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Suggest treatment for allergic reaction of skin to wood, metal and hair What causes trembling hands while on Wellbutrin? Is there any permanent solution for mild chronic gastritis? What causes abdominal pain after eating relieved through bowel movement? What are the risks of interaction with sepsis patient while suffering from esophageal cancer? What are the chances of transmission of germs through oral sex? What do these MRI images of cervical spine indicate? How long does it take to build tolerance to Methadone for pain? What causes pale face and dark circles under eyes after eating certain foods? Why is left spermatic cord thicker than the other one? What causes brownish white patches in groin area? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for itchy skin rash on ankle Is it normal to remember nothing post epilepsy attack? What causes fluid filled lump in belly button area? What causes low progesterone levels while trying to conceive? Is possible to transmit herpes virus when it is in dormant state? What causes pulmonary embolism post aluminium or dust exposure? What is the recovery period of a person post Halo vest insertion? What causes moderate pain in hips after walking for a while? Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence along with interstitial cystitis When can i resume jogging after having Cortisone shot for heel spur? Whom to consult for loss of eye lashes? Suggest treatment for pain in abdominal and pelvic area of a person with ovarian cyst Is surgery necessary for bone displacement and fracture? Is it normal to find aneurysm in CT scan of brain at an age of 70? What does this troponin level of 0.05 indicate? What are the adverse effects of accidental ingestion of hydrogen peroxide? Is it safe to take Tryptomer, Pacitane and Serenace for depression? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes anal itching at night? What does the following stool test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain during urination What does the following thyroid profile test report indicate? Can Chlamydia infection cause pelvic inflammatory disease? Suggest treatment for chest pain that radiates to the back and neck What are the precautions to be taken while suffering from herpes zoster infection? What does ultrasound report showing mild hepatomegaly indicate? What does inability to conceive despite taking Siphene suggest? What are the side effects of abruptly stopping Prolomet? What causes persistent fatigue inspite of being on Sertraline? What are the success rates of IUI with low sperm motility? What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculation? What causes raised red bumps on penis head? What causes PSA level of 222.3 after treating prostate cancer? What causes slight left-sided abdominal pain? What causes frequent bladder infections in a bedridden quadriplegic patient? Suggest treatment for elevated lymphocytes Suggest treatment for fluids in lungs of a dialysis patient What causes pinching pain in lower abdomen and white vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for itching and burning sensation after using KY liquid gel Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in lower neck What are the over dosage effects of Eldoper? Suggest treatment for redness on cheeks and yellow spots on leg along with rash Suggest remedy for pain and swelling in lower ribs What does borderline negative HIV test indicate? How effective is Nystatin in treatment for rash in belly? Why is Anadrol not available in all the pharmacies? Suggest treatment for dry chapped lips in children What causes laziness inspite of being on Thyronorm? Suggest treatment for itching in thigh and armpits Are there any round pink tablets used as muscle relaxants? What causes recurring pimple like growth in groin area? Does each Atenolol 25mg tablet contain 25mg of Atenolol? What causes dark brownish semen? What causes indentation on forehead? What causes red inflamed region on torso? Suggest treatment for pain in upper back and arms Suggest treatment for delusion of jealousy illness Suggest treatment for fatigue, fluid retention and cough Suggest treatment for intrahepatic cholestasis and itching throughout body Suggest treatment for giddiness and high BP levels Suggest treatment for pain on side of face Suggest treatment for pain on elbows radiating to fingers How to get strong and shiny teeth? Suggest remedy for tiredness on the jaws and mouth What causes disinterest and constant procrastination of priorities? What causes severe stomach pain after taking Unwanted-72? Can HIV be contracted through oral and vaginal intercourse? Are there ways to become fair when born with dark complexion? What does my blood test report indicate? Can HPV virus cause chronic bladder infection? What metastases are there in colon cancer? Which type of drugs are not advised when taking Bromelain? What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for redness on scrotum when suffering from grade I varicocoele Suggest treatment for recurrent plantar corns Suggest treatment for redness and irritation on penis skin What causes pulsating sensation in upper abdomen, localized swelling and anxiety? Suggest remedy for severe depression, insomnia and palpitations after taking Metoprolol Suggest treatment for sores on penis after masturbation Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What does my hysterosalpingogram test report indicate? What does my liver function test report indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic yeast infection, irregular discharge and irritation in vulva Are weird sensations on the penis a side effect of Doxycycline? What causes pimple like mole on head after pituitary macroadenoma surgery? Suggest treatment for dark burn mark on hand What does my stool test report indicate? What causes popping sensation in