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What causes dizziness, nausea and severe neck pain? What causes excessive sweating while on Trazodone? What does the following CT scan report indicate? What do the following blood test reports indicate? What causes foul smelling body odour? What do leg cramps during morning time indicate? Are sulphur crystals and Vitamin C effective in asthma treatment? Does prostatic artery embolization work for enlarged prostate? What causes severe cough? Suggest treatment for labrum tear in the shoulder Is the B. Braun knee preferred over other alternatives for total knee replacement? What do the following blood and urine test reports indicate? What causes vaginal itching and painful blisters? Suggest treatment for persistent foot pain and swelling What are the black dots seen in pre-ejaculatory fluid? Is negative HIV 4th generation test after 14 weeks of sexual encounter conclusive? Suggest treatment for skipped heart beats and panic attacks What does a soft lump behind the shoulder blades of a 5 year old indicate? Are mobile sperms present in pre ejaculatory fluid? What does the following blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for recurring fungal infection on skin What do these CAT results indicate? Can shingles reoccur? Suggest remedy for headaches and fogginess after suffering a head injury Suggest treatment for persistent vomiting and extreme belching What do swollen lymph nodes on the side of neck after recovering from diarrhea suggest? What does this ECG result indicate? Suggest remedy for severe abdominal pain in a child What does the following blood test report indicate? Is persistent hiccups in fetus a cause of concern? Suggest treatment for rashes on ankles and foot Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain while on antibiotics How long does high MCV value take to normalise after stopping alcohol intake? What causes finger numbness in a patient with stroke? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in a diabetic Suggest treatment to increase penis size What causes blood in stool in a child? Can antibiotics be taken to treat hemorrhoids? Suggest treatment for mild aortic stenosis associated with MVP What causes pain in lower back and leg when diagnosed with gallstones? What are the repercussions of Piriton expectorant linctus overdose? What causes horizontal double vision? What causes bruising on penis head? What causes wheezing during intercourse? Can Aspirin cause throat discomfort and cough? Suggest treatment for throat infection, cough and clogged nose What causes pain in heel radiating to foot and buttocks? Does Peyronie disease causes reduction in penis size? Suggest treatment for severe sweating while on Zoloft Does Telmisartan cause stiffness in the thumb? What does clear penile secretion in the morning indicate? Should a booster dose of Hepatitis A vaccine be given to a 6 year old child? Suggest remedy for dizziness post head injury How long does a hand, foot and mouth disease take to resolve? Is herpes IgG level of 0.71 a cause for concern? Can Telmisartan, Neurobion Plus, Methylcobalamin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride and Nicotinamide be taken together? What causes persistent vomiting after taking Unwanted-72? What causes voice change and dry cough after a salivary gland surgery? Suggest treatment for recurrent itchy spots on skin Does Psyllium husk cause orange colored stool? Suggest treatment for cystic acne and multiple cysts on ovaries What do urination urgency and pain in urethra indicate? What does prolonged brown vaginal discharge post menstrual bleeding indicate? What causes black eye and mild headache post head injury? Is it normal to experience tender back and neck after a head injury? Suggest treatment for bruise with blisters on chest Suggest treatment for high fever and itchy rashes in a child How accurate is the HIV RNA test? Suggest dosage of Testosterone injection for penile growth What does soreness on side of hyoid bone suggest? Suggest remedy for severe chest pain while recovering from pneumonia Does Telmisartan cause stiffness in thumb? Suggest treatment for severe and prolonged cough What causes increase in the size of breast tissue in men? Suggest treatment for lump near armpit Suggest treatment for recurrent ingrown nails Suggest remedy for pain and heaviness on right side of sternum What causes persistent lightheadedness post anaphylactic shock? Suggest ways to avoid pregnancy after intercourse Suggest treatment for pain and presence of soft tissue mass under the rib cage Suggest treatment for irritation in lungs and dry cough after exposure to fiberglass dust Do Doxycycline hyclate tablets have any effect on blood platelet count? Suggest treatment for vitiligo Is Warnax the same as Xanax? What causes severe fatigue, tingling sensation throughout body and tightness in chest? Suggest treatment for blurred vision and fatigue while suffering from hyperthyroidism Suggest medication for extreme knee pain and swelling What causes severe cough in a child? How is the gestational age of a fetus calculated? Suggest treatment for severe cough with dizziness Suggest treatment for severe pain during intercourse What do frequent bowel movements with little bit of blood indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent cold What do these TSH and T4 values indicate? Suggest treatment for diabetic neuropathy What do delayed menstrual bleeding and negative pregnancy test result indicate? Suggest remedy for low hemoglobin count after hip surgery Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is silver sulfadiazine cream advisable for a child with Hep C contamination? What are the chances of contracting HIV in