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Suggest treatment for dark circles under eyes What causes headache after having lunch? What does absence of fetal movement during 5 months of pregnancy indicate? Is T minic syrup effective in treating cold in adults? What causes headache and fever during periods? What causes pain in belly button only during periods? What causes spotting and irregular periods? What causes uneasiness in chest after having heavy dinner? Is the success rate of IVF different with own and door egg? What causes red dots all over upper body? Should i discontinue Acyclovir inspite of recovering from herpes? What is the cause and treatment for watery eyes? Suggest treatment for high BP What causes lower back pain and exhaustion with history of thyroidectomy? Can i use music hearing protection to protect ears from heavy winds? What do skin lesions on lower legs indicate? Suggest treatment for sleep disorder Suggest treatment for colon cancer What causes rash surrounding anus? Can a shin injury lead to nerve damage in lower legs? What causes random fainting episodes? What causes itchy red puffy area on right breast? What causes tingling hands after cocaine use? What causes tingling sensation and tremors in neck after having Quality stimulate? Suggest treatment for bruise on upper thoracic area Suggest treatment for vaginal itching and sore clitoris Can i have Adderall while being on HCG diet? What causes hematuria? Is lymphocytes absolute count of 1.7 normal? What causes high platelet count? Suggest treatment for warts on upper body What causes fainting during a pulmonary function test? What does a red lump on leg indicate? Is fainting during FVC pulmonary function test due to injury? What does my biopsies result indicate? What causes red scabs on breast? Suggest treatment for small bump and irritation in mouth What causes slurred speech and vertigo in the morning? What causes weakness with raching heart beats,headache and nausea? What causes lightheadedness and painful breast bone after having pills? Suggest treatment for bladder cancer Suggest treatment for chronic pelvic pain What does this typhoid test result indicate? What causes burning in vagina after having an intercourse? Suggest treatment for pain and irritation due to episiotomy What causes burning sensation around vaginal region after an intercourse? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What is the cause and treatment for gastritis? What causes biting of tongue unintentionally? What does a lump in lung indicate? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome Suggest treatment for pain under rib cage What does absence of fetal movement during 17 weeks of pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for fever in a child What does this semen analysis indicate? Suggest treatment for bump on lower back and thighs Suggest treatment for TSH level of 7 Suggest medicine for nerve damage and back pain What causes delayed periods after taking Unwanted 72? What does this follicular study report indicate? Can stomach gas in chest cause heart to flutter? Suggest treatment for breathing problems What causes vomiting and diarrhea after having Vitamin D3 tablets? What do black lines in vision indicate? Suggest treatment for bilateral pelvic and lower back pain Is missed periods an indication of pregnancy? What causes yellowish vaginal discharge? What causes nausea along with abdominal pain and back pain? What does my MRI for a malignant brain tumor indicate? What causes anxiety after taking Flexeril along with cocktail? Is myringotomy a safe procedure? What causes the urge to urinate and urinary incontinence? How contagious is mononucleosis? Suggest treatment for skin tag and genital wart? Can Trazodone and Prozac be taken with Abilify? Suggest treatment for pain and pressure in sinus What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? Is it normal to have sweating and fluttery feeling when on Plavix? What do the abbreviations like K, PLT, and RDW in blood analysis indicate? Suggest treatment for sore and tender rash inside the thigh Suggest treatment for itchy and yellowish discharge from clitoris What causes white bumps behind tonsils? Suggest treatment for complex migraine Suggest treatment for swollen calf muscles What causes swollen feet when suffering from liver cancer? Suggest treatment for pain management Does Combiflam harm the fetus during pregnancy? What does protein of 1+ in urine indicate? What causes anxiety and difficulty breathing in a 58 year old? What does a lump in crease of hip and leg indicate? Is pregnancy possible without ovulation? What causes fatigue and dizziness after an IVF? What are the chances of HIV transmission through oral sex? What causes yellow vaginal discharge after taking an I pill? Is it safe to take Diltiazem interact with Kenalog ? How to avoid drop in blood pressure after taking Diltiazem? What does my report of MRI on my pituitary gland indicate? Suggest treatment for depression after total