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How can MCH levels be improved in an anemic? Should Memantine intake be continued if the patient experiences drowsiness and weakness? Can intake of Arimidex result in joint problems? Can blandness be caused due to regular bleaching of teeth with hydrogen peroxide? How can diarrhea be treated for a patient suffering from gastroparesis and diverticulosis? Just went thru 3 months worth of a collapsed lung, What does a cyst at L4 and L5 indicate? How can allergic reaction caused after intake of Diflucan be cured? What does the following thyroid profile test report suggest? What causes recurrent fever, excessive sleepiness and fatigue in a toddler? Can a pill intake, as shown in an advertisement, make a penis longer? Which specialist doctor should be consulted for diminished vocal ability? Can nosebleed happen due to glasses placed tightly around the nasal bridge? The article recommends zinc gluconate but, from what I read, Does using Kera XL serum and Sebowash shampoo make hair rough? How can a painful bruise on the buttocks be treated? Is vaginal spotting a side effect of Norlevo or a symptom of pregnancy? How can severe herpes with persistent sores be treated? What causes a rash on the neck while on Crestor? Should a doctor be consulted for abdominal pain along with nausea and diarrhea? How can throbbing right-sided pain on the nape of the neck be cured? What causes intense pain on the shoulders, neck and fingers? What causes severe pain and pressure in the ears along with dizziness? What causes involuntary movements in the penis and testicles? How is Tirosint different from Synthroid? How can canker sores and a yellow tongue be treated? What causes cloudy urination and constipation while suffering from vaginal sores? What causes headaches and popping sensation on the right side of the head? What causes painful urination and penile bleeding after intercourse? What causes itching on the feet? What causes itching and burning sensation in the groin area? Can Abilify and Lexapro be taken together? What causes delayed periods and severe pain in the upper abdomen? What causes green coloured bowel movement in an infant? How can a toe infection be treated? What does a raised rash on the thumb indicate? What causes burning sensation in the body? How can anxiety disorder be treated? What causes numbness on the tongue and mouth? What causes low blood pressure level? What causes stiffness in the neck? How can severe anxiety be treated? Does stiffness in the legs after a fracture cause long term side effects? my wife just got a prescription of mupirocin cream to Does stopping Humog injections cause difficulty in conceiving naturally? How can fever and sore throat be treated? Why is an alternative of Xanax prescribed? What causes feeling of electrical shock in the triceps area while lifting weights? What causes severe pain in the lower back on the left side? What causes pain in the inner thigh after a laparoscopic appendectomy? What questions should be asked to a GP before taking high dosage of vitamin D3? Should Meloxicam be taken for severe pain due to Scoliosis? What causes extreme sensitivity to smell? What causes frequent urination in a child? What causes constipation and scaly spots on the buttocks? What causes shortness of breath and nose congestion after taking Lemtrada? What causes elevated liver enzymes? Is amenorrhoea a symptom of infertility? How can irregular periods be treated? Does excessive coffee consumption cause digestive dysfunction? How can the side effects of Skin Lite cream be managed? What causes pain and numbness below the shoulders? What causes severe pain in the lower abdomen? What causes cold sensation on the small finger? What causes chest pain along with numbness on the face while on Lexiscan? What causes constant stomachache and nausea? Is Bactrim effective in the treatment of cellulitis? How can pain due to degenerative disc disease be treated? Can microalbumin value be reduced by keeping blood sugar levels under control? What causes diarrhea and an altered sense of taste in the mouth after fellatio? Can Aricept be taken while suffering from pulmonary fibrosis and low BP? What causes penile discharge and painful intercourse? Can root canal treatment be done while undergoing an IUI procedure? What causes fluid in the abdomen after a hernia repair surgery? What causes burning sensation in the eyes? How can pain in the testicles be treated? How can height and weight of a child be increased? What causes elevated body temperature and redness on the cheeks? Very concern ,I pricked my finger with a sewing needle My 5 year old grandson was diagnosed with molluscum contagiosum How can infertility be treated? I have had this burning muscle pain throughout my left HI, I AM 70 YRS OLD AND HAVE CHF. i In December I had gotten constipated and also my penis My brother has chicken pox and i fried an egg. How can excessive flatulence be treated? My husband has Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia and relapsed last year Does stopping masturbation cause watery penile discharge? How can chronic cough be treated? Is pregnancy possible despite negative HCG report? What does a cyst on the right nipple indicate? What causes shorter and lighter menstrual bleeding? What does a lump on the neck indicate? I feel etching mostly in the back of upper leg I am a 6'1", 160 pound, 64-year-old male in decent What causes acid reflux and diarrhea after the treatment of toe infection? How can HPV infection be diagnosed? Can one go out while suffering from shingles? What causes rapid heart rate along with leg pain? How can abdominal pain due to small-bowel obstruction be treated? Is pregnancy possible without penetrative intercourse? Is chalky vaginal discharge a symptom of an infection? I have been going to pain management for about a Can Klonopin and Zanax be taken together? How can swelling and pain in the legs be treated? What causes bruises on the leg after having low white blood cell count? How should Pantoprazole and Sucralfate be taken while on an iron supplement? What causes pain in the lower abdomen and hip joint? How can severe cramps on the ankle be treated? Is herpes transmission possible by kissing? How does tobacco chewing affect a cardiac stent? How long do stitches on the lips take to heal? Is pregnancy possible despite negative pregnancy test results? How can breathlessness along with cough be treated? Is it normal for the gum around a wisdom tooth removal site to grow? How can constant pelvic pain and abdominal bloating be treated? How to withdraw from Effexor? What causes swelling and pain from the lower back to the shoulder? What causes severe fever along with loss of appetite? How can eye lacrimal caruncle inflammation be treated? What causes indigestion along with constipation and pain below the ribs? What causes severe pain in the toes