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What causes antiseptic smell in nose and dizziness when diagnosed with low-grade glioma? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Aropax? Can Atacand, Cartia, Clopidogrel and Amlodipine be taken before undergoing Botox treatment? What causes low grade fever after MMR, DTaP and flu vaccinations? Suggest remedy for bruise on biceps Can unprotected intercourse lead to pregnancy? Suggest remedy for severe abdominal pain during pregnancy Suggest remedy for distorted vision caused by myopic choroidal neovascularization Suggest remedy for lump in pelvis What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest remedy for severe cough and wheezing What causes delayed menstruation with hot flashes, abdominal bloating and constipation? How long does Marijuana stay in body? Suggest ways to terminate pregnancy Suggest remedy for sever abdominal and back pain post IUI Suggest home remedy for skin tags Suggest remedy for severe head pain Suggest remedy for severe headache Suggest treatment for fever and cough in infant Suggest remedy for sleeplessness in a person with depression Is pregnancy possible through intercourse on 7th day of menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for swollen hands and feet Suggest treatment for H. Pylori infection Does Megaton help cure cold and cough? What causes eczema like patch on left hand? Does IVF treatment help in dealing with infertility? Suggest medication for persistent dysuria in an elderly person What causes progressive headache after taking cortisone injections in knees? What causes sudden temporary immobility in arms and weakness? At what level of hemoglobin is blood transfusion recommended? Are high fever and dark colored urine signs of diabetes? What causes burning pain between clitoris and urethra after urination? Suggest treatment for raw blisters at the base of penis Suggest food diet while having stomach viral symptoms Suggest treatment for collar bone fracture Is pregnancy possible while taking Marvelon? Suggest treatment for painful burning sensation in bladder and kidney stone Suggest treatment for arm and leg pain while having high cholesterol Suggest treatment for persistent intermittent cough in child What causes white vaginal discharge, severe abdominal and back pain? Suggest treatment for fracture in fifth metatarsal bone in left foot Suggest treatment for excessive sweating, chronic back and stabbing lower abdominal pain What does my blood test report indicate? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse prior to menstruation followed by frequent urination? Are earache, fatigue, numb fingers, yeast infection and diarrhea symptoms of HIV? Is mild diffuse brain atrophy a cause for concern? What causes left-sided lower abdominal pain? What causes sneezing, coughing along with momentary tightness in chest? Is BP of 188/110 and high cholesterol a cause for concern? What causes right-sided headache during menstruation? Is cold intolerance a symptom of hypothyroidism? Is it possible to increase height at the age of 15? Suggest treatment for diabetes Why does the heart rate increase in response to pain? How long does recovery from brain tuberculosis take? What causes red spot at the base of penis? What causes rib pain in an elderly person with COPD? What does this lipid profile test report indicate? Suggest treatment for insomnia What causes persistent weakness and fatigue even after discontinuation of masturbation? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes pain and weakness in shoulder? Suggest treatment for manic depression What causes persistent rectal pressure, bleeding and pain after bowel movement? Suggest treatment for infertility in an obese person What causes constant pulsation in eye? What causes dizziness, chest pressure, syncope and weakness in arms? Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest remedy for vaginal pain and irritation Suggest treatment for discrete red bumps on torso What are the chances of HIV transmission through non-penetrative sexual activity? Is TSH value of 9.01 ulU/ml a cause for concern? What causes severe pain in carotid arteries in neck? Suggest ways to prepone menstruation Can Marijuana cause infertility? What causes left flank pain and hematuria when diagnosed with kidney stones? How to rule out gonorrhea? What causes moist crusted patches with pustule on hand? Do TriNessa birth control pills cause bleeding? Do TriNessa birth control pills cause bleeding? What causes low ejaculation pressure while having constipation? What causes ankle pain while stretching legs? Suggest alternative medication for Nortriptyline Is delay in menstruation a sign of pregnancy? What causes bilateral hilar enlargement? Does excessive masturbation lead to infertility? Does Cocaine show up in hair drug test? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations, tachycardia and hypertension caused by stress Can autoimmune hepatitis be transmitted through sexual contact? Suggest treatment for chronic constipation Suggest medication for indigestion and headache Suggest treatment for severe elbow pain Suggest remedy for persistent tinnitus How to rule out heart failure post chronic valve dysfunction treatment? What causes lump above cheekbone after recovering from cold? Are my lab test results indicative of cancer or Hashimoto's disease? What causes neck pain, dizziness and frequent loss of consciousness? Suggest treatment for rash on skin folds of abdomen What causes sudden loss of consciousness? What is the medical definition of a shunt? What causes frequent loss of consciousness? What causes itchy swollen blisters on penile shaft, abdominal pain and frequent urination? What causes painful and itchy blisters on penile shaft? What causes low grade fever and swollen glands in neck post dog bite? What causes frequent urination in a child? What are the chances of recovery from head injury while on ventilator? What does this TVS test result indicate? Can Lobate-GM be used for itchy red rash around pimple on cheek? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Petogen injection? Suggest treatment for asthma with cold in a child Suggest remedy for pain in testicles What causes subcortical microvascular disease? Can HIV or STD be contracted through protected sexual intercourse? Can HIV be detected 4 weeks post exposure? Are removal of both ovaries and uterus advisable while undergoing endoscopic surgery? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What does this chest X-ray report indicate? What causes random and concentrated pain throughout body? Suggest remedy for persistent pain in-between shoulder blades Are oligozoospermia, diabetes and hyperlipidemia symptoms of Klinefelter's syndrome? What causes unexplained turbinate inflammation? How to determine the severity of degenerative spine disease? Suggest protein supplements for weight loss What are the health hazards related to accidental ingestion of microchip by a child? Suggest treatment for genital warts What are the signs and symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome? Suggest treatment for persistent scalp psoriasis What does the following gene mutation test results indicate? What causes abnormal uterine bleeding? Suggest treatment for scalp psoriasis What are the side effects of Keppra and Encorate? What are the side effects of Cetirizine? What does gestational sac measuring 5.3mm X 10.8mm X 5.9mm indicate? Suggest treatment for severe cough and burning sensation in chest Suggest remedy for shortness of breath and tingling sensation in hand Can one get overdose on Temazepam? Suggest remedy for burning sensation in vagina Suggest remedy for lack of appetite and abdominal pain Suggest remedy for severe body itching Is inflammation on jaw a sign of HIV? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing Lipitor Suggest remedy for sore throat and tooth pain after a dental procedure What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for cough and running nose in an infant What are the signs and symptoms of a cerebral hemorrhage? Does hypertension cause persistent heart palpitations? What causes black stool? Suggest medication for urticaria What causes penile bumps? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What does shrinking of follicle size while on synthroid indicate? What causes delay in menstruation after having unwanted 72? What does my vaginal ultrasound scan report indicate? Is pregnancy possible after a laparotomy? What are the chances of a protruding hernia rupture? What do these bone density study findings indicate? What causes shoulder and arm pain with tingling feeling in fingers? How to determine the date of conception? Suggest remedy for pain and discomfort in chest caused by pectus excavatum Are coronary artery blockage and chest pain common in diabetic patients? What causes dizziness while on Escitalopram, Norvasc and Triamterene? Suggest remedy for persistent abdominal pain in an infant What are the various surgeries and procedures to do circumcision? Does Xarelto interact with Naproxen? Suggest remedy for persistent redness, irritation and itching on penis Suggest remedy for chronic headache while suffering from clinical depression Suggest remedy for persistent colic in a child What causes muscle spasms in legs with pain in hand? What does my CT scan reports indicate? What causes irritation in testicles with itchy inner thighs? What causes clotted menstrual bleeding while on birth control pill? What causes discoloration and numbness in finger? How long can residual sperm live in penis after ejaculation? What causes frequent urination in an elderly person? Suggest remedy for damp feeling on penile tip caused by UTI What causes dark urine with lower back pain? Suggest remedy for swelling, pain and sore on vaginal opening Suggest remedy for dehydration Suggest remedy for rough and pigmented skin Suggest ways to avoid pregnancy after intercourse 9 months postpartum Suggest remedy for difficulty in swallowing while having severe cough What causes dizziness and numbness in body while waking up? What causes bitter taste in mouth with headache? What causes severe chest congestion with constant sticky phlegm in throat? Suggest remedy for nocturnal emission Suggest dosage for Regestrone Suggest remedy for lip swelling in an elderly person What causes itchy spot on arm and foot? Suggest treatment for eye swelling in a child How to lower blood potassium levels? Suggest remedy for persistent hiccups Can Modafinil be taken for shift work sleep disorder? What causes pain in testicle after masturbation? How quickly does throat cancer develop for smokers? Is Normoz effective in treating PCOS? Suggest treatment for itchy red rashes on penis head Suggest treatment for chest stress and insomnia Suggest medication for persistent runny nose Suggest medication for costochondritis What causes sleeplessness in an infant?
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