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Suggest treatment for swelling on the neck Suggest treatment for bi-polar and hyperactivity disorder How can a surgical scar on the chest be removed? What causes twitching sensation in the upper eyelids? Can the dosage of Norvasc be tapered off while having swollen ankles? How can frequent headaches with sinus pressure be treated? What causes severe dizziness and high BP? Cab Verorab vaccine cause fever? Suggest treatment for symptoms of GERD What does the following MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for warts around the unshaven genitalia What are the effects of Cytotec on the fetus? What causes excessive sweating? Can psychological distress lead to headaches? Suggest treatment for sciatica What causes nausea and vomiting when diagnosed with diabetes? What causes burning sensation during intercourse? Suggest treatment for itching in the throat and rashes Does Minocycline for acne interfere with meningococcal vaccine? Suggest natural remedies for constant vomiting Is inhaling drug fumes while recovering from a stroke harmful? What causes pain and tenderness in the sternum area of the chest? Can Gabapentin be discontinued cold turkey? Suggest treatment for paronychia How can a slow-growing cancer outside the prostate gland be treated? What causes dizziness and popping sensation in the ears? Suggest treatment for enlarged left testicle Suggest treatment for persistent pain in the head What causes shoulder joint pain while suffering from myasthenia gravis? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling after total knee replacement What causes sudden muscle twitching in the legs? Suggest treatment for twitching sensation in the calf What are the long term side effects of Omeprazole? What causes unilateral headache in the morning? Is Morphine effective in managing pain while treating spondylosis and liver cirrhosis? Is Xarelto effective in managing deep vein thrombosis? What causes severe dizziness upon lying down? Suggest alternative medication for Gabapentin Do Esofag, Veloz, Razo, Velgut, Udiwok and Udihep interact with each other? Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for clogged arteries Is fructosamine level of 374 a cause for concern? What causes poison ivy like bumps around the wound site? What causes left-sided pain in the testicle, pelvis and lower back? Suggest treatment for constant back pain Can L-Tryptophan be taken for IBS? What do these lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in between the thighs Suggest treatment for symptoms of PATM disease Can STD be contracted through vaginal fluid contact with skin? What causes visible black particles on the scalp while combing? What causes back pain postpartum? How can a boil on the vagina be treated? What causes weakness, fatigue and excessive sleepiness while suffering from hemorrhoids and arthritis? How can erythema multiforme on the palm and arms be treated? What do these lab reports indicate? What causes gross hematuria? What causes shooting pain in the left side of the head? What causes pain and swelling in the anus? What does persistent brown vaginal discharge after an abortion indicate? What causes mononeuritis multiplex? What causes pain and dryness in the neck? What causes cough, sneezing, wheezing, headache, sinus pain, runny nose and chest congestion? What causes tingling sensation in the feet and lower legs? What causes numbness in the left foot and vomiting? What does a flesh colored bump at the base of the tongue indicate? Does saw palmetto treat prostate cancer? Can cancer be treated while breast cancer with liver metastasis is in remission? What causes stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, black vomit and chills? Suggest treatment for yeast infection and vaginal discharge What causes scarring of the lung tissues? Can HIV be transmitted through contact of bodily fluid in the eye? Is serum CgA level of 62 ng/ml a cause for concern? What does this blood report indicate? What causes left sided abdominal pain? What causes an empty gestational sac during 5th week of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the ribs What do AST level of 39 and ALT level of 75 indicate? What causes delayed menstruation after stopping Duphaston? What causes redness on the roof of the mouth? What is superimposed central disc protrusion? Suggest treatment for toe nail fungal infection What does BP of 131/84 and heartbeat of 98 indicate? Is Ketoconazole prescribed for vaginal yeast infection? What does a bulge on the bottom of the foot indicate? Suggest treatment for ingrown nail in the toe Can Regestrone induce an abortion? Does Viagra interact with beta blocker medicine? What does the following test report indicate? What do dizziness and BP of 142/65 indicate? What is a therapeutic dose of B complex for depression as well as 5 HTP and Tyrosine? Suggest treatment for itching all over the body Suggest treatment for GERD, anxiety and lightheadedness What does the following CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for delay in ejaculation Can Musli Power Xtra capsules be taken for premature ejaculation