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Is it a maater of concern if the baby has dark vagina ? Is that my period if only spotting blood for the past 5 days ? Pain in the left upper side of chest, but ECG is normal What medicines can I use to get rid of the dark colored skin on the penis and the buttocks ? There is a extra skin growing right at the top of my clitoris. What could be the reason for this? How to get rid from cyst in testicle ? Can I get pregnant if take i pill after sex ? Why is color of my penis skin black ? What are the chances of pregnancy if I take ipill ECP half an hour after sex ? What vitamins can I take while breastfeeding as i have no appetite ? When should I have sex so that I can get pregnant ? Potassium level is higher than normal. Is there anything to worry about ? My Mother get the result Sugar Fasting is 108 and troubling from back pain also, please help Abdominal bloating after ulcer. Will it go away on its own? Will emergency contraceptive taken last month delay the current regular cycle ? Urinary tract infection in pregnancy. Am i suffering from UTI ? Can I get pregnant even if the penis wasn't completely inserted ? What can cause a sudden stoppage in periods ? Why does the semen come out of the vagina after sex and will this give complications in conceiving ? 36 years old female suffering from aplastic anemia Does bleeding even before normal cycle due to emergency contraceptive mean she is pregnant ? Is there any ayurvedic treatment to cure congnital deafness ? What are the worm like things that come when I squeeze my penis ? Can i use bengay cream after expiration date ? Motion problem from 11 years. Tell me the treatment Can gastric problem cause high blood pressure ? Pre workout supplement and erectile dysfunction Why i get backache while breathing ? Could i pill be the reason for getting periods early with abdominal pain ? Is it normal to feel nauseated and get some discharge after intercourse for the first time ? Why am i low and cant feel it ? How can I increase my height at the age of 21 ? I have pain on left rib cage while coughing or sneezing Is there any other treatment other than surgery for ACL tear ? Is it safe to use postinor 2 ? After how many days of IVF a pregnancy test shows posiive ? Why does my vagina burn while passing urine after I wash it with soap ? How can discomfort in urination be treated ? Weak nerves system of penis due to masturbating. I use to have a stool discharge when I am sitting down I am suffering from night fall. I am only 14 Is pain below the left shoulder a result of high cholesterol and will it affect my heart ? Can i take pentocid for acidity regularly ? Are these big red patches on my face and neck because of the cold and cough I had ? What diet pills to take in order to lose weight ? What can be done for this hole on the back of my left kneecap ? How can one get well from kidney infections resulting high fever ? What should I do to clear acne marks on my face ? Can my nose get flat due to pressing ? I am Started to bleed, please help What could be the cause of bleeding after taking i-pills post sex ? I sweat a lot at night, What could this be ? What treatment should be taken for tooth pain ? My semen have blood, what should I do ? Life Expectancy of a Heart Attack suffered person I masturbate two times a day. Is that normal for someone at the age of 15 ? What could be causing mood swings & irritability ? 4 year girl suffering from breathing problem from last 6 months Stomache makes noise & hurts but cant take a poop, please help Does exercising too much increase testosterone levels in women ? Is it normal for a 6 month old premature baby not to move ? How to reduce hemoglobin and is it good to take aspirin ? Sore throat, back of head aches into shoulders, lower back pain. What does the symptoms indicate? How much time does the body take to get back to normal state after masturbation ? Does the canesten thrush tablet affect the mini pill POP ? Severe nausea , headaches, white vaginal discharge on menstrual cycle What is this red spot on my left nipple ? I am experiencing dizziness, fatigue, random swelling / itchiness / redness of hands. Can ammonia be used to prevent fainting ? How can i do away with irregular period and heavy bleeding ? Why is there pain on my right lower leg ? Pain after wisdom teeth removal What can we do to avoid our 8 year old from wetting bed ? What is brain aneurysm and what diet should be followed ? Late period with light pink discharge. Possible pregnancy ? What are these 2 things hanging out of my vagina of which one is ripped off ? Home treatments for UTI? Why do I have a vibration feeling in my leg when at rest ? Can over medication of Practin cause obesity in adulthood ? Why am i felling weakness allover my body ? I have rash with red dots on my arms and legs any remedies Right testicle hurting, Is it cause of testicular cancer ? Does Cytotec cause fever and skin rashes ? Should I seek medical attention ? I am not experiencing any ovulation pain Suffering from out of place C1 vertebre, dizziness, nose bleeds, ringing in ears, headaches. could it be something very serious ? CRAMPING DURING PREGNANCY.IS THIS SOMETHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT? What treatment can I take to regularize my periods ? Skeletal system is not working properly I am getting brown urine and black particles in it. Do i need medical attention ? Stomach ache and pooping a lot. What could it be ? Hydrocile problem , taking medicine yet no improvement Brown pubic hair, why is that and can it be cure ? How to treat my skin which looks like snake skin ? Why do I have persistent nasal stuffiness along with shortness of breath tightness in the chest ? If blood comes out of your penis what does that mean? Why i feel sick after blood pressure test ? Black spots in between the legs in upper thigh Will respiratory system control my BP ? Is it safe to fly being diagnosed with vertigo ? Increase in height.What to do ? Bleeding during sex Is there any hospital in Patna for removal of stones in gall bladder ? IS tetralysal safe during pregnancy ? Painful, burning eyes without sinusitis Once in how many month should a pap smear and a vaginal swab should be done ? After an unprotected sex i took mifepristone, could i be pregnant ? Pimples on my 11-year old son's body after a fever How to maintain a healthy vaginal Ph balance to prevent infection ? The pathology tests shows no growth of pus,still suffering from thyroid abscess. Is there any other treatment besides surgery ? How long does plan B take to show effect ? Is Shelcal 500mg only a Calcium Supplement & its side effects ? Bad headache after quitting smoking. Is pregnancy the only reason of missed period ? Is it normal to vomit 4 times in a day during pregnancy ? Can I use septol for stretch marks on my buttocks ? I have blister on labia and my genital area is very sensitive What home remedy can I use to get rid of swelling on the inner lip ? Is there any treatment for unequal testicles erectile dysfunction ? What cause of pins and needles feeling in feet ? What are the causes of urinary tract infection ? What causes UTI and how is it treated ? Would tetralysal drug affect my baby ? What is the difference between commom cold and swine flu ? What diet plan and exercise should I follow to reduce my weight ? Suffering from sever ankylsing spondylities I have hard lumps at the top of my butt