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Suggest treatment for hair fall and grey hair What causes low back pain which radiating to hips after a hysterectomy? What causes numbness and tingling sensations on tongue and lips? What causes redness and pain in arm? Is it safe to take slightly hot food after wisdom teeth extraction? Suggest treatment for torn IT fibers in the hip area What causes pinched nerve in the back with pain in tailbone? What causes pain in shoulder joint and numbness in right arm? Does Zenatane taken for acne cause harm to the fetus? What is myelomalacia? What causes small raised bumps on the shaft? What causes pain in tailbone after an injury? Are headaches,backaches,bloating and constipation with frequent urination symptoms of pregnany? What could be the cause for delayed periods? How to use scheriproct suppositories for anal fissure? What causes continuous heavy bleeding? Is fever caused due to bactrim? What causes stomach cramps after having sex? What causes pain in lower belly? What does "L3/34 shallow based disc bulge with no neural compromise" mean? What is provoronum and semibrom prescribed for? How to get rid of smoking? What causes burning sensation in lower stomach? What does a pink colored lesion on the back indicate? What are the symtoms and cure for Lichen Planus? Is Fever,uunning nose and recurring phlegm incication of HIV? What are the tests to check for blocked heart arteries? Is there any braces for tarsal tunnel syndrome? After how long of nicotine intake shoould a swab test be done to get negative result? How to reduce pain in lower legs? Is cold sore a sign of herpes? What causes pain in lower hip? Does panchakarma help in healing diseases and reducing weight? Suggest treatment for unretractable foreskin Can nighttime moisturizer be applied over Tretinoin? What is the treatment for Parkinson's disease? Is septated cyst in the left ovary a matter of concern? What are the side effects of chlorpheniramine-phenylephrine? Is it safe to give Augpen-DS for toddlers? What are the healty ways to engage a child for mental and physical develpoment? How to loose weight after an abortion? How to improve speech in a child? What is the remedy for left knee pain? What ccauses headaches and dizziness? Should "Brilinta" be discontinued before surgery for BPH? What causes dehydration and high creatinine level when suffering from iron deficiency? How to reduce HDL and high blood pressure? Suggest treatment for pulmonary nodule of 9mm What causes left sided pain in body? What should be the reading for low diastolic blood pressure? Suggest treatment for tight foreskin on penis What is the cure for cough and cold in toddlers? What causes left flank pain going through to back? What do bumps near the base of penis indicate? What causes allergic reaction after having egg? What does "Disc degeneration at L5-S1, with bilateral spondylolysis"mean? Is stinging in nose a sign of sinus headache? What causes compensated liver disease? What causes lower back pain after ovarian cyst removal? Is it safe to take odimont and budetrol for cough? What are the findings from the lab work? Suggest treatment for minor bike injury What causes appetite loss with lightheadedness and depression? Is herpes contagious? Suggest treatment for loose motions What causes persistent sneezing after waking up? Can I take garcinia cambogia along with venlafaxine and lamotrigine? Suggest treatment for fluid filled lesions which are painful Does anxiety cause fluctuations in heart rate? Is it normal to have itching and pain in rectum post delivery? Can I take Zofer for gastric problem? What does " N.A.D IS SEEN IN VISCERAL ABDOMINAL USG SCAN" mean? Suggest treactment for alcohol addication Suggest treatment for flatulence in baby Can hypothyroidism cause low SGOT and SGPT levels? Suggest treatment for hypochondria? What are the findings from the chest Xray? What does black sputum after smoking marijuana indicate? Why am I coughing up black sputum after smoking? What causes vomiting of phlegm in a baby? What could be the cause for thick salivation? Suggest treatment for asthmatic bronchitis What causes swelling in scrotum? What causes bubbles in vagina? What causes sharp pain in jaw and neck? What causes muscle cramps and spots on legs? Is it safe to take 60mg of Laxis at one time? What causes oesophagigitis? Why am I experiencing difficulty in passing urine? What is the black discharge from pores in arms? What causes a red ring around the iris with burning sensation? What causes shivering, joint pain and sore throat? Can Indomethacin and Arfrin be taken together? Is myeloproliferative disorder a terminal disease? Can headache and foul discharge be signs of Trichomonas? What is the treatment for Pineal Gland tumor in children? What does positive result for fecal lactoferrin indicate? Does PICC lead to pain in sternum and upper back? What causes cold bones while taking Cardizem? What are the symptoms of pre menopause? Is it safe to drink red bull while taking Subutex for anxiety? What causes twitching and tremoring in hands with stiff muscles? What causes swelling on the shoulder? What causes severe breathlessness when suffering from high blood pressure? What are the chances of a sessile polyp being a malignant tumor? What causes double vision after a cataract surgery? Can I take wysolone and Teczine for rashes on nose? