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What do pain and redness at injection site indicate? What causes swollen spots on the throat while suffering from acid reflux? What causes pain in the groin area in a child? Suggest dosage for Immodium Suggest treatment for several bouts of diarrhea Suggest remedies for repeated episodes of hiccups What does this following lab report indicate? What causes abnormal penile discharge after intercourse? Suggest treatment for high uric acid levels and sleeplessness What do oily discharge from rectum and stomach pain indicate? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and depression while on Zoloft Suggest treatment for severe pain in the foot causing difficulty to walk Suggest treatment for sepsis when diagnosed with COPD What causes production of breast milk 19 years after an abortion? Suggest treatment for redness on the penis head What causes burps while eating food? What causes persistent shoulder pain in an elderly person? How to determine paternity of the child? Suggest treatment for tingling in arms and legs, fatigue and muscle pain What causes delay in menstrual bleeding post unprotected intercourse? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction caused by performance anxiety Suggest treatment for transient loss of voice Suggest treatment for severe pain around the esophagus Suggest treatment for severe constipation How can a lump below mid mandible area be treated? Suggest treatment for enlarged prostate in an elderly person Suggest treatment for night sweats and pain in the penis What do GGT level of 81 and ALT levels of 143 indicate? Suggest ways to manage depression and anxiety after switching from Lexapro to Trintellix What does this eye pressure of 48 indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach ache and bloating What is incomplete right pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction? What causes a whitish layer on the penis? What causes musculoskeletal chest pain and heart arrhythmia? What does this MRI report of the right knee indicate? What causes severe pain in the foot? What causes stomach bloating while on pain killers? What causes horrible headache and stuffy nose post treatment for malaria? What causes sudden severe pain in the lower back? What causes bloating and pain in the stomach when diagnosed with hernia? What causes dizziness and cold while on Calaptin? Suggest treatment for pain in the anus when diagnosed with IBS Suggest remedies for anxiety caused by work pressure Suggest treatment for boil on the forehead while on Bifilac Suggest treatment for severe back pain Suggest treatment for nausea, diarrhea and constant belching Suggest remedies for fatigue while on Losartan, Zoloft and Trazadone in an elderly person Can a 6 month old infant be given Sudafed for persistent cold? Suggest alternative over the counter medication for Diltiazem Suggest remedies for difficulty in breathing post a bypass surgery Suggest remedies for pain in the knees and calves Suggest remedies for an underarm cyst Suggest remedies for severe anxiety What causes fluctuating BP readings while on Cartia? What causes copper taste in the mouth and pain while swallowing? Does Isosorbide interact with Viagra? Suggest remedies for stiffness of the neck Suggest treatment for pain in the left testicle post an accident Suggest dosage for Reglan Suggest treatment for pain and cramps in the leg Suggest ways to control hypertension in an elderly person Suggest treatment for tingling sensation in the abdomen when diagnosed with bronchitis Suggest treatment for persistent cold and cough What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for headache and stuffy nose caused by sinusitis Is bypass surgery advisable after suffering a mild heart attack? What does my X-ray report indicate? Suggest remedies for urinary tract infection during pregnancy Suggest treatment for numbness and pain in the leg while on Metformin Suggest remedies for painful intercourse post a heart surgery What causes a blood blister under the nail post an accident? Suggest treatment for itchy shins while on Pristiq and Zopiclone Suggest treatment for severe pain in the left shoulder What does my KUB ultrasound report indicate? Is daily drinking of coconut water harmful? Suggest remedies for persistent anxiety and panic attack Suggest treatment for dizziness and sore neck post a chemotherapy session Suggest treatment for white spots on the upper jaw and the hard palate Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea and nausea Suggest treatment for fungus in the oesophagus and GERD Suggest treatment for persistent nosebleeds Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea Is a thrombotic stroke possible while on Eliquis? Suggest treatment for heavy vaginal bleeding after a hysteroscopy Suggest treatment for vomiting and diarrhea in a child What causes irregular menstrual bleeding after taking emergency contraceptive pills? Suggest treatment for rashes on the groin area Suggest treatment for tingling sensation in the right foot Suggest treatment for milia on the forehead and scalp of the child What causes weakness in the leg and hand tremors in an elderly person? What causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, intestinal gas and bloating? Suggest treatment for redness on the penile head What causes dizziness, vertigo, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the throat What causes sciatica pain? What is the life expectancy of someone with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma? Suggest treatment for persistent