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Does removal of tonsils help with seizures before and after sleeping? Suggest treatment for blurred vision along with headache and dizziness What does clear pelvic sonography post abortion indicate? What does this lipid profile and liver function test result indicate? Suggest treatment for clots on legs while weaning off Adderall What causes persistent fever with negative Widal test? Is Listril-10 the right medicine for high BP? What does the angiogram report indicate? Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest treatment for jaundice and typhoid What are the interaction between Diltiazem, Metoprolol Tartrate and Amiodarone? What causes late periods even after Ovral L pill usage? Suggest treatment for dark circles around eyes Suggest remedy for abrasion and swollen feet after a fall Suggest treatment for social anxiety disorder Suggest treatment for high BP, constipation and high triglyceride levels What does my test report indicate? Is Brufen advisable for pain during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for swelling under armpits and neck What causes leg cramps when on Warfarin, Meloxicam and Tribenzor? Suggest treatment for sever cough and wheezing during pregnancy What causes severe constipation and bleeding during excretion after delivering baby? Suggest treatment for bilateral distal hydrosalpinx Is it normal to have heavy vaginal bleeding after I pill intake? Can Depokote and Sequel cause liver damage and memory loss? What do these blood test reports indicate? Can garcinia cambogia be taken with Labetalol, Tramadol and Flexeril? Is taking double dose of Metoprolol succinate a serious cause for concern? Suggest treatment for addiction to Femdom Is it safe to have Duphaston during pregnancy? Does Fertyl tablets help in conceiving in women with a bicornuate uterus? What does the semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder Suggest treatment for jaw lock, stiffness on neck and speech problems Suggest treatment for hypersensitivity pneumonitis Suggest treatment for constant bloating, nausea and cough Suggest treatment for Occipital neuralgia Is hearing of heartbeat in left ear a cause for concern? What causes blackened and extremely dry skin on ankles? Suggest medication for hypersensitivity pneumonitis What causes pimples on face after using homemade powder? How to improve sperm count? What causes light brown spots on groin area? Suggest treatment for shingles and deliriousness Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort in ribs What causes bleeding either during urination or bowel movement? What causes painful heat boils near penis? Suggest treatment for bad acid reflux and abdominal pain What does the chest X ray report indicate? Can brain abscess grow in time and cause psychiatric symptoms? What causes recurring pain in the ribs and under arm pit? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and pinkish vaginal discharge What is hysterical neurosis and personality? Does R-Cinex have any side effects? What causes feeling of lump in throat and nausea? What causes a long vertical bulge on the stomach? What causes feeling of lump in throat and nausea? What causes dark pigmented blotches on feet? What causes a dry mouth after recovery from cold? Suggest treatment for pain on face and swelling on jaws What causes blood in semen? Suggest treatment for fatigue and high heart rate Can bio-identical hormones be taken after complete hystertecomy? Is Tramadol the composition in Citra 50? Suggest diet for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome What causes pain in a spot on the heel? Suggest treatment for ringing and pain in ear and head cold Can an electric shock effect the HIV antibody test? Suggest treatment for cough, nasal congestion, headache and cramps in legs What causes stomach and back pain, sore breasts and delay in menstruation? Does hydrocodone show up in urine drug test? What causes severe pain in kidney area and nausea? Suggest treatment for severe red rash with swelling and itching on vagina What causes slightly swollen glands in neck and oral thrush infection? What causes severe diarrhea despite being on Welchol? What causes medial knee pain while moving it? How often do proteins degrade and get replaced by new ones from diet? What causes positive fecal immunochemical test results? What causes muscle weakness along with stomach pain? Can pineapple and papaya be eaten during pregnancy? What does "small bilateral inguinal infra-centrimetric adenopathies " mean? How to wean off of XanaX safely? What causes peptic ulcers along with diarrhea and vomiting? What does "M Spike at 0,5 and no monocular band detected" mean? What causes discomfort in throat along with nausea? What causes involuntary shaking of head? Suggest treatment for cracked heels Suggest treatment to lighten dark lips Suggest treatment for fungal infection of toe nail What precautions should be taken during train journey by a pregnant woman? What causes stomach pain in an elderly? What causes shortness of breath after sitting for over half an hour? What causes absence of rib growth in an infant? What causes familial hypercholesterolemia? What causes stomach problem along with