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Suggest multivitamin and calcium supplements suitable for a toddler Does typhoid vaccine cause high fever? Does checking BP in morning after drinking coffee affect the reading? Suggest treatment for hemiplegic migraine How does carbohyrate diet affect blood pressure? Suggest treatment for low blood pressure Can cyber knife be used to remove an infection in hip? Suggest treatment for cough and ear ache in a toddler What causes megaloblastic anemia? What causes chest pain in middle of the chest? What causes blood in nasal mucus? What causes pain inside the anus? What causes upper arm pain and tightness in chest after foot fracture? What causes dizziness in the morning with skipped heart beats? Suggest treatment for insect bite Does HIV cause weight loss? What causes numbness and swelling on face? What does Hba1c of 6.1%,creatinine of 1.12 and GFR of 55% indicate? What causes lack in clarity of speech in children? What causes problems with articulation of speech in children? What causes pain in hip after a back surgeries? What causes swelling in foot? What causes swollen foot and night sweats? What causes hearing strange sounds after emptying of bladder? What causes black discoloration of toe nail? What does this MCH level indicate? Suggest remedy for chapped,sore skin above and below lips Suggest treatment for lesions on upper arms Suggest treatment for grade 1 varicocele on left side What causes venous distension around the legs? What do blisters on body of a toddler indicate? Suggest remedy for mood swings after stopping Prozac What causes bloating and constipation post colonoscopy? What causes white patch at back of tongue and over the tonsil? Suggest remedy for post nasal drip that causes cough Suggest dose of LiCO3 Do Aleve liquid gels contain Niacin? What are the side effects of Hydromorphine? What causes brown vaginal discharge after unprotected sex? What causes white patches on teeth of a child? Suggest treatment for thread worm infection How is HIV transmitted? What causes pain in chest region post TB treatment? Suggest treatment for improper bowel movements Suggest treatment for blister on neck How should pregnancy be planned with history of schizophrenia? Can i have Calcium and Vit D3 supplements for knee pain? Suggest treatment for acidic urine, fatigue and nerve pain in extremities Suggest treatment for dry and itchy gangrene on palm and fingers Suggest treatment for rectal prolapse What is the normal life expectancy with mild cardiomyopathy? What causes pain in scalp with history of cellulitis in leg? What causes pain under the arm radiating to chest after gallbladder removal? What causes pain,stiffness and discomfrot at kidney biopsy site? Is constant nausea and bloated stomach related to pancreatic problems? What causes excessive gurgling in the upper abdomen? What causes persistent nausea and pain in left side of sternum? What causes constipation and urge to pass stools after every intake of food? Is Arthritis plus effective in treating osteoarthritis? Is it safe to use Roots m10 for facial hair growth? Suggest treatment for hypothyroid and PCOD Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety What causes muscle stiffness in arms, back and hands? Suggest treatment and precautions to take for hypertension Suggest ways to increase sodium levels in body Is it safe to take Utovlan with contraceptive implant? Suggest treatment for lipomas in lower back Suggest treatment for recurrent high fever and runny nose What causes urge to urinate? What causes nausea while feeding? Can i give Ibuprofen oral suspension for stomach infection? Can a three month infant be given formula milk? Suggest treatment for recurrent fever Does Metoprolol cause permanent blurred vision? Suggest treatment for diabetic neuropathic pain in gums Suggest treatment for severe cold and running nose Suggest treatment for cystoid macular edema of eye Does a child eating mud suggest iron deficiency?? What causes painful red mark on breast after intercourse? What causes skin growths around neck? Suggest dosage of Femilon tablets when the periods have not started What causes pain in upper stomach below the sternum? Suggest treatment for lipoma What causes elevated alkaline phosphate? Suggest treatment for inflamed boil on lower back Suggest treatment for voice lose What causes irritation in vagina after using a shaving cream? Suggest treatment for depression and dementia What causes itching of penis after protected intercourse? What does leukocytes in urine during pregnancy indicate? What causes neck pain radiating to left shoulder? Is muscle spasm, tinnitus, headaches side effect of Ciprofloxacin? Does frequent use of Micronor cause delay in periods? What does chest X ray report indicate? What does negative COMBO test for HIV indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic leukaemia How to withdraw from methadone slowly without any side effects? Suggest treatment for difference in left and right side bones and muscles What are the adverse effects of dettol intake? Suggest treatment for red rash on neckline What causes dizziness, weak legs and uncoordinated movements? Suggest treatment for peeling off mole like lesions on back Suggest treatment for ear bleeding What