after an injury? How can rapid heart rate along with chest discomfort be treated? How can penile yeast infection be treated? What causes pain in the groin area? What causes numbness in the chest and jerking sensation in the arms? Does taking Benadryl during pregnancy affect the baby? What causes low heart rate after an artificial heart valve insertion? How can pain in the leg muscles be treated? How can chronic cough be treated? Does Meloxicam withdrawal cause severe body ache? Should a doctor be consulted after inhaling orange juice? How long does Marijuana take to clear off the system during pregnancy? How can painful plantar fasciitis be treated? What causes cough and vomiting in a baby after taking Ventolin? How can blister around a C-section scar be treated? How long should Elestra, Metformin Hydrochloride and Cabergoline be taken for the treatment of PCOS? What do red spots on the left breast indicate? What does this abdominal ultrasound result mean? How can constipation along with abdominal pain be treated? What causes orange vaginal discharge and abdominal cramps after unprotected intercourse? What causes sudden weight loss along with back pain? How can severe pain in the knees be treated? What causes lower back cramps and tenderness in the breast? What causes tingling all over the body after taking Levothyroxine? How can severe erectile dysfunction be treated? How can memory and concentration be improved? Do Glimepiride, Simvastatin, Fluoxetine and Duloxetine cause diarrhea? Is vaginal spotting after unprotected intercourse a symptom of pregnancy? Are constant tiredness and night sweats symptoms of a thyroid dysfunction? What causes pain and tightness in the rib cage along with lumps? What does this ultrasound result mean? Can an ultrasound report detect a four week pregnancy? What does this blood test result mean? Can diastasis recti be diagnosed through a medical test? How can pain below the armpit be treated? What causes a red painful bump on the finger? What causes pain in the lower back and rib cage? What causes swelling and pain in the joint after taking Amoxicillin? What causes a tingling sensation in the hands? What causes vaginal spotting after having Copper T? HELLO I HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH A FORM OF CHRONS My dad is having a procedure done where they insert How can difficulty in swallowing be treated? What causes facial hair growth after taking Isotretinoin? How can severe lower chest pain be treated? What causes twitching sensation from the eyes to mouth? What causes acne and dryness on the face while having anemia? How can tonsillitis be treated? What causes hallucinations while on Parkitidin? Question why or how would any person be legally prescribed What causes severe pain in the left forearm? What causes sore joints and stiffness in the fingers after a hysterectomy? What does the following Widal test report suggest? What causes abdominal pain after intercourse? What causes shortness of breath while on Aspirin, Tramadol and Atorvastatin? What causes missed periods along with tenderness in the nipples? How can diarrhea be treated? What should be eaten after drinking Phenyl? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking HCG injection? What causes severe pain in the left hip? What causes swelling and bleeding from the gums of an infant? What causes tightness and pain below the breast? What causes heavy bleeding and rapid heart rate after an abortion? I WAS JUST DX'D WITH A UTI. I DON'T HAVE How can chronic constipation be treated? Is the following thyroid function test report normal? What causes severe back pain after taking Pentagon? Hello doc,, I'd like to ask some questions about my What causes dizziness and numbness on the scalp after colouring the hair? What causes tickling sensation in the throat and cough? What causes severe leg pain while having kidney infection? Why should an endometrium biopsy be done? Can severe pain around the ribcage be a symptom of a bowel dysfunction? How can mild sinus infection be treated? How can pain due to lung cancer be treated? What causes severe constipation and back pain after taking steroids? How can paralysis on the left side of the body be treated? How dangerous is hyponatremia? Is it safe to take Hucog while trying to conceive? What dietary precautions should be taken while suffering from kidney stones? What causes lichen planus along with burning sensation in the ear? How can severe abdominal pain along with gastritis be treated? How can recurrent seizures be treated? What causes elevated bilirubin levels? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? How can diarrhea be treated? Suggest alternatives of Amtas and Adco-Zetomax Can Amlodipine dosage be decreased while experiencing swelling on the legs? Does Saaz cause itching on the hands? Is it safe to take Reshape for weight loss? How can severe ear pain in a 4 year old baby be treated? What causes weight gain and bloating after taking Thyronorm? What causes throat infection and stomach pain in a child? How can stuttering after a concussion be treated? How to increase the penis size? How can acne on the face be treated? Can 3% Diclofenac sodium gel cause chest pain? How can chronic cough along with gastritis be treated? What causes rapid heart rate and breathlessness after donating blood? How early can pregnancy be confirmed? How can rhinitis along with runny nose be treated? How can recurring genital herpes be treated? How can HIV be treated? How can chronic elbow pain be treated? Should a doctor be consulted for pressure in the sinus and popping sensation in the ears? Is very slow increase in the biparietal diameter measure according to ultrasound scans at periodic intervals a cause for concern? What causes pain in the left hip? How to lighten facial skin colour? What causes pain in the lower abdominal muscles? Can Betnovate cream be used while suffering from asthma? How can weak erections be treated? Hi, I fell on my patio sitting in a chair How can cough along with chills and body ache be treated? How can chest pain due to chronic cough be treated? What causes breathing difficulty while suffering from thyroid dysfunction? What does a bump in the vagina indicate? What causes sore throat after recovering from cold and headache? How can an altered sense of smell and throat discomfort be treated? Should Plan B be taken after taking Take Action pill to prevent pregnancy? What causes severe pain below the rib cage? Suggest an alternative of Adderall How can chronic cough and sore throat be treated? What causes swelling in the ankles and itchy skin while on Tolterodine? Is Enterogermina advisable for diarrhea? What do small hypodensities within the thyroid gland suggest? What do black spots in the labia indicate? How an vomiting in a child be treated? What causes severe headache along with hallucinations and high BP? Is gallbladder removal