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What causes vertigo while on Sertraline? What causes pain in left arm? What causes cough, fever and headache? What causes mild pain on the left side of ribs? What causes headache and nausea post an injury? Suggest treatment for difficulty in penetration during intercourse Suggest medication for chickenpox What causes breathlessness in a person suffering from anxiety? What causes chills, body ache, sore throat and fatigue post recovery from chickenpox? Suggest remedies for problems with morning erections, increasing fat and low sex drive Suggest remedies for a painful rash on the inner thighs What causes stomach pain and cramping in lower pelvis area during ovulation time? Suggest treatment for myasthenia gravis What causes radiating pain in lower abdomen, penis, dizziness and sweating? What causes itchy bumps on penis? What causes pain and discomfort in right ear and shortness of breath? What do my lab test reports indicate? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes persistent soreness in throat, right ear pain and fatigue? Is bitter taste in mouth a cause for concern? What do lab test reports indicate? What causes persistent swelling, redness and pain in the ankle? Suggest remedies for grey bread What causes lower back pain while walking? Suggest treatment for severe chest pain post an injury What causes severe hand itching while on Divalproex? Does consumption of cranberry juice help in reducing metabolite levels in urine? Suggest treatment for severe belching in a child Is Diane-35 a safe medicine for PCOS? What causes numbness in face and neck after a PFO closure? Is a HSV 2 IgG test done at 7.5 weeks conclusive? What causes a growth of the right breast in a 14 year old boy? What do my sonography test results indicate? Suggest medication for persistent spermatorrhea How effective is the stem cell preservation? What causes pain under the left rib cage while breathing? What does my IgE test result indicate? Suggest remedies for delayed menstrual cycle What does my antenatal scan report indicate? Is a CMIA test done post 79 days of exposure conclusive? Does a heating pad or an ice pack treat a pinched nerve? Suggest treatment for kidney stone Suggest ways to prevent STD What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes persistent blockage in one nostril, breathing and speaking problem? Suggest remedies for itching Does usage of Ketoconazole help in curing rashes in groin area? What do my ultrasound scan test result indicate? Are Codeine and Hydroxyzine safe for a drug sensitive patient? Is persistent sharp pain in penis glans post intercourse a symptom of herpes? Is a tiny scab below the head of penis a cause for concern? How to use Unwanted Kit for abortion? Is paracetamol safe for a patient suffering from headache? Does intake of Ibuprofen help in reducing hip swelling post a surgery? What do my blood test results indicate? Do floaters cause glare and star-burst in eyes when exposed to light? How long does Methodone and Fentanyl remain in the system? What causes severe pain in back and right-sided abdomen? What causes radiating pain in upper right abdomen and back? Suggest the ideal dosage for Augmentin taken for epididymitis Suggest treatment for serotonin syndrome What causes tongue soreness and peeling, sore throat and diarrhea in a child? Is usage of lavender oil to improve mood while on Zoloft safe? What are the side effects of cervical cauterization with silver nitrate? What causes upper right abdominal pain with the history of gallstone? Can Ciprofloxacin and Zithromax be taken togther for treating PID? What causes flatulence while doing exercise? What causes fever, vomiting and diarrhea in a 45 year old man? What causes a small indentation on the left side of the penis? Suggest the ideal dosage for Prednisone taken for laryngitis Can Celebrex and Ultram be taken together? Suggest remedies for pain in thumb and right index finger Does Myrbetriq interact with Vesicare? Suggest alternative medication for Tizanidine taken for arthritis What causes persitent burning sensation in the penis? What causes discomfort and pain in left side above the pelvic area? Is Cyclopam safe after 6 hours of a meal for lower abdomen pain? What causes a painful lump in groin area post an hernia surgery? What causes constipation, stomach cramps and fatigue with the history hemorrhoids? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What causes loss of appetite, nausea and weakness after gum cleaning? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety Is light bleeding during pregnancy a symptom of abortion? What causes severe pain on top of the left leg? What causes rashes throughout the body while on Amoxicillin? What causes body pain, sneezing, mood swings and fatigue while on Irbesartan? What causes recurring red rashes on arms? What does my blood test report indicate? What do lab test results indicate? What causes difficulty in growing chest hair when diagnosed with hives? Is a lump in the neck a cause for concern? Are fever, diarrhea, bloating and vomiting signs of food poisoning? What causes facial flushing, dry face and high BP in an elderly woman? What do my biochemistry test results indicate? What causes a fear for death, insomnia, dyspnea, heart palpitations and anxiety? What causes increased heart rate and fever in a WPW patient? What causes a pus filled abscess on the right side of the jaw? Is a prolactin reading of 4516 ulu/ml normal during lactation? Suggest remedies for irregular menstruation in a PCOS patient What causes dryness after a steroid shot taken before a hysterestomy? What causes elevated BP levels, high pulse rate and severe sweating? Are poor reactions to anesthesia