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain and swelling What causes headache and shortness of breath when suffering from arthritis and coronary disease? Is there any interaction between effexor and avelox? What causes sudden acute pain and numbness at side of labia? Does parkinson's cause bad posture What causes swelling under ribs? Can Hemorrhoids cause bleeding? Suggest treatment for puss filled lesion in the groin area How to get rid of acne? What do small raised bumps on the penis shaft indicate? How is HIV spread? What causes sinus headache while taking levocetirizine? What is the efficacy of Sazo and its side effects? What causes itching and headache after eating chicken? Suggest treatment for impulse Control Syndrome How accurate is RT PCR HIV test? What causes glandular fever and swollen lymph nodes in neck? What causes mouth sores,blisters in groin,underarms pimples? What causes burning and spasms in esophagus after taking pill? Is there any relation between enlarged goiter and pale yellow tone in face? :What causes mouth sores,blisters in groin,underarms pimples?. Is it safe to take Siphene when trying to concieve? What causes mild irritation and blood in urine? What is the difference between Nizral and Nizoral? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for chapped hands in children Suggest treatment for premature gray hair What causes radiating pain in chest when suffering from bronchitis? Suggest treatment for constipation in a baby What causes headache while taking Losartin? What are the chances of HIV after unprotected sex? What causes numbness and pain in hands and joints? What is the treatment for swollen ear? What is the treatment for soreness in lower back and neck? What causes peeling gums when suffering from diabetes and hypoventilation syndrome? What causes itching and tingling on penis after unprotected sex? Does Ranitidine increase blood alcohol levels? What causes trouble releasing hand grip affter a brain surgery? What is the mass in in left upper thigh? What causes fluctuation in blood pressure level? Suggest an antifungal medication Is swelling in knee caused due to rupture of blood vessel? What causes pain and tenderness in perineum afte fever? How long does pneumonia treatment take? What causes throat pain when suffering from bacterial tonsillitis? Can I use anastim concentrate hair tonic for postpartum hair loss? When does conception happen after IUI treatment? What causes sacroiliac joint pain? What kind of exercises help in reducing lower back pain? What causes nausea and vomiting after drinking water in hot weather? What causes fainting and hot flashes in children? What causes tingling and pain after urination? What causes absense of semen during ejaculation? What does a small and tender cut behind the molar and bottom of chin indicate? What can I do after swallowing a broken piece of the ceramic blade? Will apple cider vinegar help in flushing excess calcium in blood? How does Panadol Osteo provide relief from migraine and headache? Is it normal to have shaky hands and productive cough when suffering from influenza? What causes less semen volume? Can I give lactodex for my baby? Is it safe to take ultragestan during pregnancy? Is headache caused due to withdrawal of cymbalta? Suggest treatment for Seborrheic eczema What should be done for positive TNT level? What is the suggested lubricant for prolonged erection? What causes swelling on cheek bones with red dry skin? What causes back pain while taking oxycodone? What causes bruise like spots on hip and metallic taste? What does brown bruise on hip and lump in abdomen after heroin relapse indicate? Can Acid reflux cause tosilitis and swelling of lymph nodes? Will candid b cream help in curing rashes in armpit? Suggest treatment for partially torn PCL in the knee? Suggest treatment for partially torn PCL in the knee?. What are the side effects of Vyvanse? Suggest treatment for neuralgia curable Is methadone intake for pain relief safe when allergic to opiates? Is high Lymphocytosis count a symptom of leukemia? What causes feeeling of electrical pulses through neck and shoulders? Suggest treatment for PTSD Suggest treatment for pigmentation of lips Can enlarged tonsils with white dot on it be indication of cancer? Suggest treatment for hypertension and weight loss How does Clomid help in getting pregnant? What causes erectile dysfunction when suffering from enlarged prostate? What causes chest pain? Suggest treatment for acidity What causes bleeding after taking Ipill? Is it safe to take Nytol herbal along with Sertraline? Suggest treatment for pain when suffering from atrophy? What causes increase in BP despite on BP medication? Do oral phytoceramides interact with any prescription medications? Can Cymbalta and Lamactil be taken together? How to improve semen motility?
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