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What is Voltaren gel for? What casues swelling on sole of feet with bier spots on legs and arms? Diagnosis of low ABG, recurring lung infections, chest pain? Suggest treatment for gastroenteritis How to avoid pregnancy induced hypertension? How to control high BP during pregnancy? Is there any connection between mild concussion and sweating during night? What causes heavy white vaginal discharge? How to check for Thyroid problem? I have continous back pain inspite of having two failed surgeries and pain medications Can a cold virus cause a false positive for an RNA HIV test? Suggest treatment for freckles and acne scars on face What causes enlarged lymph nodes? What are the chances of cancer when diagnosed with ovarian cysts? What is the reason for pain in my throat in the area of my thyroid? What causes pain in neck ,shoulder and arms with numbness in both arms? Could Dilaudid usuage give false results for urine THC test? What causes continuous vomiting and upper abdomen pain? Can an online doctor explain my hematology test report? How to rule out HIV infection? What tests should be done to rule out HIV? What causes low apetite, weakness and blood in the feces? How soon the transplantation needs implementation? What do recurring bumps in vagina indicate when suffering from herpes? What does "Neutrophils 10.1 (1.9-8.2)" indicate? Should i be concerned about signs of bleeding after having hysterectomy? What causes skipped heart beats? Does prolonged intake of Nextio plus lead to liver damage? What does "multipolyp in gallbladder less than 1 mm" mean? Can you describe the reasons for not having free urine flow? What does bronchial dilatation mean? Does using Nexito affect liver? What causes irritation under the tongue and white substance on the frenulum? I had a knot in my calf muscle which feels like it has moved up into my knee joint What causes diarrhea and itching in testicle when suffering from inguinal hernia? Can i continue using Triglow for removing dark patch around my lips? Should i be concerned over flutter feeling at the end of my rib cage in the centre of my abdomen? Sugges treatment for pre diabetes What causes blood in sputum with cough when on Eritel? Could pain in eyes, dizziness and headache be a side effect of Topaz-25? Is Tetracyline or Ammoxicillion better for pnenomonia treatment? Should i be concerned over the tingling feeling on my arms inspite of having type2 diabetes? What causes nausea when on Prednisone for asthma treatment? What is the allowed alcohol intake when on antidepressants? What causes blood clots in veins? What causes leakage of urine after passing the motion? Is it safe to use Promethazine for vomiting and diarrhea? What does brown vaginal discharge indicate? What causes brown discharge with urine? What is magnesium oxide for? Is it normal to have no KOH, trich and clue cells in the report? Does Mifeprin kit induced abortion cause complication in future pregnancy? Suggest an OTC medicine for treatment of boil near the anus What are the causes for irregular periods, secretion of fluids from breast and blood discharge in urine? How can my twins be trained to take direct breast feed regularly? What does RBBB with LAFB indicate? What causes low lymphocytes when suffering from stage four colon cancer? Can Bayer Back and Body for pain relief cause gout? Could embolism cause nose bleeding? Does progesterone vaginal supositories cause spotting? Suggest me alternative drug of Januvia What causes elevated prolactin levels? How many pacemakers can one have in a lifetime if they are in very good health for the most part? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety Do I still have threadworms and internal hemhorroids inspite of taking mebendazole? What is the down side to not repairing Achilles tendon? Suggest treatment for superficial infective lesion on thumb Should surgery be done for broken metatarsal bones? What are the benefits of an On-x aortic valve replacement? Is there ways that a person can become sensetive to sound? Is it safe to take Prozac together with Deanxit? What does SGOT 59,SGPT 104,GGT 76 and Triglycerides 189 indicate? Treatment for allergic bronchitis Is there an alternative drug to Primidone for essential tremor? What causes random goosebumps on leg,arm and thigh? Suggest alternative of Imitrex for pain treatment What causes nausea and diarrhea with abdominal pain? After falling and hitting my tailbone, I develop this constant pain in both legs when I try to stand and walk What is the cause and treatment for frequent urination? What is the cause for burning sensation and redness in the area between my balls and inner thigh? Is hiatal hernia laparoscopic surgery safe when suffering from cold and cough? How to treat fast ventricular tachycardia? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder Is 1cm tumor in the nipple complex have a fair chance of cure? What is the cure for nerve damage on left side of penis caused by Kenalog injection? What causes chronic diarrhea persisting for years? What causes pain and swelling in mouth after a broken tooth? What causes pain and fluttering under the left breast? My daughter has had "ix" tests done and I wonder what they are for? What causes infertility? Does "nontuberculous micobacteria and inhibition" cause infertility? Is colonoscopy a safe procedure? Treatment for redness in testicles after masturbation? What causes pain in epigastric region after meals? Should i be concerned over a single blemish on the head of my penis? What causes increased heart rate? Treatment for fungal infection of skin What causes inflammation on penis? What do pimples on the lining of Lips indicate? What are chances of lung cancer when suffering from asbestosis? What causes headache with ringing in ears? What causes swelling in meatus after masturbation? Treatment