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What causes bad body odor? Does high consumption of water affect kidneys? What causes radiating pain in lower back and hamstrings after driving? What causes excessive itching in the vaginal area? What causes dizziness after a popping sensation at the back of the head? Are there any histamine 2 receptors that can be used against histamine cascade? Suggest remedies for knee pain caused by bowed legs What causes back pain after few moments of taking Galvus Met? Is swelling on left side of neck a symptom of HIV? What causes rashes on chest, neck, armpits and groin area in psoriasis patient? What causes vaginal bleeding despite having I-pill post unprotected sex? Are swollen lymph nodes in right-sided neck a cause for concern? What causes metallic taste in mouth along with dizziness? Is a SGPT level of 106 a cause for concern? How many days before should i stop smoking in order to pass urine Cotinine test? What causes severe dry nose after a sinus infection? What causes small lump just below hairline? Is there any correlation between PVCs and anemia? What does an ill-defined opacity in the left lower lung in a CT scan indicates? How long Follihair tablet and Jeune hair oil be continued for hair fall? What causes persistent heartburn and indigestion while on Omeprazole? Suggest treatment for large tender knot on head post head injury What causes persistent burping? Can Ativan tablet be cut into half? Is delayed menstruation a sign of pregnancy? What causes pain in back and leg in an elderly patient? What causes numbness in left arm and difficulty walking? What causes intermittent chest pain followed by dizziness? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes in neck Suggest treatment for elevated creatinine levels in a diabetic patient Suggest treatment for persistent vomiting and stomach cramps Suggest treatment for persistent muscle pain in the left arm Suggest treatment for chest congestion and wheezing while treating COPD Suggest treatment for herpes on the left gluteus Suggest treatment for persistent vaginal bleeding and tender breasts during menopause What causes intermittent tingling sensation in head? What causes intermittent pain under right breast post cholecystectomy? What causes painful swelling under left arm? What causes mild numbness on left side of body? What causes low WBC post viral infection? Is it necessary to seek medical attention for a dilated bile duct? Is it safe to increase the dosage of Paroxetine for anxiety? Suggest treatment for panic attacks What causes painful pulsating sensations in left leg? What causes burning sensation during urination and smelly urine? Suggest treatment for painful and reddish knot under arm Is alcohol consumption safe while on Xanax? Suggest treatment for chest pain and abnormal EKG What causes headache and pain in left shoulder radiating to arm when under stress? What does this hemoglobin level in a cancer patient indicate? What causes itching and burning sensation in vaginal area? What makes one to take deep breaths frequently? What causes pain in left eye and dizziness? Is My way pill safe to take for abortion? Suggest medication for weakness and low energy in a working mother What causes metallic taste in mouth and discomfort tongue while talking? Is Doxycycline the right medicine for Ross river virus infection? What does this chest x-ray indicate? Can Zofran cause skipping heartbeats? What does this pathology report showing remnants of ovary post uterus removal indicate? How long does Marijuana stay in the system? Suggest treatment for persistent high BP readings Suggest safe drugs that do not contain Sitagliptin or Pioglitazone for diabetes What causes late period despite having I-pill post unprotected sex? What do these CPK levels indicate? Is accidental ingestion of double dosage of Effexor xr a cause for concern? What does this follicular study indicate? Suggest remedy for severe hair fall What do these BP reading and heart rate indicate? Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in the area where right kidney is located What are the Antidotes for poisoning by Domex? Suggest ways to remove facial hair What causes pain and discomfort in scrotum post ejaculation? What are the chances of HIV transmission through non penetrative sex? What does it mean that the osseous structures are unremarkable? Does Vyvanse help in treating poor concentration? Are Wysolone and HCQ safe while nursing a 2 month old? What causes burning sensation in the opening of the penis? What do my gram stain test result indicate? Does intake of Reglan help in curing anxiety? What causes elevated lymphocyte count in blood? Suggest an alternative medication for Cipro taken for UTI What causes headache, itchiness throughout the body, dizziness and body pain? What causes pain in stomach after drinking water? What causes nausea after eating food? What causes sore spot on right side of head? What causes left sided lower abdominal pain? What causes pain in shoulder and difficulty in raising arm? Suggest remedies for diarrhea and stomach upset What causes bitter taste in mouth along with body pain? Suggest remedy for sores on buttocks Is alcohol consumption safe while on Harvoni treatment? Does severe stomach pain after eating food need medical attention? Is taking of birth control pill one hour late for one day a cause for concern? Is unprotected intercourse safe while on birth control pills? Suggest remedies for skin allergy on the upper part of the penis Suggest remedy for loose stools in children What do my CT scan test results indicate? What causes large pimple on left breast of a healthy woman? What causes loss of appetite and constipation in a 2 month old infant? What causes pain in upper abdomen while suffering from fatty liver? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse with a vasectomy patient? Suggest treatment for productive cough and nausea Suggest treatment for dead brain cells How early before sex should I take Viagra? What causes heavy bleeding, lower back pain, bubble like sac during menstruation? Suggest treatment for hives on hands,palms and neck What causes leakage of breast milk without pregnancy? Can monomorphic RVOT cause premature atrial contraction? What does this IgM level of 29 indicate? Can Enterogermina and Floratil be taken together? What causes bruise and lump on inner calf? What causes onion celery taste in mouth? What causes right flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and rashes on arms? Does Lumbrokinase interfere with d-dimer levels? What causes tingling sensation and numbness on right side of body? Suggest remedies for right-sided abdominal pain and constipation What causes right sided abdominal pain along with constipation? What causes severe abdominal pain, fatigue, chills, muscle and joint soreness? What causes popping sensation in ribs post injury? Suggest treatment for low vitamin D levels How long does Cotinine stay in the system? Does intake of Creatine impact the body's metabolism? How long does Cotinine stay in the system? Is severe twitching in shoulders around the collar bone a cause for concern? Is a chest pain after a meal a symptom of heart attack? What causes severe cough, loss of balance, puffy nose and fatigue? What do my MRI test results indicate? Suggest remedies for fever in a 16 month old infant Suggest remedies for back muscle strain What causes painful urination while on Hydrochlorothiazide? How long does recovery from a oral thrush take? What causes constipation, abdominal pain and excessive gas? Is a gamma gt reading of 120 IU/L a cause for concern? Is having a mole on shoulder a cause for concern? What causes difficulty in standing up straight after walking for long distances? What causes tissue pieces in urine and pain during urination? What does the below picture showing extra skin growth indicate? Is Tylenol safe for teething symptoms in children? Does Hashimoto's thyroiditis cause skin rash on neck? What causes a small itchy bump on the sternum below the clavicles? What causes persistent dizziness in an over weight smoker? Does exercise help in treating lateral ischemia? Suggest treatment for paraphimosis causing excessive pain What does this myocardial perfusion scan report indicate? What causes shortness of breath in a person with asthma? Suggest treatment for blocked sperm tube Will an endoscopic sinus surgery help in treating post nasal drip? What causes swollen and discoloured toenail? Is a lump in right breast above the underarm a cause for concern? What causes excessive phlegm production after eating? When can one expect periods after stopping Gynaset? Suggest ways to flush Methamphetamine out of the system What causes enlarged tonsils and difficulty in swallowing while on antibiotics for strep? What causes burning sensation during urination? What causes pain in back below ribs lateral to the right side? Can I use Calamine lotion for chicken pox scars? Is having sex during periods safe? What causes eye bleeding while coughing in children? What does this EEG report for head injury in children indicate? Can tubal ligation be done vaginally? What causes pain between lower right rib and abdomen after having food? What causes rash on chest post pacemaker installation? What are the chances of missing heart murmurs in a medical examination? What causes pain in testicle post ejaculation? Which of Doxazosin, Atenolol, Trandolapril and HCTZ cannot be used by a heart patient? What causes a stinging pain in right pectoral while taking deep breath? What causes headache and neck pain after a broken blood vessel in neck? Suggest treatment for kidney stone other than surgery Suggest the ideal dosage for Advent forte syrup What are the side effects of Methamphetamine? Do diarrhea, stomach cramps and bloating needs medical attention? What causes yellowish stool followed by white spots in stool? Is shrugging the shoulders and turning the head in an infant normal? Suggest treatment for suppurative conjunctivitis Suggest treatment options for recurrent allergic conjunctivitis Does smoking of tobacco in rooms affect the quality of tap water? Are there any negative drug interactions between Lexapro and Nexium? What causes blood in semen? Is Glucosamine HCL an effective supplement for bone health? Suggest treatment for productive cough in a 1 year old What causes shock sensations while falling asleep? What causes itchy and oozing lesions on skin? What causes pain in right lower abdomen? What causes elevated heart rate while on Dicorate and Quetiapine? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in thighs What causes shortness of breath after lifting heaving objects? Are mouth ulcers, stomach pain and white layer on tongue signs of HIV? Is IBS a symptom of autoimmune disorder? What causes right-sided abdominal problem and weakness in fingers after a stroke? Are ALP levels of 489 and high globulin levels a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for chronic cellulitis in legs Suggest remedies for red rash in groin area What causes a clenching sensation in right testicle while running? Suggest remedies for acne and wrinkles on face Are lightheadedness, intoxication and laziness signs of arrythmia problem? Suggest treatment for MRSA Does intake of Tonofolic Z help in curing anemia? What causes swelling in ankles in a diabetic patient? What is the dosage of Sumatriptan for acute migraine?
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