necessary for the treatment of gallstones? How can infertility be treated? What causes severe anxiety along with pain in the left arm and chest? What causes acid reflux along with nausea? What causes itchy rashes and swelling in the groin area? How can palpitations be treated? Can Omeprazole or Metoclopramide be taken for the treatment of upper abdominal pain? What causes severe pain in the feet after a stroke? What causes constant drowsiness? What causes vibrating sensation in the ears after withdrawing from Tramadol? Is a medicine containing Dextromethorphan HBR and Phenylephrine safe in the treatment of body ache and headache? Can Alive Once Daily multivitamin and Metformin HCL be taken together? Should moringa oleifera oil or prescription medication be taken for the treatment of shingles? How can a cauliflower ear be treated? How can stomach infection along with headache be treated? What does an itchy spot on the left arm indicate? Is pregnancy possible while on birth control pills? Are severe heart arrhythmias along with severe headaches a life threatening condition? What causes pain in the hips and left leg after a C-section delivery? How can nausea and vomiting during pregnancy be treated? My dad has stage four bed sore on his buttocks, How to lose weight and get pregnant? When can Azithromycin be taken after Cipro intake? I had staphylococcus aureus on urine. After several treatment I What causes rashes around the genital area after intercourse? Does taking Escitalopram and chamomile tea together cause any interaction? Hi, I just picked up my prescription at the pharmacy Is Ibuprofen a good option for the treatment of pain in the neck? What causes pain in the ribs while suffering from chronic cough? What causes acne under the chin and neck? How can anxiety along with elevated BP be managed? My hemotologist wants me to take Prolia shots. Slight osteopenia What causes severe pain in the joints after taking Prednisone? Does blood loss due to foreskin bleeding cause any side effects? What should be done after a miscarriage? What causes skipped heartbeats along with abdominal bloating and indigestion? How can insomnia be treated while suffering from dementia? Can height be increased at the age of nineteen? What causes dizziness and elevated BP while on Atorvastatin, Lisonopril and Furosemide? What causes pain in the knee and finger joints after child birth? What causes chronic cough? What causes painful scratching sensation in the anus during a bowel movement? How can constipation be treated after a back surgery? What causes changes in the bowel movement pattern? What causes tinnitus along with dizziness? How can an ear infection be treated? Orthopedic surgeon long should it take for my body What causes hot sensation on the right side of the body? What causes pressure in the chest along with dizziness and headache? How can Marijuana be removed from the blood stream? What causes burning sensation in the vagina? What causes recurrent fainting while on medication for ADHD? What causes extreme sensitivity around the head and swelling in the gums? What causes vaginal spotting along with abdominal cramps and backache? What causes numbness on the nose and forehead? What causes pain in the testicles? What causes pain behind the right ear? What causes numbness in the arm and face along with slurred speech? What causes dizziness along with rapid eye movements? What causes numbness in the hands and feet? What causes irritation and inflamed hair follicles in the pubic area? I have a mild to medium TBI that has mee What causes constipation and abdominal pain on the right side? I feel a bit stupid to ask this question, but What causes frequent urination? Is it safe to take Rigevidon instead of Microgynon? My Dr prescribed Xanax 0.05 m pain Dr gave me How can diarrhea in an infant be treated? I'm trying to understand my son's literal take on situations. Suggest a substitute of Clonidine What causes dizziness while on Warfarin? What causes dizziness while suffering from infected fallopian tubes? Can Doxycycline Hyclate be used for an infected spot on the leg? What causes nausea and metallic taste in the mouth while on Norco? What causes severe headaches and dizziness? How can pain and swelling in the feet due to an injury be treated? How can blood iron levels be improved? What causes joint and muscle pain in the neck, shoulders and arms? What causes pain in the upper abdomen and groin area? What causes chronic cough and heaviness in the chest? Is narrow and loss of hydration of L4-L5 disc with bulge and hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum a concern? What does mild cognitive impairment mean? Is itching around a Nexplanon implant a symptom of the body rejecting it? What causes swelling in the forehead after an injury? What causes tingling sensation from the armpit to the elbow? What does the following semen analysis report suggest? Should a medical check up be done after exposure to plastic fumes? I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy yesterday. Because I am What causes body chills and excessive yawning? Is pregnancy possible despite negative pregnancy test results? What causes popping sensation in the ears while swallowing? What causes severe pain in the heels and ankle? Can Zopiclone, Rosuvastatin , Bisoprolol and Tamsulosin be taken together? What causes pain in the upper abdomen? What causes pink vaginal discharge after unprotected intercourse? HELLO I HAVE BEEN TAKING THE CARBAMAZPINE SINCE SEPT.2016 STARTED What causes vaginal spotting after using Canesten? Can alcohol be consumed when liver enzyme levels are elevated? What causes hand tremors and weakness in the legs? How can severe anger be controlled? How can bipolar disorder be treated? What causes a rash on the upper body while on Humira? What causes frequent burning urination? What causes tenderness in the vagina and painful urination? What causes spasms in the lower back? What causes a rash and red lumps on the breasts and stomach? What causes throat discomfort along with eye fatigue and shortness of breath? What are the side effects of Opana on the brain and body? How can prostate cancer be treated? January 20, o started using betamethasone dipropionate two times daily What causes green stool in a breastfed infant? What causes itchy rashes on the arms and legs? What does a bump at the base of the thumb indicate? What causes pain in the lower back and discomfort in the leg? I am recovered from a viruse ,lung where completely contested I have had a upper g I about three years Should a doctor be consulted for nose bleeding while on Prednisone? Does Dexamethasone cause a jittery feeling? How can excessive thirst along with fatigue and appetite loss be treated? Can UTI be transmitted without intercourse? I had my birth control taken little on the 1/16. When should Amlodipine-Benazepril and Metoprolol Succinate be taken? What