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My scalp is sore and my hair seems to be falling out in just this section in the front. How conclusive are the in-home swab test kits with testing at 3 months and 25 days? Can greying of hair in a teenager be treated? My sister aged 16 yr, has recently developed lot of white hairs. Can this be treated ? Can I conceive naturally at the age of 47 AMH is 5.2 pmol/L, FSH 6.2? My son who is 14 years old is suffering from Fever, Throat Pain and headache Fishy odor, smegma and a burning sensation at the tip of my penis What can I do about neck pain? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation? Pain in chest Can simple hyperplasia brought on by a hormonal imbalance cause irregular period? Report says incidemtal note of bi lateral subcentimetre cystic lesions within the breast can this be cancerous ? kindly suggest treatment my skin problem related due to sebbhoreic dermatitis Can you please tell me if my husbands semen analysis is normal I have suffer from erectile disfunction Yesterday night apply aloevera gel on face but today her face becomes reddish please Suggest I m having mild pain in my throat near tonsils while swallowing for last four five days it gets bit more irritating when I wake up Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall? Im getting swelling in my body and i feel tired very much Could the hemmeroid be pressing causing gastro ? Pain in left eye no swelling but all of sudden sharp pain What dosage of presnisone should I take and how long for? How can I check if I have gynecomastia? How should I consult and treat lower back pain? Provide treatment for pain in the stomach started suddenly at mid night today How to increase fat percentage my current weight? Suggest before surgery want to go for nerve biopsy test or MRI neugrography whole body Should I worry about any adverse effects from injecting Methamphetamine inside my penis? Hematology issue platelet count 201K/mm3, a decrease from 249K/mm3 one year prior tenderness and pain in right side of jaw joint are symptoms of cardiac related issue Apart from yoga and meditation, does writing your thoughts whenever you overthink something helps I am looking to get a diet plan as my cholesterol levels have slightly shoot up in my latest blood tests. Injected meth 2 days ago very nauseous and light headed a little hand shaking incisor upper front teeth from inside it has holes is it a cancer or can turn to cancer ? What can I do about smelly breath? Pain below my left back shoulder blade radiating through the front of my chest Why is my child suffering with heavy breathing during sleep time? Why do I have itching near my genitals whenever I sweat? Suggest treatment for fever, severe cough, headache along with pain in the back and legs I have hydrophrenosis uti What can I do to lose weight which I have gained after getting married? Does Methamphetamine change the smell or taste of semen? What is cause for shortness of breath with sudden onset with headache? CT scan shows left antrum is completely opacified with a large antrochonal polyp extending into the nasal passage could be cancer Suggest how to lose body fat with north Indian diet? Suggest treatment for severe wisdom tooth pain and gums peeling issue How do I get relief from sore throat? Why do I have acidity and acid reflux from close to a fortnight apart from vomiting, tiredness and headache? Please help me with some advise medication /treatment for back pain Hi doctor good evening. my daughter 5 years old. she Can you please explain past X-ray to check for hip dysplasia results? Can you tell me what this report means? What causes scalp pimples recurring on head? I am feeling pain at heel of my foot also muscle pain in my leg Does bat bird hit injury cause serious issues? Can I have my spinal MRI reviewed? What must I do when I am getting small brain shocks for the last couple of hours? Does it make sense to do a pet scan 5 days after a double biopsy was performed? Does MRI detect numbness and tingling in hand and fingers? What is the cause and remedy for pain in finger joints? How can I manage shoulder pain? What must I do about a rash on my neck? Can Calpol for fever Azithromycin antibiotic for bacterial infection good ? What should I do about left sided shoulder pain whenever I ride my bike or when I am sitting stable? How can I improve testosterone levels in the system? Will CT scan reveal large internal grade 3 hemorrhoid that prolapses every time? Please analyses my MRI for john's foot issue Can MRI reveal cyata or gulyon issues? I have a very high total cholestrol of 277 with acidity problem Risk of exposure to HBV or HCV at no penetrative or oral sex involved. How long pain exist in molar tooth filled for a cavity? Please review attached reports and advise whether hospitalization is necessary for my baby? Please review attached reports and advise whether hospitalization is necessary? Can uterine polyps removal D&C performed 28 days delay period? Is Meprate the same as Primolut-N? What are the reasons for ear pain? After sex foreskin tight no other symptoms Can a CT say cancer as I thought biopsy was needed to confirm How can cold and cough be managed at 3 months pregnancy? How can pain around the liver area with stage 2 liver damage and no symptoms be treated? need high protein diet chart What do I do about allergy symptoms and stress triggered by phone and laptop use? Why have I been having full body pain for the last 3 days? How can a swollen sprain in my foot be treated? Can you recommend a shampoo for toddlers to prevent hair loss and promote growth? ECG process it has mentioned that right axis deviation is it serious Is it possible for the bat to transmit saliva in a fraction of a second in my eye? Had epididymis cysts ultrasound report doesn’t say anything about this should I follow up Stage 4 pancreatic cancer can she survive 12 months What could cause right sternal and shoulder pain in a perimenopausal woman with no other symptoms? Can hair color or maybe a shampoo cause acne on head? Which doctor is best to be consulted for brain and neck issues? What could cause cough with sputum and lung sounds despite using Amrox-LS syrup? Why does one experience nervousness despite previous treatment for panic attacks? Why do I often get headache and acidity? What could cause persistent joint pain despite negative test results for arthritis? Is it safe to proceed with dental cleaning despite contact dermatitis around the mouth? What precautions have I to take to reduce acidity? can you please read xray is there possibility of hip dysplasia? Red rash that appears over my penis head with itches and sometimes bleeds