for measles Suggest me treatment for hair loss What causes testicle pain after penis gets stretched? Can a ovulation trigger shot during an ivf cycle, delay a period? What causes mucus in stool with on and off diarrhea? What does rheumatic arthritis with lymph node involvement indicate? What do deep lesions on body and mouth indicate? What causes bradycardia and low blood pressure? Is the ultrasound report that i mentioned seemed normal ? Suggest treatment for muscle sprain What causes swelling on the left upper throat? Is it normal to have blood discharge after novasure procedure? Should i be concerned over itching at the end of penis inspite of having unprotected sex? What does a spot in the lung indicate? What does protruding vein on the jaw indicate? Is elevated ESR a matter of concern? Could L-Glutamine supplement for healing gastritis aid in any growth of cysts? I have been perscribed Lovan 20 and was wondering about side effects Does playing football in childhood cause dementia? What causes numbness and pain in fingers? What are Lorazepam, Trazodone, Divalprodex, and Fluoxetine for? Can i get pregnant after having sex inspite of having blowding and cramping symptoms? What causes blackish discolouration on the shaft of the penis? Why is Proluton Depot injection prescribed during pregnancy? What is the treatment for continous diarrhea inspite of using so many antibiotics? Should i be concerned over my CT scan report ? Is induce pain for delivery advisable incase of slow fetus growth? Suggest remedy for one sided body pain while sleeping during pregnancy I now rely on pills and smoking before sex for my psychological sexual problem Is increased Risperdone dosage advisable for treatment of dementia? Can i get pregnant inspite of torn condom? How to diagnose asthma? Suggest a regimen to avoid recurring pain and stiffness in knees Suggest treatment for recurring heat boils Suggest treatment for erection dysfunction Suggest treatment for snoring in children inspite of using sprays Is it safe to continue Oosure during ovulation? What causes excessive urge to stretch the body? Can i use Metronidazole given for BV, also for pain while urinating? Suggest treatment for spike in BP after missing a dosage od BP tablet Is it possible that at young and early age the bones get fused? And if so do the vertebral column play any role to increase height? How to concieve after abortion due to tuberculosis? Would lomexin t ovule for infection kills sperm inside me? Is bladder wash necessary for ureaplasma treatment? What causes diarrhea when on Cefixime and Azythromycin? What could this be the reason for pain on penis tip inspite of having negative results for chlamydia,gonorrhea and herpes? Suggest treatment for body acne Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder How do I interpret my uterus report inspite of having constant abdominal cramping, pressure and lower back pain? Suggest treatment for edema What causes sudden body tremors? Is it possible for feeling hormonal symptoms, both physically and emotionally inspite of having hysterectomy? What causes coughing up of green sputum,headaches and body aches? What causes lower right abdominal cramps with stomach distention? What is the treatment for chronic back pain in the dorso lumbar region? What do tender breasts and swollen nodes in armpits indicate? What causes swelling in calf? Suggest treatment for frequent cold and cough Should i take an extra pill of bisoprolol for increased heart rate? Suggest treatment for insect toxic dermatitis. What causes right sided scalp pain? Suggest treatment for constipation and bleeding during bowel movement Can Methamphetamines be absorbed through the skin? What causes tightness on the front of the neck? What is the correct dosage for the drugs Azithromycin and Relent for cough and cold? What is left upper lobe infiltrate? Suggest me what to do for gaining weight What causes tingling in lower abdomen and penis? What is hypermature placenta and how soon i will have preterm? What dizziness,fatige and cough after lisinopril intake? Is Deviry advisable for emergency contraception? What does a lump and bruising on the edge of c section scar indicate? What causes swollen and painful nodes and joints after wearing new dentures? What causes penilepulp on penis? What causes metalic taste in mouth? Should i be concerned over xrays of my broken leg showing two calf bones that are not aligned? What causes darkened urethral opening and wrinkled glans? What causes darkened penis scrotum and wrinkled penis glans? What causes several yellow bumps which appear like small infected pustules around my anus ? Could slurred speech, unableness to read and confusion be symptoms of stroke? What causes lumps on penis? What does a swollen mass on cheek when suffering from sinusitis indicate? Suggest vitamins to be taken after a total colectomy Is isolated echogenic bowel a serious concern? Should i be concerned over prolapsed uterus just appearing outside my vagina? Should I be concerned over reddish purple bruise on my left thigh? What is the cause for small module on lungs? What causes Right lower abdominal severe chronic pain? What causes sudden weight loss and pain in neck? Can fecal transplants be used to treat Crohn's disease? How can missed dose of Meprate be compensated? What medicine can help patient calm down during C section? Treatment for red spots on groin after unprotected sex? Treatment for hair loss despite taking Finpecia, Keraglo and Mintop forte? How to treat gangrene on legs and avoid amputation? Treatment for pain in penis during intercourse? What does elevated SGPT indicate? I am cold all the time, even to the point of wearing 2 fleece jackets indoors in a temperate house I have been suffering from irregular periods for 3 years inspite of taking medicines
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