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What is a hard knot right in the center of my rib cage? What is the swelling of the ankle with rash on it after using neospirin ointment? What is the cause of bleeding during mid cycle? What is the remedy for gerd when on prilosec? What does PVR and SVR? What is the remedy for sinusitis? What is the cause of itchiness and red skin when on tylenol cold? What is the remedy for nose block after viral fever? What is the remedy for nausea with dizziness? What is fifths disease? How to bring SGPT under control? What is the cause of dizziness with a wobbly balance? Reason for abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements after C-sections? What is the swelling in my knee after surgeries? Treatment for pain in knee and toes and pain while bending toes? What is the remedy for abdominal pain? Is trouble releasing urine and pain in back due to kidney problem? What is the cause of numbness in my feet when on losartan? Are there any chances of HIV infection after protected sex? How long can one have grade 1 uterine cancer before it spreads? Medicine to relieve burning sensation after taking syrup for constipation? What is the remedy for depression? Solution for fetal issues after sudden lack of movement? Is fibroid in breast and uterus causing pain in neck due to a tumor? Are men with xy syndrome prone to difficulties with emotions? Is EBV infection contagious and how is it acquired? Diagnosis of child with painful urination despite negative urine infection test? What are the side effects of repeated ultrasound tests on child? Treatment for knee pain for the last two weeks? What is the remedy for abdominal pain? What is the remedy for fever? What is the remedy for pyoderma gangrenosum? What is the cause of delay in period when on i-pill after foreplay? How do i ease the withdrawal effects? What dietary precautions should i take during the course of vaccination for dog bite? Treatment for tingling, light headed, dizziness, sore eye? What is the remedy for an inflammed area around my anus? Remedy for chest tightness, squeezing despite taking Flovent for asthma? What do you suggest for a major bone cyst? What causes depression and yeast infections at teenage? Why are my feet purple and numb? What is the remedy for neck pain after an injury? What are the pimples on my labia minora? What is the recurring chemical smell in my nose? What is the painful lump on my breast? What is the remedy for night sweats? Does the afrial fib cause fatigue? What is the remedy for laceration above my anus? What is the remedy for high blood pressure? What are the lumps around my abdomen? What is the remedy for tumors? What is the feeling of something stuck in my throat? What is a flap of hard skin outside my grand daughter's anus? Is it uncommon to do an abdomen, lower extremities & neck ultrasound at the same time? What is the remedy for a sore head after an injury? What is the remedy for stenosis? What is a hard flap of skin outside the anus? What is the remedy for weakness after dialysis? Does sitting or standing make the nausea more severe? What does 'Coarsening of interstitial markings lung bases without confluent consolidation'mean? What is the remedy for rashes under breast? Do exercises reduce the effect of antibiotics? What is the remedy for breathing problems? What is the pricky feeling in my chest? How do i quit smoking? Is septilin safe to take? What is the remedy for gastric problem? What is the remedy for a bad throat? What is the remedy for back pain? What is the pricking sensation in my throat when on throxine? Is it normal to hab=ve mouth ulcers and pain in tongue with typhoid? What is the boil with pus in my stomach? Is cloben g the right medication for jock itch? Does high cholestrol cause headaches? What is the remedy for flank pain in my back? How do i handle the issue of infertility? What does issues in TMT indicate? What is the cause of weight gain on my breasts? Suggest treatment for genital herpes Could i be pregnant with pregnancy symptoms with a negative result on the pregnancy test? What causes chest pain after an angioplasty and stent instertion? Treatment for fractured ribs How to determine whether the cyst in fallopian tube is beign or malignant? What does ""Inhomogeneous opacity in the basilar aspect of the right lung.." mean? How to determine whether the cyst in fallopian tube is beign or malignant? Can pain in back after a fall be a spinal injury? Is coconut oil good for health? What causes pain from left side of chest to above the stomach? What should be the normal stomach pH level? What causes a feeling of foreign body sensation in throat and pain? How to prevent herpes encephalitis? What causes sleep disturbances after taking Irbesartan? What causes skin allergy? What causes itching on scrotum and foreskin? What causes pain and swelling on left foot? How to eliminate Methamphetamine from the body? Can Zopidem and Percocet be taken together? What causes loose and greenish bowel movement? What causes diarrhea,gas and vomiting? What to do for delayed puberty symptoms? What causes slow penis growth in overweight child? What are alternative options for emergency contraception? Can kidney pain be symtoms of chronic kidneydisease? Does Geraniam plant and Ciclopirox cure HIV? What does "ESR - 65 ,Liver Function Test: Y-GT - 40" indicate? What causes frequent headaches? Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis pain What causes more sensitivity on one side of the body? What causes over all body bumps with leisons in rectum and throat? What causes severe ear pain after tooth extraction? What causes mid back pain and the pain around sternum? How long does Dermclaim and Atarax take to cure skin rash? How long does Dermclaim and Atarax take to cure body rashes? What causes recurring UTI with headaches and fungal infection on skin? What dies "hypermetabolic lymph nodes seen in the left side of ib cervical region" mean? How to manage hormone replacement to feel young and strong? What causes internal rectum pressure and burning? Is Zyprexa with Depakote or Abilfy with Depakote a better option? Suggest treatment for cough with fever,body chills and body aches What causes left side testes descend earlier than the right one? What causes dizziness when on BP medication? What causes severe stomach pain? Suggest treatment for vomiting sensation during pregnancy What causes dry retching and gagging accompanied with anxiety and depression? Suggest treatment for lipoma Is circulation booster beneficial for venous stasis? What causes breathing difficulty and feeling of lump in the throat? Can bright red blood in stool be a sign of colon cancer? What causes lower abdominal pain when suffering from cystitis? Is "multiple spots in bilateral frontal lobes" symptom of Multiple sclerosis? What cause numbness and tingling in hands with back pain and abdominal cramps? Is fasting sugar level of 178 normal? Is there a problem with taking Miralax for long periods? What does a white lump with black center on the labia minor indicate? Does botox injection taken for head tremor cause shoulder pain? What causes frequent urination? Does Bystolic and Metformin causes mood changes and joint pains? What is the cause and treatment for alopecia aerata? Suggest treatment for recurring shingles What causes vomiting and stomach pain following intake of smoked chicken and oysters? What causes left sided abdominal pain with urinary problem and lymohnodes? Suggest treatment for Lichen Planus in mouth Is that common to have cough when on steroids? Why does post-mortem result show positive for Marijuana? Can an OTC medication be taken for pain relief after a stroke? What causes light pink spotting? Suggest treatment for constipation What is the reason not to have pacemaker? What causes headaches,skipped heart beats with numbness and tingling on face? Suggest treatment for scars over the face and neck What causes positve results for opiates in system? How to get rid of Minocycline side effects? What causes chest pain? What causes severe chest pain after a heart ablation? What does "trace of mitral valve regurgitation and trace tricuspid valve regurgitation" mean? Is high B12 associated with leukemia and liver disease? What causes nose bleeding after botox treatment for migraine? Why is a mammogram repeated? What causes eye pain and movement in eyeballs when suffering from vertigo? Suggest treatment for Metastatic breast cancer What are symptoms and treatment for irritable bowel syndrome? Suggest treatment for back and hip pain What causes swelling on thighs and legs? What causes dark coloured urine after taking Metronidazole? Suggest additional measures to cure cold and cough while giving Levolin and Ronycold Kid Syrup to a two-year-old What does a depression in the thumbnail indicate? What causes blurred vision in one eye? What are the side effects of Alli? What does "ascending aorta at 4.0 cm" indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety What causes blood in uruine and back pain? What causes blurred vision in one eye? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What should be done for nodules in lungs? Suggest treatment for pain and constipation after a hernia repair What causes rib cage deformities? Can biological siblings have different blood groups? What causes pink blood discharge? Can meniscus tear be repaired by an ayurvedic treatment? Can a tumor in the pineal gland cause optic neuritis? Suggest treatment for high fever Is there any treatment for peyronies other than surgery? What are causes of foul smelling urine? Suggest treatment for acne Is Morphine safe for a person with low blood pressure and chest infection? Suggest treatment for skin lightening Suggest treatment for Bipolar disorder What causes seizures and coughing up of blood after a stroke? What causes stomach pain,belching,fatigue,muscle weakness and low ibido? What causes stomach aches? What causes delayed periods after tubectomy? Is it safe to go on trips when suffering from temporal arteritis? Suggest treatment for nasal congestion What causes pseudomonas aeruginosa growth in lungs? What causes troubled sleep and anxiety after taking Methylprednisolone? What causes frontal headache? Suggest treatment for UTI What causes frontal headaches? What causes bloating,nausea,swelling in throat and difficulty in breathing? What causes vaginal burning?
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