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Will testosterone cypionate show up in a standard job employment drug test? Does the side effect trileptal cause swelling on face,tongue,gums and blood shot eyes? Is dark brown spotting an indication of pregnancy while taking progynova and susten? Are there any side Effects of Nasonex Spray taken for sever cold and how long does it take to cure? Will ectopic pregnancy damage my tube and what are the chances of conception with IUI in one tube? What is the treatment for thigh pain and why am I unable to climb stairs? What is the cause and treatment for cold induced skin allergies? What causes spotting with pain and the burning sensation in the vagina during and after sex? What is the tratment for severe headache? No improvement with sudocream for rashes on both sides of scrotum, what is the permanent cure? What are the long term effects of steroid treatment to increase my height? How is HIV spread and how is its detection test done? What is the permanent solution for painful laryngitis and salivary gland stones with a history of chronic pain Syndrome and GERD? What are the problems caused due low testosterone levels? Will Biaxin and Augmentin provide resistance for upper respiratory and sinus infections? What causes swelling in upper legs ,hips and back when suffering from Neuropathy? Should I apply any ointment for dry skin and small wound inside my nose caused due to cold weather? How long should Ignatia be continued for treatment of depression and anxiety? What are the tests to be taken before scheduling a hysterectomy and oopherectomy? Is cough with phlegm a normal symtom after quitting smoking? Can prologned use of undiluted bleach on hands lead to health risk and complications during pregnany? What is the treatment for tics and myoclonic jerks? What are the underlying causes for lower stomach pain with dark orange urine? Can zoloft cause more anxiety and depression even on a lower dose? What is the permanent cure for reoccurring epididymitis? What are the findings from the chest X ray and CT scan report? Is 4.7",normal height for an eleven year old? Can I use Tamaflu to decrease the severity of my respiratory illness? Is it advisable increasing tadalafil dose or shifting to sildenadil for sufficient erection? How can I know if I have a blocked salivary gland on left side of my face? Should I go to the ER for recurring pain on lower left side when suffring from kidney stones? Can delay in surgery for kidney stone removal damage my kidney? What is the treatment for fungal infection due to candida leading to sore and white tongue? Why am I experiencing anxiety and stress after taking effexor and biaxin for bronchitis? What causes perforations in her intestines and how serious is it? Is laparoscopic surgery a better option for uterine fibroid? What is the cause and treatment for painful lymph node on neck? What is the treatment for sevre pre menstrual syndrome? Does hip replacment surgery cause troubles with blood clot? Is bruising and swelling in leg a sign of broken tibia after a twisted leg in skiing? What can cause ejaculation problems while taking high blood pressure medication and testosterone shots? Is an abdominal hysterectomy absolutely necessary for uterine fibroid tumor? What could be the reason for bruising and pain along tibia and tenderness after accidental fall? What causes witish discoloration in clitoral and libia areas and vagina and anus? Is persistant swelling and numbness for over a week in finger after a cut, normal? What are the findings from the absolute Eosinophils result? Why do I have pain in ribs with back pain and spasms after falling back on head? What is the cause for numbness in thumb? What are the reasons for delayed periods? Suggest the medication to improve my erection What causes hard coughing spells with cold and slight ear bleeding? Why am I having stomach pain and back pain even after discontinuing ZenPep medication? What causes increase in appetite? Why am I coughing up phlegm after taking mucinex? is oral intake of Naturogest,safe? Can I control triglyceride and cholesterol levels with physical exercise? What is the treatment for parasitic infection in my intestine and why is the flesh under my fingernail in purple color? How long do i have to continue with the medication for partial seizure? What is the treatment for skin rashes on leg and hands? Is it safe to take immodium tablets for loose stool while suffering from osteoarthritis and low bone density? With reference to the stool test report suggest the further course of action for child suffering from loose motion and vomiting What is the cause and treatment for swollen toes with blister between? What is the treatment for sore in perineum caused due to constipation? If I took too many alprozlam could it kill me? Are there exercises I can do to speed up the healing of knee