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What causes dull pain, dizziness and abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for keratosis pilaris on the face Suggest treatment for somatization disorder What causes radiating pain in the left shoulder? Suggest treatment for a supracondylar humerus fracture What does my liver enzyme test result indicate? What causes swelling in the left leg? What causes frequent urination when PSA level is 1.9? Does Avastin cause necrosis of the hip? Suggest treatment for itching on the feet What are the after effects of a liver transplant surgery? What are the side effects of Omeprazole? Does Oxycodone interact with Gabapentin? Does Methylnaltrexone help prevent ileus? Suggest treatment for coronary sinus What causes shortness of breath post a knee surgery? What causes dizziness and hearing loss? Does Excedrin interact with Allegra D and Mucinex? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes sudden weight loss while on thyroid medication? Suggest treatment for a boil How to rule out a restless leg syndrome? What causes back pain when diagnosed with arthritis? Suggest treatment for pain and weakness in the knee What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for bronchial asthma Does Gabapentin interact with Klonopin? What does this biopsy report indicate? What does my lab test report indicate? Does Vertin help cure vertigo and chronic ankylosing spondylitis? Suggest treatment for ADHD Suggest treatment for chronic tonsillitis and granular pharyngitis. What causes abdominal bloating and acid reflux? Suggest treatment for hip pain What causes stiff neck, fatigue and fever? What are the after effects of cryosurgery? Suggest treatment for cervical spondylosis What causes black discolouration under the toenail? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain Suggest treatment for pain in the ribs Suggest treatment for food stuck in the throat What causes generalized weakness in the body? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids What causes radiating pain in the hip? Suggest treatment for chickenpox Suggest dosage for Rifampicin What causes chronic edema in the legs that is leading to the inability to walk by afternoon? Suggest remedies for pimples on the face Suggest treatment for the knee and ankle pain What do my BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for the left arm What causes involutary muscle movements in the body? Suggest dosage for Tylenol Suggest treatment for chronic hives while on Hydroxyzine Hcl Is pregnancy possible through sexual intercourse during menstruation? Suggest contraceptive medication for birth control What causes abnormal bright green colored stool? What causes manic episodes during testosterone therapy? What causes severe abdominal cramps and groin pain postpartum? What causes chest discomfort after taking workout supplements? Suggest treatment for phlegm congestion in the lungs and chest Suggest treatment for Kaposi's sarcoma What causes pain below the sternum? What does this ECG report indicate? What causes back pain and frequent urination? Suggest treatment for stage-4 pancreatic cancer Are acid reflux and abdominal pain symptoms of hiatus hernia and GERD? Suggest treatment for excessive weight gain and uncontrolled high blood pressure What do these MRI findings indicate? Is platelet count of 94,000 a cause for concern? What causes rectal bleeding when diagnosed with rectal cancer? What causes extreme dry skin on the leg? What causes fever and chills while on Clindamycin? Suggest treatment for symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection What causes a longitudinal pigmented band in the nail? Suggest treatment for itchy red hives on the back of the upper arm What causes chest pain along with pain in the left arm? What does this MRI report indicate? What causes the constant urge to urinate? What causes lack of withdrawal bleeding despite taking Postinor-2? Can SAM-e supplements be taken for anxiety and depression? Does Salbutamol interact with DayQuil? What do these ECHO reports indicate? What causes a painful lump under the skin of the inner right thigh? What does this blood test report indicate? What causes lack of energy, constant shaking, nausea and brain fog? Suggest treatment for elevated cholesterol levels Is hair loss on the lower leg a sign of diabetes? Could stress cause insomnia which has been persistent despite taking medication? Is blood pressure of 113/80 a cause for concern? What is survival rate for stage-1 invasive ductal carcinoma? What causes lymph node swelling near the collarbone while having anemia? What causes blood in urine? Will stopping Ambien increase the chances of a seizure? What causes cold sensation in the right foot? What causes sores on the soles of the feet? Suggest treatment for severe headache and neck pain What causes abnormal penile discharge after sexual intercourse? What causes severe cough at night? Suggest exercise and a diet plan to be followed during pregnancy Can Clozapine be prescribed when neutrophil count is high? How long