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Suggest treatment for hemiplegic migraines Suggest treatment for chronic polymyalgia pain despite taking medication What are the risks of taking Lexapro while trying to conceive? What causes leg pain, pulling feeling thigh and allergic itching on face? What causes reddish brown discharge before menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for burning sensation during urinate Suggest treatment for severe cough Is ESR value of 25 a cause for concern? What causes irregular periods and excessive hair growth when diagnosed with PCOD? What causes reduced urination while on Tamsulosin Hydrochloride? What causes elevated SGPT and SGOT levels after taking the ayurvedic preparation? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Can seizure occur in patients with bicuspid aortic valve and aortic stenosis? What causes vertical fissures all round the circumference of foreskin? Suggest treatment for eczema on legs and itching on body What causes dark red dots on tongue and swollen taste buds? Suggest treatment for stiffness and lump on right side of neck Suggest remedy for stiffness and lump on the side of neck What causes hard and sore nipples? What causes pus from hemorrhoid, painful itching and burning sensation? Is irregular vaginal spotting a symptom of perimenopause? Is snoring while sleeping an illness or disease? What causes recurrent fever? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP and bleeding from left ear Suggest treatment for shortness of breath, weakness and drowsiness What causes dizziness and hypoglycemia after a hysterectomy? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for cough and acid reflux when diagnosed with acute bronchitis Suggest ways to manage anxiety Suggest treatment for right-sided pain in temple and sore neck Suggest treatment for peripheral neuropathy and ruptured discs in lower back What causes constant bloating, tenderness in stomach, swollen testicles and constipation? What causes raw red circles and skin cuts around genital area? Suggest treatment for lump on the elbow What causes headache, intermittent mild fever, loose stool and elevated calcium levels? Suggest treatment for painful swollen bruise on stomach after injury Suggest remedy for abdominal discomfort after laproscopy What causes intermittent pain in left abdomen, insomnia and restless legs? Can Zenflox-OZ be taken during pregnancy? What causes lower abdominal pain and back pain after treating worm infestation? Suggest ways to wean off Effexor-XR What causes severe burning sensation on feet? Suggest treatment for itchy and sensitive keloid in armpit Is it advisable to quit smoking, cold turkey? Suggest remedy for nausea, headaches and lower abdominal pain Suggest remedy for nausea and dizziness while running Is it safe to take Flonase, Allegra and Xopenex together? What causes extra skin developed under left eye? Does presence of cataract in eye cause headaches? Suggest treatment for severe urine infection and pain near vagina Suggest treatment for trichotillomania Suggest treatment for breathlessness and facial numbness while on Levaquin? How long does recovery from respiratory depression take? Suggest treatment for tightness around the chest Suggest dosage of Thyronorm Suggest treatment for diarrhea Can HIV be contracted through contact with blood on skin? Suggest treatment for redness of left eye Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and shallow breathing caused by CNS depressants What are the side effects of Voltaren and Aleve? What causes tingling sensation and numbness on one side of face post Clindamycin intake? Can i cut Contrave tablet in half for anxiety? Are there any interactions between Solian and caffeine? Are Tobramycin and Ciprofloxacin right medication for eye infection? What causes calf muscle pain in leg? Does caffeine increase the metabolism of Solian? What causes left abdominal pain along with constipation? What causes low blood pressure after taking Atenolol? What causes redness and soreness of ear along with dizziness after bitten by insect? Suggest remedy for large hematoma on body after an injury Suggest treatment for sore rash like spot on leg Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for sarcoidosis, extreme fatigue, memory loss and pain Suggest healthy diet while suffering from cold and cough in an infant What causes discomfort in clitoris and constant urge to urinate? What are the tests to determine drug allergy? What causes pain in left knee while walking? What causes irregular periods while trying to conceive? What causes recurring thyroid nodules along with hoarse voice? Suggest medication for elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels Is fasting required for lipid profile blood test? What causes discomfort chest area in a rectal cancer patient? What causes hoarse voice, vocal cord paresis and pain below jaw? Is it safe to decrease dosage of Oxycodone from 60mg to 20mg? What does delayed period along with negative pregnancy result indicate? Suggest treatment for redness of penis along with discharge Suggest treatment for pain in urethra after sexual encounter Suggest treatment for thick mucus production in throat Is it normal to have painful blue bruise on lower back post injury? What causes yellowish fluid seeping from elbow? What causes itchy raised rash under belly button? Should i discontinue horse riding when diagnosed with Parkinson's disease? What are the chances of hepatitis C transmission through razors cuts? What causes pain and swelling in calf area and ankle? Do Vitamin D and B 12 help in losing weight? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected sex? What causes fever and diarrhea post Rotavirus vaccination? What causes severe pain in back on left side? What causes ringing in ears along with nausea? What are the side effects of Potex 2? Suggest treatment when diagnosed with superficial spreading melanoma What does this liver function test result in a person with history of hepatitis B indicate? What causes constipation and low appetite in an infant? What causes pain under ribs, burning sensation in stomach and passing of gas? What causes large size of external meatus and semen leakage? What causes semen leakage post defecation? Is it safe to stop Abilify abruptly without tapering it? Suggest remedy for chest congestion and excessive crying in a child post vaccination What causes swollen vaginal opening and yellowish vaginal discharge? What causes sudden onset of fainting post glaucoma surgery? Suggest treatment for cough, throat irritation and green phlegm discharge What do these lab reports in a diabetic patient indicate? What does the brain MRI report indicate? What are the effects of Oxandrolone on laryngeal frame work? What causes hyper salivation? Suggest treatment for dry flaky scalp and itchy legs What causes stomach bloating and intestinal discomfort while suffering from hiatal hernia? What causes pain in back of neck radiating to shoulders and arms? What causes hardness and bubble sensation in lower abdominal area? Suggest treatment for lower left abdominal pain and burning sensation What causes delay in menstruation? Suggest treatment for fluctuations in blood pressure What causes left-sided sore throat and pain while swallowing? What causes tiredness after physical activity and increased dizziness while waking up? What does delayed menstrual bleeding indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction How long does recovery take after prostate surgery? What causes pain in nipples in a breastfeeding mother? Suggest treatment for irregular menstrual cycle Suggest treatment for pressure sensation in anus Can HPV infection be transmitted through saliva? What does a high level of IgE indicate? Suggest effective alternative to Cymbalta Suggest treatment for persistent seborrheic dermatitis Are brown spots on foot suggestive of HIV infection? What the adverse effects of taking Oxandrolone treatment during puberty? What does light menstrual bleeding after D&C indicate? Suggest treatment for restricted movement in thumb What causes canker sore on lower lip and a salivary gland stone? Suggest treatment for eye floaters What causes methemoglobinemia? What causes urge to urinate and burning sensation in vaginal area? Suggest treatment for nail infection What causes pain in abdomen after standing for a while? Is Arimidex a hormone blocker? Suggest ideal dosage of Macalvit during pregnancy What does this antibody screen during 29 weeks of pregnancy indicate? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for frequent muscle cramps in hands, arms and legs Suggest treatment for intermittent nausea, bakers cyst and torn cartilage Does 6mm kidney stone passes off by itself by drinking water? What causes redness and itchy blisters on skin post hair dye usage? What are side effects of prolonged usage of Regestrone? What causes excessive sleep during day time? What causes liquid discharge from nipples while on birth control pills? Suggest treatment for skin tag on anus Suggest treatment for gutkha addiction Suggest treatment for schizophrenia Can one's height be increased at the age of 29? Is Klonopin effective in treatment of anxiety? Suggest tests to diagnose neurological or muscle damage Suggest treatment for pustule on arm What causes difficulty in achieving erection while recovering from viral infection? Suggest treatment for painful lump on the breast What causes increase in creatinine level after taking BP medication? Suggest treatment for body, shoulder and lower back pain Can cold medication induce arrythmia? Suggest treatment for high BP and erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for neck, shoulder and jaw pain Suggest treatment for pimple near the vaginal entrance Suggest treatment for excessive weight gain What causes the urgency to urinate after ejaculation? Suggest remedy for cramps in abdomen along with burning senation Suggest treatment for hard immovable lump on foot How to increase thyroxine T4 level? What causes a bubble like sensation in the chest? Suggest remedy for sore throat, diarrhea and sinus infection Suggest remedy for lower abdominal pain after intercourse Can Metformin be used to treat erectile dysfunction? Suggest remedy for red bumps in the genital area How effective is Olmesartan in treating hypertension? Suggest treatment for fever and painful red spots on feet and hands Is Teriparatide injection safe to be taken before surgery? Suggest dosage of Propranolol to lower heart rate Suggest treatment for severe headaches and stained eyes Can HIV be contracted through unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for subdural hematoma, dizziness and nausea What do fever and delayed period after taking Unwanted 72 indicate? Suggest remedy for severe lower back pain What are the side effects of long term use of Montek-LC and Sompraz? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Suggest remedy for prolonged bleeding from nose What are the early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease? What causes arm pain, fever, Lyme disease and intermittent headaches? Suggest treatment for acidity and frequent belching What are the chances of infection after touching the area post dermaroller use? What causes stomach bloating and loss of appetite? What causes heart palpitations, numbness in arms and legs? Suggest treatment for painful urinary and vaginal infection
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