crack, what could this be ? I m feeling from stomach pain. What may be the reason & its remedies ? Can I be pregnant because my boyfriend dropped the semen on my vagina after sex ? Sore in my mouth causing lip and tooth numbness would a blocked sinus or deviated septum interfere with the function of the Eustachian Tube ? Can any online doctor tell me what to do for the chest pain I had this morning ? Is an SPGT level of 110 dangerous for the liver ? What medicine should I take for slow hair growth ? Can I get pregnant if semen is released outside the vagina ? Ovarian cyst I am suffering from some subsequent pimples on my face that left the scars Why am I having fast heart beats ? Which medicine can be taken for pain in the breast nipple also I had my period before due date after having unwanted 72 ? Suffering from brain tb, how do i get rid from it ? Cancer 4th stage, What are his chances of survival ? What the ways for breast enhancement ? ype your query here...after i drink a glass of water How to get ride of red spots on my chest and arms? How to diagnose Nephrocalcinosis ? What is the cure for Hernia ? What are the side effects of Fertyl M tablets for females ? I have red spots on hands and feet. Any suggestions ? What should I do to have stronger and more shaped wrists as I have raynaud disease ? Why am i getting itchy sore throat ? What is the use of taking fertyle super tablet after periods ? Itchy and red vagina with weird discharge Blood in semen, What could be causing this ? PCOS and Endometrium central thickness. How can my breast size increase ? I have been urinating a lot more frequently that usual How can my daughters weight be reduced ? What is the best diet for girls in the puberty age ? Do you think Nebi 2.5 should further be reducded ? Will I have problems to conceive after the removal of an ovarian cyst ? Is there is a chance for pregnancy after 35th day light periods ? I have a sore split on my left inner labia. what could have caused this ? What are the chances of recovery in myeloma of the throat ? Does unwanted72 pill cause pain in the nipples ? Is it safe to get pregnant again 4 months after taking a rubella injection ? How can I get rid of hair fall ? What product can i use for the pigmentation of skin ? My beta hcg is 0.10, am i pregnant ? What is the treatment for tachycardia ? Getting pregnant after depo, kindly advice me Is this the symptom of pregnancy that I have missed my periods ? I am 46 yrs old & my blood indicates an 8% level of eosinophils. Should I be concerned ? What should I do for persistent coughing in pregnancy ? Can Persistent hacking cough affect fetus ? Is new hair grow straight after permanent straightening ? Is there any hair loss problems ? Diagnose to have bilateral polycystic ovary. can I conceived a baby ? Does a pink discharge and diarrhea just when my periods are due require medical attention ? Is heavy bleeding a day after consuming clomid and pdo test a matter of worry ? My penis size is 4 inch. What should be the normal size ? How to terminate two weeks pregnancy? 6 year old girl is getting her pre-molars & gum is over lapping part of the tooth. is this normal ? What is the diet to get fat ? What diet should I follow to become fat ? Mirena coil pain, is it normal ? I have sore throat, ear ache and sneezing problem. Taking OTC decongestant but not satisfied with treatment What is the reason for my sister to have a constant tightness in the right abdomen from 6 months who also underwent an colonoscopy , and how can it be diagnosed ? Is there any other treatment except laser treatment for excess facial hair growth ? What is the treatment for a boil which keeps recuring in the head ? Is mintop good in the treatment of hair loss ? Is viral infection contagious ? Why there is pain around the belly button when I press it ? Can rhinovirus be contracted to a baby in the womb ? Have watery eyes and slight headache. I am on thyroid tablets and diabetic medication What is the treatment for bilaterally destroyed epididymis ? Having voice problem Constant feeling nausea for 11 weeks with back pain. What causes semen leakage and nightfall ? How can these be treated ? How to increase the size of penis at the age of 24 years ? Does undergoing PID effect other part of the body ? Can conjunctivitis affect my unborn child ? Will getting my tonsils out affect my singing voice ? Is there any safe method to increase the size of my penis ? Is there any ayurvedic medicine for facial hair growth ? What could be the reason and solution for head shaking problem ? Why is there bleeding and abdominal pain after taking I pill ? I have soft ball attached to left testicle. Do i need to worry ? What should I do in such condition of restriction in UAE to carry medicine and their composition ? i m 18 years my penis is 4 will it I am suffering from acute backache and chest pain. Is it because of nuvaring ? Why am I not able to conceive ? Why do I have a early ejaculation ? What cause of swelling in human body ? What care should be taken if the family has the history of cancer, diabetes and liver problem ? Swollen but not painful left lower abdomen. How to cure blood cancer? Vaginal Bleeding and Nose Bleeding due to Cipro When can i conceive after a typhoid fever ? Does brown discharge and cramps indicate pregnancy ? What caused the blood clot in my right arm ? What treatment is advisable for a premature baby having low platelet count and bilrubin level of 4 ? 19 years old want to gain weight Male infertility due to mumps. Is there any medicine for growth of facial hair ? Does excess drinking of water affect texture and amount of period ? How can i increase my sperm count ? What type of discharge is associated with polycystic ovaries ? IS there any treatment for tiredness and laziness and less sexual activity after taking lamitor 50 mg daily ? Why have my periods delayed ? Does stress and change in routine cause delay in periods ? I get fast heart beats due to stress Why am i getting fleas burowing under my pubic area skin ? Can stem cell treatment help to cure ADHD ? How can i give up masturbating? I have so much of heat in my body. Can i get any trouble in conceive for this ? What is the treatment of Slip disk ? My pregnancy tests are +ve but i am feeling pain in lower abdomen. Is there anything i should worry about in my situation ? What could be the reason for pain in lower abdomen and when should I go for check up and ultrasonography after pregnancy is confirmed ? What is the remedy for pigmentation and excessive hair growth on that area ? My ultrasound results Why does a 4yr old child complain of vomitting,running nose and sudden stiff neck after coming back from the trip to a lake ? Will I be able to conceive as I have hypothyroidism ? How can i get pregnant having hypothyroidism ? Swollen tonsils with dry lips and mouth What treatment should i take for pain when walking ? Even after taking treatment why my father forget things , lose balance and doesn't know how to wear cloths after waking up from sleep ? What are the side effects of zotreem plus ? MY SEMEN ANALYSIS REPORTS I have a white spot on my eye. It is on the white part of my eyeball and is surrounded by red veins. any Ideas ? I ve stuffy nose and syptoms of flue, please help How to recover from renal failure ? I can feel a small ball like tescticle just above my right testicle, please help What could be the reason for getting periods late ? Can eye drops be used two months after opening the seal ? Does warm water with lime affect the menstrual flow in any way ? Why does my left leg hurts while passing motions ? What can a woman in late twenties do to prevent early greying hair ? Is it OK to get an abortion through pills ? What is this red spots on my tongue which is bleeding ? Is it possible to do the abortion through pills ? How can I shape my breasts ? What medicine i have to take for hair dye allergic reaction? Is bleeding for a day usual in a hpv patient post a gardasail shot ? What should I do for pop tab that is stuck in my throat ? I have abdominal flutters and it is painful Is it normal to have spotting and cramping after sex with the paragard iud ? 