injury? Will Carisoprodol Naproxen help in reducing back pain? What causes prolonged dark coloured spot on hand? What are the other anti anxiety drugs that can be used in conjunction with serzone? How likely will my husband get lung cancer after excessive smoking for a long period? Is there a non surgical treatment for Anal fistula in Ayurveda? No improvement with viagra for erectile dysfunction, Is it necessary to go for penile implant? Can I rupture hymen with the help of fingers? What gel can I use? What is the treatment for ST depression? What causes a spot at the corner of the jawbone that is tender to touch? What are the observations from the spine MRI and is it the right treatment? What is the treatment for pimple eruptions on trunk,back and extremities? What is the treatment for painful belching with absence in bowel movements and facet syndrome? What is the treatment for constipation and bloating with back pain when suffering from facet syndrome? Could I take tamiflu for sore throat and cough with brown sputum? What is the cause for stomach cramps and swollen gums? What causes tingling in left arm and hand when suffering from panic attacks and MVP? Can acid reflux cause pain thats not severe in the upper abdomen between the nipples? What can cause itching sensation in stomach? What is the best treatment for hemorrhoids and is it safe to treat with betnovate cream? What is the cure for persistent infection after jaw removal? Why am I experiencing severe pain while straightening my knee? What is the cause and treatment for painful and redleg? Should I be worried about the hypodense lesion on my kidney? How can I become pregnant after having a history of Fibroid and endometriosis? What does the painless red spot on penis indicate? Is it possible to change my ovulation dates? Is it safe to take Medi-C plus and Bio Omega 3 Pure for maitaining health and good cardiovacular? What can cause strange spasm above Adam's Apple? What are my chances of getting pregnant after unprotected sex? What causes twitching and spasms under the chin? What are the underlying causes for having bleeding from sinus area down to throat? What causes pain in abdomen,belching and constipation? Do Epidural steroid injections cause palpitaions? Does variation in b12 level cause anxiety and off balance feeling? What is the treatment for mesentric lymphnodes? Is it normal to have a bent penis? What should be done for lumps behind the ears near the hair line? What is the treatment for prolonged persistent cough leading to exhaustion and sweating? Why am I experiencing pinched nerve type excruciating pain in my left shoulder after drinking? What kind of allergies are causing reoccurring hives all over my body? What causes neck pain? What causes elevated WBC counts and elevated levels in homocysteine test? Why is my chest pain hurting my breast bone and what are the findings from the lung CT scan? What is the cause for internal rashes on chest along with chest pain? What are the findings from the lung CT scan? What causes abdominal pain when suffering from upper respiratory tract infection? What could be the cause for tingling sensation in right fingers? What could cause sudden nose bleed and lightheadedness after bending down? Does "AST 19,ALT 30,ALP 53,Total Bilirubin 0.9,Albumin 4.9 ,A/G. 1.8 and BUN 9" suggest normal health? What causes increased SGOT and SGPT? What causes changes in AST and lymphocytes? Can gallbladder polyp cause any symptoms? Is it safe to take Nuvigil for work related fatigue? What is the treatment for uncontrolled hypertension? Why am I having leg pain and colon cramps after discontinuing percocet? What is the treatment for recurring painful UTI after a bladder suspension long ago? What are the findings from the lipid profile test and does it indicate any abnormality? What causes severe pain in penis when having a stent is in the ureter? What are the underlying causes for cloudy milky urine? What is the cause for flare ups in right side of my abdomen while suffering from appendicitis? How can I determine the extent of alkalis tendon tear? What is the cure for liquid type spots on the back of my throat? What is the treatment for UTI leading to blood in urine and back ache? Why am I suffering from nausea after taking reglan during pregnancy? What does sharp pain during bowel movements along with bright red blood indicate? What causes swollen eyelid that has a purple mark on it? What causes excessive blood loss,blood clots,appetite loss and severe abdominal and back pain during periods? What should be done for side effects caused by interaction of zanaflex and atenolol? Can stinging in urethra, itchy meatus of penis and occasional inflammation be indications of STD? What causes cough on deep inspiration and expiration with fluttering heart and pain at back and head? What are the chances of getting HIV through a handjob? What causes