causes pain in lower abdomen post periods? Could headache,joints pain after protected sex be because of HIV? Suggest treatment for recurrent vaginal fungal infections Will taking Flucloxicillin affect vaginal swab results? What causes painful penis and dry urethra? What causes low BP and headaches with hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar,fatigue and hair fall What are the causes of death post fire accident? What are the side effects of Paroxetine for premature ejaculation? What causes shortness of breath and indigestion? What causes visible veins in arm with history of brachial vein graft? What causes lower abdominal pain after having I pill? What does this CT scan of chest regarding asthma indicate? What causes chest pain inspite of having anxiety? Suggest treatment for bump in skin after a fall What does one sided hemorrhagic follicle with lower abdominal pain indicate? What causes tiredness, headache and shoulder pain? What causes discomfort while urination and phimosis? Suggest alternative medicine for erectile dysfunction What causes burning sensation in chest and throat while swallowing? What causes vaginal bleeding after having emergency pill? Are the small bumps in ribs that are painful lymph nodes? Is a bone marrow testing necessary to detect anemia? What causes tiredness, fatigue and slow heart beat? What causes tail bone pain after injury? Suggest ways to evaluate the skin tone What causes discomfort while defecation? What is the possibility of pregnancy after ischemic stroke and uterine prolapse What causes blurred vision and dizziness? What causes dermatitis due to itching post sun burn? Can I take Nomestrol to start periods? What causes blurred vision and dizziness? What causes back pain and vision loss? Suggest treatment for missed periods post depo shot Suggest treatment for fluid in middle ear Does taking Setraline and Pentoxifylline cause stomach ache and sweating ? What causes tingling on head followed by headache? Suggest remedy for genital herpes infection Is chiropractic an option for pain in rib cage Suggest treatment for radiating back pain What is the cause of throbbing in ankle? Does Methrotrexate suppress the immune system? Suggest treatment for swollen testicle with ringworm What causes delayed periods and negative pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for psychosis What causes pain in back and thighs with unstoppable urination Suggest treatment for discoloration on penis head Is the painful cyst on left side of groin a lymph node? Is a HIV test done after 25 days conclusive? What causes discoloration on penis after unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for swollen and bruised leg Suggest treatment for UTI Is dark brown stool an indication to internal bleeding in stomach? What causes tongue inflammation? Suggest remedy for frequent dizzy spells Suggest alternative to Gemfibrozil Is a 42 day negative combo test for HIV conclusive? Suggest treatment for red non itchy blotch on underarm Suggest counter top medicine to reduce wrinkle Suggest the usage of Pyridium for bladder infection Suggest treatment for strong vaginal odor What causes pain in groin area radiating to leg and hip? Is burning on penis tip symptom of HIV? What is the cause and treatment for fungal infection on inner thighs? Does stopping breast feeding suddenly cause any complications? Is flank pain with burning and bleeding during urination symptom of kidney infection? What are the symptoms CKD -5 with polycystic disease? Is drinking alcohol safe after taking Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin? Suggest treatment for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis Can Hydromorphone be taken when on antibiotics for suspected sepsis? Suggest treatment for acute urticaria caused after taking Ornidazole Suggest treatment for cold and fever How long should Neurobion be taken before consulting an ENT for tinnitus? What causes enlarged and hard laryngeal prominence? What causes body and stomach cramps while on treatment for heart disease? What causes foul chemical smell coming from mouth, urine and feces? What are the symptoms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome? Suggest treatment for post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation under the eyes Does myopia worsen with age? What causes abdominal distention after gallbladder removal? Can Nystatin and Humira be taken when suffering from trush? How is HIV transmitted? Does Vertin cause dry cough? What causes lower left abdominal pain? What causes lower left abdominal pain? What infections cause lower left abdominal pain? Can cyber knife be used to eradicate staphylococcus aureus? Can someone with ankyloglossia become a speech therapist ? What causes burning sensation in foot? What causes dizziness with difficulty breathing when suffering from pre diabetes? Can Fluoxitine cause red spots on skin? What causes blood clot discharge in urine? What is the cause and treatment for premature ventricular contractions Does Diflucan help in treatment of H. Pylori? What causes appetite loss with nausea and heaviness in chest? Suggest treatment for muscle pain in thighs Suggest treatment for swelling and itching on fractured toe
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