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What causes erectile dysfunction despite taking viagra or cialis? Suggest treatment for nausea along with severe weakness What causes blood clots in urine? What causes sharp pain in upper back and around ribs? What should be done after ingestion of plastic? What causes bowel incontinence during sleep? Suggest treatment for discomfort stomach, vomiting and diarrhea Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction after hemorrhoidectamy Suggest treatment for low BP and depression Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder and anxiety Is vitamin D supplement effective in avoiding dementia? What does the blood smear results indicate? What causes spike in blood pressure after taking Atenolol? What does this X-ray report of broken foot indicate? Suggest treatment for bump near clitoris and labia minor What causes uncomfortable tightness in chest with headache? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes drowsiness after having Aricept for brain matter disease? Is Zincovit intake safe for children? Suggest treatment for jaundice in a new born infant Suggest treatment for severe nausea and chest pain Suggest treatment for sinus pain, fatigue , nausea and headaches What is the cause and treatment for seizure disorder? What causes delayed periods after taking Nordette? Suggest treatment for esophageal varices Suggest treatment for severe cold and chest congestion in children Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node Can Viagra be taken when on Avapro and Warfarin? Suggest treatment for dry, itching eczema near the buttocks Suggest remedy for shooting pain near lower ribs Suggest treatment for discomfort due to OHSS What causes right sided flank pain? What do tiny lumps on skin indicate? Does taking birth control pill affect implantation? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol levels Is ecoli vaginal infection and staphylococcus throat inter related? What causes lower left quadrant pain with rash on abdomen? Suggest remedy for loose motions and blood along with mucus What does my DPP scanning test report indicate? What are the symptoms of piles? What causes unusual hearing of heartbeat in ears? Suggest treatment for enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes in chest Suggest remedy for bruises around the eyes What causes small eruption at anal area? Is it safe to have Zolterol along with Colgout and Distaph? Can Cialis be taken with Cipralex? Suggest treatment for wheezing, frequent urination and sore breasts Suggest treatment for elevated E.Coli cells in urine Suggest treatment for recurrent UTI Suggest treatment for cystitis and grade-1 prostatomegaly Suggest treatment for generalized anxiety disorder during pregnancy Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Can Warfarin be taken with Methyipprednisolone? What is the dosage of Levolin syrup for wheezing? Suggest treatment for delayed periods What does an acne with thin white circle around it indicate? What causes bad cramps, loss of appetite, fatigue and severe menstruation? What is the cause and treatment for trigger finger? What causes pain behind knees? Suggest treatment for headache inspite of suffering from brain fever Suggest treatment for a cut on forehead after falling What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding? What causes very large stool along with blood in child? Suggest treatment for dissociated vertical deviation What causes missed periods inspite of being on contraceptives? What causes mild bone degeneration? Suggest treatment for neuropathy in legs and arms when suffering from hypothyroidism What causes Pain and swelling in abdomen, constipation, depression and confusion? What does pale urine colour indicate? What causes swelling on left side of neck? What causes tingling in arm triggered by excessive anger? Is it safe to smoke marijuana after septoplasty? What causes mild pain in chest area? Is smoking Marijuana safe after a septoplasty? What causes dizziness and mild ear ache? How much Graviola leaf tea drink can be had per day to treat colon cancer? What causes dizziness along with ringing in ear? What causes fast heart rate when i get up from sleep? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and vomiting Can Losartan and Liothyronine be taken together when suffering from diabetes? What are the chances of trichomoniasis transmission through intercourse? What causes abdominal pain along with headache in a child? Can one contract STD through kissing? What causes urethral discharge without an erection? Suggest treatment for stress and anxiety Does Irinotecan work only in colon cancer patients? Suggest remedy for cold and post nasal drip What causes bouts of fatigue after taking Advil? Suggest treatment for cold sores and burning sensation during urination What causes coughing up of blood? Is it safe to have Doxy-1 instead of Doxt-S? Suggest remedy for burning sensation while urinating What causes dizziness and imbalance issues post head injury? What causes delayed periods and thickening of endometrial lining? Suggest substitutes for Hydrocodone inspite of suffering from chronic pain What does negative HIV PCR test result post unprotected sex indicate? What causes shrinking of penis while doing strenuous exercises? What causes consistent diarrhea? Can Adivan be taken along with Effexor and Zoloft? What causes severe headaches and sore throat? Is it safe to have Colchicine along with sinus medications? Can icthyosis vulgaris