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Suggest treatment for white, crusty substance on lips Is it safe to get one eyes dilated twice in less than a week? Suggest medication for tremors What causes weak legs and difficulty in walking? Suggest treatment for pitting edema in leg Can Sarcoid cause cardiac problems? How to reduce weight? Suggest treatment for itchy red eyes due to allergic reaction What causes loss of sensation on feet? Suggest treatment for stress due to family problems What causes round lumps on inside of labia? Suggest treatment for high BP and heavy breathing Does high uric acid cause swollen foot? Can i have Doxycycline along with Nitrofurantoin? Suggest treatment for infected titanium plates Can acid reflux cause inflamed esophagus? Suggest treatment for lipoma on arm Suggest treatment for dark acne scars Suggest treatment for recurring herpes What causes light pink color tissues in stool? Suggest treatment for low WBC and platelet count Is pregnancy possible without penetration? What causes pulsatile tinnitus? What causes bloating and pain after walking with normal MRI? Suggest medicine for persistent high fever Can prolonged usage of Pantoprazole cause Vit B12 deficiency? Suggest treatment for sore throat and sinus infection? What causes movable lump below collar bone? What causes recurrent pain in abdomen? What causes sharp muscle pain? Suggest treatment for sexual performance anxiety What causes depression after stopping Paroxetine? What does this ECG report indicate? What causes vaginal bleeding inspite of being on Nexplanon? Suggest permanent treatment for allergy & nasal polyps What does this test report of adrenal gland indicate? What are the chances of downs syndrome? What causes muscle pain post infection? Can pregnancy occur without penetration? Suggest pain medication that can be used with Warfarin What does positive TMT test indicate? Suggest treatment for loose motions Suggest treatment for sneezing, cold and running nose Suggest treatment for a single red swollen bump on vagina What causes low systolic blood pressure? How to control BP? Suggest treatment for mild inflammation of tendons Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest an alternative for Lipator What causes high TSH level? Suggest treatment for phimosis What does this HIV RNA test report indicate? What does the following report suggest? What causes painful left leg? What are the chances of pregnancy after unwanted 72 pill intake? What causes raised lesion on shoulder? Suggest treatment for depression What causes abnormal period bleeding post Clomid usage? Suggest ways to abort pregnancy What are the side effects of epidural injection? Suggest treatment for base of tongue cancer Suggest treatment for running nose, sneezing and fever What does positive leukocyte esterase indicate? Does IDD therapy help to cure diffuse disc bulge of lumber spine? Will i be able to conceive with hypothyroidism? Can I do skipping during my periods? What does pus cells in urine indicate? Suggest treatment for low sperm count Does taking whey protein while diabetic have adverse effects? Does saliva transmit hepatitis C? What causes low lymphocyte count? Does Seraquel and Vicadon react adversely? What causes heavy weak arms and legs? What causes delayed ejaculation? Suggest treatment for IBS symptoms What can cause sweating and hot flashes while taking Metformin and Levothyroxine? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain during periods What causes missing period date and negative pregnancy test? What causes double vision with history of third nerve palsy? How dangerous is an ALT level of 84 and AST of 56? Suggest the type of specialist to consult for Vit D deficiency What causes constipation and stomach pain? What causes frequent urination and burning sensation at base of penis? Suggest remedy for dizziness after taking antibiotics for sinus infection Suggest treatment for persistent vomiting Suggest remedy for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for acidity Can i go for stress test inspite of having BP medicines? What is the function of liver? What causes rapid weight gain, unexplained bruises and hair loss? Suggest ways to determine malignant freckle Suggest treatment for ringworm infection on penis tip Suggest treatment for lump in abdomen and stomach discomfort Is calcium sandoz safe to have for kids age 5 yrs? What might cause pain in leg muscles with history of clots? What causes numbness in feet? What causes discomfort penis even after UTI treatment? Suggest treatment for irregular period Suggest treatment for heart fluttering Suggest treatment for hair follicle infection on belt line What is SI joint fusion? Suggest treatment for infected ingrown hair Suggest treatment for intake of 15 Parad tablets Suggest treatment for burning sensation in stomach What does the HCG results indicate? What does this TSH level indicate? Suggest treatment for racing heart with history of cardiomyopathy What causes erection problem? What causes fatigue after having Belviq? What causes heart murmur? What causes retention of urine? Suggest treatment for lung abscess What causes high MPV and high absolute neutrophils in pregnancy? What does an alkaline phosphatase of 144 indicate? Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence What is sedimentation rate and CMP test for? Does smoking a cigarette that fell on harpic cause poisoning? Suggest remedy for swollen and tight left calf with red blotchy color Is pain in leg and pregnancy related? What are the chances of transmitting HSV 2 to partner? What could the fatty bump on ankle be? What causes dry foreskin that is difficult to retract? Can my swollen tight calf be a blood clot? What are the chances of pregnancy after using emergency contraceptives? Suggest what causes bump on thigh after accident Suggest treatment for enlarged adenoid in child What can be the adverse effects of cleaning chemicals on arm? Suggest treatment for swollen and discolored knee What causes bump on scalp with migraine? Could UTI and STD cause stinging and frequent urination? Suggest medication for minor burn What is the best and fastest way to detox the body? Suggest remedy for constant headache Suggest treatment for itchy palms, soles of feet and base of ankles Suggest remedy for yellowish teeth Suggest treatment for sore on buttocks that bleed Suggest remedy for pain in penis during intercourse Suggest treatment for sore,inflamed and swollen glans and foreskin Suggest treatment for persistent high fevers with racing hearts Suggest remedy for erection peoblems Suggest treatment for ear infection Suggest treatment for cyst in ovary What causes painless lump in calf muscles? Suggest remedy for pain due to cervical slipped disk What does decreasing lymphocytes while pregnant indicate? Suggest treatment for mild chest pain Suggest treatment for itchiness in the anal area Suggest remedy for pain in the heel What causes pagets disease? Can Primolut N be take to delay period? Should antibiotics be given for viral diarrhea? Suggest treatment for missed period What are the side effects of skin melanin surgery? What are the side effects of Eption and Torleva? What diet can be given to child recovering from typhoid? Suggest treatment for gastritis Does blood in urine indicate infection? Suggest an alternative to Prenan formula milk What does my semen analysis indicate? What does the cholesterol levels indicate? Suggest treatment for body rash Suggest remedy for pain in foot Suggest treatment for choroiditis What does the thyroid profile test indicate? Suggest treatment for E. coli ESBL in urine Is pregnancy possible with pre-ejaculatory fluid? What is the cause and treatment for erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for metallic taste in mouth due renal failure Suggest treatment for H. pylori What causes penis to become smaller after masturbation? What causes severe dizziness? What causes tinnitus,neck pain and sweaty hands after drinking alcohol? Does advanced hepatitis C cause severe body itching? What causes muscle ache,dizziness and fever after inhalation of diesel fumes? What causes lump under the skin behind the ear? Can over dose of blood pressure medication cause any side effects? How is HSV 2 transmitted? Suggest an alternative to Econaderm for fungal infection on nail What does total cholesterol of 247 and LDL of 169 indicate? What causes swelling on feet and ankles? Can a needle fragment adjacent to cardal sacrum cause pain in the rectal area? Suggest treatment to cure rectal itching caused by Clindamyacin What cause itching and pain in hands? What causes sharp right sided stomach aches? What does a mass on panceras indicate? Can heating food with plastic film on top cause upset stomach? What is the cause and treatment for bump inside the vagina? Suggest treatment for lower respiratory tract infections Is Tylenol effective in treatment of severe headaches? What does ALT 68 and AST 54 indicate? Suggest treatment for chest congestion and post nasal drip Suggest treatment for thorat pain What casues redness of skin around the eyes following swimming in a child? What causes tingling sensation and pain during urination? Suggest treatment for depression What causes sudden weakness in legs? Suggest treatment for chronic gastritis What causes tightness in chest with feeling of lump below the throat? Suggest treatment for increased level of lipids Suggest treatment for Obsessive–compulsive disorder
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