causes excessive vaginal discharge? What causes swelling around a mole removal site? What causes chronic cough and sneezing? What causes heaviness and pain in the upper abdomen? What does a lump between the anus and vagina indicate? What causes low grade fever along with fatigue? What causes excessive weight gain after taking Lyrica? What causes severe cough and fatigue in an infant? What causes frequent pain in the lower abdomen on the left side? Can Carvedilol, Valsartin, Tamsulosin and Atrovasatin be taken together? How long does an SSRI take to get out of the system? What causes puffiness and redness in the eyes? What causes severe pain from the hip to the leg? What causes slurred speech and difficulty in swallowing? What causes pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders? Does shoulder dislocation cause severe pain? What causes body ache after suffering from cold? What causes poor blood circulation in the hands and feet? What causes constant pain in the neck, shoulders and knees? How can an ankle sprain be treated? What causes brown vaginal discharge during urination? What causes swelling and bumps on the penis? How can excessive salivation after a tonsillectomy be treated? How can an infected surgical scar be treated? What causes black and orange colored stool? How can bloating and cramps in the abdomen be treated? What causes dizziness, vomiting and tinnitus after inhalation of PAM spray? How can urinary retention be treated while suffering from cancer? Can Zyloprim be withdrawn without medical advice? What do itchy rashes on the buttocks and legs indicate? What causes breathing difficulty along with headache and body tremors? What causes clenching of teeth? What causes fever along with diarrhea and vomiting? I have been taking Foltanx tablets for diabetic nerve pain My wife had a cyberknife attack on her 7th nerve Does taking Amoxicillin during pregnancy harm the fetus? How early can HIV infection be detected after a possible exposure? Is LVH possible in the absence of high BP? What causes visual hallucinations? Does being on a ventilator cause any long term side effects? What causes nausea and vaginal pain during pregnancy? What causes body ache after consuming alcohol? What causes pain under the breast on the left side? What causes back pain and swelling in the feet? Can diastolic dysfunction be treated with exercise? What causes headache after taking Citalopram? How can lower backache be treated? What causes loss in the sense of smell while on Levaquin? What can be done for hair loss post a massive haemorrhage and operation, and the loss of a spouse? What causes recurrent headaches while suffering from fibromyalgia? My 22 year old son is having tests done, he What causes palpitations and leg twitching while suffering from panic disorder? What causes pulmonary hypertension? What causes pain under the navel? What causes cough and back pain while suffering from cold? What causes earache while suffering from cold? What does a black bump under the penile tip indicate? What causes pain in the groin on the right side? How can unwanted pregnancy be terminated? What causes inter menstrual vaginal bleeding? Does Matcha tea increase blood pressure level? What causes sagging of the eyes after an injury? ok it's my right mcl. I get out of bed What causes a blister on the bottom lip while on Omnicef? What causes hoarseness in voice along with chest pain? What causes fluid discharge from the navel and abdominal pain? What causes a painful bump in the intergluteal cleft? Is it normal for periods to get delayed after stopping birth control pills? What causes pain in the left leg while walking? What causes dizziness and pain in the lungs? What causes body chills and dizziness? well her we go, I have been in the medical Is elevated BP along with headaches a matter of concern? What causes tingling sensation in the ankle of the left foot? What causes vision problems while on Trokendi? Is Alendronate Sodium effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis? What causes hoarseness in voice? Can Metroprolol, Enaparil and Miralax be taken together? Can Hydroxycut be taken while suffering from diabetes and hypothyroidism? What causes dizziness and tingling sensation in the head? What causes discoloration on the nipples? What causes irregular menstruation along with back pain? What causes upper abdominal pain and constipation after having food? How can itching and inflammation between the eyes be treated? What causes small red spots on the forehead and back? Can Duphaston be taken to delay periods? What causes greasy stool along with abdominal bloating and flatulence? What causes chronic migraine while suffering from a cyst in the brain? How can severe lower back pain be treated? What causes diarrhoea and stomach bloating after taking Amoxicillin ? What causes smelly rectal discharge along with abdominal pain? What causes pain in the testicles? What causes stiffness and pain in a 15 year old boy? What causes dermatomyositis? What causes muscle spasms in the leg with a tumor during an MRI scan? What causes fuzziness in ear along with headache? YES, THANK YOU. I USE A BIPAP AND AS SOON My four and half year old son who is completely Does Tamsulosin cause Meniere s disease? What causes severe testicle pain along with anal pain? How can side effects of taking Xarelto, Lorazepam and Nyquil together be managed? What causes tightness in the limbs along with lightheadedness? What causes itchy scabs on the skin in an elderly person? What causes abdominal pain and black stool? What causes elevated GGT levels? What causes recurrent fainting in a teenager? Is passing a drug test possible two months after smoking Methamphetamine? What causes small rashes on the legs and stomach? How can bronchitis along with cold be treated? Is a bruise on the back a matter of concern? What causes a swollen lymph node near the elbow? Is a hard bump on the roof of the mouth during pregnancy a matter of concern? What causes high blood pressure despite taking Lisinopril? How can severe ear ache be treated? I have dishydrotic exzema on my hands for over 30 How can keratosis pilaris be treated? How can sharp lower back pain be treated? How can stomach pain along with dizziness be treated? What causes lower back pain along with pelvic pain? How long do abdominal cramps after insertion of Paragard IUD last? How can recurring testicle pain be treated? Are abdominal cramps and lower backache symptoms of an embryo implantation? What causes lumps at the back of the skull? I think I have DISH . My concern is that What causes tingling sensation in the head along with eye irritation? What does a lump on the right side of the clitoris indicate? Can a doctor override another doctors prescriptions, I was on What causes elevated blood sugar level after consuming an orange and iron supplement? How can severe anxiety be treated? Can a lung nodule be a cancerous one? Is Mupirocin the right medicine for redness on the face? How can severe rosacea be treated? Hi I'm wondering when getting a chip tooth, a hole Is pregnancy possible despite having birth control patches?  