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What causes spotting, clumpy white discharge, abdominal cramps and nausea? What causes big pimple near areola during pregnancy? What causes persistent pain under rib cage? What does presence of air in stomach suggest? Suggest treatment for severe left arm pain and chest pain Suggest treatment for oro-antral fistula Suggest homeopathy treatment for severe acidity What do delayed periods after taking I pill suggest? Suggest remedy for dark skin in neck area Suggest remedy for severe hair loss and itching What are the possible effects of statin on hormones? Suggest treatment for generalized anxiety disorder What does this MRCP report indicate? Are cold and flu tablets safe to take while on Lexapro? Suggest treatment for high fever and cough after flight travel Suggest remedy for pain in rib cage and soreness in mouth What is the difference between allergic rhinitis and cold Suggest treatment for mild pain in lower abdomen Is switching from Brintellix to Effexor advisable? What does heavy vaginal bleeding indicate? What does the following blood test results indicate? What causes regular discomfort at anus? Suggest treatment for lack of appetite and reddish color urine Are amusement park rides advisable while suffering from heart murmur? Suggest remedy for itchy ears and sore throat Suggest treatment for stomach infection and vomiting in infant Is HIV transmission possible through open wound? Suggest treatment for crack in upper part of femur bone Suggest treatment for sinus infection and nostril blockage Suggest treatment for debilitating chest pain when previously diagnosed with gastric bypass What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for melasma on cheeks and nose What causes constant vertigo, sinus infection and dizziness? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes white spots on lower arms, infection on legs and arms?+ Suggest treatment for extreme fatigue, nausea, drowsiness and right abdominal pain What causes stomach pain and lost appetite while having stents in heart? Suggest treatment for sudden nausea and severe bloating Suggest over the counter medication for anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for severe intermittent pain below right ear What causes left testicle pain? What causes difficulty in defecation and hard stool?+ What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes back pain, prostate and urethral pain when diagnosed with kidney stone? How long after a vasectomy can unprotected sex be performed? Suggest treatment for cold, post nasal drip and severe headache What causes severe pain, nausea and vomiting during menstruation? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for over-active bladder Suggest treatment for minor pain in upper part of left arm? What causes high BP, extreme weakness and constant tiredness? What causes intermittent pain in lower left abdomen and intense gas? Is emergency contraceptive required after missing doses of Cerazette post intercourse? Suggest treatment for low BP, Horner syndrome, arm pain and dizziness Suggest treatment for nose bleed and swelling on eyes and nose bridge after injury What causes pressure feeling on penis head after intercourse? How long after a vasectomy can unprotected sex be performed? Suggest treatment for chronic constipation and bleeding from rectum What causes delayed menstruation after taking Plan-B? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for noticeable dent on forehead Suggest treatment after mildly hurting hand What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes nausea post lunch and occasional mild headache? Suggest treatment for back pain, easy bruising and severe gastro-intestinal problems Can STD be contracted through oral contact with urine? What do my ECG test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for adeno sarcoma cancer What causes burning pain behind knees and in heels? What causes sharp acute pain in left eye What causes left-sided pain in mid back? What causes burning sensation in stomach during pregnancy? What causes weight loss while on Thyronorm? What does my HIV rapid test report indicate? Suggest treatment for sores in between buttocks What causes severe pain in knee cap area and cramps in calf? Suggest treatment for bony bump above ear What causes sudden muscle strain and excruciating pain in back and legs? What causes delay in language development in early childhood? Can HIV be contracted through rashes in groin area? Suggest supplementary food for fatigue Suggest treatment for foot pain around hallucis muscle in right foot Suggest treatment for freckles from calves to ankles Suggest treatment for injury on thumb joint Suggest antibiotics to be taken after teeth cleaning Is ALT level of 79 indicative of hepatitis? What causes foot pain around hallucis muscle on right foot? Suggest treatment for sharp pain at the back of the head What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for night terrors in child Suggest treatment for boil on left breast near areola What causes extra skin below left eye? What does my liver function test report indicate? What causes tiredness and dizziness? What causes foamy stool and skin rashes around anal opening? What causes headache, leg pain and delayed menstruation after discontinuing Femilon? Suggest treatment for white pimples on vagina Suggest treatment for high BP Are lack of concentration