after a hysterectomy in a PTSD patient normal? Suggest remedies for fear of failure in heterosexual relationship What causes burning sensation and pain in stomach while on Levofloxacin and Paracetamol? Suggest remedies for spinal cord pain after exercising Suggest remedies for recurring lower back pain Suggest remedies for recurring abdominal pain and diarrhea What causes taste distortion? What causes chest pain in a 72 year old man? Suggest the ideal dosage for Ibuprofen taken for back pain Suggest ways to increase length of penis What causes a cluster of small red bumps under the armpit? Are ear ache, headache and tingling in hands signs of brain tumour? What causes radiating pain in lower abdomen, umbilicus and pubis? Suggest treatment for type 2 diabetes What causes a orangy-red phelgm with history of post nasal drip? What causes a sensitive patch of skin on the leg after a colposcopy? Suggest remedies for weight loss What causes a bluish bruise and lump on the arm post an injury? What causes redness, itching and burning sensation in the glans of penis? Suggest remedies for dry cough and red irritated throat Suggest remedies for dry cough in a 5 year old child What are the repercussions of overdosing Levosalbutamol syrup? Can genital HSV-2 be transmitted through oral sex? Does Mohs surgery help in treating basal cell on the nose? What causes lightheadedness when tilting the head back while laying on the back? What causes warmness in neck region and painful urination after a knee surgery? Is Progesterone safe during pregnancy? What causes brain fog and poor cognition while on Celexa and Lamictal? What causes foul odour from vagina post intake of Flagyl for trichinosis? What causes a single red raised nodule along with few pustules on face? What causes toxoplasmosis in a patient with weak immune system? What causes sudden head spinning, cold sweats, nausea and loss of balance? Is a dark mole on right side of the abdomen a cause for concern? Does intake of Imodium AD help in treating anxiety? Does intake of Susten during pregnancy lead to pseudohermaphroditism? Suggest remedies for fungal skin infection What do my CT scan test results indicate? What causes convulsion and total discomfort in brain of a teenager? What are the side effects of Minoz OD? Suggest treatment for gall bladder stone Is a dark mole on the stomach area of a teenager serious? What causes swollen upper lips after using Burt's bee lip balm? Can Apixaban be taken instead of Warfarin without any side effects? Suggest remedies for pressure sore on the heel with pus looking drainage What does elevated platelet count in a blood test report indicate? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What do my blood test reports indicate? What causes swollen lymph nodes under the arms? What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for fatigue, finger swelling and blurred vision Suggest treatment for fractured tibia Suggest treatment for nasal congestion and severe cough Is a 4th generation HIV test done post 3 weeks of exposure conclusive? What causes numbness and tingling in toes after a hip replacement surgery? What causes back pain in the upper lumbar while doing regular activities? What causes persistent pain and discomfort in left hand and shoulder? Suggest remedies for swollen right cheekbone post an injury Is a BP reading of 82/63 and a pulse rate of 96 normal? Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder What causes a feeling of burning sensation inside the body in a child? What causes persistent soreness and pain in throat? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes a black shaded area in the centre of left eye? Suggest remedies for blisters and oozing skin after a chemical peel How long does Bacigyl N syrup take to shoe effect? What causes intermittent paroxysmal pain while treating multiple sclerosis? What causes a rash on the lower left of the back? Is frequent bowel movement in an infant a cause for concern? What does my lab test result indicate? What causes recurring throat pain in right side and difficulty in swallowing? What causes persistent dizziness while on Cymbalta? Suggest treatment for cough and wheezing in a child What causes dysuria while on Myrbetriq? Suggest remedies for broken frenulum What causes sore throat and lump under chin? Suggest the ideal dosage for Prednisone taken for sciatica pain What causes involuntary stimulation and arousal in penis? Suggest remedies for bipolar disorder and anxiety Suggest remedies for severe vomiting in a child Does involuntary sexual excitement lead to semen discharge from penis? What causes a feeling of worms moving inside the body? Suggest remedies for PCOS and FNH Suggest medical tests to rule out Wilson's disease What are the repercussions of an injury in an elderly person? What causes severe pain in knees while doing regular activities? Suggest an over the counter medication for stomach pain caused by diverticulitis What causes persistent muscle spasms and pain throughout the body? What causes tiny itchy bumps on the face? Suggest ways to control anxiety symptoms Suggest remedies for severe ear ache while treating otitis media Are vitiligo and eosniphil counts related in anyway? What causes severe fatigue, fluctuations in heart rate and anxiety? Can herpes be transmitted by skin contact of non-sexual nature? Suggest remedies for high BP What causes pain and discomfort in the rectal area? What do my MRI scan test results indicate? What causes sudden numbness in both the hands, lightheadedness and rapid heartbeat? What causes red patches on upper thighs and lower abdomen? What causes a burning red rash inside the vagina after a digital sex?
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