high stress and high anxiety when on treatment for citalopram general anxiety treatment? What is the purple mark in my swollen eyelid? Why is my mother waking up with high blood pressure while taking Norvasc and metoprolol and suffering from sleep apnea? What should i do if i have i have endometriosis? What is the cause and treatment for indigestion and sore throat? Will pseudomonas aeruginosa in my child's ear have an impact on hearing capabiltiy? What is the cause and treatment for stiffness in stomach and nausea in the morning? What are the precautionary measures to be taken to avoid miscarriage during pregnancy? Are there chances of getting pregnant despite taking I-Pill within 24 hours after unprotected sex? What should be done incase of consistent low body temprature with heart palpitations? How to lower gamma GT level and what is the possible cause for elevation in gamma GT level? What effect does altitude have on tremors when suffering from Parkinson's? What could be the reason for continuous pain in left cheek bone with broken upper teeth? What is the treatment for oteo arthritis in my back? Is it safe to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy? Can breastfeeding affect nutritional needs of a new fetus? Are there medications or health issues that would cause a drug screen to show up negative? What causes high readings of lipid profile and uric acid? What causes extreme tierdness,vomiting,shivering and blurred vision after physical exertion? What causes fatty liver and how can I improve my liver condition? With reference to the ultrasound report is normal delivery possible and should I wait for labor pain? What causes the stopage of ejaculation? What is the treatment for skin rash all over my torso? What can cause pimples near the base of my penis? Why causes narrow vaginal passage leading to difficulty to insert an IUD? What is the treatment for throbbing pain in index finger while taking statins and allopurinol for kidney disease? What causes sudden pressure in head with feeling of dizziness? What injections can be given to save my friend's mother suffering from bronchitis on ventilator? What causes itching associated with red and dry patches on ankles? Will cutting down on smoking and reducing weight increase fertility and chances to concieve? Is it safe to take meftal spas for pain during periods and will it affect my kidney? Is there anything that my husband and I can do to boost our fertility? Will I conceive naturally and what can I dot to boost my fertility? Could swelling in the region of the upper butt crack and Hiradenitis Supurativa be interrelated? How can I get my wife pregnant without transmission of herpes virus? Why am I unable breathe through my nose after a hit? What are the findings from the Absolute Eosinophil result? What does "Absolute Eosinophils 4L,range listed as 15-500 cells /uL" mean and what should be done? What does a painless pea size knot on my left size of my perineum, indicate? What is the treatment for painful sensation in back of throat? What is the remedy to get rid of severe pain caused by bruised lump on leg? What could be the cause for discomfort in abdomen with a family history of diverticulitis and lung cancer? What causes severe belching? What is the treatment for bruised hand and why am I having numbness and stiffness in fingers? Can difficulty in breathing, extreme pain and difficulty in bending be symptoms of torn ligaments? What is the difference between acute Thyroiditis from viral infection and Hashi's? Is there a correlation between obesity and thyroid nodule,kidney disease and prediabetes? Why am I feeling stiffness while walking post Lap Hysterectomy? What is the treatment for clogged ear due to sinus? Why is my child having calcium deposits on both kidneys? How can I improve my memory? What causes headaches and slight chills with large boils on body? What is the cause for burning sensation in arm and why am I feeling dizzy with continuous constriction and dilation of pupil? How can I read the PET scan report? Why do I get persistent,recurrent ulcers in mouth lining and on tongue? Is there any possibility of pregnancy after taking unwanted 72? Is it safe to take 'Primolnte.N' to delay periods abd are there any side effects? What causes bowel problems with skin lesions and joint aches? Why am I feeling weak even after taking adderal? What could be the reason for cough, shortness of breath and what is the treatment for back pain? Are "Ranidom" and "Nicip plus" good for cold and cough treatment? What can be done to avoid vommiting ORS and medicine taken for loose motions? Is nose bleeds a side effect of ecosprin during pregnancy and is it safe to continue the medicine? Is there any treatment for Inclusion body myositis? What is the cure for small white warts around penis caused due to masturbation?
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