4 month old with swollen lower back, Should I be worried ? Increased ESR level with high temperature I have a stomach ache towards the middle What could be causes of getting menstrual cycle 3 times in a month ? Ecosprin side effects during pregnancy Why do I get menses after a gap of 6 months ? What medicine should I take for running nose ? Can tinea pedis on the upper body be treated with clotrimazole or selenium sulfide or both at the same time ? Always feel sleepy and not able to concentrate on studies Urine smells like bread after taking of amoxicillin for sinusitis Discoloration of the skin on hands and arms. Do you have any suggestions to get rid of the discoloration ? Ask a doctor about vaginal infection after spotting and yellowish discharge I have hard painful bump on left shoulder I have had a canker sore on my labia major Does antibiotic lower the effectiveness of birth control pill ? Complete heart block,managed with permanent pace maker and taking acetrom,thyroxin and eptoin Yellow sticky irritating vaginal discharge and it is itching What can be done to get rid of white spots near my vagina ? Am i pregnant if i started spotting a bright red blood ? What could be the reason if having an under marked spot under my skin that pains ? I feel sleepy all day, don't have any medical history My Chances of cancer White specks in otherwise normal stool, what this could be ? Could light brown discharge with cramps one week before my menstrual cycle begins indicate pregnancy ? After how many days is the pill ovranette effective ? Where can I buy tablet Mifepristone 200 mg in Montreal ? What should be the range of BP at the age of 44 ? Is a BP reading of 95/135 high ? Suffering from cough and sneeze i have been vaccinted against hepatitis B and took the What could be the reason for dizziness with stomach pain along with head spinning and unable to breath while talking ? Why do I have abdominal pain when I have sex ? What is a bilateral special view mammogram ? 7 months old baby has lump and fever What could be the reason for no periods for the last few months but had some pain with spotting and pregnancy test was negative ? I am having a tight foreskin and it is very uncomfortable during sex What treatment should be taken for back pain ? Why does my left hand shake when I write and type ? What shampoo should I use to wash the head after getting injured ? Are missed periods,tender and bloated feeling symptoms of pregnancy ? Is it normal for chain smoker to experience fatigue and vomiting with brown traces after quitting smoking ? Can I consume alcohol after a gall bladder removal surgery ? Painless toe discoloration. Is there any online doctor to help me I have deep dimples on both of my shoulders, how to get rid of it ? Is it normal to feel nauseous and tired after quitting smoking ? What causes black blotches on the tongue ? Why am I getting headache after taking 50 cocodomol tablet ? Sensation of urinating constantly I had unprotected intercourse & 3 days later i had cramping & spotted light pinkish color. Is this a sign of pregnancy ? How can I remove white spots on my body ? Why have I not got periods for 5 months ? Is brown discharge with no periods a sign of pregnancy ? Dizzyness and crunching neck after being diagnosed with anxiety attacks and taking beta blockers Does levonelle the affect smear result? What diet plan to follow before going for colon cancer operation ? How can I get rid of bump on my lip ? Fluctuating blood pressure after donating blood in a patient diagnosed with high cholesterol Exhaustion and ear ringing after exercise, I have IBS also Whistling In My Left Ear And Popping In Both When I Swallow How can I know if I was raped ? What is this sound coming from the vagina during intercourse ? How frequently can we have sex as my wife was operated 2 years ago ? I got contraceptive implant about 2 months ago & it started aching quite a lot. Is this normal ? Constant negative pressure in ear with static sounds with higher tones After stopping depo 6 months back I have not got periods. Can I be pregnant ? Should I stop taking Thorazine ? Bleeding for a month after an abortion. Is it normal ? Can taking OTC PM pain relievers delay the periods ? What could be the cause of pain in the hand after taking up gym ? Severe back pain and hard breathing with a pain in chest Is apidexin safe with seroxat and durazac ? Are there any disadvantage of pathmasana ? Will I feel sore if I was raped ? What are these rashes on my chin which is itchy and fungus type ? What is the right time in periods cycle for intercourse to get pregnant ? OSTEOPOROSIS, SHOULD I GO FOR DXA SCAN TEST ? What are the disadvantages of padmasana ? What can I do to remove my contact lens although I have weak eyes ? What could be the cause of scalp pimple on 2 months old baby ? How do I prove that my fiancee is the father of my children ? How can semen level be increased ? How can I increase the size of the penis ? How to cure thyroid abscess ? Red marks with itchy blisters on my face which are getting bigger Medicine for phlegm, please suggest Got some intimate itching after a trip, what will cure this ? Are there any chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex and taking birth control pills ? Why is there itching in my body when I dont take tablets ? Suffering from thyroid. Is it safe during pregnancy ? Are the o2 stats normal if they are in the range of 82-86 ? What could be the cause of persistant chest pain? Pus discharge from nipple Erection problem since 6 months I have white seeds like spots in my stools. What could be reason for delayed menses or periods? I get shaky hands after missing meal. Do i need to worry ? What could be the reason for watery blood when urinate after taking ipill twice to prevent pregnancy ? Can I take diet pills and smoke weed with no effect? Pre menstrual glucose levels for non diabetics. Should i be concerned ? What treatment should I take to get rid of shoulder pain ? 