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What causes pain in the left side of upper abdomen? Can i use glyaha koj lotion for skin fairness? What causes loose stools? Suggest treatment for painful intercourse and swollen sore vagina What causes pain in both ankles? Is Oosure plus effective in treating ovarian cysts? What are the chances of pregnancy after having I pill with 24 hours of sex? What causes pain in left shoulder? What causes difficulty in walking? What does this observations found on biopsy report regarding enlarged lymph nodes suggest? Suggest treatment for fever and cough What causes irregular heart rhythms? Is Neotigason safe inspite of trying to conceive? What causes delayed periods? What causes rapid pulse rate in the middle of night? What causes stomach pain after ectopic pregnancy removal? How long creatinine level takes to decrease after quitting torsemide? Suggest treatment for fatty liver Suggest treatment for fatty liver What does my bone marrow biopsy/aspiration report indicate? Can Cerelle be taken while going through post-menopausal symptoms? How does salivary THC testing work? What is the cause and treatment for recurring thrush on penis? What causes pain in shoulder blade accompanied by numbness in arm? What is the cause and treatment for swollen lymph nodes all over the body? What does pus cells and RBC in semen indicate? How accurate is DNA PCR test for HIV? Suggest treatmemt for insomnia What is the cause and treatment for persistent rib pain? What causes delayed period after taking emergency contraceptive pill? What causes delayed period with vaginal spotting? Suggest treatment foor prostatic hypertrophy and hydrocele What is the cause and treatment for constant pain in lower rib area? What is the cause and treatment for pain in kidney area? Does Abilify cause brain to shrink? Suggest treatment for scratch at urethral opening caused by passing kidney stone Suggest treatment for severe sun burn on skin What do white bumps on penis indicate? What do white bumps on penis indicate? What causes pain in middle of the chest? What causes stiffness and pain in neck with headache? How much protein should be present in one's diet? What are the symptoms of PCOS? What causes vaginal spotting and cramps? What causes pain on bottom of foot near the toes? How often should I see my dermatologist? Suggest treatment for amoebiasis caused by entameba histolytica What is the incubation period for viral meningitis? Suggest treatment to remove corn between toes What causes ulcers from mouth to the throat with ear pain and watery eyes? Can Ropinirole ER be spilt and taken in divided dose? What is the cause and treatment for back pain? Is Neosporin effective in treatment of herpes sores? What causes stiffness at back of the neck? What causes petechiae spots on face of a child? Does bladder infection cause back and abdominal pain? Can Methadone and Oxycodone be taken together? What causes loss of body balance and difficulty articulating words? What is the cause and treatment for headache and tender bump on temple? What is the cause and treatment for phimosis? What do white bumps under the penis head indicate? What causes penile swelling and inflammation after taking Artesunat? Suggest treatment for skin infection on scrotum Does Klebsiella cause vaginal infections? What causes heart palpitations, shortness of breath and chest pains? What causes choking sensation while in lying down position? Suggest treatment for dry eye syndrome What is the cause and treatment for headache with dizziness? Suggest treatment to get rid of snoring What causes high fever with headache? Suggest exercises to strengthen thigh muscles Can Klebsiella cause urinary tract infection? What causes sudden dizziness? What causes bleeding gums? Suggest treatment for infected blister on sole of the feet Suggest treatment to cure piles How to test for urinary tract infection? What does a circular patch on face indicate? What causes pain in feet and ankle? What is the cause and treatment for pityriasis versicolor? What causes weakness in upper arm? What causes swelling,tightness and heaviness in arm with shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What causes difficulty in hearing? What are the side effects of Isabgol? Suggest treatment for allergic coughing and sneezing Suggest treatment for pain due to osteoarthritis Suggest treatment for loss of strength in limbs when suffering from GBM tumor Suggest treatment for severe scalp itching Suggest treatment for muscle spasm in neck Suggest treatment for back pain What causes discomfort in eyes after changing spectacles? What causes vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain after taking I pill? What causes leg cramps while sleeping? Suggest treatment for motion sickness when suffering from Aspbergers syndrome What causes cyclical vomiting in a child? How to avoid kidney stone formation? What casues left sided body pain? Suggest treatment for