rise in BP and blood sugar level? What causes sudden loss of memory? Suggest treatment for diabetes What causes upper abdominal pain? What causes weakness in arm after a surgery for tennis elbow? What does a growth on eyelid indicate? What causes altered sense of taste along with sinus drainage? What causes swelling on tongue? What does a painful and itchy lump on leg indicate? What causes anal itching? What causes nose congestion? What is a yellow pill with V 2530 written on it? What causes burning sensation in lower abdomen? What causes swelling of skin above clitoris? Suggest treatment for severe flu amd cough What causes pain in ribcage along with trouble breathing? Suggest treatment for high sugar level What causes bleeing after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for influenza in children What causes severe coughing? Suggest treatment for furuncles How to wean off of Zopiclone? What causes fever along with cough and chest congestion? What are symptoms of herpes? Is Emanzen-D safe while breastfeeding? What do "hemangiomas in liver" indicate? Suggest treatment for dry cough How to use smuth ointment? Suggest treatment for chronic migraine causing disturbed sleep When should NSAID's be stopped before a surgery? Suggest treatment for adenomyosis and low sperm count in partner What causes constipation? Suggest treatment for chronic back pain What causes pain and burning sensation while passing urine? Wha causes nausea,vomiting and sweating after stopping Valium intake? Can Vasograin be taken for headaches when suffering from acute pancreatitis? What is Flucloxacillin dosage for skin infection? What are the side effects of Vyanase? What casues cramps in upper back along with dry cough? Can Klonopin dosage be increased to deal with anxiety? Suggest treatment for drug withdrawal symptoms What causes severe hair loss? What causes sharp lower back pain? How does cancer medicatication help in treatment of cancer? What does IgG 2.91 in a HSV2 test report mean? What causes lower back pain? What is meant by "pelvi calyceal ectasia due to gravid uterus"? What does the spine MRI report indicate? Suggest medication for severe migraine What causes pain in lower abdominal area after taking abortion pill? Suggest treatment for painful lump near hip What does minimal linear atelectasis or fibrosis mean? Suggest treatment for itchy and sensitive skin on arms, shoulders and neck What causes bleeding from penis? Does Topiramate cause numbness in tongue and anxiety? Suggest treatment for panic attacks and shortness of breath What causes tingling in throat, cough and thick mucus? Suggest medication to delay periods What causes burning feeling in throat, coughing fits, dry cough and lethargy? Suggest treatment for pain radiating to lower back and arms What causes intense burning pain in lower abdomen, nausea and brain fog? Is it safe to drink alcohol while on Buspar? Suggest exercise and diet plan for weight loss Suggest treatment for chest pain after taking Oxycodone- Acetaminophen What causes burning feeling and pain while urinating? Suggest remedy for headaches, fever and nausea after MMR vaccination What causes itchy sticky boils on fingers? Suggest treatment for coughing and vomiting Suggest ways to manage allergic reaction to foods Suggest treatment for anxiety spectrum disorder What causes red itchy spot on skin? What causes bloating with history of gastric bypass surgery? Are there any risks of thromboembolism associated with thyroid hormone replacement? Suggest treatment for leg cramps and borderline kidney functions What causes bleeding after taking I pill? What are the chances of pregnancy when ejaculation is outside the vagina? What causes abdominal pain, pain radiating from belly button to groin area? How effective is gain lean muscle weight to increase weight? Suggest treatment for tender breasts when on birth control pills What does the PET scan and CT scan report indicate? What causes gas and bloating after having meal? What causes red eye? How long should i continue Duphaston during pregnancy? What causes itchy rash on skin? What causes difficulty breathing along with stomach pain post Meth intake? What does this MRI report during pregnancy indicate? What does this HCG level of 1.0 indicate? What does this HCG level of 1.0 indicate? What causes tingling sensation in chest radiating to arms while urinating? Suggest treatment for nausea, depression and hypertension What causes tingling in feet bad normal CT scan? What causes constipation and stomach pain? What causes low libido? Is a 3 year old implanon effective in preventing pregnancy? What are the common reason of gall bladder removal? What does this ECG report indicate? Suggest remedy for vomiting in a 2 year old What causes delay in period with negative UPT? Can Metoprolol cause wheezing, dizziness and body odor? What causes heart palpitations in a person with mitral valve prolapse? How to terminate early pregnancy? What does the TLC count increase when having fever and gastritis? Suggest treatment for itchy rash on penis What causes frequent headaches? What does this semen analysis and ultrasound report indicate? What causes inability to ejaculate semen?
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