Could vaginal discomfort and frequent urination be indicative of an STD or a UTI infection recurrence post-gonorrhea? Is lingering discomfort normal after starting antibiotics for group C strep throat infection? Suggest medication for recurrent body rashes alongside regular BP medication I need honest medical advice on removing this foreign body How to reduce pain caused by mouth ulcer ? Why are there large blotches on my skin? What must I do when I am diagnosed with dengue? What is the risk of Herpes transmission? What do I do while suffering from light cough and cold that is more at mornings and night time? How if AFC of my ovaries are normal? Have had epididymis cysts for about 5 years what it implies What does it mean when triglycerides are slightly elevated? How are shivering, fever and headache in a child be treated? On and off pain by my right groin is the beginnings of osteoarthritis What precautions should I take to reduce the chances of blood clots in my lower limbs? Does pneumonia will correct after Covid but will the emphysema mildness go away or could the athpical pneumonia cause it? Severe congestion sore throat caused does my taste and smell will return? Severe congestion sore throat caused does my taste and smell will return?? How is viral fever treated and managed? Suggest treatment for a mouth ulcer that appeared yesterday How can symptoms of piles be treated? How can one manage severe weakness post viral fever? What should I do when my period is late by 8 days while I am on folic acid and iron? Skin rash on my penile head few weeks ago Skin rash on my penile head What do I do about frequent recurrent fever in a child? Should I be worried about a sudden onset of debilitating fatigue, diarrhea, fever and cold for the past few days? How can fever, body pain and headache be treated at 11 weeks of pregnancy? cystoscopy under genital herpes circumstances safe? What can I do about painful rashes on the tongue due to which I am unable to eat? How can sharp ear pain after travelling on a plane be managed and cured? What can I do about common cold that has persisted for more than 8 days? What can I do about fatty liver and bettering my health condition? My hair has become frizzy even after oiling using conditioner Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory arthropathy Can dettol antiseptic cause cancer? Can dettol antiseptic cause cancer? Cardiology Specialist Dear Doctor, Namaste. My wife is 72 year Could you please suggest what to do experiencing some chest discomfort and pain in the neck shoulder How do I manage period delay when I have PCOD? Suggest treatment for fever, headache, runny nose, cough, throat pain and nausea What should I do to improve Vitamin D levels in the system? Will the use of Dettol in soap and liquid form to clean the home, clothes and bathe children lead to chemical induced cancer? Why do I have throat pain and how can I manage it? Could an issue with dandruff and dirt in the scalp be due to vitamin E? What can I do about soreness and an oozing discharge from my right ear? Why do I feel tired when I wake up? Why is there a swelling and pain in the veins under my left testicle? How can I handle chronic right shoulder pain despite taking various medication? Why am I having strange sounds from my stomach during digestion apart from sleeplessness? Could you please advice me a treatment or diet plan which will help me reduce my fasting sugar levels What can I do about pain in my feet when I have flat feet? why do I feel anxious to use mobile phones? Suggest treatment for burning sensation and swelling after an insect bite despite taking Chymoral Forte and Allegra Why do I get left sided chest pain sometimes? Does coarse echotexture of liver always indicate cirrhosis? Can can you please evaluate reports of annual health checkup and suggest me preventive and corrective measures? Metastatic pancreatic cancer stage 4 that has spread to lymph nodes, blood vessels and a dot on the liver should I need go for Chemo? What is the normal level of ferritin when tested? What should I do for the vitamin D and cholesterol? Feeling very anxiety with suicidal thoughts What can I do about the non-availability of S-Vocita when I have insomnia, anxiety and ear warmth? What might cause fatigue in a diabetic patient with recent diarrhea, fever, and cold? What can I do about anxiety around ovulation when I have been trying to conceive for a long time? If the period doesn’t finish where does the rest of the blood go? How can I manage problems during sex with premature ejaculation? What is immediate remedy for itching and skin irritation after hand wax ? Why does our mind create worst case scenarios for our closed ones and how to control it? Suffering from depression thru profession still high bp 150/100 after 15 days of medicine nicardia 20mg Provide a permanent solutions for a lot of open pores and increasing blackheads How do I handle the problem of hair fall? Suggest treatment for night chest congestion, hard breathing and cough while sleeping Recently How can one rectify white patches on the vocal cords and heavy feeling in the throat? Cam tylnol ans hot or cold help with throat irritation Why do I feel joints pain in the hands and legs while exercising or lifting something? Can COPD mild cause lung cancer? What is my risk of HIV exposure with anal sex? Can I take bisiporal 2.5 mg at night before bed or will it lower my blood pressure too much ? Could this not be metastases? What medicine should I take for vitamin B and D deficiency? Suggest treatment for psoriasis gutted and big red spots on the stomach and thighs Can post covid cause heart attack? What else can I do to relieve my chest pain with ECG echo and troponin is normal? Suggest treatment for jaw, neck and ear pain along with headache What medicine can I take when I am unable to focus or study? How can I manage vertigo like dizziness while waking up and while lying down? Suggest medical supplements for B6, 12 and vitamin D What is expected from the reports of an ultrasound and CT scan of the abdomen? Does I pill can be replace by regestrone Does the irregular soft tissue sound concerning? What should I do when I suspect having worms in my stool? Experiencing discomfort and bloating in my stomach after buffet meal Can diabetic cause hair thinning? What can I do about redness in the eyes of a toddler? Why would I be having pain in the left side of my breast? Is their a chance that I got infected by STI thru wounds String like structure found in poop Why do I get frequent red spots on the right eye in the sclera? i am pregnant 5months My skin is getting dry and dark
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