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What causes pain in neck post intense coughing? Suggest remedy for weight gain in child Suggest treatment for dengue and erectile dysfunction Are persistent sore throat and bumps on lip symptoms of HSV? What causes back, head and neck pain along with muscle tension migraines? Suggest treatment for phimosis in infant Suggest treatment for irritation and pain in throat Suggest treatment for pyelonephritis, UTI, pleurisy, tonsillitis, night sweats and folate deficiency Suggest treatment for severe pain below rib cage Suggest treatment for intermittent fever Suggest treatment for sore knee and sudden pain from hip to ankle Suggest treatment for night sweats, fever, fatigue and headaches Suggest treatment for swollen eyes and coughing up of yellow mucus What causes severe pain while inserting a tampon? What causes pain and numbness in right shoulder blade? What causes foul taste and smell in mouth, post-nasal drip and depression? What are the side effects of Defcort and Nervmax-SR? What causes pain at the site of injection in arm? Am i free from rabies infection inspite of having pre exposure prophylaxis? What causes tingling sensation and numbness on right side of head? Suggest medication for OCD What causes chest pain despite having normal blood test results? Is a new mole on heel of a 7 year old a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for accidental inhalation of sour cherry seed Can Terbinafine cause false positive result for THC in blood? Suggest treatment for swellings under armpit Suggest treatment for painful sore on scrotum Suggest treatment for painful swelling in knee How to deal with inability to focus, restlessness and irritation? Suggest treatment for pinworms in child Suggest treatment for pain in right knee What causes atrophy in the cheek area post cortisone injection? What do fever and small bumps on chest and face of a 3 year old indicate? Suggest treatment for TB infection in abdomen What happens to the testicles when one sits down? Suggest treatment for fever and mild stomach pain in child Can borderline personality disorder manifest in the mid 30s? What causes irritation of skin in groin area? What causes neck pain when diagnosed with cervical strain and closed head injury? What causes chest pain after taking antibiotics for root canal treatment? Suggest treatment for lump between rib near right nipple How risky is unprotected oral sex while having bleeding gums? What causes excruciating pain from elbow to hand post injury? Are genital warts external and visible? Suggest treatment for red patch on penis What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Do oral contraceptive pills interfere with the iron test results? What causes itching across body along with swelling and redness? Can cellulitis occur extensively on arms? Suggest treatment for anal itching Suggest medication for vitamin-D deficiency Suggest treatment for IBS, contipation and flatulence Are high mood swings and abdominal pain and bloating symptoms of pregnancy? Is it safe to travel by flight while having nose bleed? Can saline injections help in treating skin atrophy? What causes cold and hot sensation with dizziness while on cruise? Will diarrhea reduce after discontinuing Hydrocodine? Suggest treatment for tender purple bump on skin What causes night sweats after removing, tonsils, adenoids and a septoplasty? Can tibial plateau fracture be detected by CT scan or MRI? What does my urine analysis test report indicate? What causes increased heart rate when the EKG is normal? What causes painful itching on clitoris? Suggest treatment for pimple-like red spots on neck What are the repercussions of overdose of oral polio vaccine? Suggest treatment for red spot and swelling behind thigh Suggest treatment for claustrophobia, panic attack, nervousness and dry mouth What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes itching and burning sensation around vagina, fatigue, and malaise? What causes dent in skull with pain after injury? Is it possible to wean off Lexapro and Clonazepam without any side effects? What causes increased heart rate and pricking pain in chest? What causes rapid heartbeat while on Susten? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for tender indentation on skull post mild head injury Am i free from rabies infection inspite of taking pre exposure prophylaxis? Suggest treatment for recurring mouth ulcers Is nutritional approach effective for PCOS treatment? Is single Rabies vaccine shot enough after bitten by a vaccinated monkey? What causes brown vaginal spotting during pregnancy? Is a morning-after pill required post intercourse if Brenda-35-ED is missed? What does this ECG report indicate? What causes high libido in women? Suggest treatment for recurrent sore throat Can Olive Leaf Capsules be taken for herpes infection? What do these HCG levels indicate? Suggest treatment for soft tissue injury in elbow What causes large patch of blisters on fingers post treatment for scabies? Suggest treatment for tingling sensation on left ear, throat pain and fever Suggest treatment for large hematoma on calf When does apnea of prematurity occur? What do these TSH, FT4 and FT3 levels indicate? Suggest treatment for discoloration above ankle What causes irregular periods while suffering from PCOD? Suggest treatment for unbearable pain post cauda equina surgery Suggest treatment for sharp intermittent chest pain Suggest treatment for dry upper eyelid along with sunburns Is it normal to have vaginal bleeding post Levonelle intake? What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for perforated ear drum and ear infection Suggest treatment for sudden onset of severe pain and weakness in right wrist and hand Does diarrhea reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills? What