex during periods? What causes black spots in vision after peripheral retinal holes are closed? Suggest treatment for poison oak rash on neck,face and waist What is the dosage of Thyronorm for below TSH levels? What are the side effects of radio therapy on a new born baby? What causes knot like lump in the left side of scrotum? Can Clopidogrel, Ecosprin and Rosuvas be discontinued a year after angioplasty? Suggest treatment for excessive gas, stomach rumbling, bloating and constipation Suggest treatment for low Vitamin-D deficiency in children Is heart rate of 130-140 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for restricted dorsiflexion in ankle joint of a 11 year old Is it safe to have Gabapentin for neuropathy with history of enodmetrial cancer? How are hepatitis and AIDS transmitted? What are the side effects of Nicip Cold and Flu tablets? How long medication for hepatitis C should be continued? What causes sharp pain in lower left chest during deep breaths? What causes painful nipples and early period? What causes recurring nose bleeding in children What causes pulsating and pounding sensation throughout out the body when I lay down? Suggest treatment for lumps in abdominal wall What does this microbiology report of urine indicate? What causes foamy urine, frequent urination and abnormal amount of protein? What causes blood in urine along with back pain? What causes painful lump on foot? Suggest treatment for diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea and bleeding from transfusion site What causes weakness and tingling in legs and feet? How long does shoulder strain take to heal? What causes pain in upper left abdomen? Can cold sores leave a white patch behind? Suggest treatment for swelling behind knee and difficulty in walking What causes blackish stool along with lower quadrant abdominal pain? What does clear watery and gas discharge from the rectum indicate? What causes frequent nose bleeds in the morning every day? Suggest treatment for MRSA infection What causes shaking of body in a person with diabetes type 2? Suggest treatment for inflamed lymph nodes in abdomen and IBS Is Sclerotherapy injection for spider veins advisable during periods? What causes false positive for alcohol during drug test? What does white tongue and bad taste in mouth 2 years after performing cunninglingus indicate? What causes deranged transaminases inspite of being on Ursocol and Lipicard? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes small sore on shaft of penis? Suggest remedy for post nasal drip and irritation in throat Suggest treatment for pain in the mid abdomen and groin area indicate Suggest treatment for hypopigmentation spots on chest and neck Suggest treatment for herpes simplex infection Suggest treatment for stabbing pain after spinal cord contusion Can Flagyl cause soreness and white coating on tongue? Does Seroquel act as an anti-depressant? What causes brownish vaginal discharge? Does recurrent cough, sinus infection and fever indicate HIV infection? What causes red spot on tip of tongue? Suggest treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus Can i give Crocin for frequent fever in a 11 year old? Suggest remedy for anxiety and insomnia after starting dose of TRT Suggest treatment for recurrent vomiting in children What causes pain during defecation in children? Suggest treatment for blocked nostril and sleep apnea Suggest remedy for neck and lower back pain What causes knee pain along with raised ESR levels? Is it necessary to have vaginal bleeding after having Misoprostol and Mifepristone? What are the common physiological reasons for delayed periods? Suggest treatment for fatty liver grade 3 Suggest treatment for urge incontinence, recurrent UTI and low libido Suggest safe contraceptive pills that can be taken without side effects? Suggest treatment for muscle weakness in limbs and thyroid problem Suggest treatment for vertigo, white marks in chin and ear What causes fever, joint pain, headache and skin sensitivity? Does oral sex cause HIV? What causes popping sound in ears while swallowing? Suggest treatment for rashes on ears, scalp and swollen ears Suggest treatment for persistent constipation Suggest treatment for lung cancer What does an ESR test result of 34 mean? What causes feeling of swelling in neck? Does Ovares help in increasing the ovarian reserve? What are the chance of pregnancy after protected intercourse? How effective in Gynera tablets in abortion? Suggest treatment for amylase problem in stomach Suggest treatment for rough skin spots on forehead and face Suggest treatment for seasonal allergy Can Lyme disease cause Chiari malformation? Is Deviry advisable when on diabetes and high BP medication? Suggest treatment for rashes on back and in groin area What are the chances of tumours in PET scan report being malignant? What causes high BP in the morning? What does sharp pains in the chest area and stomach discomfort suggest? What is the prognosis for a Crohn's patient suffering from sclerosing cholangitis? Suggest treatment for adenomas on