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Is weakness in joints due to stomach flu or a liver dysfunctionality? What are the complications of PCOD? Suggest treatment for prolonged menstruation when with PCOS What causes red dots on tongue and blister on lip? What causes constant popping sound in ear and dizziness? Are Progynova and Deviry the right medicines for PCOD? Suggest treatment for consumption of doubled dosage of Fluoxetine and Losartan-hctz What causes discomfort in lower left side? Suggest right combination of drugs for depression Suggest treatment for excessive mucus production in throat Is the habit of running around a normal behavior in a 6 year old? What causes knee pain while flexing muscles and panting while climbing stairs? Suggest remedy for anxiety and phobia of dengue and mosquitoes What causes frequent urination? Suggest treatment for low BP and problem with vagus nerve causing blackouts Is Hydroquinone effective in treating hyper pigmentation on face? Is it normal to have 2.4 kg of weight in a breast feeding 17 days old infant? What causes growing pimple on penis? Is CABG the best treatment option for ischemic heart disease? What causes anal bleeding during defecation? What causes tingling and numbness in left arm? Suggest treatment for bloody stools along with rectal pain Suggest treatment for constipation and acidity problem Suggest treatment for sore ears and sore throat What does this MRI report of neck indicate? What does the ultrasound report indicate? Is olive oil good to be used on hair? What causes stomach pain and bleeding during 5th month of pregnancy? Is BP varying between 115-135/75-90 and pulse between 90 and 100 normal? Suggest treatment for post nasal drip along with cough Is CABG the best treatment for coronary heart disease? Suggest treatment for swollen tonsils, vomiting and diarrhea What causes drowsiness and pain in hands? What does this BP value and lipid profile indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and lumps on shoulder blades What causes early period after having I pill? Is medical abortion possible during the 5th month of pregnancy? What causes constant shoulder pain and excessive belching? Suggest treatment for emotional feeling and anxiety What causes a pulsation feeling on right forehead? What do my MRI scan reports indicate? Suggest treatment for white patch on neck Suggest treatment for chest pain and extreme cough Suggest treatment for involuntary tongue movements What causes black substance in stool after laparoscopic appendix operation? Are throbbing in temples, headaches and nausea due to sinus infection? What does the semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for extreme abdominal and pelvic pain Suggest treatment for small hard bumps on lower jaws Suggest treatment for kidney stones and lack of sexual pleasure Suggest treatment for Polyploid mucosal thickening at maxillary and ethmoid sinuses Is the cholesterol level of 4.7 normal? How effective is a vaccination for dog bite after a year? Suggest treatment for raised, itchy hives due to allergy What are the side effects of taking Cremaffin? Does day time sleepiness indicative of decreased liver functioning? Suggest treatment for depression along with dementia What causes shortness of breath along with cough? Suggest treatment for scab on lips due to staph infection How to get rid of masturbation? What causes on hips after ejaculation? When can Stadol be taken after using Meth? Suggest treatment for infertility Suggest treatment for common cold What causes pain in toes? What causes migraines after an accident? Suggest treatment for dry eyes What does a small lump in armpit indicate? Suggest treatment oral mucosal injury What causes severe headache? Is taking Meth along with alcohol safe? Suggest treatment for insomnia Is pregnancy possible despite taking emergency contraceptive pills after intercourse? How to check for pregnancy? Why does a child become scared of strangers? What causes shock sensations around toes? What causes joint pains? What causes itchy scalp? What causes tunnel like effect under skin on stomach in a diabetic? What are the side effects of Keppra? What causes low TSH level? Is a 3rd generation HIV antibody test result after 4.5 months of exposure conclusive? What causes dull ache in lower hamstring muscle? What causes breathing difficulty and vomiting up of green bile in a smoker? What causes numbness on feet? Can schizophrenia develop suddenly? Will the kidney stones start moving down after performing lithotripsy? What causes stones in urine when suffering from UTI? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety, dim vision and panic attacks Suggest treatment for anxiety, nausea and panic attacks What causes pain in lower abdomen followed by diarrhea? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol levels What causes extra fluid in testicle post inguinal hernia operation? What causes loss of sensation and burning sensation of tongue? Suggest treatment for joints pain while having low dose chemotherapy What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculation? What causes excessive dryness despite having thyronorm daily? What causes diarrhea after having Clamp for fever? What causes vaginal bleeding post treatment for throat infection? What causes elevated serum creatinine levels? Is it safe to have Taxim-O for ear infection inspite of breast feeding an infant? How to stop thumb sucking in a 2 year old? What causes burning sensation during urination? What does this CT scan report indicate? What causes burning sensation during urination? Suggest treatment for chronic back pain post car accident Suggest treatment for throat discomfort and hoarseness What causes constant chipping off of tooth structure? What causes itchy rash on both arms? Can Perindopril for high BP cause anaemia? How can i remove cotton stuck inside ear? Can i have Eurodin for sleeplessness despite being a hepatitis B carrier? What causes lighheadedness when i wake up in the mornings? What does this X-ray finding indicate? Suggest treatment for sore throat Is Bactrim the right medicine for sore throat? What causes intermittent pain radiating from left flank area to back? hello,i was taken ireven tablets for 7 month,after when i Could Nattokinase cause heart stroke? Suggest medicines for Meniere's disease that do not cause anxiety attacks Suggest ways to wean off Oxycodone Does squalene fish help psoriasis if applied topically? What is the correct method of using Candid v6 tablet? Suggest treatment for abdominal cramps after intercourse Is Rabipur injection needed when bitten by vaccinated dog? Suggest treatment for oily skin with pores Suggest treatment for indentation on the back How long does Marijuana stay in the system? Suggest treatment for enlarged liver What causes racy heart after sneezing? Suggest treatment for depression and headaches Is it safe to take Ecosprin when having chest pain? What causes sudden pain in eyes, blurred vision and needles feeling in forehead? What causes abdominal pain after straining a muscle during physical activity? Suggest treatment for urinary infection and constipation during stress Suggest ways to bring down triglyceride levels Suggest treatment for stress and difficulty sleeping What does my MRI scan report indicate? Does delayed periods indicate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for alcoholic fatty liver and lack of appetite What does the following MRI report indicate? What complications can arise in a diabetic patient during cataract surgery? Suggest treatment for temporal headaches Suggest treatment for pain in neck and ears while laughing Suggest treatment for cyst on ovaries What causes a movement sensation in stomach? Suggest treatment for white and pink patches on foreskin Suggest treatment for dry allergic cough Suggest treatment for red patch on the penis What does the PET Scan report indicate? Can Mometasone or Fluticasone and Cortisone creams be applied around the eyes? Suggest treatment for epididymitis and enlarged prostate What causes a sharp pain on injury side months after the incident? Can Xanax and Zoloft be taken together? What causes popping and cracking of joints and some pain? What causes delayed menstruation, brown discharge and cramps? Suggest treatment for severe back pain and pain killer addiction Suggest treatment for chronic chest pain, gastritis and hiatal hernia Suggest treatment for fever in a toddler What causes frequent feeling of urinating and discomfort in penis? What causes vomiting, loss of appetite and fatigue when diagnosed with TB? Can HIV be transmitted through pre ejaculation? Suggest diet and medication for weight loss What causes sensitivity ans soreness on head of penis? Suggest treatment for syphilis Which doctor should be consulted for sinus pressure? Can Pantoprazole and Meloxicam be taken together? Does electric shock cause constipation along with appetite loss? Is a blood sugar level of 165 high? Suggest treatment for persistent UTI What causes severe migraines? Will discontinuing Cryselle increase the possibility of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for fluctuating blood pressure Is flying safe with hematoma on body? What are Diltiazem XR and Losartan taken for? Suggest treatment for sleep talking, sleep walking and nightmares What causes ADH deficiences? What are the chances of HIV transmission after uprotected sex for breif period? What causes unsteady gait, temperature change in leg and shoulder? Suggest treatment for symptoms of thyroid disease What does blood in stool indicate? What causes progressive memory loss in a diabetic? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes increased hs-CRP level? What causes itching on body? What causes stomach discomfort and bad taste in mouth? How to avoid stress in married life? What does the following blood test report indicate? What are the symptoms of Down's syndrome? What casues increased heart rate? What causes tremors in body along with blurred vision? What causes lower abdominal pain? Does Synthroid cause weight gain,insomnia and depression? Suggest treatment for gestational diabetes What causes red tongue? How is hepatitis A vaccine administered? What does high eosinophils count indicate? What causes pain around clavicle? Can hepatitis C be trasmitted through kissing? What causes pain in neck and leg along with blurred vision?
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