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Suggest treatment for severe pain in the ribs What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain on the arches of the foot Does Manforce 100 mg cause low BP? What do my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for small tear near the uvula What causes menorrhagia after an abortion? Suggest treatment for anxiety when EKG and stress test results are negative Suggest treatment for pain in the sternum when diagnosed with costochondritis What does the following ECG result indicate? Suggest remedies for lack of sleeping in a child Is HIV test done 88 days after exposure conclusive? What causes severe cough with light yellow sputum? What do the following test results indicate? Suggest treatment for esophageal obstruction Suggest treatment for swelling in the knee caused by a knee osteoarthritis Suggest treatment for pork bone stuck in the throat Suggest treatment for lump on the jaw line What causes persistent acid taste in mouth in a GERD patient? Are frequent urination, vomiting and abdominal pain symptoms of pregnancy? What causes right-sided flank pain, nausea, severe diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse on day 3 of menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for persistent blood in stool when diagnosed with hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for confusion, forgetfulness, memory problems and poor concentration What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for severe vaginal itch and mouth dryness Is TSH level of 0.7 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for dizziness, tingling sensation in the fingers and pain in the gum Is a heart rate of 120 while on Adderall a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for fungal sinusitis Suggest treatment for weird smell and dizziness What causes delay in menstruation post a laproscopic surgery? What causes cabbage smell in the stool? Suggest treatment for large discolored bruise on the calf post injury Suggest treatment for mild depression Suggest treatment for boils with pus in the penile head What causes blood in semen? Suggest treatment for elevated CRP levels Suggest treatment for severe jaw pain Suggest ways to ease eye twitching Suggest precautionary measures for placenta previa Suggest treatment for genital herpes Suggest treatment for acne on the lower face and chin Is pregnancy possible after taking Levonorgestrel? Suggest treatment for genital herpes while on Valtrex and Famvir What causes pain in lower left ribs, left shoulder and neck? Suggest treatment for pain in the penis What causes bowel cramps, diarrhea and general malaise? Suggest treatment for side effects of Topamax Can alcohol and drug abuse cause severe heart disorder? Is Levetiracetam better than Sodium valproate in treatment of epilepsy? Suggest remedies for small itchy, burning bumps on the neck area What causes fever and cold with change in weather in a child? What causes lower abdominal pain, bladder spasms, back pain and nausea? What causes vaginal spotting after an abortion? Suggest remedies for fever and running nose in a child Is an AST level of 65 in blood a cause for concern? Will bleach used to clean an infant’s crib affect the baby? Suggest treatment for raised rashes on the torso Suggest remedies for a recurring itchy spot on the skin Suggest treatment for muscle pain post recovering from shingles Can Diclofenac be taken instead of Ibuprofen safely? What do my lab test reports indicate? Is driving advisable after suffering a concussion? What are the side effects of Clonazepam, Hydrocodone, Ibuprofen, Baclofen and Bentyl? What do my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids and fissures Is lymphocyte reading of 42.5 a cause for concern? What causes severe joints and muscle pain while on Diltiazem? Is pregnancy possible while on Nexplanon IUD? What causes pain in left shoulder and under left rib? What are the repercussions of overdosing on Lexapro? What is implantation bleeding? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What does this following lab report indicate? Is pneumonia contagious? Suggest ayurvedic remedies for anal fistula What do my blood test reports indicate? What causes a failure in the OAE test for a new born? Suggest treatment for small fluid-filled blisters on the fingers and toes Is Norpramin advisable for bipolar depression? What do the following test reports indicate? What causes foul smelling urine in an elderly man? Can high sugar and caffeine consumption cause blood in stool? What causes chronic vaginal pain and heaviness in lower abdomen after an IVF? Can vitamin K2 supplements be taken while on anticoagulant medication? Is intake of Xanax while tampering off from Klonopin harmful? Suggest treatment for pain in the calf muscles Is back pain a sign of pneumonia? Can Bell's palsy reoccur in an elderly person? Suggest treatment for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder Can STD be contracted through oral sex? Can HIV be contracted through protected intercourse? What are the precautions to be taken while soldering? What are the side effects of regular intake of apple cider vinegar? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity with same gender? Is spondylolisthesis at the L5–S1 level of the lumbar spine a genetic disorder? Are muscle spasms in legs, arms, jerks and cramps signs of RLS? Suggest alternative medication in place of Nexium What causes fatigue and swollen ankles in an MVP patient? Suggest the ideal dosage for Vagilact Ph capsule What causes periodic limbs movements during sleep? Suggest treatment for dyshidrotic eczema while having diabetes What causes hepatic encephalopathy? Are chronic stomach pain, forgetfulness and dizziness signs of hepatic encephalopathy? What does this blood sugar report indicate? Suggest remedies for a swollen and pus filled mole on skin What causes pain and numbness in neck and left thumb? What causes severe fatigue after coughing, headache, neck pain and eye inflammation? What causes a warm sensation in the face? What causes sharp burning sensation in the sternum while having a bowel movement? What causes itchy red rashes on body, fatigue, chills and cough? Suggest treatment for lower back pain with weakness in the legs Is foot pain normal while on a splint for tarsal fracture? Suggest remedies for fatigue and depression Suggest treatment for symptoms of GERD Can Dolo 650 taken with coke and jack fruit safe? Can alcohol cause acute pancreatic attacks in a chronic pancreatitis patient? What causes chest heaviness, rattling noise in throat and sinus congestion? What causes severe vomiting during 9th week of pregnancy? Suggest remedies for a bulge in the upper abdomen below the sternum What causes dizziness with upper abdominal pain? What causes dizziness, earache and teeth pain? Suggest remedies for heat rashes under the arms, between legs, chest and back Suggest treatment for OCD Can infants Motrin be given for a child for fever? What causes a protruding through the vagina? Suggest remedies for persistent cough in a child What causes stomach pain after eating food? What causes anxiety while on Sertraline, Clonazepam and Xanax? Is panderm plus advisable for acne scars? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain and watery stool Suggest medical tests to rule out rheumatoid arthritis What are the chances of pregnancy after taking oral contraceptive pills? What does this lipid profile test report indicate? What causes brain fog, dizziness and lack of consciousness while on Xylometazoline? Can Zomig Rapimelt be purchased without a prescription? What causes prolonged vaginal spotting? What does this blood report indicate? What do my lab test results indicate? What causes dizziness post intake of Minocycline? Suggest treatment for swelling in the foot Does intake of Benadryl help in treating insect bite? What causes dysfunctional uterine bleeding? Suggest treatment for pain in the elbow What do the following test reports post angioplasty indicate? Suggest treatment for poor memory in an elderly person Suggest remedies for iron deficiency Suggest treatment for oily and dry skin What does this blood report indicate? What do delayed periods and negative pregnancy result indicate? Suggest natural remedies for extreme fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalopathy Suggest remedies for an apthous ulcer on the tongue Suggest treatment for severe cramps in the calf muscles Suggest treatment for seizure Suggest treatment for depression when diagnosed with conversion disorder Suggest treatment for back pain Suggest treatment for gallbladder stone What causes high blood sugar level while on Wysolone, Vizylac, Atarax and Ceftum? What does this neck MRI report indicate? What causes numbness in left arm post an injury? Suggest treatment for a chemical burn on the penis What causes intestinal issues, belching, upset stomach, gastric and headache? What causes right-sided chest pain, dry cough with occasional yellow sputum? What do my lab test results indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Levonorgestrel? Suggest treatment for numbness, pain and swelling on the foot Does intake of Codesoft cause infertility issues? Suggest treatment for vertigo, dizziness and anxiety Suggest treatment for pain in the right side of the back What causes numbness under the toe post usage of Corn cap? What causes pulsating in the right vein of the neck? What does this blood glucose level indicate? What causes left-sided chest pain and left arm pain after playing soccer? What causes rapid heart beat? Suggest treatment for symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia Suggest treatment for severe COPD Suggest treatment for cyst on the penis Is pubic hair growth in a child indicative of precocious puberty? Suggest treatment for constipation What are the withdrawal symptoms of Seroquel? Suggest treatment for symptoms of retinal degeneration What causes possible test result for Suboxone while on Oxycodone? What causes blood in urine? What is the meaning of pseudoarthrosis? Suggest remedies for two dark moles on the back Can high dose of vitamin C and parsley cause abortion? What causes meningitis following a lumbar puncture? Suggest treatment for soft lump on the vein Suggest treatment for red swollen stretch marks on the arms after a tattoo What do the following CBC and lipid panel report indicate? What are the difference between strokes and mini-strokes? Suggest treatment for side effects of Lisinopril What causes pain in knee joints while climbing the stairs? How long does liver enzymes take to return to normal after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for diarrhea with pain in the back and under the ribs Suggest treatment for bacterial infection in the fingers Is carrot and aloevera gel effective in treating severe constipation? What causes persistent bloating after eating food, diarrhea and nausea? Suggest treatment for rashes on the arms
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