50% area got blue after knee surgery My rheumatoid factor value is 13.6, is the medication correct ? I have chlamydia, how many azithromycin tablet should I take and when will the infection go away ? Can any online doctor suggest whether the medicines are appropriate for rheumatoid ? I am 20 days late on my periods and my pee is dark yellow. Can an online doctor help me ? How can I prove my pregnancy ? Is having chronic HBP in pregnancy harmful ? Anti fungal treatment in recurrent infection Is there any side effect of using mintop for long term ? Bilateral ear pain for adult Why do I get periods only once in 2 months and why am I unable to finish at sex ? Does the size of my abdomen affect the baby growth during pregnancy ? How can I get rid of UTI that has affected me for the past 3 years ? I am not able to enjoy sex and I have not got my periods. Can an online doctor help me ? How to abort 1 month pregnancy? What could be the reason for seeing floating black spots in day light ? How do I get relief from dryness in throat ? Does having a faint pregnancy positive test mean low hCG ? Does faint line in the home pregnancy test indicate low hcg ? Is there any problem in future to marry same blood group ? What is Vimliv prescribed for ? My 4 year old son has recently started gasping, what could be the reason ? Is it OK to feed a 5 month old baby with cerelac wheat ? Why am I unable to see the inner part of my penis during erection ? What are these symptoms of nausea with pain in my belly ? I want to know the cost of lase lipo in delhi Dizzy & Stomach Pains What exactly is menopause ? I am unable to take deep breath and feel severe pain in left armpit. What is causing this ? Is cryocautery last option for the wound on cervix mouth ? My dad is used to get blood in stool Throat feels sore and swollen, sometimes sound horse. Could this be throat cancer ? Is there any problem if we have night fall ? What could be the reason of getting blood in stools without any health issue ? Had uterus operation 2 years back. Suffering from increase in ESR and headache Can too long periods lead to excessive blood loss and death ? My father get blood in stools everyday Affects of amoxicillin Yellowish vaginal discharge I get trouble while walking and i have a very poor body language Which medicine can I take for my periods to begin after 2 months of delay ? 1 month old baby with greenish discharge from right eye Pea size lump in th middle of the bottom of my neck Can any online doctor help me with irregular periods, stomach cramps and blood clots? How to get the treatment for blood pressure and chin ache ? Is it possible for your period to not come, when your injection is finished ? What test can be done to confirm pregnancy ? Warm sensation in ears after banging my head. Should I be worried ? Is sinarest tablet good for nose block and headache ? I have high TSH levels and I am taking thyronorm 25 mg Will sinest tablet help relieve head ache,block nose and cheek bone pain ? Is it advisable to take thyroid medicines from a private ayurvedic practitioner ? Can I take beer or alcohol after taking anti-rabies vaccine? How serious is microvascular complications ? I am 33 weeks pregnant and i have lump inside my vagina. Do i need to worry abut it ? How to get rid of the itching sensation I have everytime after taking bath ? I have premature ejaculation problem. What is the cure ? What should I do to make my 7 month old baby to drink milk ? What can cause very less bleeding during periods ? I missed my periods for 2 months.Now even after taking tablets Why has my periods delayed for such a long time after taking regestrone ? What are the after effects for a girl after losing virginity ? Stammering problem in a 32 years old man Is it a good option to join a gym for gaining weight ? Can I plan for a second child as I am having mild hypertension ? Why I can not see clearly with my right eye ? Which doctor should I meet ? Having nausea and dizziness after a head injury Can a blood clot in the brain cause trouble in speaking ? What will be a good medication and treatment for lung fibrosis ? Treatment for pigmentation I want to get pregnant but delayed in period with continuous abdomilan pain. will folison acid 5mg medicine work on this situation ? What is this symptom of body feeling frozen ? I have flesh like substance attached in my nose. Do i need medical attention ? What is ideal blood pressure for 48 year old male ? How do you remove a condom that got stuck inside your vagina ? I am having irregular bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Can an online doctor help me ? What treatment is there for white discharge ? Blood clot in brain can not speak Is there any treatment for impotency ? Will taking contraceptive pills stop me from conceiving ? How can ankle pain be treated ? Two and half month baby passing motion 4 0r 5 times. what could be the reason for it ? What is this dark spot on my face ? Is there a chance of pregnancy if one takes i-pill after sex and gets periods ? What is Body heat ? Having pain in lungs Is it safe to take the tablets for wisdom teeth during pregnancy ? Can using tampons cause throat infections ? What are the causes of heavy headed ? What are the symptoms of a brain stroke ? what is the best medication for regular cough and fever for my child ? Suffering from headaches with vomiting & nose bleeding 1.5 years old suffering from constipation. What is causing this ? How can I increase my penis size and the amount of ejaculation ? For what treatment oflomac syrup giving to 8 month old baby ? Smelly armpits in children, kindly suggest Which vitamin tablets should I take for healthy eyes ? After intercourse there was a heavy feeling in my vaginal area and mucus plug came out Can I get pregnant because i got fingered ? Kidney infection and irregular menstruation What treatment can i take for itchy vagina and white discharge ? What can i take other than statins been on simvastatin ? What can cause white powdery discharge from the vagina and milky discharge from the breasts ? What does gest diabetes in pregnancy mean ? What could be the reason for delayed periods ? How long does antibiotic take to treat cellulitis ? Why do my knees pain when I walk or run ? Can my penis size be enlarged ? Why am I having early periods after I took p2 pills ? Uneven skin tone How to reduce diabetes ? Bilateral Nasal Polyposis is a sinusitis related disorder or a pilonidal sinus related disorder ? Suffering from Vitiligo since 4 years. recently developing patches over the eye lid. What treatment can be done for removal of pimple ? I am not getting periods and getting confused results of pregnancy tests. Am i pregnant ? What treatment should I take to conceive as I am suffering from endometriosis problem ? Why am I having pain in my let ovary after a miscarriage ? What treatment should one take for pimples ? I had blood tests last week and his wbc and neutrophils are high.What could it be? What happens if a person drinks all out mosquito liquid? What should be the treatment for ED Problem ? How can cholesterol be maintained at normal levels ? My 5 years old son got fever after taking Omnacortil Does decreased claritin count indicate jaundice ? Is there any treatment for infertility apart from allopathy,ayurvedic,siddha and metformin medicine ? What can be the side effect of over consumption of emergency contraceptive pills ? How to cure from stone in Gall bladder ? Sleeping pills & liquor addiction, now suffering from apilapsy What cause of white stuff coming out of vagina. Is the discharge ? Can u pls advise for what reason Rinifol syrup has been prescribed ? Is there any surgery to remove the dark circle around the eyes ? I have water coming out of my breast, is it really dangerous ? I feel tired,back pain and vomiting in 8 weeks of pregnancy. Is it normal ? I have loose bowel movement (LBM) during menstrual period Can eating chicken cause skin rash ? How does calamine lotion help in allergy ? I got white flesh coming out of vagina. I was diagnosed with HPV 2 years ago If having sex will it burn calories and loose weight ? Coughing up orange jelly like mucus and head aches I am 26 years old,suffering from acne I