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Suggest treatment for mild MVP regurgitation Can evaluation for malabsorption be postponed by a few days? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node Are sinus infection and sore lower gum indicative of STD? Suggest treatment for clogged left nasal passage and seasonal leaf-mold allergy Suggest treatment for skin tags at entrance of vagina What causes feeling of blood rushing to top of head and dizziness? What causes flaky and raised skin on chest? Suggest treatment for diarrhea What causes raised pinkish lump on forearm? What causes feeling of blood rushing to top of head and dizziness? What causes pimples and red patches on scalp? What causes chronic left-sided pain in groin area? Why are Bestova, Dexona and Progynova taken? Suggest treatment for stress and ringing in ear Suggest treatment for bump on head after a fall How long do the effects of Combantrin last in the system? What causes fatigue, intermittent headache, fever and back pain, nausea and dizziness? What are the chances of pregnancy after vasectomy? Suggest treatment for cold and runny nose with rash on forehead Suggest treatment for a periodontal abscess in gum Suggest remedy for nausea, gastritis and hernia Suggest treatment for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation Suggest treatment for low grade fever, lethargy and loss of appetite What causes difficulty swallowing, mouth ulcer along with swollen limbs and face? What causes hard lump on the area where i shot up meth? Can large doses of cold Ezee tablets cause burning sensation on back of throat? What does this CT scan of lungs indicate? How long can one continue Hydrocodone and Xanax for stress and sleeplessness? Is it alright to manage diabetes only with lifestyle changes? Suggest treatment for high BP Suggest treatment for intermittent stomach pain Suggest treatment for stuck pain killer inside throat What does this CBC result indicate? What do these LDL and HDL levels indicate? Is NeuroBion Forte the right medicine for pain on whole left side of body? What causes hard lump around area where i have shot meth? What do these fasting sugar levels and BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation What causes headache along with neck pain and fever? Is it safe to have herbal products along with Gabapentin? What causes on and off shooting pains on right temple area? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes abnormal sensations in head while having SSRI for anxiety? What causes headache while suffering from cough and cold? What causes sudden onset of headaches, anxiety and stiffness of neck? What causes whitish spots all over face? Suggest treatment for night fall and premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for white spot on lips and nose Suggest treatment for hypermotility of the intestinal tract What causes poor memory and slow thinking process with history of head injury? What causes dull pain on right side of abdomen? How safe is spinal anaesthesia? What causes recurring pain on lower abdomen? What causes increased frequency after intercourse? What does nodular liver indicate? What causes sharp stabbing pain in lower right side? What is the dosage of human growth hormone while having testosterone replacement therapy? Suggest treatment for severe sore throat, ear pain, nausea and dizziness? What does this TSH level of 0.006 indicate? What are the pregnancy post unprotected sex despite being on Krimson 35 pills? What causes shaky hands and head? What causes weight loss along with abdominal discomfort? Is Unwanted 72 effective in preventing pregnancy? What causes pale colored loose bowel movement? What causes lack of erection after stimulation? Suggest treatment for low grade fever and stomach ache Suggest treatment for warts What are the surgical options to treat a distal esophageal diverticulum? Suggest treatment for abdominal cramps, loose stool and sore throat in child Can HIV be transmitted through wound in mouth while performing cunnilingus? Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest treatment for genital warts Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Are blood clots and white jelly like substance normal after taking microprostol? What causes chronic diarrhea, weight loss and red dots on body after sexual encounter? Suggest treatment for problem sustaining an erection due to stress and anxiety Suggest treatment for infectious mononucleosis associated with immunodeficiencies What causes tight headedness and dizziness on stopping Clonazepam? Suggest treatment for mild sleep apnea? Can Doxycycline hyclate relieve pain due to diverticulitis? What causes numbness in jaws and below ears? Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest remedy for sharp pain below lower ribs What is the difference between panorama test and AFP test? Suggest treatment for tingling sensation that radiates to different body parts Suggest treatment for depression when suffering from breast cancer Suggest remedy for cramping when suffering with diverticulitis Suggest treatment for back pain and pain under breast What causes night sweats and tinnitus after colonoscopy? Suggest treatment for tiny rough spot near tooth and pain What causes random little dot like blisters on body? Suggest treatment for gas pain and diarrhea Suggest treatment for black eyes and memory problems What causes pain in hamstring? What causes cramping after a pap smear? Suggest remedy for high fever in child How accurate is the AFP test? What are the side effects of using the penis traction device? Suggest treatment for acid peptic disease What causes severe fever and flu like symptoms along with sore throat? What causes itching from ankles to head? Can urethral problems cause backaches? What causes white spots on tongue and face after suffering from chronic diarrhea? What do sore bumps on nose indicate? What causes pain in chest? What does the following biopsy report indicate? What causes excessive weight loss along with shortness of breath? What does purple discolouration on hands indicate? What causes pain behind scrotum? What does swelling in armpit indicate? What causes chest congestion along with fever after getting a flu shot? Suggest treatment for UTI Suggest treatment for heart dysfunction Suggest treatment for sebaceous cyst on back Suggest treatment for pain due to disk protrusion in L5/S1 Suggest baby formula for an infant What are the chances of pregnancy with non penetrative intercourse? How long does Oxycodone remain in body? What causes in pain in left arm and chest? What causes extreme tiredness? What does my liver function test result indicate? Suggest treatment for stress-related SVT What should be the ideal weight of a one month old infant? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations What is the possibility of a baby acquiring father's blood group? What does "Mucosal thickening of Ethmoid Sinusis" on an MRI brain indicate? What causes severe neck pain? Are fenugreek seeds good for keeping diabetes under control? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for UTI during pregnancy What does my vitamin B12 test result indicate? What causes irregular menstruation and cramps? What causes acute excruciating headache and nausea? What causes pain in legs, back and head? Suggest treatment for tremors, anxiety and cold chills Suggest treatment for anxiety, cold arms and lack of sleep Does Ambien affect fasting blood glucose level? What causes thigh itching? Can seizure activity cause loss of bladder control? What does my CT scan indicate? What causes burning sensation in stomach, chest burns, bloating and occasional stomach cramps? Suggest treatment for cold and vomiting Suggest treatment for frequent cold and anemia What causes weight gain when getting treated for autoimmune hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism? What causes lack of menstruation and spotting? Is it safe to use Femite lotion to remove finger sucking habit in children? What is the normal PSA level? Suggest medication for diarrhea Does HIV spread via food or drink sharing? What are the side effects of taking Insulin injections for a long duration? What causes bad breath in a child? What causes heaviness in middle toe on leg and painful little toe? Can Barrett's esophagus develop after an upper endoscopy? Can STD be contracted through an oriental massage? Could a skin infection in the groin be the result of an STD? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for breathlessness when suffering from laryngomalacia What causes fever and cold followed by severe cough? What causes recurrent lower back pain? What causes fatigue, loss of focus and sleeplessness? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for shoulder injury Suggest treatment for pain due to arthrosis of the hip Suggest treatment for soreness at bridge of nose What causes lightheadedness and shortness of breath when treating left-sided heart dysfunction Suggest treatment for skin darkening, acne and pimples What causes numbing pain in arm and terrible back pain? What causes diarrhea immediately after a meal? Suggest treatment for frequent urination and gas Suggest treatment for severe depression What causes intermittent sharp pain in temple? Suggest remedy to avoid the risk of developing kidney disease Suggest Lipitor dosage for high cholesterol Is salt water gargling thrice a day safe? What does my MRI scan result of lumbar spine indicate? What is the prognosis of a point blank gunshot into the hand? Is it normal for babies to pass stool after drinking milk? What should be done in case of milk discharge from baby boy? What causes vaginal bleeding after a c-section? Suggest ways to gain weight Suggest treatment for internal hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for genital infection What causes a pulling sensation in lower abdomen? What are the chances of pregnancy with non penetrative intercourse? What causes skin tags near neck and under the arms? Suggest treatment for itchy red rashes all over body Can Colicaid drops be given to an infant? Suggest treatment for painful blister on gums What causes soreness of back and pelvis region and unusual menstruation? Suggest treatment for painful blister on gums Suggest treatment to increase blood count and weakness What causes right groin pain and very dark discolored scrotal sac? Suggest treatment for headaches and pain in ear and back of head What does my chest x-ray report indicate? Suggest treatment for flu, fever, loss of appetite and fatigue Suggest treatment for stomach ache, sleeplessness and intermittent back pain What does my ultrasound report indicate? Can urine test be done during menstruation? Can baking soda in water be taken for acid reflux?
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