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Suggest treatment for severe itching on the arms Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain while on Miralax Suggest remedies for lung congestion while on Zithromax Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia and sleep apnea while on Ambien What does my blood test report indicate? What does my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for severe diarrhea, abdominal bloating, acid reflux and IBS Suggest treatment for fungal infection on the tongue Suggest remedies for fibromyalgia Is alcohol intake after viral hepatitis harmful? Suggest treatment for persistent cough, vomiting and abdominal bloating What causes throat pain, fatigue and unintentional weight loss after oral sex? Suggest treatment for cold and throat pain Suggest treatment for headache, nasal congestion, cough and eye pain What are the side effects of Sinarest AF? Suggest treatment for kidney stones in an elderly person What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for hepatitis-C infection Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence and swelling in the penis Do calcium supplements cause asthma? How can a lump in the neck be treated? What causes severe hair loss while Neptazane? Suggest treatment for headache, cough and running nose in an elderly person Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating and dizziness while on Pantoprazole Suggest treatment for genital folliculitis Suggest remedies for edema in the legs What does coarse echotexture of the liver mean? Does Zithromax interact with Zofran? Suggest treatment for sharp pain in the left leg Suggest ways to rule out osteoarthritis What are the side effects of Prozac? What causes frequent urination while on Advil? Can Zyprexa decrease seizures threshold? Suggest treatment for multiple lipomas in the body Suggest treatment for cold, cough, chills and episodes of shivering What causes splitting of the fingernails? What causes lumps around the incision site post neck surgery? What causes frequent bowel movements? What causes severe anxiety while on Melatonin? What causes irritation in the eyelids after unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for dark spots on the legs, hands and back Suggest treatment for severe leg and back pain Does drinking excessive amounts of water reduce the effectiveness of anti-TB medication? Suggest treatment for PCOD while on Norgest Is Tadalafil advisable after an angioplasty? What does this dental X-ray report indicate? Does shingles cause headache? What causes fungal infection on the legs and hands of an elderly person? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the right shoulder Suggest treatment for infection around the areola Can testosterone supplements be taken for muscle growth? Suggest treatment for seborrheic dermatitis Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for redness on the abdomen Suggest treatment for hair loss when diagnosed with androgenic alopecia What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe acne on the jaw line What causes crowding of the rib cage? Suggest treatment for cold feet in an elderly person Suggest treatment for severe leg pain What causes persistent back pain despite taking medication? Does excessive masturbation cause changes in the curvature of the penis? What does my lab test report indicate? How long does nicotine stay in the body? What causes painful burning sensation in the urethra? How can a dog bite be treated? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pneumonia Suggest treatment for pain in the breast and ribs What are the side effects of Rituximab? Suggest treatment for symptoms of seizures in a child with Down's syndrome Suggest treatment for stomach pain and nausea How can HIV infection be ruled out? Suggest treatment for itchy small pimples on the right foot Can STD be contracted through nude body to body massage along with manual sexual stimulation? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome What causes headache while on Advil? What causes fluttering sensation in the knee? Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in the back Suggest treatment for rough and brittle nails in a hypertensive person Suggest treatment for persistent cough when diagnosed with upper respiratory tract infection What causes fever, neck pain and headache? What causes pain and numbness in the finger? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for swelling in the face and dizziness Suggest treatment for type 2 diabetes Is Monistat 7 an effective medication for vaginal yeast infection? What causes severe weight loss in a child? What does this lipid profile test report indicate? Suggest treatment for skin rashes while on OxyContin Suggest treatment for cough in an infant while on Zyrtec Is total sperm count of 38.4 a cause for concern? What causes severe abdominal pain post a hysterectomy? What causes blood with foul odor in urine? What causes sudden dizzy spells? What causes frequent urination when diagnosed with UTI? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the leg while on antibiotics What does my CT scan report indicate? What causes a pinkish white patch on the cheek? Suggest treatment for symptoms of ptosis Suggest treatment for severe body pain and chills What does the following blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes vaginal bleeding during intercourse? What do persistent numbness and aches in the hands indicate? What causes pain near the renal area? Suggest treatment for persistent headaches Suggest treatment for lightheadedness and brain fog Suggest treatment for low grade fever and muscle aches Suggest treatment for tightness in the foreskin What causes bruising and swelling under the eyes after a forehead surgery? Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in the head Suggest treatment for chronic hip and back pain What causes a red rash under the chin area? Is Cyclobenzaprine advisable for severe hip pain? Suggest treatment for persistent pain in the legs, hands and back Suggest treatment for severe nasal congestion and sinusitis What does the following anomaly scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for sneezing, runny nose and sore sinuses Does the following report indicate retinal detachment? What do white patches on the face indicate? Suggest treatment for cold and sore throat Suggest treatment for cough, cold, runny nose and fever Suggest treatment for blood blisters on the hips Suggest treatment for mid and lower back pain Suggest treatment for severe cramping under the ribs radiating to the back What do my BP readings indicate? What causes severe pain in the lower left quadrant? Is treatment required for benign seizures in a child? Suggest treatment for recurrent malaria Suggest treatment for benign juvenile seizures Suggest alternative medication to Levoxythoine What causes rawness, inflammation and burning sensation in the throat? Is intake of baking soda and coconut oil to reduce cholesterol advisable? What do dry and flaky skin in the pubic area indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent dizziness Suggest treatment for recurring nausea and vomiting What do frequent bowel movements in a child indicate? Suggest treatment for painful and swollen thumb Suggest treatment for acute bronchitis What does low FSH level indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent acne and dandruff What do red dots all over the back indicate? What do circular marks in the buttocks indicate? Suggest treatment for hives and welts in a person with Hashimoto's disease Is pregnancy advisable after stopping Duphaston? Suggest treatment for thyroid and kidney abnormalities Suggest treatment for inner ear infection What does a INR of 5 while on Coumadin indicate? What causes swelling of the upper eyelids? What numbness in the feet? Suggest treatment for acute abdominal pain What causes swelling in the lips and back spasms? Does intake of Synthroid help maintain energy levels? What causes severe and persistent pain in the forearms? Suggest treatment for frequent urination in an elderly person Suggest treatment for dizziness in a hypertensive person What does high blood sugar level after surgery indicate? Suggest treatment for blisters on the back Suggest treatment for persistent lower back and knee pain Does Hydrocodone interact with Tramadol? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for severe back and shoulder pain What causes incomplete bowel movements after an anoxic brain injury? What causes severe pain and numbness in the face and body? Suggest treatment for stiffness in the neck Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction in an elderly person What causes lack of ejaculation after intercourse? What does lack of penile secretion while on Depo-Provera indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in and around the oblique muscle Suggest treatment for vitiligo on the back Suggest treatment for cirrhosis of liver and pleural effusion What causes a dull aches at the bottom of the rib cage? What does the following urine examination result indicate? Suggest treatment for dry cough and sinusitis What causes tingling sensation near the wound after taking Rabipur injections? What causes swelling in the throat and breathing difficulty? Suggest treatment for throat pain, congestion and tiredness What causes throat pain, cold and tiredness in a child? What causes hunger pains after eating? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on the back What causes burning sensation in the upper right quadrant? Suggest treatment for symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome What is the prognosis of someone with Dubin–Johnson syndrome? Suggest treatment for severe dizziness and headache What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent body pain while suffering from anxiety What causes whitish discharge from the penis? Suggest treatment for breast bone pain What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for topical dermatitis in a diabetic What causes excessive thirst, dry mouth, dizziness and panic attacks? Suggest treatment for Dupuytren's contracture Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the throat What causes dizziness and persistent panic attacks? What causes recurrent fever and upper respiratory infection? What causes white coating on the tonsils, sore throat and hoarseness? Suggest treatment for scars on the face What causes frequent urge to urinate and painful urination?
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