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What causes recurring cold in the morning? Suggest treatment for hairfall What causes severe abdominal pain during night? Suggest treatment for fever with cold and sore throat How does speech therapy work? Suggest treatment for clear skin and strong hair What causes irritation in eyes with redness? What causes stomach gas and abdominal bloating? Is bleeding in pregnancy dangerous for the growing fetus? Suggest treatment for ankle sprain What causes left sided abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for facial gray hair Suggest treatment for vision loss Suggest treatment for heavy hair fall What causes severe vertigo while lying on right side? What cause pain in heart after masturbation? What causes decrease in hearing? What causes sensitivity in teeth after tooth decay? Suggest treatment for bend glans penis and premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair What causes altered sense of taste? Suggest treatment for allergic dermatitis What causes black spots in vision? What causes back pain after physical work out? What causes one side facial paralysis and numbness in hands? Suggest treatment for hypertension Suggest treatment for acidity What causes knee pain? What causes an enlarged inguinal lymph node? What causes plaque in lower jaw? Suggest treatment for myopia How to keep diabetes under control? What causes pain in stomach and fast heart beats? What causes chest pain on breathing? What causes irritation, itchiness, swelling, and yellow discharge from vagina? What does this blood report regarding sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis indicate? Is switching brands of metformin for type 2 diabetes a major problem? Suggest treatment for vaginal fungal infection Suggest treatment for high WBC count and neck tightness inspite of having chronic lymphocytic leukemia What causes numbness from left side of neck to forearm? What causes feeling numbness from the left side of neck to forearm? What causes squeezing sensation around the elbow area? Suggest treatment for insomnia Suggest treatment for delusion Suggest treatment for coronary heart disease other than surgery What causes weakness in upper and lower extremities? What causes pain in testicles and bruising on legs and arms? What causes shivering during night? What causes missed periods? Suggest treatment for insomnia Suggest treatment for hypopigmentation of the skin due to application of the lightening agent How to test for dtetection of HIV? Can i contract herpes through oral sex? What causes blood in urine and burning sensation while urinating? What does blood in urine indicate How does IVF work in treating infertility? How lond does non-food item to pass out of the body in the stool? What causes dark bruise on my forearm? What causes hoarseness, sore throat and pain in right arm? Suggest treatment for pain due to gallstones What causes severe pain in back of neck and lower head? How long should i carry pace maker for slow heart beat? What causes lower back pain, constipation and lump in the back? Suggest treatment for leg pain What degree of longevity can I expect with a 70% narrowing of carotid artery? What causes pimple filled with puss on the side of my nose? What does the ultrasond report indicate? What causes small black flecks in stool? Are two positive result for pregnancy test,conclusive? Suggest treatment for pimples on my face Is cansoft cl safe to take for vaginal infection during pregnancy? What causes burning sensation while urination and irritation during ejaculation? Suggest treatment for weak erections What causes itching on penis tip? What does high ASO level indicate? What causes drowsiness? Suggest alternatives for nystatin cream and doxycycline tab What causes persistent loose motions? What causes pain in abdomen between breast bones? What causes bump in ear hole after ear piercing? Suggest treatment for septicemia What are the side effects of keybiotics and clonazepam? Is HIV/STD transmission possible despite protected sex? What causes itching in the anus? What causes swelling in foreskin? What causes increased heart rate and excessive sweating? What does this blood test for diabetes indicate? At what point should hypothyroidism be treated? What causes severe headache, nausea and affected vision? What causes a bump in vagina? Suggest treatment for water in left ear after swimming What causes rash on leg after shaving and oil massage? What causes increased Monocytes and lymphocytes level? What are the symptoms of STD? Suggest treatment for swelling on sole and pain Suggest treatment for lesions associated with HFMD in mouth Suggest treatment for insomnia Is attending a concert safe when having a stent put in lower left artery? What are symptoms of stomach ulcers? What causes headache, weakness