cold and mild fever Suggest treatment for prolonged cough in a child What causes elevated TSH level? Suggest treatment for cold and sore throat Is stem cell banking useful? Is Zyban effective in overcoming withdrawal effects of quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for resistant scabies Can rod in leg be removed when it causes pain and tenderness? Does accidental ingestion of Foracort cause any harm? Suggest treatment for upper respiratory tract infection in a child What is the use of Enzoflam and PAN 40? Suggest treatment for common cold and stuffy nose in an infant Suggest treatment for recurrent cold and cough What causes pain from abdomen upto chest? What casues vaginal discharge after having sex? What is the cause and treatment for foul body odor? Suggest treatment for insomnia Is pregnancy possible while on birth control pills? How to calculate gestational age in pregnancy? Can anti tetanus shot be taken before getting hair transplant done? Suggest treatment for ear pain after an injury What causes burning sensation during urination? What does "lenticular subchorionice collection seen" in pregnancy mean? Is delayed period symptom of pregnancy? What causes pain in left side of right knee? What causes raised lesion on thigh? Suggest treatment for disc herniation Suggest ways to supplement the calcium intake inspite of being lactose intolerant Suggest treatment for excessive daytime sleepiness Can i have topiramate, concerta and cipralex together? Suggest treatmemnt for allergic reaction to wasp sting How to check for paternity of child during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for addiction of tobacco What is the cause and treatment for nigh terrors in a child? When should a PSA test be done? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels How long Clonazepam stay in our system? Can anxiety cause pain in chest? Is it possible to get X-ray radiation overdose from dental x-ray? What causes vertigo on bending down when suffering from high blood pressure? What causes raised skin lesion on thigh? What causes high cholesterol levels? What causes lump in the crease near upper arm? What causes delayed periods? What causes swollen foot after an injury? Does Percocet show up in the urine tests? Suggest treatment for PVCs with normal echo What does a lump on collar bone indicate? Is Clenbuterol intake safe and effective for weight loss? What causes chronic diarrhea? Suggest treatment for occipital neuralgia Suggest treatment for venous malformation on thumb Can i travel by flight with a nerve damage in foot? What causes persistent respiratory infection? What causes pain in left shoulder blade? What causes small red bumps on penile shaft? What does this ECG report showing sinus rhythm indicate? What does a lump on prostate indicate? What causes persistent fluid in ears with allergic rhinitis? Suggest treatment for failed IVF and IUI Suggest treatment for fungal infection on ear causing itching Suggest treatment for pain due ti broken ribs What causes bulging of veins on foot? Should i take anti rabies injection after a dog bite? What causes brown tinge in cervical mucus during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for stomach ache? Can laser surgery for varicose veins cause lot of pain? Suggest treatment for dry scalp and hair fall Do antibiotics interfere with an RPR test? What causes tiredness after having sex? What causes hair fall? Suggest treatment for low estradiol What causes hot breath? What causes black coating on tongue? What does high MPV level indicate? Suggest treatment for bloating and gas What causes anxiety and dizzy spells after sniffing popper? What causes sores in mouth? What causes hot breath? What causes sore throat and muscle pain after non penetrative sex? Shoul all facts in a pathology result be shared by a doctor? What causes hair fall and dark under eye circles? What causes painful joints with history of knee replacement? What causes small purplish colored bumps around anus and scrotum? What does a oreign object in the skull indicate? What are the chances of HIV through non penetrative sex? What does "fullness in the kidney" mean? How is HIV transmitted? Suggest treatment for advanced McArdle's disease Can i go for an MRI inspite of having titanium in neck of right femur? What causes raised mole temple? What causes vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for nose congestion How to check if hymen is intact or not? What is the cause and treatment for excessive hair fall? Suggest treatment for less immunity power Suggest ways to determine the presence of intact hymen Does testosterone enanthanate shot cause stunt penis growth? What does "normal size coarse echotexture" in a liver ultrasound mean? Suggest diet and exercise for prediabetic sugar levels Suggest treatment for gas and stomach upset in a 4 month old What causes pain inside vagina after tampon removal?
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