and cough, withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking? Suggest remedy for permanent dark circles What causes difficulty in swallowing medication? What does my stool sample test report indicate? How to avoid rectal gas filling up the colostomy bag? Does Plan-B cause a missed menstrual cycle? Does glucose promote the growth of cancer? Suggest treatment for lump on the inside of the lip What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What causes excessive, intrusive and unwanted sexual thoughts? What kind of work should be avoided during pregnancy? What causes UTI with increased prostrate glands? What does my lab test report indicate? How long after discontinuing antidepressant can St John's wort be taken? What causes swelling and itching on hand? Is oraquick HIV test conclusive six weeks post exposure? What causes pain in lower abdomen and left-sided groin pain? Suggest treatment for irregular pulse and severe acidity What does my CVS test report indicate? What causes flare up of folliculitis every sunscreen is used? What does my x-ray test report indicate? What causes multiple ear infections in 14 month old baby? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for very mild anemia, body pain and tiredness What causes soft mud stool? What causes swelling and pain in ankles? What causes pulling sensation from achilles to curvature of heel upon exertion? What causes vaginal pain? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar Suggest treatment for headache, fever, body and throat pain Suggest treatment for cough and fever What do my blood sugar levels indicate? What causes involuntary movement in chin? How can an STD infection be contracted? What causes pain in vagina during intercourse? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes panic attacks, heaviness in head, weakness and headaches? What causes raspy voice, cough and chest pain? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and tenderness on stomach What are the repercussions of taking Ecosprin-AV-75 during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for vomiting in child Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? Suggest treatment for boil on hip What causes eye pain, pupil dilation, neck pain and lump behind ear? What causes weakness, panic attacks, dizziness and heart palpitations? Suggest treatment for fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea and dehydration Suggest treatment for fever and cold in child What causes frequent urination? Suggest treatment for sore throat and running nose What causes recurrent allergies and pneumonia? What causes burning pain behind knees? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic back pain Suggest treatment for increasing pain in left shoulder and upper arm What do my blood sugar levels indicate? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations in a 14 year old What causes burning sensation during urination, blood in urine, fever and chills? What are the risks of HIV through contact of vaginal secretions in rectum? Suggest treatment for redness, swelling and sensitivity after tattooing eyebrow Suggest treatment for foul smelling painful infection on penis What causes breathlessness and cough when diagnosed with mild asthma? What causes leg, knees and feet pain, swelling and itching around penis? What are the risks of contracting HIV infection through oral sex? What causes frequent bouts of cold and cough? What causes red irritated bumps on penis? Can HIV be contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse? What causes frequent urinary bladder infection and kidney infection? What causes severe pain in groin area while on Josalid? What causes intense headaches, neck stiffness and vomiting? What causes pain in left lower abdomen? What causes fluttering feeling in right side of head? What causes constant leg pain and stiffness in neck? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Plan-B? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes fever, slight cough and watery stool? Suggest treatment for lump on lower bikini line What causes vaginal itchiness? What causes phlegm in lungs? Suggest treatment for skin rashes under breast How long after having late periods can I take a pregnancy test? What causes inability to belch and numbness in jaw? What causes dizziness not long after standing and migraines? What causes small red bumps on penile shaft? What causes itching in underarms? What causes pain in the side of stomach and back? What causes intermittent random pain in upper leg? Suggest treatment for fatty liver Suggest treatment for swelling and itching around burns on skin Suggest ways to manage poor appetite and fussy eating in infant What causes severe itching throughout body while on Buspirone? What does my hepatitis-C viral test report indicate? Suggest treatment for wart under left eye Suggest remedy for persistent discomfort in left lower abdomen Suggest treatment for altered sense of smell How long do the side effects of Somatotropin remain in system? Suggest treatment for PCOD and adenomyosis when diagnosed with mild PID What causes intermittent nausea? Suggest treatment for absence of ovulation while trying to conceive? What does the following ultrasound result indicate? Suggest remedy for pain and tightness under the chest bone Can Woman's Horlicks be consumed during pregnancy?
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