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Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest remedies for leaky bowels What causes vomiting, diarrhea with brown stools, anal discharge and stomach cramps? Is smoking advisable while on Garcinia cambogia? Are Fat burners safe to take when diagnosed with hypothyroidism? What causes occasional discolouration at the tip of the tongue? What causes burning pain at the base of the heel? Is abdominal pain after a bowel movement a cause for concern? What causes severe productive cough with greenish yellow phlegm, headache and wheezing? What causes painful urination? Is missing a few doses of Prograf a cause for concern? Is Folitrax advisable for HIV patient with 900 CD4 count? Can Naproxen and Tramadol be taken together? What are the symptoms of aortic regurgitation? Is Ciprofloxacin advisable for type 2 diabetic patient? Suggest remedies for dull face What causes chills and sweating? What are the symptoms of peptic ulcer? What causes feeling of a lump in the throat? What causes pain and discolouration in finger nail at the cuticle? What causes urine leakage? What causes pain and swelling in left ear after using Sofradex drops? Suggest healthy diet chart for weakness and low body weight in children Is severe pain in right knee after a fall normal? Suggest remedies for severe acne and scars Is there any test called as gastric acid secretion test? Suggest remedies for wounds in hands and legs post an injury What causes red flashes in feet, legs and below the knee while sleeping? Are running nose, itchy watery eyes, arrythmia and sneezing signs of allergy? What causes constant and severe headache after wearing braces in a teenager? What causes elevated ESR levels? What are the repercussions of overdosing on Anxit? Is recurring syphilis a symptom of arthritis? What causes difficulty in conceiving despite having normal test results? How relevant is semen culture in the treatment of prostatitis? What causes severe cold and breathlessness while travelling in flight? Is penile pain post intercourse a cause for concern? What causes swelling in feet and hands of a heart patient? What causes delayed menstruation post intake of Unwanted 72? What are the possible repercussions of taking Pramipexole with alcohol? IS pregnancy possible despite taking Meprate? What causes sleeplessness and tingling sensation in the right hand? Is skipping blue birth control pills harmful? Suggest remedies for headache Suggest remedies for gastritis Suggest medical tests to rule out latent TB What causes a sudden dent on the forehead? Suggest treatment for polyp in uterus What causes severe depression and food aversions post withdrawal from opioids? Is there any correlation between bacterial vaginosis and adult acne? What causes drowsiness and headache post intake of Alprax? Suggest remedies for rashes on chest, neck, arm and thighs What causes whitish spot on the head of penis? Can accidental high doses of Effexor cause high BP? What causes persistent bleeding and bloating after a polyp removal surgery? Does intake of Alli effect the hormone levels? What does this anomaly scan indicate? What causes a small bump inside the right bicep of a teenager? What causes soreness of the scar post nephrectomy? What causes an itchy rash on the buttocks, fever and abdominal pain? Can missing a single dose of Aspirin during pregnancy affect the baby? What causes painless lump on the inner right bicep? What causes breathing problem and productive cough with greyish black spots? Does intake of Ibuprofen causes asthma? What causes a small marble sized bump in the inner right bicep? What causes painless lump on the inner right bicep? What causes blood in stool? What causes sensation of something stuck in the throat? What do these lab reports for viral infection indicate? Is Betadine safe for a nail injury in an infant? What causes burning sensation in vagina post intercourse after treating UTI? Is swelling on right-sided neck when turning head a symptom of lymphoma? Suggest remedies for swollen, bruised and painful foot post an injury What are the repercussions of overdosing on Esomeprazole? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes numbness and tingling sensation in the back after taking Marijuana? Suggest remedies for numbness and pain in neck and back post an injury Suggest treatment for persistent pain in the ankle post injury Can HSV-2 be contracted through oral sex? How does congestive heart failure affect one's memory? Can I take Ofloxacin along with Ornidazole and Loperamide? What causes blood in the stool? What causes diarrhea and fever accompanied with unconsciousness? Is slow rate of speech in an 18 month old infant a concern? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for severe cramping pain in the leg Could a hypointense signal on a kidney be a sign of cancer? Suggest treatment for soreness in the upper arm What causes swelling in the foreskin of penis? What causes vaginal bleeding after 5 days of menstruation? What causes frequent urination and itching sensation on the penis post intercourse? Suggest remedies for fungal infection in the back Is smoking safe post tonsils removal? Can HIV be contracted through unprotected sex? What causes welling in hands and feet while on Diltiazem? Is pregnancy possible through protected sex? What causes polymenorrhea post intake of Krimson 35? What are the side effects of Minoxidil? Can a jerk in the arms post breast augmentation cause damage to implants? What causes radiating pain in the right leg? What causes acne on chin? Is PSA value of 4.25 a cause for concern? What causes blood in stool? Can I take Adderall along with Olanzapine? What causes dizziness while sleeping and waking up? What causes low libido while on Lexapro? Suggest treatment for an allergic reaction to a bug bite What causes vaginal bleeding after menopause? Suggest medication to improve memory power Does tiredness cause low heart rate? Suggest treatment for ingrown toenail What are the repercussions of taking HRIG and rabies vaccination together? Which specialist should I consult for recurrent lower back pain? What causes swelling in the left hand? Suggest remedies for swollen, red and painful abscess in forearm Suggest treatment for severe psoriasis Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the left shin Is negative HIV ELISA test result 3 months after exposure conclusive? Suggest remedies for arm pain post an injury What causes muscle cramps while on Metformin? What do my MRI scan test reports indicate? What do these WBC count, GFR and bilirubin levels indicate? Is smoking Marijuana during pregnancy safe? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for sun damaged skin What causes breathing difficulty in a depression patient? What causes loss of sensitivity in penis post intake of diet pill? Can HIV be contracted through protected oral and vaginal sex? Suggest treatment for runny nose, cough and sneezing in a child Suggest remedies for swelling in forearm and elbow post an injury What causes irregular menstruation after discontinuation of Depo-Provera shot? What causes lower abdominal pain before menstruation? What causes weakness while having diabetes? Suggest treatment for head injury in a 3 year old Is abnormal vaginal bleeding a symptom of cervical cancer? What causes the constant urge to eat raw rice after every meal? What causes throat pain and hoarse voice? What causes right-sided pelvic pain, nausea, constipation and stomach pain? What causes swallowing difficulty, burning tongue and sleep apnea? Can Dolo 650 cause fever and diarrhea? What causes severe abdominal pain after colonoscopy? What causes indigestion, nausea, lack of appetite, bloating and depression? What does this MRI report indicate? What causes equivocal results with pregnancy test kits? How to wean off Lipitor? What causes repeated miscarriage? Suggest treatment for backache Suggest remedies for stuffy nose and headache Suggest remedies for fever Suggest remedies for itching sensation on the penis Does Cinnamon help in aborting pregnancy? Suggest treatment for lower back pain while having congenital hydrocephalus Suggest treatment for alcohol addiction and memory problem Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain and blood in the stool What causes pain in the upper back and hip? Suggest treatment for eye floaters Suggest treatment for a red oval area below the elbow Suggest treatment for complete ACL ligament tear of the knee Suggest the ideal dosage for Nano Leo Total and Supradyn What causes pain in the right leg? Suggest treatment for thyroiditis What causes irritation while on treatment for depression? What is the dosage of Rabipur vaccine for dog bite? What causes passing of huge chunk of purple tissue from the vagina post abortion? Does intake of Prednisone help in treating type 1 diabetes? Suggest treatment for acute diarrhea Suggest treatment for chronic radiating pain in the spine What causes tachycardia, weakness, fatigue, anxiety and insomnia in an elderly woman? What are the side effects of Ecosprin? Do CT scans increase the chance of cancer due to radiation? What causes radiating muscle spasms associated with constant twitching in shoulder and chest? Are there any supplements to heal the valves of the heart? What is ACE inhibitor prescribed for? What causes alternating feeling of fullness and hunger, stomach upset and productive cough? Is Duoluton safe to take for prolonged menstrual bleeding? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and nocturnal emission Suggest medication for chicken pox What causes itchy red spots on back, chest and legs? What causes muscle cramps all over the body? What causes a large red spot on the body while on Melanocyl? Suggest treatment for fluctuating BP readings What causes blockage in left ear and cough while treating bronchitis? What causes dizziness while on Zoloft and Buspar? Can Xanax be taken for insomnia? What does my TSH test report indicate? Does accidental contact with a cleaning solvent cause redness on hands? Is travelling advisable during 7th month pregnancy? How to increase one's libido? What causes swelling in the leg and lips? What does this lipid profile test report indicate? Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair What does this HIV test result indicate? What causes muscle cramps in the calf and feet? What is the turn over rate of amino acids? What causes hive like rash on skin after getting Macular degeneration shots? What causes cluster of blisters on the skin? Suggest ways to manage fluctuating PSA levels What causes swelling on the palm side of the thumb? What causes head spinning post smoking withdrawal? Suggest remedies for pierced and infected ear drum
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