cured by ayurvedic treatment? What does a tender spot on back indicate? Suggest treatment for fracture of the eight rib What causes ringing in ears? What does my blood test report indicate? What is the cause and treatment for neuralgia? What is the dosage of Oxcytin for chronic pain? What causes sour taste in mouth followed by headache? What causes itchy soft lump near spine at mid back? Suggest remedy for frequent nausea and lump at back of throat What causes chronic muscle spasms in neck? Suggest remedy for cold shivers and rapid heartbeats What do red spots on tongue indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling on foot post injury Suggest remedy for fluid filled bump between collar bones Is drinking Ensure good for cancer patients? Suggest treatment for elevated PSA levels after removing prostate What causes sudden weight gain around mid section of body while on narcotic drugs? Is it safe to take 200mg twice a day of Celebrex while suffering from high BP? What causes plaque psoriasis on shin? What causes fluctuations in BP while on medication for GERD? Can impacted wisdom teeth cause blurred vision and dizziness? Suggest treatment for varicocele on left testis What causes itchy raised birth marks on abdomen? What does mucus in stool along with constipation indicate? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in toe after injury What are the chances of STD transmission through non penetrative sex? What causes erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for constant headaches and Lyme disease How different are canker sores from oral mucous patches of secondary syphilis? Suggest treatment for manic depression and bi-polar disease Suggest treatment for non-allergic rhinitis What are the small brown flecks that is present in the urine? What causes painful jaw area post jaw bone replacement? What causes numb feet with normal thyroid and CBC test results? What causes heart palpitations? Suggest treatment for uncontrollable sugar levels What causes redness in watery right eye and sensitivity to light? What is the cause and treatment for atrial fibrillation? Suggest treatment for benign asymptomatic pineal cyst What causes dizziness and vision problems when suffering from pineal cyst? What causes pink spotting and stringy discharge after using Canesten vaginal tablet? Suggest treatment for flatulence and gas in infant Are Ambrodil S and Levolin the right medicines for fever and cough? Suggest treatment for bloating, diarrhea and constipation What causes painful swelling on ankle? Does emotional stress elevate DHEA-S? What are chances of disc degeneration after replacing C5-6 disc? What does this HbA1c value of 4.2 indicate? Is it advisable to do jogging or exercise after disc replacement? Suggest treatment for increasing sugar levels and high BP Suggest treatment for acute asthma attacks Suggest treatment for ruptured eardrum Suggest treatment for cough and fever What are Mifeget and Cytolog taken for? What causes loss of voice and severe pain in stomach? Suggest remedy for pain during urination and clear discharge from penis What does an abnormal ECG report indicate? How can the side effects of Sezodone taken for schizophrenia be managed? What does the absence of heartbeat in the foetal pole during eighth week of pregnancy indicate? What causes flat red spots all over body? Suggest treatment for thrush in mouth with low grade fever and sore throat What happens if supplements that block bonding of myostatin in body is taken? Suggest remedy for muscle weakness when having CPK level of 1840 Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes What does the following lab report indicate? What causes hard, raised bumps on finger? Suggest dosage for Maxtra drops for infant Suggest treatment for shingles in a diabetic What causes loss of libido while on treatment for premature ejaculation? What does increase in hydrocortisone levels indicate? What do my test reports indicate? Suggest remedy for painful scar tissue when suffering from zuska disease What does my duration report indicate? Suggest treatment for fainting spells when on Lisinopril Suggest treatment for deficiency of B 12 vitamin What causes pain in left calf muscles and pressure in sacral region? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction while treating prostate Suggest treatment for tender and swollen lumps under jawlines Suggest remedy for sunburn like sensation on shoulders and neck What causes high fasting blood sugar in the morning? Suggest treatment for lump after missed ice shot Can mitral valve prolapse be treated? Why is the Citicolin injection be given to brain atrophy? Suggest treatment for back pain,loose motion and vomiting in a diabetic Suggest treatment for hyper pigmentation on skin What does a changed reading after 10 minute mark on stress test indicate? What causes orthostatic tremors in legs and sudden inability to focus? Suggest treatment for symptoms of eustachian tube dysfunction How do hormone levels affect sperm fragmentation? Are abdominal pain, joint pain and sore throat indicative of HIV? How to treat pinch marks? What causes the overwhelming feeling of death? What causes different pigmentation on foreskin? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is conception possible at the age of 39 years? What does my bilirubin serum test report indicate? What causes back pain, nausea and vomiting? Suggest treatment for pain in sacrum after a colorectal surgery
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