and dizziness? What are the chances of HIV through non penetrative sex? What causes chest pain occuring on movements? Suggest tests to diagnose inclusion cysts in middle finger What causes bruising on lumber area and severe back pain? What does delayed periods with positive UPT indicate? Suggest treatment for depression inspite of using effexor and lexapro Suggest treatment for alllergic tick bite What causes pain in central calf muscle? What causes tiredness and vomiting inspite of having calcium meds? Suggest treatment for severe allergic reaction to insect bite on foot What cause premature greying of hair in children? Can Naprosyn and Repepsa be taken during lactation? What causes peeling of penis foreskin? What causes fatigue and joint pain? Is it possible to keep someone breathing for long time after death? What is the cause and treatment for low BP? What causes dizziness, uneasiness and sweating? Suggest treatment for panic attacks during dental procedure What causes bumps on genitals? What is the cause and treatment for irregular periods? What causes severe calf cramps? What are the symptoms of blood cancer stage 2? Can I stop taking adderall abruptly? What causes swollen arms and feet with tightness in chest and rapid heart rate? How to prepone periods? What causes chest congestion and tightness? Does consumption of mosquito repellent cause death? What causes inability to gain weight? What causes delayed period with blood clots and abdominal pain after Ipill intake? Should i go for laser treatment to improve my vision? What causes red patches inside the mouth? What causes sore testicle? How to confirm accuracy of a HIV antibody test? How to control sugar levels in a diabetic patient? What is vasculitis? Can Finax be taken for thinning of hair What causes diarrhea and vomiting in a child? Suggest treatment for sleep disturbances What does this semen analysis indicate? What causes itching in eyes? What are the side effects of meftal-p? How to increase breast milk? What causes reddish brown insect bite on arm? Suggest treatment for subdural hematoma What does this blood test regarding appendicitis? What causes pain while passing urine? What causes loose motion when suffering from diabetes? Suggest treatment for Grave's disease What causes body pains, fever and exhaustion? What causes swelling in legs and ankles with frequent urination? What causes disorientation and tiredness which are relieved by fluid intake? What causes headaches on right side of head? What causes pain under the rib cage and under breast? What causes elevated vitamin B12 level ? What causes craving for sugar after stopping alcohol intake? What causes low heart rate value? What causes lower back pain, blood in stool and stomach discomfort? What does this BP value and weight loss indicate? What is the cause and treatment for dyshidrotic eczema? Can Folvite and Duphaston be taken in pregnancy? What causes sleep variations in infants? What causes severe abdominal pain near the naval? What are the symptoms of tooth abscess? What does this report regarding stage IIIA esophageal cancer indicate? Does Diphenhydramine intake by heart patient cause any complication? What causes spotting after having postinor 2? What causes mild bleeding post dental extraction? How to control high BP? Is delayed period symptom of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for hair fall What causes diarrhea? What causes blood in stool after taking ercefuryl? Are there any anti-parasite antibiotics to kill scabies? What causes high fever with cold? What causes pain in wrist after an injury? What causes spitting excess saliva in infants? What causes raised TSH levels and abnormal eosinophil count? Suggest diet chart for cellulitis What causes falling off of nails in a child? What causes muscle contraction in the upper abdomen and jerking od head? What causes puss discharge from nipples? What are the side effects of hep c treatment? How to wean off ranitidine? Is heart rate is 102 dangerous? What causes lower abdominal pain after intercourse? Can I take champix with tussionex? What does this chest CT scan indicate? Suggest treatment for lymphoma What causes swelling and itching on toe after bee bite? Will vaginal introitus lose elasticity after menopause? How to increes penis length abd thickness? What causes blood in urine and burning sensation in bladder? What causes facial droop,right side weakness and mild headache? What does renal pelvis dilatation during pregnancy mean? What does a string-like thing from rectum indicate? What does bilateral L5 nerve root impingement with severe unbearable pain mean? What causes large bruise on inside of arm? Suggest treatment for red scrotum syndrome Suggest treatment for sleep apnea What causes dark and loose bowel movement?
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