single sexual exposure? What does a sudden onset of vomiting in a child indicate? What causes irregularities in heart beat and normal EKG report? Suggest treatment for severe constipation What causes prolonged menstruation after changing birth control pills? What causes sudden abnormal heart rhythms? Suggest medication for nail fungus What causes unexplained weight loss? What causes pinching and burning sensation after back injury? What causes discomfort in thyroid area? What causes rectal pain and bleeding post colon polypectomy? What causes brown vaginal discharge after Nexplanon implantation? How long will anxiety last after taking Zoloft and sleeping pill? Can Augmentin be used after not refrigerating it for 4 hours? What causes pain in lower left back radiating to lower left abdomen? Suggest treatment for persistent cough What causes nasal bleeding? Suggest treatment for growth on shaft of penis Suggest treatment for sinus infection with nasal congestion, sore throat and cough What causes elevated AST and ALT levels? How to identify crab lice? What causes pain in the left ear? Is flying safe after nasal cauterization? What are the repercussions of accidental application of Clobetasol cream on vagina? What causes hot flashes, weakness, tightness in chest and numb limbs? Suggest sulphur free medication for high blood pressure What causes burning sensation in penis post urination? What causes swollen lymph nodes in neck, sore throat and post-nasal drip? Can STD be contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse? What causes fatigue, hives, intermittent dry rashes and joints pain in hands? Suggest treatment for breathlessness, numbness in fingers and involuntary muscle twitching Are metallic taste in mouth and teeth erosion caused by acid reflux? What are the side effects of using Rituxan with Coumadin? Can Ciprofloxacin cause hallucinations and nerve damage? Suggest treatment for leaky heart valve What blood disorders are associated with bruising of eyelid and eye? What causes sudden sharp pain in the calf muscle, ankle and foot? What causes early menstruation after unprotected sex? Suggest dosage of Peritol for children Suggest medication for osteoarthritis pain Suggest alternative medication for heartburn What are the chances of pregnancy after bilateral salpingectomy? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking I-pill? What causes pain in left upper arm and neck with lightheadedness? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing Zoloft and Valium Suggest tests to detect hepatitis-C infection What causes irregular periods after discontinuing birth control pills? What does a faint line on a pregnancy test indicate? How to lose abdominal fat after a cesarean section? What causes dark stool during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain What causes severe left-sided chest pain? What causes severe muscle spasms after kidney surgery? What does this urinalysis report indicate? What causes lower rib cage pain and backache with hot and cold flashes? What causes delayed menstruation after taking Ovral L? What causes back pain when diagnosed with gall bladder polyps? What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? How safe is Larpose for elderly? What causes sudden knee pain? Can Arachitol be taken for vitamin D deficiency? What causes superficial stinging sensation in the scalp upon waking? What causes delayed menstruation after intercourse? Can Azax, Allegra and Calpol be taken for dengue fever? How accurate is rapid HCV test? What causes persistent muscle and joint pain with fatigue despite taking Levothyroxine? Is blood sugar level of 210 post breakfast a cause for concern? Is SGOT value of 42.0 iu/l a cause for concern? What causes sudden involuntary movements in lips during sleep? What causes sudden left-sided pelvic pain while treating bipolar disorder and schizophrenia? Suggest treatment to fix gaps in teeth What causes bruise on sore knee and leg pain? What causes constant sweating, fatigue, memory issues, mood swings and depression? What causes persistent fever with white vaginal discharge? What causes swollen bleeding lower lip after using Efudex? What causes cold and clammy hands upon waking? Suggest treatment for chronic liver disease and cirrhosis What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after intercourse? What causes numbness, tingling and swelling in limbs while treating Rhabdomyolysis? Suggest treatment for sciatic nerve pain Suggest medication for irregular menstruation What causes severe heart burn and feeling of swelling and throat tightness? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Are mild cognitive impairment, sore throat and neck swelling symptoms of TIA? Suggest treatment for androgenetic alopecia symptoms What causes large hard painful lump under left buttock? Suggest treatment for age related spondylolisthesis What causes thin red line in the groin area? Are night sweats a symptom of HIV infection? Can GHB be taken for anxiety? What causes yellow nasal discharge and cough with greenish yellow phlegm? What causes wrist pain while lifting a heavy object? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain What causes slightly swollen forearms, tingling sensation in hands and feet? Is Ivermectin effective for scabies? Can Marijuana be taken for hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy? What is the highest risk associated with shorter pregnancy gaps? Suggest treatment for parasitic infestation in and around the anus What is the correct window period for gonorrhea test? Suggest a prophylactic antibiotic to carry while traveling Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain
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