My daughter is 24 and going through a divorce, she How can severe rib cage pain be treated? How can a knot under the chin be treated? What causes constipation and gastritis during 40 weeks of pregnancy? What causes chest discomfort and numbness in the hands after exposure to smoke? How can severe cold and vertigo be treated? Can cinnamon pills be taken to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What causes nausea along with metallic taste in the mouth? What causes sudden rolling back of eyes followed by body imbalance and slurred speech? What causes severe burning sensation in the breast? What causes dizziness and nausea along with constipation? What causes sudden weight gain after taking Escitalopram Oxalate? What does a bruise on the hips indicate? What causes severe leg spasms after taking Flexeril? What causes severe lower back pain after an injury? How can chronic ringworm infection on the hands be treated? How can severe inner thigh pain be treated? i am taking revelol 50/5 and temsan 40mg each daily How can severe upper back pain be treated? Are you really there? I have been depressed for a How can mild chest pain along with rapid heart rate be treated? What causes swelling and inflammation in the vocal cords? Is abdominal pain on the right side normal after a gallbladder surgery? What causes painful pressure in the stomach during pregnancy? What causes lightheadedness after taking Zoloft? How can severe leg pain be treated? What causes upper abdominal pain during pregnancy? What causes small painless blisters on the labia majora? How can swollen lymph node in the neck be treated? How can painful rashes on the legs be treated? I just had a defibrillator put in me and my How can severe shingles be treated? What causes bad odour vaginal discharge after taking Depo shot? Should Clopidogrel be disposed after three years from the manufacturing date? What causes a painful bump on the tongue? What causes throat discomfort after taking oxtail? Does Paracetamol affect sperm count? How can severe vitiligo be treated? Should severe swelling in the cheeks after tooth extraction be given immediate medical attention? When should Omeprazole be taken while on Levothyroxine? What causes elevated PSA levels while suffering from prostatitis? Can Hawthorn supplement be taken along with Lasix and Lisinopril? What causes vomiting and abdominal distention in a child? What does a blister on the finger indicate? Is a liver biopsy necessary for elevated ALT and AST levels? What causes shoulder pain after insertion of PICC line in the arm? Is pregnancy possible while on Nuvaring? Does tapering Oxcarbazepine dosage cause joint pain? Did I catch ton from eating vaginal...from another woman? How Suggest the dosage of Metoprolol Succinate What dosage of Duphaston should be taken while trying to conceive? What causes delayed periods and heaviness in the head? My partner has something on her bottom thato started as What does the following semen analysis report indicate? Are there food restrictions while on Norethisterone? Does an increased dosage of Donepezil cause zig zag veins on the thighs? What causes pain below the rib cage? What does a lump above a surgical wound on the abdomen indicate? How can acidity and stomach ache be treated? What causes vertigo while turning the head? What causes severe pain in the lower abdomen? What causes vaginal bleeding? What should be done for absent menstruation after a medical abortion? Suggest natural remedies for difficulty in sleeping in an elderly person What causes vomiting and diarrhea after taking Amoxicillin? What causes itchy bumps in the pubic area after shaving the pubic hair? Can Primolut N be taken to induce periods? Is a head rush during pregnancy a matter of concern? Is Amitriptyline advisable for esophageal hypersensitivity? What causes throat irritation and tinnitus? Hi. I have used warticon for 3 days twice a How can sperm mobility be improved? What causes a recurrent rash on the arms and chest during winter? How can ear ache and hearing loss be treated? What causes severe cough and rash on the shin while on Valsartan? I Monday I have to take a blood sample and What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after clitoral stimulation? What causes itching around the tailbone and buttocks? Is flying safe while suffering from pressure in the head? How can insomnia be treated when Melatonin does not help? What does the following semen analysis report suggest? Is pregnancy possible despite negative pregnancy test results? What causes small bumps on the back after taking a steam bath? my wife has irregular periods and we are trying to What causes vomiting after an angiogram? How should Lisinopril be taken to keep BP under control? What causes breathing difficulty and chest pain? What causes pain in the arms, shoulders and wrists? What causes palpitations upon lying down? How long does cellulitis in the lower leg take to get cured? Suggest an alternative of Multaq I have a resident that is supposed to have a How can weak erections and acute back pain be treated? Hi, I am 30 weeks pregnant. Had a growth scan How can blurred vision be treated after a retinal detachment surgery? What causes pain in the chest while swallowing water? How soon can one conceive after taking Ovral G? What causes twitching of muscles in sleep? Is a long lasting Insulin dose for elevated blood sugar levels advisable? When should Fertomid be taken after periods? What causes stiffness in the neck and middle back? Will there be a risk in repeating a Cytotec dose in three months? Are headaches a normal symptom of TB in the brain? What causes abdominal pain along with dizziness and low BP? Is skin peeling on the hands and feet after exposure to UV rays a matter of concern? What causes cold, cough and fever after an adenotonsillectomy? What causes dizziness along with fatigue and sore throat? Can one request for general anesthesia before a J-stent removal surgery? What causes nausea, chills and dizziness after taking Plan B? My mother is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, she has no blood Does taking Gestofit near to its expiry date during pregnancy harm the fetus? Got fingered for first time yesterday night and got home How can high fever and throat pain in a child be treated? What causes abdominal pain on the left side? What causes pain above the left hip bone? Is good somatic and cardiac activities, placenta anterior grade 2 andadequate amniotic fluid volume at 23 weeks normal? What causes burning sensation in the body while suffering from flu? How can pain be managed while suffering from osteoporosis and arthritis? What causes burning urination after recovering from chikungunya? How can chronic backache be treated? What causes infertility despite normal thyroid levels and regular periods? Should a medical check up be done for foul vaginal odor? Does taking Dayquil while on Lamictal cause any drug interaction? Hi I had unprotected sex on Dec 31 after. Only What causes frothy sputum? Does frequent urination put a pressure on the bladder? What causes dizziness along with nausea? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Postpone 72 after intercourse? What causes high fever, vomiting and cold? Does taking Levothyroxine, Bactrim and Prilosec together cause elevated creatinine levels? What does the following widal test report suggest? When does withdrawal bleeding begin after taking an I-Pill? Are elevated liver enzymes a matter of concern? What causes pain in the left breast? What causes a large bruise under the elbow? What causes nausea along with sore throat and headache? Is there a chance of pregnancy after taking an I-Pill after intercourse? Is a surgery required for the treatment of an inflammed sebaceous cyst? What medicines should be avoided while on Nexium? What causes pain in the upper back while suffering from chronic cough? What causes low platelet count while suffering from fever and cold? How bad is recovery from an abortion at 22 weeks of pregnancy? What causes nose bleeding after exposure to bleach? What does a red rash under the left armpit indicate? Can Amlodepine be taken while on Losartan and Hydrochlorothiazide? How long does it take to withdraw from Olanzapine? Hi I have a contant feeling that there is something I have Statis Dermatitis I fell on ice when walking What causes severe pain on the left side of the head? What are the uses of Ovares-SR? I read reports of ultrasound examinations and autism. Afterward, I Is burning sensation in the ankle while recovering from a fracture normal? Peripheral neuropathy-100% Sciatica-98% Turf toe-91.6% Shin splints-91% Plantar Warts-95% Gout-98.15% Hi , IGm 4.0 u/ml, rubell igm <10 Au/ml, CMV How can paternity of an unborn child be confirmed? What causes elevated titre levels? What causes chronic cough after receiving an iron infusion? How can severe hair loss and dandruff be treated? HI I am 22year old i got married 7months ago What causes pain and swelling in the jaw after a head injury? What causes hot and cold flashes along with tenderness in the throat? What causes vaginal bleeding after an ultrasound test? What causes itching in the throat while on medication for cough? What causes weakness and poor memory while on Levera? What causes burning sensation in the feet after receiving Cortisone injection? What causes pain in the abdomen on the right side? Is pregnancy possible without ejaculatory intercourse? What causes bleeding during bowel movements? What causes severe pain in the elbow after IV use during a colonoscopy? Hello. My boyfriend is in a treatment facility that gives How can pain in the left elbow due to an injury be treated? I have a boil (I think) its been 'off and What does a rash on the wrist indicate? Is pregnancy possible after stopping contraceptive pills? What causes severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left side? What causes diarrhea and burning sensation in the lower abdomen? Does increasing Ibuprofen dosage cause elevated BP? How can recurrent gout attacks be treated? What causes a dry patch in the throat along with chronic cough? What causes severe pain in the abdomen while suffering from constipation? Last night my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex..horrible idea. How can chronic constipation be treated? Can chemotherapy be done without cancer? What causes shortness of breath along with wheezing and muscle aches? Is pregnancy possible despite getting periods after intercourse? What causes inter menstrual bleeding after intercourse? What cause pain in the upper abdomen on the left side? What causes pain in the lower abdomen? What causes pulsatile tinnitus? What causes severe pain in the legs while suffering from constipation? What causes early menstrual bleeding after taking Postpone 72? What causes bloody vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Is clay colored stool a cause for concern? How can sciatic pain in the hips, thighs and calves be treated? How can recurrent gout be treated? How can excessive hair growth on the chest and chin be removed? What causes itching and irritation in the vagina? What causes a black spot in the vision after an eye injury? I had my period on 17 th December then I What causes flushed cheeks and dryness in the eyes? What causes numbness on the right foot? How can an infected wound on the leg be treated? What causes severe pain in the upper abdomen? Can two Butrans patches be worn at the same time? What causes fever along with pain in the pelvis? How can bipolar disorder and depression be treated? How can an infected skin cut be treated? What causes swollen lymph nodes in the neck while suffering from cold? How can muscle spasms on the back be treated? Can erectile dysfunction after electrocution with 4000 volts be treated? How can nocturnal emission be treated? What causes vomiting while on iron supplement? What causes elevated GGT level? What causes a rash on the cheek and swollen eyes while Clindamycin HCL? Can a rib fracture and bruised breast be treated? What causes severe pain in the left hip? What causes abdominal bloating along with vomiting and diarrhea? Mom is in a nursing home having had triple bypass Should a doctor be consulted for an indentation on the head after an injury? Suggest an alternative of Alprazolam Does taking Primolut-N during pregnancy cause any adverse effect on the fetus? Can Primolut-N be resumed after ECP pills and a 5-day dose of Transamin? What causes pain and swelling in the knees? I have had some sort of ongoing infection for well what is the drug terravan? A friend of mine takes What causes drop in heart rate while on Losartan? What does a painful growth below the little toe indicate? What causes dizziness and headache after consuming cinnamon bread? What causes mucus in stool while on Gabapentin? How can I manage my knee pain 7 weeks after surgery? What causes sore throat and hoarseness in voice? What causes abdominal bloating after taking a morning after pill? How can insomnia and pain in the thumb be treated? How can alopecia areata with a positive KOH Test be treated? What causes breathing difficulty along with numbness in the feet? What causes numbness and tingling sensation in the feet? Can a hematoma behind the left knee be a symptom of a blood clot? Could impaired vison in one eye be the result of a head injury or high BP? How does a pain clinic manage a cervical ruptured disc without drugs? What causes difficulty in urinating? What causes nausea along with stomachache? What causes severe headache while on Ramipril? What causes abnormal