does my chest x-ray test report indicate? What do these blood and urine test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for ankle and toe numbness as well as leg pain Suggest treatment for cold, cough and swollen tonsils along with itchy rash Suggest treatment for upper stomach pain radiating towards back, diarrhea and asthma Suggest remedy when noodles accidentally goes down the wrong pipe What causes small bump on outer lower lip? What causes constant vaginal discharge in adult women? Does Dicloflex constrict blood flow? Are stiff neck with nose and lower throat pain symptoms of TMJ? What are the chances of pregnancy through non penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for chest pain with cough and sore throat What do these Hbeag, LFT and HBV DNA quantitative test results indicate? What does presence of white matter in stool indicate? What causes breathlessness and increased abdominal pressure during defecation process? Is frequent masturbation to relieve stress safe? What causes strange vibrations in shoulder? What causes false-positive results of PCR testing for chlamydia infection? Is it safe to give Ibuprofen along with Paracetamol for fever in children? What causes pain in ankle radiating to leg and hip? What causes left arm pain and shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for swollen foliate papillae after having hot coffee Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Can syrinx placed during spinal tumour surgery cause muscle stiffness and legs numbness? Is weight gain a side effect of Nebivolol? Where are the two bulbourethral glands located in the body? Suggest treatment for herniated disc disease What causes headache, sleeplessness and slurred speech in children post mild injury? What causes sharp pulsating pain in toes? Where is bulbourethral duct situated in our body? What causes chills, burning sensation on skin and nausea while living in a spider infested house? How long does Lexapro take to be effective as anti-OCD medicine? Can laxatives be used for abortion? What causes unusual bruises on legs? Suggest ideal dosage of Calcitriol What causes hard, red and tender lump above intergluteal cleft? Can Seroquel and Brintellix be taken together? What causes discomfort and pressure in chest area? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism How long does Lexapro take to show effect? What causes dizziness along with heaviness in eyes and blurred vision? What causes dizzy spells after shoulder arthroscopy? Suggest tests to diagnose the reasons for high BP and occasional heart palpitations Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is it ok to sleep after taking Misoprostol? What does this CT scan report of neck indicate? What causes nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain before menstruation? What do these AST and ALT levels indicate? Is pregnancy possible through oral sex? What causes blurred vision and slurred speech along with chronic pain? Suggest treatment for bloating of abdomen and salty taste in mouth What does colorless urine indicate? Suggest treatment for dizziness and low BP in an elderly person What are the questions i need to ask orthopedic doctor for arthritis? Is Cyra D the right medicine for chronic constipation? Suggest treatment for persistent sore throat Suggest remedy for eczema on face What causes reddish and swollen freckles on nose? Can i take Temazepam after 2 hours of taking Doxepin? Can visceral fat be eliminated the same way as subcutaneous fat? Suggest appropriate treatment for pimples and dark spots on face Suggest treatment for diarrhea in children despite medication Is PSA value of 6.2 a cause for concern? Is Sulfa drug the best treatment for pneumonia? What causes change in color of stool after taking antacids? What causes extreme fatigue when diagnosed with sleep apnea? Suggest treatment for bloating, tightness in chest and difficulty taking deep breaths What causes eye pain, blue toe nails and fatigue? Suggest treatment to lose weight in an insulin dependent person Suggest treatment for cyst on skin with foul smelling white discharge What does absence of yolk sac in an ultrasound during 5 weeks of pregnancy indicate? What causes burning and stinging sensation in different parts of the body? How long should i take Nasonex and Montair LC for allergies? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression What causes breathing difficulties while treating Parkinson's disease? Suggest medication for cold and sneezing in children while travelling How is HIV transmitted? How to stop of progression of nephropathy in a diabetic patient? Is laser treatment effective for grafting scar removal on foot? How is HIV transmitted? Suggest treatment for itchy skin on leg How long after can i resume physical activity post radial head fracture treatment? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for recurrent redness and softness of penis skin Is it safe to give Alaspan syrup for runny nose in children? Should i take emergency contraceptive pill post unprotected sex? What do pain in upper back, excessive sweating and sleeplessness suggest? How long does Bactrim take to cure UTI? Are squint eyes treatable at the age of 25? Is it safe to take Viagra post quadruple bypass surgery? What causes severe pain during bowel movements in a child? What causes bluish discoloration of skin on finger of a diabetic patient? Is positive HSV IgG test conclusive? What causes small pimple with mild pain on toe after toe injury? What causes fever, severe headache, nausea and back pain? What are the chances of HPV transmission through protected sex? Suggest treatment for upper abdominal pain along with bloating and constipation Suggest treatment for sore throat
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