am suffering from memory loss, flickered eyes and back pain. Can it be because of masturbation ? What are the additional symptoms to normal pressure hydrcephalus ? What could be the reason of having nausea and weight loss ? Feel discomfort on stomach and gastric problem, after the surgery of hysterectomy Does masturbating cause swollen lymph nodes? I missed my period for 3 months without having intercourse. Is it normal ? I have a lump on the side of my neck Last three month I did not get periods. Could I be pregnant ? Can one use Meprate10m for period rescheduling if there is no chance of pregnancy ? I am having pain in the head after falling down. Will it lead to problems ? Do antibiotics weaken the immune system of children ? Taking tamiflu and AMOX TR-k CLV for flu b. Rust colored stools, is this a side effect of medicine ? How can I increase the size of my penis ? Is homeopathy treatment good for cold and cough for child ? How to get regular cycles ? What causes pain in the penis during ejaculation and how can it be prevented ? Can I do interaction with small size of penis ? What is the difference between aphthous ulcer and herpetic Stomatitis ? Please tell me about endometrial hyperplasia Bone joint problem with severe calcium deficiency How can I lose 15 ponds in 3 months with a healthy diet ? What should an epilepsy patient avoid ? I have had an strong odor. Is it STD or something else ? Does Gatiflox help to cure the swollen eyes with bumps on the eyelids ? Suffering from flu and cough during pregnancy Can I ask a doctor for an alternative treatment to the antibiotic benzibiotic suggested for next 25 years ? What is the small, hard and painless bump on my hip ? Suffering from hematuria but not developing clots in urinary bladder. Is this normal ? Bleeding from right nostril of a body builder Why am I having lower abdomen pain with missed period ? I have black spots and random scars on body 3 years old girl with yellow vaginal discharge Taking proper diet at the age of 21 years Does evion and fertyl help to conceive ? Is it advised to conceive while having blood pressure and anxiety disorder ? what can cause bruise on my large toe that does not hurt ? I have a strange neck/ear rash and bumps Can inserting a tampon before periods and taking it out immediately cause harm ? How to get rid of night falling? Is it alright to have unprotected sex while taking Althea pills ? Can I get pregnant if my partner was on oxycodone ? 11 year old with frequent headaches. Doctor suggests to increase fluids. What could be the reason? What should be the normal range of blood test report to get treatment for infertility ? Can High blood pressure cause severe headache ? Chest pains during resting time Can a sudden work out cause calf pain ? Why am i still bleeding while on birth control ? Blue line in center of Intergluteal Cleft. What could this be ? How can painful white papillae on the tongue be treated ? Is it a ministroke if I have head ache and numb hand ? Between my legs are dark from friction. How to remove this? My nipples have inverted and a yellow crust forms on them after stopping breast feeding. What causes this ? I got some blisters after use of hair removing cream Numbing and tingling all over my body after smoking cannabis i have 12mm Liver Hemangioma, what does it mean ? Can tampons cause urine leaks ? Right side adominal pain and swelling, could it because of having kidney stone ? How can i take the medication for pink discharge after period ? Is getting severe pain symptom of arthritis ? My feet get swollen after walk. What could be the reason ? How can I get relief from swollen feet which leads to severe backache ? What precaution should be taken for hair loss ? Have 18% body fat and got ast level test of 41. Is it any serious problem ? I have a small bump remains after getting hit by a wall Why is my vaginal lip swollen and itchy after I delivered by baby ? Is it advisible for a 60yrs old lady to start cycling ? How can my mother who is diagnosed with osteoarthritis lose weight ? Why am I experiencing pain after passing urine ? What is the appropriate age for girls to start shaving arms and legs ? Stomach pain after taking morning after pill & had normal period 3 days later. Have bilateral polystic ovaries. Could i be pregnant ? What cream can i use for itchy red lumps in my inner forskin area ? Weird growths inside my vagina, had an unprotected sex Could i be pregnant with bilateral polycystic ovaries ? What can be done to regrow my hair lost due to usage of Tribulus ? What is the cure for black spots inside my mouth ? Is it okay to masturbate with a pre-puberty penis? Why does it hurt while passing urine and also white discharge ? For the past 2 years ive had pain and bloating on my right side of abdomen Why have I not hit puberty ? Iam 14 years old What treatment should i take as i am diabetic with high creatinin and have protein in urine ? What can be done for these red bumps caused because of cigarette burns which are itching and hurts ? What does funny shape of gestational sac in pregnancy signalize ? What is the function of autonomic nervous system? I have pain in the left chest, around the shoulder blades and armpit Can nicotine patches cause late period ? Utovlan and Mirena. When can I possibly hope for it to stop? Will taking Watercress leaf along with Eltroxine tablets help to cure Goitre ? I am suffering from massive headache,loss of appetite and tiredness Am I pregnant as my bchg report is fluctuating ? Would taking martial arts classes affect height growth in children ? I am pregnant and my implonon is bent, what should i do now ? Trying to get a baby for eleven years. When is the right time to have sex after period? How can i get rid of vocal nodules ? What could be the cause of me throwing up all night ? White substance comes out form penis What does it mean when you have blood in your urine and stool ? Do kidney stones decrease with age ? Can I get pregnant if my FSH and Prolactin are higher than normal ? Not proper periods. brown viscous fluid flow. Help ! Is it safe to take gym supplement to improve the physique ? Can long term use of alprazolam cause chest pain ? Is there any side effect of Duromine ? What medication can I take for inflamed retina after a cataract surgery ? What treatment should a man in mid twenties take for bad hair fall ? What is the reason for orange color bleeding and tissue debris through vagina after taking letrozole ? How can Varicocele Grade A be treated which is there in my left testicle which is painful ? Is there any cure for ulcer ? Can flu irregular bleeding ? What treatment should be taken for headache ? I have itchy pink spots on body. Is it allergy from antihistamine ? Does having sex on the day I'm expecting my periods delay the periods ? I have headaches, heartburn, sore and leaking boobs, bright yellow urine What might be the reason for me to feel as if somebody is squeezing my chest and head ? What can cause body heat that travels up the spine, tingling feelings in hand and numbness on nose ? CAN I BECOME A FATHER BASED ON MY SEMEN TEST REPORT Can pink amoxcillin suspension cause blood in stools and loose motions ? Is it possible to enlarge the size of penis through a treatment? I have been loosing my voice frequently. Is it related whith my vocal chords or larynx ? Are there ways to reduce SGPT/SGOT and cure HBsAg ? 