does persistent deep cough take to cure? How can a clogged right ear along with constant dizziness be treated? Can Synarel reduce testosterone production? What causes bumps throughout the base of the mouth? What do these medical reports suggest? What causes left-sided pain in the neck radiating to the shoulder and arm? Suggest treatment for chronic insomnia Suggest treatment for side effects of Estradiol Valerate What causes peripheral neuropathy in a borderline diabetic? Can CBD oil and Tryptophan be taken for constant dizziness? Is masturbation on a daily basis harmful? Suggest treatment for cervical spondylosis Suggest natural remedies for elevated TSH levels Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? What causes bumps at the back of the tongue? What causes frequent sharp pain under the right rib cage? What causes numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and fingers at night? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis What do these lab reports indicate? What causes lymph node swelling in the left side of the face? What causes a bruise in the pubic region? Suggest treatment for severe sore throat What causes speech problem, left-sided weakness, gait disturbance and urinary incontinence? What does this MRI report indicate? What causes hair loss on the scalp while suffering from kidney stones? Is triglyceride level of 950 a cause for concern? What causes mood swings while on Vancomycin? What causes mood swings while on Vancomycin? What causes satiety, breathing difficulty and green stools when diagnosed with uterine cancer? Suggest ways to permanently remove facial hair What causes lower back and hip pain along with swollen knee? What causes fever, headache, sore throat, swollen lymph glands and fatigue? What causes increased pain in the hip while climbing stairs? Suggest treatment for swelling in the foot after a total hip replacement surgery Suggest medication for nausea before getting a Morphine injection How can severe dandruff be treated? What causes high blood pressure and tingling sensation in the left arm? What causes constant pressure in the upper back region and breathing difficulty? How is trichomoniasis diagnosed? Suggest treatment for severe constipation What causes intermittent rashes on the body folds? Suggest treatment for irritation around the tip of the penis Suggest treatment for swelling at the base of the glans penis after circumcision Suggest treatment for lumps in the throat Is a positive EtG test possible while on Bupropion? What causes a knot on the middle of the skull along with headaches? Suggest treatment for severe pain under the kneecap How can tonsillitis be treated? Can Neurobion Forte be taken for a long duration? Suggest ayurvedic remedies for mixed connective tissue disease Suggest treatment for infertility while having PCOD Is flying safe after tooth filling? Is flying safe after tooth filling? What causes mustard yellow colored stools? Can Betnesol cause decreased fetal movements? What causes sudden onset of headaches and uncontrollable shaking? Can Provera be taken for abnormal vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment for vaginal vault prolapse Does masturbation cause prostate problems? How can a plantar wart be treated? Suggest treatment for uterine fibroids What are the repercussions of overdose of Avil? Suggest treatment for itchy eyelids What causes persistent hypopigmented patches on the body while treating leprosy? What causes soreness in the soles of the feet? Could a thyroidectomy lead to potentially fatal complications? What causes pain in the left arm? What does this urine test report indicate? What causes left-sided tingling sensation in the mouth? Suggest necessary medical check ups for an elderly person Suggest treatment for diverticulitis What causes freckles on the legs and arms? What causes delay in menstrual bleeding while on Meprate? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes severe anxiety while on Risperidone? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes intermittent lower back pain when diagnosed with osteoarthritis? Suggest treatment for computer vision syndrome What causes persistent diarrhea? What causes tightness of the throat when diagnosed with GERD? What causes sudden back pain? Suggest treatment for arthritis in the back What causes pimple on the eyelid? What causes hearing loss and pressure in the ears? Does Xanax interact with Prozac, Protonix and Topamax? How long does Diltiazem stay in the system? Suggest treatment for plantar fasciitis What does my sonography result report indicate? What causes persistent urinary tract infection? Suggest remedies when food accidentally goes down the wrong pipe What causes darkening of skin after taking Epogen? Can Nifedipine be taken in the morning? How can stomach discomfort, fever and loose stools be treated? Suggest treatment for painful recurrent lump on the neck Can Levofloxacin cause chills and shivering? Suggest treatment for parosmia Suggest treatment for delayed ejaculation
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