penis a day after penile plication surgery? Suggest reasonably priced alternative medication for Pradaxa Suggest treatment for bleeding from gums What is the best non-surgical OTC treatment for male pattern baldness? Suggest treatment for itchy red rash like pimples on the buttocks Suggest treatment for pimples and red watery rashes all over buttocks What causes severe foot pain after prolonged standing and hand cramps? What are the symptoms of Plaquenil toxicity? Does the use of Humira cause hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems Suggest treatment for a lump under the collar bone Suggest treatment for a big dark spot on the thigh What does persistent nasal bleeding indicate? Suggest treatment for lower right abdominal pain and mild hepatomegaly Are colonoscopies required after removing colon? How long do the withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin remain? Suggest treatment for persistent flu symptoms and constipation Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and constipation Suggest treatment for severe pain in the back after fusion Suggest treatment for persistent lower left abdominal pain What causes breath to smell like burnt rubber? What does rise in the monocyte count suggest? Is air travel advisable a month after subacute subdural hematoma surgery? What causes breast tenderness and prolactin level of 38.6 while on Risperdal Consta? What causes white spots on palate of infant? Suggest treatment for cysts in the bladder Do small white bumps on the tibia suggest skin cancer? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest medication to manage severe headaches Suggest treatment for low hemoglobin level What is the recovery period after surgery for subacute subdural hematomas? What causes heart palpitations after working throughout the day? What causes herpes outbreak a day after unprotected intercourse? What do vibrations on the foot during night time suggest? What causes ringing in ears along with headaches and nausea? What do these blood sugar levels after having meal and chocolate bar indicate? What causes nausea, dizziness and discomfort in chest? Suggest treatment for frequent infections along with weakness and exhaustion What causes raspy voice, difficulty swallowing and swollen throat? What causes bleeding from ears along with terrible headache? Suggest treatment for cough and runny nose in a teenager What does the following HIV test result indicate? Suggest treatment for white head on skin oozing clear fluid Suggest treatment for changing position of stomach in a person with hiatal hernia What causes red bumps under armpits? Does the supplement Go Ruby Go interact with any prescription drugs? What are the chances of pregnancy despite having periods after sex? What causes lump on upper left arm? Is it possible to have normal periods while pregnant? Can i take Dexilant and Gaviscon at different timings? Is it necessary to stop Thyroxine for low TSH levels? Is it possible to detect hCG levels during 2 weeks of pregnancy? What causes rashes on chest, abdomen and shoulders? Is acupressure treatment effective in reducing stammering? Will consumption of aloe vera juice have an effect on nasal sinus surgery? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling of nerves What causes drowsiness and tightness in shin? Suggest over the counter drugs for mucus discharge from anus What causes itching sensation and scab like area inside ears? Suggest treatment for high fever and vomiting in a toddler What causes painful bump on left side of upper lip? Suggest treatment for slight fever and cough in a child Suggest treatment for pain in upper back and legs What do dark green stool and nausea indicate? Suggest treatment for dizziness and headaches during menopause Suggest remedy for depression and irritability What do recurring bruises on the chest area suggest? Is Bromfed DM advisable for a person with allergy to sulpha and Ciprofloxacin? What do spotting and cramps after unprotected sex suggest? Suggest treatment for headaches and neck pain after head injury Is an HIV test done at 4 weeks post exposure conclusive? Will THC help manage symptoms of Crohn's Disease? What does discoloration on the penis head indicate? What does spotting and clot discharge after taking abortion tablets suggest? Is I-pill advisable after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pain on the heels How to determine ovulation days for easy conception when on Regestrone tablets? What causes absence seizures after adenoid and tonsil removal? What causes extremely sensitive skin after treating severe lymphedema in leg? What does sperm analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for pain in shins Suggest treatment for pain in molar teeth What does frequent urination after surgery indicate? is a high mean platelet volume a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, stomach pain and body pain What does my lab test report indicate? Is prolonged inhalation of paint fumes harmful? Suggest treatment for enlarged right kidney and upper ureter causing stomach pain Is it safe to use MTP kit during 5 weeks of pregnancy? How to terminate pregnancy? How long does Cialis take to show effect? Suggest treatment for spreading pink colored rash on body What causes frequent urination and painful lump in lower abdomen? What causes intense itching and redness in testicles? How to increase energy levels while treating iron deficiency through iron infusions? What causes chronic heaviness under left rib cage and shortness of breath? What causes lower abdominal pain radiating to lower back? What causes blurry vision while taking Ibrutinib for leukemia? Is sexual intercourse after a varicocele operation risky? What does burning sensation in vagina upon ejaculation during intercourse indicate? What causes white spots on left breast?
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