25 days old baby is not passing stool for 5 days. Elevated liver enzymes, rash on torso and fatigue Got hurt on my leg by falling from a bike, is that i have to go for a X-ray ? What causes sperm leakage at night and which home remedies can treat it ? Which specialist doctor should be consulted for internal internal bleeding of lungs ? What can be the cause for loose motion and joint pain when tests for Crohn's disease is negative ? Can my wife get pregnant as we did 2 abortions ? Why am I having impetigo ? Flotral 10 for recurrent prostatitis Can I control my medulla oblangata ? How can loose motion and joint pain be treated ? Does hepatitis B cause constipation and stomach cramps ? Why I am hbsag reactive ? Will two abortions lead to any problem to my child when I conceive ? I have severely peeling and chapped lips. Can any online tell why my baby has foul-smelling, white vaginal discharge ? have I contacted AIDS after having unprotected sex ? What causes chronic chest and back pain ? Which specialist can treat it ? What are the causes and remedies for foul white discharge from a 3year old's vagina ? Flesh colored bumps that itch on my outer labia, what could be this ? What are the early pregnancy symptoms ? Pain in my chest when talking, had fever for 2 days What kind of medications and precautions should be taken for infants with myclonic seizures ? Do masturbation has any effect on growth of hairs ? Which doctor should I consult for stomach pain in front of ribs ? Which is the best procedure to abort a 6 weeks and 5 days pregnancy ? What is the cause for my baby to get fat rolls on thighs and loose weight ? when he watch tv his eyes watering. How to cure ? How do I confirm if I'm pregnant as I have many symptoms ? Suffering from Pneumonia I have a deep lump in my Inner thigh Whats the most amount of blood in urine to be concerned about ? I feel a little bubble that I need to push back in,every time I pass stools My son has Nephrotic Syndrome. Why do I feel heavy pressure and pain in my heart and chest at 16years ? Why am I getting pimples at 35 since I never had it earlier ? I have been prescribed 2mg diazepam for panic attacks.Can you tell me the best way to take it ? Why am I having period pain without periods ? What medication is effective in treating irregular menstrual cycles ? What is the cause of sudden pain in the lower buttocks area ? What causes dizziness and nausea ? How can it be treated ? What diet plan should I follow for weight gain ? Why does my pelvic area pain while and after having intercourse ? I had an abortion Circular black spot near my eyes Why does my breast burned on the same side my chest hurts ? Could I be pregnant after having unprotected sex and early pregnancy symptoms ? Will delayed periods after a normal earlier one lead to pregnancy ? How to get pregnant at 40 + age ? Black moles on face. Can Retino help me ? Can a boy look like a girl due to hormonal, chromosomal or genetic problem ? What home remedy is there for smoking weed and masturbating ? Is mole on the vagina a type of cancer ? Why am i getting clear oily discharge from my left breasts ? Headache and dizziness after head injury Where can i do my birth certificate verification ? How many folic acid tablet can i take for pregnancy ? What could be causing my skin to be purple ? Why do I have cramps while having sex ? Does cramping with no chances of pregnancy mean implantation cramping ? Any home remedies for controlling over body heat ? Does having same blood group cause any problems in pregnancy ? Stem cell therapy for hair loss & its side effects. Can consumption of caffeine increase pain during menstruation and cause a brown/black discharge ? What do these Lipid profile readings of mine say : Total Cholesterol 156, Triglyceride 119, HDL 42 ? I keep getting these tingling sensations and pains in my legs an upper abdomen, kindly suggest Can ovulation test card results be wrong if we had sex the previous night ? Is there any treatment other than surgery for fecal fistula post appendix and hernia operation ? Can Modus 10 mg be helpful in removing the pregnancy present in tubes ? can I use Meparate tablets to get regular periods ? Is it possible to get success in ivf if i have PCOD ? What causes frequent urination with burning sensation in vagina ? What medicine is there for paralysis attack which my mom is having on left hand and leg ? I have pain just above my belly button for almost a week, what could be the reason? What lubricant should be used during intercourse ? Why are my sugar levels high even after taking Insulin ? Why does my miscarriage happen on 11th week only ? What can be done for back and waist pain ? Can I use Primolut n to treat boost my chances of getting pregnant? Is it advisable not to take bath after rabies vaccination ? Is it possible to get pregnant even if the ejaculation does not happen inside vagina ? I am having high ana level and pre cancer cells in cervix. Will it be possible for me and conceive and have a healthy baby ? How much and when should cod liver oil and folic acid be taken ? Can watery sperm impregnate a woman ? Can masturbation cause acne ? What does it indicates if I experience chest pain radiating into the face ? Whom should I consult to get pregnant as I have high ANA ? Can I eat guava during pregnancy while having hypo typhoid ? What is the treatment for ear pain due to frequent use of headphones ? Can I use Ascazin during pregnancy ? What is the treatment for holes on face due to pimples ? Does norethisterone help to get regular periods ? My left hand is numbing, now too can gas be in my hand ? Pimple rising on my face and they are paining a lot I seem to have lower back pain on my right side. What could this be ? What to take along with antibiotic to prevent burning sensation ? Ingredients and side effects of Magrim diet pills Can a diabetic conceive ? To whom should i consult for getting pregnant as i have a high antinuclear antibody with cancer cells in my cervix ? Can consuming one's own urine cure irregularity in periods ? What diet should I maintain to gain weight ? Will it cause any problem while giving birth if the blood group of the parents are same ? Does laser treatment work for vision problems ? Can a bad tooth ache affect brain ? Can you take glucose water in diabetes ? Can i take 2500 mg of Metformin for long in diabetic and is there any side effect of this ? Why do I experience a current flowing through the body after touching anything ? Good doctor for psoriasis in Hyderabad Why I was not concievd ? How does the brain work ? Dark itchy spots on my chest Do biotin vb7 tablets increase the density of hair ? I want to konw about modus 10 ? I feel itching on tip of penis. Is it because of diabetes ? How can i remove the black lines from my nose ? what can be the cause for dried greenish discharge in my kid's underwear ? What are pus cells ? Sharp pains in the lower abdomen after abortion Is this Hypothyroid? What does the Thyroid test report indicate and how can it be treated ? What should I do as my periods go on for 12 days ? My father has difficulty breathing and sometimes he coughs out blood 21 year old female, constantly feel nauseous and loss of appetite Is a hard lump in the lower abdomen abnormal during the 35th week of pregnancy ? Will it cause any problem if i have total wbc 14000/cu mm ? What procedure should be followed for intercourse while planing for baby ? How can I loose weight fast? Why are there drops after 5 minutes of passing urine ? I am suffering from premature ejaculation. will musli power xtra help ? Six month old baby suffering from pink spots on chin, neck and chest. I get severe sciatica pain and numbness in both legs. How to get rid of this pain ? Are tender nipples, stomach cramps and difficulty in sleeping pregnancy symptoms ? What cream should I apply to get rid of dullness, patchy skin and blackheads on nose ? What treatment can i take for the scars due to pimples ? 