parathyroid glands What causes soreness, burning and itching feeling in groin area? What does the following urine test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in eyes while blinking Are sore throat and tingling sensation in throat signs of HIV? What does the presence of blood in stool of an infant indicate? What does increased urination urge indicate? Suggest treatment for rash on foreskin near penis tip What causes persistent rectal bleeding? Is fever a symptom of myleodysplasia refractory cytopenia multilineage dysplasia? What does a blurry vision and light headedness indicate? Suggest remedy fir blisters in face and penis shaft when suffering from contact dermatitis Suggest treatment for anal liquid discharge without bleeding and fecal incontinence What causes shivering and chest pain along with hard stools? Suggest treatment for brown spots on the lower legs Can oral thrush effect the results of a breathalyzer? Suggest treatment for swelling on the knee Suggest treatment for soreness after injury to fingers Suggest treatment for recurrent vomiting in a teenager Suggest ways to achieve normal bowel movement after surgery for colon cancer What does a weird out of body sensation suggest? Suggest treatment for blood in stool and gut discomfort Suggest remedy for shortness of breath and wheezing Suggest treatment for cough and broken ribs What causes shaking of hands at different times? Suggest treatment for pain in the breast area and armpit Suggest remedy for cough and burning sensation when on Zpack What does irregular cells in the uterus lining indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain and redness in the eye Does finger like growth in the vagina indicate warts? What causes fever in children? What does normal blood test and excessive weight gain along with insomnia indicate? Suggest treatment for terrible pain after a fall What causes congenital vaginal septum? Suggest treatment for persistent fever and high BP What are the withdrawal symptoms of Benzodiazepines? What causes myocardial infarction? Suggest remedy for dry mouth when on Amitiza, Nexium and Ranitidine What are the chance of pregnancy after sex during ovulation? What causes thick clear fluid oozing from wound in a patient with diabetes? Suggest treatment for chronic sinusitis How long does the effect of the I pill remain? What are the symptoms of viral infection? Suggest treatment for stiffness of hamstring and pain in lower buttocks What does a pulsing sensation in the ear and headaches suggest? What does blood in the spit indicate? Suggest treatment for numbness and tingling feeling in on soles of feet Suggest treatment for canker sores Suggest treatment for pappilitis Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate and inflammations Suggest treatment for renal stones What causes dark halos in the peripheral vision? Suggest treatment for swollen glands in throat and recurring terrible cough What are nuclear stress test preparation instructions? Suggest remedy for bloody nose and blood clots in a elderly person Does taking Cycloreg affect the psoriasis homeomedicines? What are the symptoms of diabetes? Suggest treatment for pain and itchiness in anal area when suffering from piles What are the symptoms of battery ingestion? Suggest treatment for blurred vision and muscle weakness What causes recurring jock itch? Suggest treatment for palpitation and light headedness What causes itching sensation all over body after eating crabs? Suggest treatment for depression in a person undergoing menopause What are the side effects of Avil? Suggest treatment for severe neck pain What does thread like worms in stool indicate? Suggest treatment for bowel cancer Suggest treatment for weakness in knees and difficulty in walking Suggest treatment for Parkinson's disease What causes hiccups soon after laughing? Suggest treatment for chronic back pain due to degenerated disc in lower back Suggest treatment for severe gas cramps, profuse sweating and diarrhea Suggest treatment for sore throat,cough and cold What does a grunting noise while passing motion in a baby suggest? Why is Pregabalin capsules prescribed? Suggest treatment for yeast infection on penis Suggest treatment for anal abscess and fistula Suggest remedy for hair loss and male pattern baldness Suggest treatment for uro-genital trauma Suggest treatment for curvature in penis Suggest treatment for irritant contact dermatitis on both lips What causes recurrent cough and cold in children? Suggest treatment for blood in stool and diarrhea Suggest treatment for rash on back and shoulders What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest remedy for pain in the navel area of child Suggest protein supplement to gain weightc Suggest treatment for cat dies What causes excessive weight gain even after eating healthy food in small portions? Suggest treatment for anxiety and shakiness after partial thyroidectomy How does plan B work? What causes blurry and disoriented vision? What causes bumps on hands in between fingers?
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