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What is vertebral hemangioma? What causes small rash on sides of nipple? What causes shortness of breath, fatigue and heart murmur? What causes pain in leg and stiffness in other parts of legs? How is knee repair done with silicone and plastic inserts? Suggest treatment to cure MRSA abscess Suggest treatment for stuck fish bone in throat Suggest treatment for headache Suggest treatment to cure angular chellitus What does my blood test report indicate? What causes headache with swollen glands and mouth sores? Is Rhodiola effective in treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome? Suggest treatment to cure GERD What causes redness in eyes? Can i get HIV inspite of having unprotected intercourse? What causes panic attacks after taking nortriptyine? What causes constant cramps in both left and right calf muscles? How long does Macrodantiin side effects last? What causes pain in lower part of breast after gall bladder removal? Suggest treatment to cure tennis elbow Suggest treatment for actinic porokeratosis What does a tumour like growth near thigh indicate? What does my semen analysis result suggest? Suggest treatment for constipation after taking lenalidomide supplements What does my blood test report indicate? What causes premature ejaculation? What causes cough and chest pain while coughing? Can pre cum lead to pregnancy? How long the calf muscle pain takes to heal? What causes enlarged liver, arthralgias and rigors after vaccination? Suggest treatment to cure cough What causes minor cognitive problems? What does my HSG test report indicate? Does Garcinia Cambogia cause joint pain and swelling? What causes tight painful chest after walking? What causes burning after applying Veet on perineum and lower labia lips? Does gastric problem have impact on sexual arousal? What causes chest pain at joints between ribs and sternum? What causes white secretion stools after cystoscopy? Suggest treatment to cure molluscum contagiosum Is fetzima safe to take for depression and anxiety? Is over dose of Levipil dangerous? What does this beta hcg value indicate? What causes persistant loose motion? How to decrease my sex drive? Does abrupt discontinuation of Methotrexate cause myalgia? Suggest herbal supplements to suppress sex drive in women What causes blood in urine while coughing? What causes heavy menstrual bleeding? Suggest medicines for chronic knee pain without any side effects Suggest treatment to cure back and chest acne What causes pain from outer thigh to knee? What causes pain in the back under the shoulder blade? Suggest treatment for itching rash on penis Suggest treatment for itching rash on penis What causes black spots on penis head? What causes pain in upper left side of abdomen? What does mild elevation of lymphocyte and neutrophil count indicate? What causes ringing in ears? What does "fibronodular,nodular and cavitatory changes in right lower zone" mean? Is my ekg reading normal? Does extra dosed tylenol have any harmful effects? Can Walamycin be give for treatment of green stool? Can drinking too much water cause fluid under the retina ? Suggest treatment for RBBB What causes unconsciousness while coughing? Can i have intercourse inspite of having L4-L5 slip disc? Is hair loss after radiotherapy curable? What causes genital molluscum contagiosum? What causes leaking of food after an injury? When does steroid treatment start to show its effect? When should dialysis done for kidney functioning at 15%? What causes abdominal pain while lifting weights? What steps should be taken when planning for conception? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after using contraceptive pill? What causes chronic pain when on piriformis syndrome treatment? What causes irregular heartbeats? Why do I get hair on my chest? What causes numbness and pulling sensation on thighs? Suggest treatment to cure fecal Incontinence linked to inflammatory bowel disease How long should Pentasa be taken to cure ulcerative colitis flare up? What causes shoulder pain and inability to bend little finger after an injury? What causes pins and needles sensation with stomach issues when on Synthroid? Suggest dosage of Morphine sulfate and Dilaudid What is the clasification of Atopic Urticaria? What causes fatigue after completion of a detox diet? What diet should be followed for healthy eyes? What causes difficulty in walking when on Perphenazine? Suggest diet to prevent kidney stones Suggest treatment to cure throat infection and cough Suggest treatment to cure gout pain on foot tumb joint How to prolong ejaculation time? Suggest treatment to cure melasma on face Suggest treatment to cure fordyce spots over the lips How much carbohydrates can be taken when suffering from diabetes? What causes difficulty in walking after taking Perphenazine? What causes pain below the ribcage radiating to abdomen and back? What causes back and shoulder pain after a cervical discectomy? What are the symtptoms of a stroke? What