6 year old kid have lumps in neck. What could be the reason ? I have moderate pulmonary valve disease. AM i prone to any heart disease ? Why am I having pain from head to arms with light fever ? Periods are late and i get cramps. Are they symptoms of pregnancy ? Why has my 1 year old daughter not got her tooth ? How can I make my wife's sister understand that her sister is married ? What treatment should be taken for irregular periods and pimples ? What are the remedies for lung infection ? Will I get any infection if I had sex with a person having painful rashes on the penis ? My periods are late and I am getting cramps. Are these signs of pregnancy ? How long does my mothefr have to take Livial medicine since she is on insulin and taking B.P and cholesterol medicines also ? Which is the doctor in Bangalore who can treat my wife for rest less leg syndrome ? How to get rid of drug addiction to Avil50 along with tramadol ? How should I get rid of addiction for Avil and Tramadol ? Is renal failure curable ? What is the reason for me not to get my periods after my 2nd delivery ? I underwent a tubectomy Is intake of ipill in every month harmful for health ? Oneside of my vagina is big while the other is small, Normal OR not ? What should be done if my abdomen hardens about 4-5 times in a day ? Why has my pupil become small with a fuzzy vision after I got hit on my eye ? What is causing right upper muscle pain ? What are the indications for mensuration cycle ? Is 127/94 considered high blood pressure for a seventeen year old female? Drinking milk is safe after eating meat /chicken or not ? Length of TB treatment and fertility, please suggest I have been masturbating for more than 15 years. Does it affect ? I am 34 years old suffering from heavy hair loss,frequent fever and headache,taking minoxidil Lower back pain and adominal cramps after 2 weeks of having Dilation and Curettage Is it safe to take menogon injection during pregnancy ? What is the best way to cure tonsillitis ? Shall i take the tablets for dry cough during pregnancy ? I am 24 years old. How can i gain weight at my age ? Can I take counter medication while taking cefalexin ? Are nose block, headache and pain around eyes the symptoms of sinus ? What should I do for nightfall problem ? Can you have protected intercourse while under treatment for disseminated TB ? Can lecorrea prevent pregnancy ? WHICH HOSPITAL IS THE BEST FOR BLOOD CANCER TREATMENT IN INDIA ? What are the symptoms to show that a girl will have a man's organs ? Why does my foreskin swell after masturbation ? How to decrease sgpt level? Is it safe to have sex on the 3rd day of menstrual cycle ? Voice change due to masturbation, is this possible ? What home remedy is there for on and off fever for a child ? What treatment should I take for Typhoid fever ? What is the cause for erectile dysfunction ? Why does it take a long time for my penis to erect after ejaculation ? Is the belching a sympton of a heart attack ? Quick sperm releasing, What is the reason behind this ? Does diarrhea in children result in farts ? How to control diabetes? Tell me the effect of Revelol XL on Minipress XL ? What should be done for ear infection ? Is it because of infection that I am having pain and fluid like water is coming out of my ears ? I get frequent vomiting just after having my meal. What is causing this ? What should I do to gain weight ? Have thrombosis and never had any miscarriages before. Suggested clexane 40mg Injection twice a week. What does TIFFA stand for in a pregnancy scan report ? Can I take eltroxin tablet along with femilon ? What will be the cost of heart scanning ? Does thyroid problem cause difficulty in conceiving ? Is it safe for me to drive after having a heart attack one month ago ? Why my tummy hurts badly down to my bottom when I cough and pass urine ? Is it normal to have nausea during pregnancy ? Why am I getting severe nausea in early pregnancy even after taking medicines ? When in a cycle is it safe to have unprotected sex ? Heaviness in head & eyes. is it related to taking of epilive 500 ? How can I further treat my 10 yr old suffering from seizures even after taking medicines ? Should I consult a doctor for bruise on the shin which has turned into a soft spot with fluid ? Why are my periods delayed after taking Marvelin ? What are the causes and remedies for pain in nipples and stomach ? What can be the reason that my husband is unable to retain the erection ? Why is my husband having problem while erecting and peeing ? I have chickenpox hardly 150 count, can i eat egg ? Why haven't I got my periods since two months ? What is the new chemical they are putting in the new herbal incense and what is remedy fro head aches due to this ? Diet for diabetic patient suffering from jaundice IVF centers in delhi. Can i be pregnant even though pregnancy test shows negative ? I am having yeast infection and vagina really hurts every time i put vagisil What is this white stuff on the penis after having sex ? What treatment should I take to conceive ? Is thermal welding the latest and best way to have a tonsillectomy ? What is the bump on my lower right back of my spine ? help required to increase HB, loose weight How can I increase my HB level ? Can oxyelite pro affect my period ? 9 months old baby suffering with black chunks in diarrhea Does cytotec have any effect on 20weeks baby ? Whom can i consult for rash on labia majora ? Delayed menstruation with a severe wisdom tooth pain Are meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel dangerous? I have some excess fat around my abdominals. Are there any other risks I have to worry about ? What treatment is there for itching because of sunburn ? Why do I suffer from nightfall ? Is it Clostridium difficile infection if there is high fever with vomiting and watery stools ? ENT saw acid in my son's throat who has hiatus hernia with fever and coughs. Can an online doctor help me ? Nose bleeding in common cold I had my tube taken out last year but still now i am unable to conceive What is the remedy for single-sided deafness ? What can be the reason for missed periods from 2 months ? Can i be pregnant if i miss to take pills within 72 hours ? Is it safe to travel by air in the 5th month of pregnancy ? Wheezing voice with bad dry cough I have tongue numbness while eating, taking anxiety medication Taking deviry 10mg for periods are coming twice a month. Is there any chances of getting pregnant ? I have vaginal skin tags. Could these just be fatty tumors ? Is it good to take liquid fat burners to lose weight ? Can you conceive with two headed sperm ? What does HBcAb positive mean ? Heavy bleeding after hysteroscopy I have backache after vaccinations, it is not going after tylenol also What way can I make my 7 year old son to eat meat and vegetables ? What causes gum infection and how can it be treated ? Missed period, negative test, spotting present. What these symptoms suggest ? Having problem in swallowing solid food after