nipple discharge? How can high blood pressure while on Rifampicin be treated? How can severe pain in the knees after a surgery be treated? What causes foamy saliva and hoarseness in voice? What causes right-sided jaw pain and swollen knee after placing a heart stent? Should visiting a person with poor immunity be avoided after exposure to flu? What dosage of Crocin is recommended for fever in a 4 year old child? How can severe buttock pain after back surgery be treated? What causes a dent on the ankle bone caused after a sprain? My 19 yr old son tripped on a cord and What happens when both T3 and T4 levels are low? 93 year old neighbor lady wants to know which is What causes left-sided body pain during menopause? IT band problems - acute pain with siting and standing What does this pelvic ultrasound result mean? What are the risk factors associated with seizures post heart valve surgery? What causes itchiness in the mouth and roof? How do I get rid of itchy allergic rashes on my face? What causes nausea followed by fainting while suffering from cold? What do severe septal hypokinesis, apical hypokinesis and left ventricular hypertrophy suggest? Are Viibryd and Levothyroxine the right medication for panic attacks? I had what looked like a splinter under. Y My My question is i have been on my period for What causes absence of periods while on birth control pills? How can bipolar disorder along with anxiety be treated? Hi, I just came back from emerg and had all I am a 69 year old woman recovering from pneumonia,and I am 31 years old,recently I underwent a medical abortion How can a stroke be prevented? I have had a fusion in L4 L5. I'm almost Is slippery elm tea useful in the treatment for pain due to celiac disease? My wife just discovered a line below her belly button, What causes white vaginal discharge before periods? i've been taking prenatal vitamins and at first i had What causes nausea and stomach upset after taking Protonix? Hi. I had TKR on November 28. Recovery is proceeding How can severe weakness due to smoking Methamphetamine be treated? Hi. My name is Hannah, and I have a question I'm feeling lightheaded, blood pressure 138/66 pulse 70. Is that My girlfriend accidentally took 2 to 3 drops of harpic. What causes rapid heart rate after talking Atenolol? hi I am 27 years and I am on Petogen What causes leg pain along with vomiting after an injury? How can severe knee arthritis be treated? so I just noticed right now that I have these How can severe ear pressure along with sinus be treated? I injured my knee by twisting it and damaging the Can Lyrica be taken without the capsule shell? What causes extreme numbness along with discomfort in the feet? IF I HAVE LOW THYROID (WHICH I DO) FOR ABOUT How can blood in urine be treated? What causes small itchy white bumps on the chest? How can severe arm pain be treated? My sodium has been running 127 for a while. My How can severe knee pain be treated? How can allergic rhinitis be treated? What causes abdominal bloating along with fever? How can severe stomach pain and loss of appetite be treated? My son had positional plagiocephaly when he was born. His How can severe shoulder pain be treated? Thank you, I am looking for information on the human iam using brimondine 0.2%op sol vale for ocular swelling. iam Is Lisinopril the right medicine for hiatal hernia? So a couple of days ago I had some brown How can high BP be managed while siffering from ventricular tachycardia? Can stress cause chest pain? Does Z-Pak cause rashes on the chest and neck? How can itchy red spots on the toes be treated? What causes lower back pain along with abnormal vaginal bleeding? How can recurring chest pain be treated? Should the ER be visited for swelling and pain in the eyelids after an injury? What causes severe pain and yellow discharge after intercourse? How can shortness of breath be prevented? What causes dizziness and numbness in the lower jaw? How can knee pain, post long stretches of cross-legged sitting, be treated? Is Tylenol effective in the treatment of painful osteoarthritis? What is the difference between Claritin, Loratadine, Zyrtec s Cetirizine, and Benadryl? Should a hematoma on the shin be lanced? I am 37 with no children. I have donated 29 What causes severe pain in the ribs after an injury? What causes the left testicle to hang low? Hi, Dr. Rynne, I am taking low dose aspirin with Hi. My wife menstural date is 9th this month. We What causes sudden pain between the elbow and shoulder? Should antibiotics for tonsillitis be continued if the patient feels sick after one? How long does infectious ileocecitis take to get cured? What causes diarrhea and black stool? What causes stiff and swollen neck, followed by a painful and swollen shoulder? What causes recurrent abdominal pain on the right side? What causes abnormal behavior while on Wellbutrin? my mom is taking a medication she tried to spell What does the following semen analysis indicate? What causes pain and swelling on the wrist? How can severe pain in the neck and shoulder be treated? How can brittle toe nail be treated? What causes a lump below the hairline and dizziness? What causes heavy vaginal discharge? Why does breathlessness occur after light work, two months post heart attack? How can sore throat be treated? What causes swollen legs and rashes on the torso while on Humira? How can vomiting due to acid reflux be treated? Does the frequent urge to urinate indicate urinary tract infection? my name is Sandra Myre and I live in Colorado How can severe pain after total knee replacement be treated? I go through periods throughout the day finding myself having What causes loud noise in the ears? I've had a loose tooth since high school (about 13 Yes, My Husband has a "push" Port and has had How to overcome nausea caused from Lupron shot? What do small bumps behind the head indicate? How can pain and swelling on the left side of the body be treated? Does diarrhea persisting for five days require medical attention? What causes tenderness and pain in the knuckle? What causes constipation after inguinal hernia repair? How can a painful lump on the knee be treated? Hi I take a lot of Dilaudid . Roughly 80mg How can severe painful gallbladder stones be treated? What causes severe pain and green discharge in the ear? How can severe thigh pain be treated? What causes vaginal spotting after taking Amoxicillin? What does intermittent stomach pain and pain under the rib cage of a child indicate? Can hair get entangled in the intestine after being swallowed by a toddler? How can sore throat along with headache be treated? How can severe earache after an injury be treated? What causes severe stomach pain after taking Zofran and Prilosec? I am worried. After 7 deaths in my family..and huge I have somethinf wrong with my back called Transitional vertebral How can small black dots on the lung be treated? How can rashes