scintillating scotoma What causes back and left arm pain, breathlessness, chest pain and dizziness? What causes erectile dysfunction post excessive masturbation? What are the side effects of Levipil and Zeptol? Does Metformin cause kidney damage? Does Dicloxacillin help prevent skin infection? Suggest treatment for severe dandruff and hair loss How long does the effectiveness of Nexplanon remain post its removal? Suggest treatment for redness and swelling of the eyelids when diagnosed with dry eye Suggest treatment for chronic pain in the shoulder post liposuction surgery Suggest treatment for acid reflux after quitting smoking What causes headache, sore throat, chills, diarrhea and nasal congestion? Suggest treatment for persistent cough and cold Suggest treatment for right bundle branch block Suggest treatment for swelling on the supraclavicular area What causes persistent brown sticky vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for cut in the finger Is pregnancy possible despite taking Plan-B? What does this urine report indicate? Is 20 mg of Paxil a safe dosage? What causes nasal bleeding while blowing the nose? Suggest treatment for ear infection and pain in the ears What causes persistent bad taste in the mouth, mood swings and vomiting? Suggest treatment for lump on the head in a child post an accident Is ear tugging a sign of an ear infection? Suggest treatment for tingling sensation in the testicles Suggest treatment for abdominal cramps and fatigue Suggest treatment for hot flashes in an elderly person on Effexor What causes intrusive fast forward thoughts when diagnosed with auditory processing disorder? Suggest treatment for cellulitis while on Clindamycin and Levaquin Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for swelling and rash on the foot What causes dizziness after taking Carbamazepine? Suggest treatment for cloudy urine caused by hydronephrosis Suggest treatment for chronic pain in the knee and neck Suggest medication for arthritis Suggest treatment for dizziness, anxiety and blurred vision What causes unremitting anger while treating bipolar disorder? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for severe nerve pain in the feet when diagnosed with degenerative disc disease What does my blood pressure reading indicate? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain when diagnosed with endometriosis Is honey a good substitute for sugar while having diabetes? Can nocturnal hypertension predict cardiovascular risk? Can Ibuprofen cause kidney damage? What are the side effects of Zoloft? What are the signs and symptoms of olfactory hallucinations? What does this lipid profile test report indicate? Are chills, night sweats and tiredness symptoms of H-pylori infection? Suggest treatment for severe heartburn in a diabetic Suggest treatment for dull pain in the abdomen caused by GERD Suggest treatment for acute diarrhea What causes menstrual bleeding while on Duphaston? What does this ultrasound report indicate? How can a functional cyst be treated? What are the risks of contracting rabies through dog saliva? What does my angiogram report indicate? Suggest treatment for grandiose delusion What causes itching in the anus? Suggest treatment for acne on the face Suggest treatment for singular nodular acne on the face Suggest treatment for fish bone stuck in the throat Suggest treatment for tingling sensation in the penis Suggest treatment for cough in a child What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes low back pain and chills? What causes frequent urination in a child? What causes frequent gastric issues? Suggest treatment for itchy eyes Does touching contaminated surfaces cause gastrointestinal problems? What does the following semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for vomiting, nausea and blurred vision Suggest treatment for persistent migraine and dizziness post a dental procedure Suggest treatment for fever, chills and dizziness after tooth removal Suggest treatment for soreness and swelling in the upper arm after a fall Suggest alternative over the counter medication for Lexapro and Ambien Suggest treatment for friction burn on penis Suggest treatment for severe bronchitis What do the following blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Does Equaline interact with Warfarin and Metoprolol Tartrate? Suggest treatment for redness, swelling and pain in the toes Suggest treatment for diarrhea and pain in the abdominal area What causes a dark purple circular bruise on the upper arm? What are the repercussions of Azithral overdose by a child? Can Betnesol be given for cough in a child? What does this X-ray report indicate? What does this fecal fat test report indicate? Suggest treatment for liver metastasis Does Eltroxin interact with Restyl? Can Etodolac be taken for high blood pressure? Suggest treatment for migraines and nausea What causes severe neck pain when diagnosed with degenerative disc disease? Suggest treatment for bumpy rash on the chin Suggest treatment for neck pain after a head injury Can the HIV virus survive outside the body? What causes stinging sensation on the side of the head? Can HIV be contracted through protected oral sex? Can Mefloquine toxicity cause brain damage? Suggest treatment for joints pain, night sweats and headaches Suggest treatment for extreme fatigue, sweating and abdominal bloating What causes diarrhea while on Flagyl and Doxycycline? What do delay in periods and negative pregnancy test result indicate? What causes a lump on the heel after a fall?
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