aortobifemoral bypass surgery Why do I have brown spotting and missed periods ? How can I reduce allergic rhinitis that leads to nasal congestion ? Still no period after taking noriday, is that normal ? Is it normal to have fluid accumulation in the forehead ? What are the chances of me having cancer with a paining neck and mouth ulcers and had been diagnosed by a doctor of having early stage of cancer ? Is it normal for a 12 year old to not get periods ? Face irritation after using undiluted dettol Neck pain from past 10 days My naval is swollen, red, sore with smelly pus and blood, could you suggest anything ? Why do I puke blood ? I have abdominal pains, digesting problem . How can I get a pregnancy test done ? Iam 16 years old Can the growing tumors on my body be stopped or be removed by surgery ? Does reversal vasectomy result in death of sperms ? Grease ball on left wrist and it is painful 30 weeks pregnant and getting brown discharge Is there any chances of pregnancy after taking primolut N ? I was diagnosed with gallstones and i am having a temperature of 98.9 all the time Symptoms are runny nose, stuffy nose and post nasal mucus in throat I want to be fair, please suggest me the remedy for it My neck pulse is visible in both sides of my neck. Is this normal ? What could be the reason of sudden loss of balance while walking ? Can i travel in flight after mastoid operation ? Can i put implant during period ? I have very sensitivity and pain in my penis after an injury Can i get pregnant after missing birth control pills for 3 days ? Calf became extremely itchy and swollen Recently I had a cheast pain and I felt heart arrhythmia What should be done for premature ejaculation ? Why am I having bleeding for two weeks ? Large hemangioma & high amylase level Should I be worried of contracting hpv after getting a pimple with pus on the shaved area ? What causes Deviated Nasal Septum(DNS) ? What cause of startled baby at the age of 2 months ? 3 months old have milk absorption problem. Is there any thing to worry about it ? Relation between food habit and hypothyroid How shall my child get well from fever and vomiting ? I came off the mini pill over a month ago and now i am having dizziness and flushes Why do I have a bloody show after sex ? Is twisting the nose a cause for DNS ? How can a person get rid of ghutka and alcohol ? Does an USG report of fetal node not seen mean an under developed fetus. Should I abort the baby ? 6 days back had intercourse without any safety. Periods not happening. kindly suggest . What treatment should I take for acne to get a clear skin ? I have come up in red itchy swollen blotches. What are these symptoms of ? What is the medical term for a condition where there is a hole in the nose at birth ? worried about pregnacy Pain and swelling in right testicle When should I check the positivity of my pregnancy ? Can I go for hydrocele operation immediately after a piles operation ? Pain in back of skull with sore throat and swollen glands I feel chest pain due to smoking 4/5 cigarettes per day for the last 7 yrs What will happen if osteoblastoma tumor is not removed ? Do the vibrations in my arms and legs have anything to do with heart muscles ? Pain and swelling after heart cath. Should I be concerned ? 10 years old boy suffering from asthma and use to take asthalin puff 5-7 times daily What medicine is good for running nose and watery eyes ? What can be done for ejaculation problem ? What is this pink discharge ? Iam 28 week pregnant ? Can a 18 year old girl have breast cancer? What is the treatment for left atrial abnormality, when having high blood pressure ? When will I get pregnant after an ivf embryo transplant ? What is the life expectancy in lung cancer? How to get pregnant after previous abortion ? What are the symptoms of mumps ? Why is blood there in my cough ? How can hemoglobin level in child be increased ? What are the symptoms of depression and how can they be treated ? Should I consult a doctor for spot before period ? Can i discontinue taking medicines for tuberculosis when mantuax test is negative ? Can I be pregnant as my periods are late and had few spotting after an unprotected sex ? I have a thyroid problem. should there be other signs ? What treatment can help to get rid of eczema ? Is it safe to take OxyElite Pro in high blood pressure ? Is there any substitute for a dialysis ? How to prevent folliculitis ? Are headaches anyway associated with aortic valve steno-sis ? Is it normal to have pain in the veins at wrist when you re upset ? What are the side effects of novelon ? Inborn errors of metabolism in uterus Is there any side effect by using novelon tablet ? Are positive pregnancy test but no sac seen in USG and brown spotting signs of ectopic pregnancy ? What diet should be maintained for duplex kidney diagnosis ? Can heavy bleeding with sever pain be due to a miscarriage ? What should i do for a constant runny and blocked nose ? I am suffering from endometriosis. Do i need medical attention ? Why am I not able to conceive for my second child ? Is Isotretinoini effective in treating acne ? Can Chericof syrup be given for cough in children ? Could high cholesterol cause high heart rate ? What does brown blood mean ? Am i pregnant ? For how long can a doctor identify that a woman had an abortion ? Is it normal to burp after eating fruits ? Suffering with ankle sprain since 5 months. Taken medicine and physio therapy for 3 months As I am taking depo injection why am I having these symptoms of tender breast, stomach becoming bigger and pain in my belly buttons ? I have trace of white blood cells in urine. What is the treatment ? My shoulder was dislocation Will hyponidd and diane-35 help in curing PCOD and reducing testosterone levels ? Why do I have a watery outflow from my painful ear ? What questions should I ask my Neurologist regarding Retinal artery occlusions and Diabetes Type 2 ? How can I get rid of the pain in my chest plate and painful cough ? Why is there stomach pain and swelling in vagina ? Is doing yoga helpful for reducing weight ? Is hyperventilation a sign of initial heart attack ? Surgery of piles Is it ok for a smoker to take althea pill ? Is it safe to diagnose rectovaginal fistula during pregnancy ? I sprained my ankle about a month ago but now also there is a swelling Can I ask a doctor to suggest a treatment for my sneezing and itching in eyes and throat ? Is it advised to swim during menstruation ? What is the bright raw red bloody discharge 9 weeks after child birth ? Can the nasal septum and nasal bone break by pressing and twisting ? What are the chances to conceive if ejaculated on the butt ? What could be the cause of recurring dryness,peeling and lumps under the nipple ? What is the cause of cramps in my stomach and pelvic area ? Ear ache for past 8 hours and the area behind ear has become hard What will happen if some one got an injection with 6 cc of air ? Swelling after ear piercing. Is it because of infection ? Suggested to take kenalog for hair loss and scalp How to get normal delivery with placenta previa ? Does mensoon help me to abort? I am 28 years old. How can i remove stretchmarks in my stomach area ? Can i take 2 tablets of coversyl plus 5mg at the same time ? Does sex affect the menustral cycle ? What treatment should be taken for hair loss ? Which cream can i use for dark marks under baby's eyes ?
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