is the normal carbon dioxide level in body? What causes green discharge from belly button? Suggest treatment to cure muscle pull What causes recurrent bacterial vaginosis infections? Can Atenolol and Cartia be taken together when suffering from SVT? What does spotting before periods and abdominal bloating indicate? Can Colace be taken with flagyl? What does my mammography report inidicate? Suggest Vyvanse dose for treatment for ADD and GAD Is klonopin safe to take for alcohol dependence? Suggest treatment for Lordosis of my back Can i get pregnant inspite of having unprotected sex? Is penegra safe to take for erectile dysfunction? What causes ear pain while sneezing and cough? What causes severe pain in spine when backbone is touched? What causes sweating, weakness and low BP during pregnancy? What does a hard lump on knee cap indicate? What causes tightness in the throat after a food allergy? What is the risk of endometrial cancer in simple hyperplasia? Suggest treatment to cure knee injury What causes stabbing pain in left chest? What causes red painful swelling toe after an injury? What causes fecal incontinence? What causes constant numbness on my left side lower rib area down to my thigh? Suggest a SSRI drug other than wellbutrin for bipolar disorder What causes vibrating sensation on lower abdomen? What causes frequent urination and burning sensation while urination? What causes shortness of breath when suffering from congestive heart failure? What causes swollen bruise with white in the middle and purple around? Can desoxyn be used for relief of asthma symptoms? What causes nerve compression at the level of elbow? How to increase the chance of getting pregnant? What causes colorless diarrhea and gas? What causes fungal infection in my scalp? What causes sudden sweating and memory loss? What causes low GFR, nausea and weakness? How long does alcohol stays in urine? Suggest treatment for recurrent hip and lower back pain Suggest treatment for personality disorder What causes magnesium deficiency? What causes allergy to alcohol when suffering from diabetes? What causes visible epiglottis? How long does alcohol stay in your system? What causes vomiting after taking nerve pain medications? Suggest treatment for bipolar depression What causes fatigue after pneumonia treatment? When should be anti-rabies vaccine shots be taken? How to control high blood sugar levels? What causes urticara? What causes unwanted weight gain? What causes sore lower back above pelvis and below ribs on one side? Suggest home remedies for muscle spasm in lower back How does Argipreg plus work for men? Is amino acid complex safe to take everyday? Suggest treatment for stage 3 colon cancer Suggest treatment for dukes c1 colon cancer Suggest treatment to cure anxiety and depression Can i take diflucan for yeast infection along with trazadone? Suggest treatment to cure dry skin How to increase penis size? Suggest treatment for muscle spasms in lower back? What cause low glucose reactions when on Glyburide? Suggest treatment for concretions in left kidney What causes weight gain, excessive sleep and Lethargy inspite of taking antidepressants? What causes abdominal pain, blood in urine and lower back pain? What is the cause and treatment for vitilago? Suggest treatment for vertigo spells What causes dry cough, low appetite and headache? What causes pain and itching in testicles? What causes yellow vaginal discharge after taking norethisterone? What causes swelling of inside of cheeks and lips? What causes hemangioma of liver? Is latuda safe to take for depression with heart stroke? What causes abdominal pain and sticky stools? What causes Watermelon stomach? What causes Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia? What does a growing painful red patch near the toes indicate? Suggest treatment to cure endometrial hyperplasia What causes sudden dementia episodes? What does this MRI report of brain indicate? Is meprate safe to take for cyst in ovary? What causes itching lesions on arms and legs? What causes increasing warts on palm and fingers? What causes red dry rashes on painful underarms? Suggest treatment to cure depression What causes heavy vaginal bleeding after taking contraceptive pill? What causes ear and upper jaw pain? What causes pain behind hip? What causes stomach pain and musky smelling bowel movements? What causes small raised growth on the inside of my lower leg? What doe my thyroid test results indicate? Suggest treatment for painful muscle spasms in lower back What causes experiencing pulsations in the elbow joint? What causes swollen lymph nodes just under my jaw? Suggest alternative of pentaxim vaccine What does black stool with greenish tint indicate? What does this ASLO titer and raised ESR indicate? What causes high heart rate after taking amiodorone? What causes sore toe with black blue bruise near cuticle? Suggest treatment for chronic lower back pain Suggest treatment for scleroderma
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