thyroidectomy Suggest treatment for diarrhea and fatigue Is Epipen effective for allergy while on Atenolo? What are the complications associated with crystal meth usage? What are the withdrawal effects of Hydrocodone acetaminophen? How long do side effects of steroids last? What causes feeling something stuck in food pipe while eating food? What causes high BP? Suggest treatment for bleeding and itchy buttocks Suggest treatment for migraine attacks What causes bleeding after taking unwanted 72? Suggest treatment for bleeding and itchiness in rectal area What is the non diabetic level of HbA1c? What causes delay in periods? Suggest treatment for vitiligo Is it safe to have marijuana despite having chronic pancreatitis? What causes itchiness in vagina? Suggest home remedies to improve complexion of skin What causes blood in urine? What causes pink colored urine after having MMR vaccination? Are heart stents clearly seen in CT scan? What causes pain on left side of abdomen? Suggest treatment for bruise after injury What causes pain during urination post frenuloplasty? What is the cause and treatment for chest pain? Suggest treatment for back pain and severe loose motion How long does tooth infection take to subside after a root canal treatment? Suggest treatment for uncontrolled blood sugar levels Suggest treatment for lip discoloration What causes hyper pigmentation of face and acne? What precautions should be taken after a child falls from bed? What causes memory loss, drowsiness and low appetite? What causes restless leg syndrome while on Escitalopram? What do these reports regarding liver infection UTI indicate? What causes discomfort after retracting penis foreskin? Suggest treatment for persistent chest infection, low TLC count and difficulty breathing Is Zoely a safer contraceptive pill than Yasmine? What is the cause and treatment for gastritis? What does this semen analysis indicate? Suggest treatment for difficulty breathing and anxiety Suggest treatment for pain in penis What causes recurrence of menstrual bleeding? What does my ECG report indicate? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in a child What causes swelling on foot weeks after an injury? Suggest treatment for recurring seromas Suggest treatment for weeping endema Suggest treatment for eustachian tube dysfunction What are the chance of epilepsy after a fall? Suggest treatment for hematoma under nail What is the normal weight of a 21 year old? Suggest treatment for boil on buttock What is meant by "gall bladder is well distended"? What does my semen analysis report indicate? Suggest ways to wean off Ativan Suggest treatment for TSH level of 6.29 Can a squashed toe cause sprain to toe and ankle? What does my MRI report suggest? Suggest treatment for cold, headaches and nasal congestion What does my ultrasound report showing empty cavity indicate? Suggest treatment for pathological myopia and eye tics What causes presence of blood on vaginal applicator of Sustan VT? Suggest remedy for teething pain Suggest treatment for hypertension and chest pain Suggest treatment for chronic itching on body What causes swelling after anal skin tag removal surgery? Suggest treatment for swollen scrotum post gall bladder removal Suggest treatment for burnt foreskin with infection Is it safe to take Obimet when pregnant? What does a total sperm count of 12.5 million indicate? What is the success rate of Gemzar for pancreatic cancer? Suggest treatment for raspy voice after screaming Suggest treatment for constipation after UTI infection Suggest treatment for pain in the back Suggest ways to increase weight during pregnancy Suggest treatment for inability to maintain eye contact Suggest treatment for intense burning pain across abdomen Suggest treatment for receding gums Suggest treatment for myelomalacia edema Suggest treatment for radiating pain in chest What causes delayed periods after taking Unwanted 72? What causes heart palpitations during pregnancy? What causes prolonged menstruation? What causes right sided chest pain? What causes swollen lymph node near earlobe? Can anxiety cause consistent postural tremor? What causes soreness in chest after exercising? Suggest treatment for cold and cough in a child What causes skin cracks on fingers? Do liver enzymes increase after consumption of alcohol? What does "Multiple unenhanced axial cuts obtained through the chest" mean? What causes hot flashes during menopause? What causes itching and bleeding from anus? How to remove food stuck in esophagus? Suggest treatment for HCV What do sore bumps around the hairline indicate? Suggest treatment for prolapsed tricuspid valve What causes ulcer over tongue when suffering from fever and diarrhea? What causes tiredness and and excessive sleepiness? What causes inflammation of the uvula and soft palate? What does a red dot in the crease of arm indicate? Does bronchospasm cause throat congestion? What doe the following sperm ananlysis report indicate?
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