on the hands and arms be treated? How can dizziness upon lying down be treated? What causes sore throat along with fever and headache? How can severe dizziness along with acid reflux be treated? What causes persistent fever and rib cage pain after taking Hagerstown? What causes a perforated eardrum after diving? What causes elevated BP and low pulse rate? How can severe ankle pain be treated? How can severe ear pain be treated? How can pain in the finger joints be treated? How can severe seizure disorder and fibromyalgia be treated? I have had hoarseness for a long time, edema of What causes heart palpitations after taking Clonazepam and Melatonin? What causes severe leg pain after taking Neulasta injection? What does this MTC result mean? What causes vaginal spotting along with fatigue? How can severe arm pain be treated? What causes small itchy bumps on the skin? What causes severe pain in the clitoris? How fast can Seroquel be tapered off? What causes severe hair loss along with itchiness in the scalp? How can stomach pain along with diarrhoea be treated? What causes severe neck pain in a 5 year old girl? How can severe sinusitis be treated? Suggest cure for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for shrinking cerebellum that has affected speech and balance What causes swollen lymph nodes in the neck? Should diabetes and BP medication be taken at different time intervals to prevent drug interactions? What causes thick mucus to be stuck in the nasal cavity? What causes thick mucus like saliva in a 2.5 week old baby? How can chronic cough be treated? What are the side effects of Furosemide? What causes the number of days between the periods to get longer? HI, I'm a 32 year old Hispanic female. I have Dear sir/madam 14 days ago I had sex with a Does hiatal hernia cause pain under the ribcage? Hello I took two 25m g diclofenac after breakfast ie What causes choking sensation while trying to burp? How can a pounding heart and numbness of arms, post meals, be treated? What causes left shoulder blade pain that increases while coughing or sneezing? Are blood in stool and lower backache symptoms of endometriosis? How can pain in the groin area be treated? Does jaw bone healing take time if the patient chews on soft food? just returned frm rehab an hospital'ihad been reaaining uring urine What causes bowel incontinence and excessive weight loss? What causes a rash on the upper chest while on Cortizone-10? Can Levothyroxine intake for shrinking the goiter be stopped to avoid gaining weight? How can pain under the right rib cage, posing breathing difficulties, be cured? Suggest treatment for painful and swollen ankle Are blood patches during urination, post Clingen intake, a cause for concern? What causes elevated BP along with dizziness and headaches? Is sharp pain in the shoulder a symptom of bursitis? I have gone to the doctor because I was having I'm inquiring about a young relative of mine. He is What causes feet arches pain, second last toe numbness and tingling ankle? How can pain and dryness in the throat be treated? What causes post nasal drip and chronic cough? Hello, my roomate just got out of the hospital with What causes pain on the side of the right hip after running? What causes cough, cold and upper respiratory problem? What causes neck pain, ear pressure, vision problem, nausea and depression? What causes narcolepsy, tiredness, bad memory and slurred speech? What causes blocked ears with hearing problem? Are there any chances of getting communicable diseases after male-to-male sex? Is twitching sensation on the left side of the face a matter of concern? Suggest the dosage of Thyronorm What causes stomachache and backache after consuming Unwanted 72? I missed my period for a month now but I I have extra bone growth in my gums. I have Is application of Dettol and turmeric on an open wound safe? Is grey and white discharge a sign of vaginal yeast infection? What causes pain in the middle to lower part of the chest? Does Duphaston intake help in regularizing menstrual periods? Hi, I already did this, but my computer wiped it. I have severe scoliosis on the L side. Approx 35-40%. How can diarrhea and vomiting in an infant be treated? What causes tingling sensation in the arm, legs and jaw? How can imbalance in the legs be treated? What causes brown vaginal spotting and delayed periods? How can striae on the thighs be caused in an otherwise fit individual? What causes back pain and swelling around kidney area? Can open pores on the spine be related to severe back pain? How can a rash under the armpit be cured? Does Carbimazole 5mg have a suitable alternative medicine that can be taken? Why should Fosimax be stopped before putting dental braces? Hello, recently my boyfriend and I were fooling around, and I went to my doctor about add and he sent What causes a grey ingrown pubic bump with grey puss when squeezed? What causes sudden pain and burning sensation in the lungs? I have a three year old at home. She's at What does discoloration under the big toenail indicate? What do small bumps on the mons pubis indicate? Just now I had about 15 seconds of unprotected sex What does the following CT report suggest? How can multiple chalazions in the eyes be treated? What causes pain in the center of the buttocks on the left side? How early can HIV be detected after a possible exposure? How much Lactodex can be given to an infant? How can nocturnal emission be treated? What causes purple discoloration on the hands and shortness of breath? What causes body spasms after a knee replacement surgery? What causes pain in the tail bone? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding? What causes inter menstrual bleeding after taking Unwanted 72? What causes chest pain and dizziness in a teenager? How can a right side uterine fibroid along with an ill-defined endometrium be treated? Is pregnancy possible while having an Essure coil insert? i am currently taking tramadol and have been for several How can infertility be treated? What to do to manage difficulty in conceiving? How can weakness in the knees be treated? Is a lasik surgery safe while suffering from nystagmus? What causes swelling below the left knee and ankle? What causes abnormal menstrual bleeding? What causes stomach upset along with chest discomfort and anxiety? How can a ligament tear be treated? i am taking vozet 5 mg daily night.nasonex spray one Lamha Labeeb -6 Yrs Old-Medical history Pediatric Consultation details January Are headaches after an injury a matter of concern? How can chronic constipation be treated? How can adult ADHD be treated? What causes sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue? Is a dent on a baby s head, post a head injury, a concern? What causes caving in of the scalp and thinning of hair? Hi...I was recently at an urgent care facility d/t a
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