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What causes low protein and potassium level when suffering from anemia? What causes pain in mouth and tongue? What does an infected rash on buttocks indicate? Why should spicy food be avoided during pregnancy? How to deal with narcissistic sociopathic personality disorder? Suggest antidepressants which do not lower sodium levels What causes excessive sweating after taking higher dose of Seroquel XR? What causes swelling on tongue? What causes knee pain while walking? What does a sticky discharge from penis indicate? How contagious is achromobacter xylosoxidans infection? Is smoking Marijuana during pregnant safe? What are the risks of smoking Marijuana during pregnancy? Does drinking lemon water help in coping up with anxiety? Is UTI and STD interrelated? What does the following sonogram report indicate? Suggest treatment for scalp psoriasis What sexually transmitted diseases cause urinary tract infections? Does smoking Marijuana during pregnancy show up in meconium of baby? What are the symptoms of cervical spondylitis? What is the cause and treatment for chest congestion in an infant? Suggest treatment for fever along with cold and cough in a child What causes gastric problems and poor weight gain after gallbladder removal? Is skiing safe when diagnosed with torn meniscus? Do pet cats cause harm to a new born baby? What causes hard and sensitive vein after insertion of intravenous cannula? What does "calcified lesion in left high pariental region" indicate? What does a white spot on tongue indicate? Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes swollen lymph nodes along with enlarged spleen? When do periods begin after discontinuing Invega Sustenna? What causes tightness around stomach along with bowel incontinence? What causes sudden paralysis of hand? What causes red rash around penis after unprotected intercourse? What are the symptoms of tenesmus? What causes difference in vision in both eyes? Suggest treatment for blood blisters on lower lips What causes snoring and difficulty breathing in sleep? What causes the feeling of something stuck in throat? What causes intolerance to alcohol when suffering from acid reflux? Suggest treatment for stress Suggest treatment for microphthalmia and small cornea with diffused retina atrophy Does sinus pain and pressure cause eye pain? How long does Lithium take to set in? Suggest treatment for pain in left leg and thigh during a miscarriage Suggest treatment for intestinal metaplasia Is basal cell carcinoma contagious? What causes abdominal pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Are large pupils and vision of 20/15 signs of optic neuritis? Does neuritis cause dry eyes, fatigue and light sensitivity? Can urinary tract infection cause muscle weakness throughout body? What causes burning sensation on the lips ? How to terminate an occult pregnancy? Is an AST and ALT level of 30 considered high? Is pregnancy safe 6 months after childbirth? Suggest treatment for pain in lower back after injury during pregnancy Suggest treatment for blood in urine, stool, abdominal pain and fever Suggest treatment for persistent herpes simplex virus infection What does this X-ray report indicate? What causes redness on foreskin and tip of penis? Suggest treatment for amoebiasis infection in stomach Suggest treatment for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain during pregnancy What does a black patch on lower back above waistline indicate? How long does it take for birth control pills to be effective? What are the chances of STD transmission through non penetrative sex? What does this PSA level of 3.1 indicate? What causes lack of appetite and bloating after discontinuing Prednisone?m What causes constant ringing in ears? Suggest treatment for lump under ear on jaw line Suggest treatment for respiratory pneumonia Suggest ways to rid Oxycodone from system What causes transient rise in BP after eating food? Suggest treatment for acute lumbar muscle sprain in lower back What causes tingling in fingers, joints pain, fatigue, boils and skin infection? Is it safe to consume vitamin supplements for weight loss and toned muscles? Is it safe to have multivitamin tablets to lose weight and gain muscle mass? Suggest treatment for twitching of eyelids Suggest treatment for PCOS What causes constant pain in mid back toward left side? Suggest treatment for black spot on inner jaws What are the chances of conception after having intercourse? Suggest treatment for enlarged goitor in thyroid Suggest remedy for elevated ALT levels What causes nausea and low appetite despite having unprotected sex? Suggest remedy for rashes on body while on medication for thyroid Is it safe to have Plan B along with Fluconazole? Suggest treatment for rashes and bumps around anus What causes blood in urine? What causes sudden loss of consciousness? Are there any interaction between Dextromethorphan and Imovane? What causes itchy scrotal area post unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for high BP and gastric problem Suggest treatment for GERD and acid reflux Does thyroid problem cause delayed periods? How to deal with offending behavior of a 3 year old? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does this semen analysis indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic bronchitis infection Suggest treatment for cold and cough in infant What causes heart palpitations with normal EKG report? What causes stomach cramps along with diarrhea and back pain? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes anxiety related symptoms inspite of being on Adderall? What causes whitish vaginal discharge with bad odor? Suggest treatment for slight sore throat and sneezing What causes irregular periods even after having Alarsin aloes herbal medicine? How to manage anxiety symptoms caused by Adderall intake? Can Wellbutrin and Adderall reduce anxiety levels? Suggest treatment for dark circles under the eyes How to manage anxiety symptoms caused by Adderall intake? Suggest treatment for painful salivary glands Suggest treatment for blinking eyes and muscle jerks caused by Adderall intake What causes swollen face, feet and hands after having Tylenol? Suggest treatment for boil at eye pupil and watery eyes Can zirconia teeth be done for multiple teeth? Suggest treatment for elevated SGOT levels Is it possible to get pregnant post intercourse despite being on Novelon? Suggest treatment for severe acne on face and all over body Suggest treatment for nose bleeds along with soreness in ears What causes purple tongue after having antibiotics for cellulitis? Suggest treatment for heavy sweating, extreme dizziness and vomiting Suggest treatment for low sperm count Suggest treatment for muscle pain, upset stomach and pimples What causes erection problem when under stress? Suggest treatment for low sperm count Suggest treatment for vertigo, nausea and dizziness Suggest remedy for urine incontinence when having spine issues Suggest treatment for numbness and pain in hands while sleeping Can the damage to optic nerve be reversed? Suggest treatment for symptoms of high BP What does dry, whitish skin near vagina indicate? What causes itchy dry skin of vulva? Suggest treatment for hypertension and diabetes Does Valacyclovir help treat cold and flu? What causes spotting inspite of being on Mirena coil? What causes extreme left sided face and head pain? What causes abdominal bloating inspite of being diagnosed with IBS? Suggest remedy for high fever and runny nose What does my MRI scan report of lumbar spine indicate? What are the side effect of frequent use of I pill? What causes swelling around eyes? How long one should have Selomax for high BP? Suggest treatment for black growth on arm What causes vibrations in leg and muscle twitches in body? What causes itching in genitals, frequent urination and pain on tip of penis? Suggest treatment for UTI What causes abdominal cramps along with blood in urine? Suggest treatment for allergic rhinitis Suggest treatment for bloating, constipation and constant belching Suggest treatment for stomach pain, gastric trouble and vomiting What does bleeding after taking Mankind I pill indicate? What causes delay in menstruation? What does the following TORCH test result indicate? Suggest treatment for runny nose, dry cough and fever Suggest treatment for burning sensation on penis head when suffering from chlamydia Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and black seeds in stool What causes intermittent numbness and pain in hands and arms while sleeping? Suggest treatment for numbness and pain on arms What causes pins and needles feeling on limbs after taking MDMA? Suggest remedy for cramps, sore breasts and delayed periods Suggest remedy for pain in breasts and stomach along with delayed periods Suggest treatment for abnormal fluctuation in blood sugar levels? Suggest remedy for shaky thumbs and weakness on side and headaches Suggest treatment for abdominal pain associated bloating, gas and nausea How to test for hypothyroidism? When is the right time for intercourse after taking Fertomid-50? Suggest remedy for swollen leg and ankles Suggest remedy for headaches after suffering from stroke Suggest remedy for excessive flatulence Suggest treatment for intermittent right-sided pain in face and lump near ear Suggest ways to wean off masturbation addiction What does the MRI report indicate? Is delayed periods a symptom of pregnancy? Suggest medication for fever after vaccinations Is it safe to use Crestor when having cholesterol level of 318? Suggest treatment for kidney infections Suggest remedy for fever, diarrhea and vomiting Suggest remedy for uretheral spasms after urination Suggest remedy for pain in legs and below hips Suggest remedy for itchy and painful rash on upper body What causes a random burnt rubber like smell? Suggest remedy for dull ache on the testicles Suggest remedy for fever and sore muscles Suggest remedy for blisters on rib cage and fingers What causes tremors after a fall? What causes purplish discoloration on earlobes? Can Tizanidine or Meloxicam be taken for painful muscle spasms? What causes sudden onset of weakness, body twitching and heaviness on chest area? Does bone pain on left humerus indicate bone cancer? Is it normal to have extra skin grown on penis tip ? What does a growth on heart ventricle indicate? What causes a dry feeling on mouth and tongue? What vaccinations should be given for infants? What is the difference between prostatitis and mild prostatomegaly What is the cause and treatment for infertility? What does ESR of 44 and Leucocytes 61% indicate? What causes increase in platelet count? How does Duphaston affect the baby? What causes stomach infection in a child?
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