while not using a condom? How can mouth sores be treated? Is a second dose of MT kit advisable? What causes fever and body chills after a surgical abortion? How can a boil near the eye be treated? Do dizziness and vomiting after intercourse suggest pregnancy? What causes brain fog, peripheral numbness, mouth ulcers and fatigue while treating depression? What causes burning sensation in the feet? What causes gurgling sensation in the rib cage? Suggest treatment for irregular menstruation How can hepatitis-B be treated? What causes a large discolored patch with white heads on the neck? What causes acute pain in the upper left buttock? Suggest treatment for pulsatile tinnitus What causes a weird sensation on the left side of the head? How can constipation with stomach pain be treated? Suggest treatment for throbbing headaches behind the eye Is Ezetimibe advisable for high cholesterol levels? What causes dizziness, lightheadedness and intermittent stiffness in the body? What causes pulsating sensation in the left ear? What causes severe foot pain in the morning? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal bloating Would taking an expired Cetirizine tablet cause adverse effects? What does the following ECG report indicate? What does the presence of blood in urine indicate? Suggest treatment for severe congestion in the ear What does my lab test report indicate? What causes redness and irritation in the penis? Does vaping cause elevated PSA levels? Does baking soda interact with Benazepril? Suggest ways to gain weight What causes left eyelid twitching while experiencing severe anxiety? Is Aloe vera-Lidocaine gel advisable for pain management while suffering from anorectal melanoma? Suggest treatment for itching sensation all over the hands leading to marks Does dehydration cause severe muscle pain? What causes acid reflux and minor abdominal cramps while on Minocycline? Suggest treatment for ear pain and pimples in the left armpit? What causes sudden weight gain while on Simvastatin? Suggest treatment for baldness Does Vertin help cure vertigo? What causes burning sensation in the glans penis? Suggest treatment for post nasal drip Suggest treatment for severe dizziness Suggest treatment for chronic pharyngitis Is Allopurinol manufactured in different sizes safe to take? Suggest treatment for cellulitis while on Levofloxacin How can seizures followed by episodes of unconsciousness in a stage-4 COPD, PTSD, anxiety and depression patient? Suggest treatment for vomiting and diarrhea What causes fluttering sensation in the abdomen? What causes rectal bleeding? Is ESR count of 110 normal? Is GGT level of 61.7 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for elevated liver enzymes Do Chlorthalidone, Valsartan, Dilantin, Omeprazole, Clopidogrel and Folic Acid interact with each other? Does Seroquel interact with Fluoxetine? Is dependence on CPAP machine while suffering from lung disease a concern? What causes abdominal bloating and diarrhea? Suggest ayurvedic remedies for HIV Suggest treatment for chest pain and breathing difficulty after smoking What causes white rashes on the neck? Can Perphenazine cause depersonalization disorder? What causes increased heart rate and pain in the ribs after smoking Marijuana? What causes fever, lightheadedness and nausea when diagnosed with influenza? What does my lab test report indicate? Can Garcinia cambogia supplement be taken for weight loss? How can a lump on the upper thigh be treated? What causes diarrhea after taking Nexpro? How can a painful lump near the anus be treated? Suggest medication to stop menstrual bleeding What are the side effects of Sildenafil? What causes severe tinnitus and headache? Suggest treatment for dry cough in a child What do my lab test reports indicate? Is Losartan the same as Lisinopril? What causes white spots on the penis? What does my bone density test report indicate? What causes dry cough and ticking sensation in the throat while on Flecainide? What causes pain under the left shoulder blade while having acid reflux disease? Suggest treatment for endometrial hyperplasia What causes white patches in the mouth? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? How can tendonitis of the elbow be treated? What causes intermittent swelling and pain in a vein on the hand? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What does a PSA level of 180 indicate? Can Omeprazole cause sleep disturbances? What causes clicking noises in the back during normal movements? What are the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes? What causes low heart rate while suffering from Lyme disease and MRSA? Suggest treatment for persistent erectile dysfunction How can a bump near the anus be treated? Suggest treatment for ankle swelling How can constant cluster headaches and hallucinations be treated? How can swelling in the legs, feet and ankles be treated? What causes severe pain in the knee after knee replacement surgery? How can swelling in the calf muscles be treated? How can a blister on the labia be treated? Suggest treatment for low libido Does masturbation affect fertility? Does herbal medication taken for H. pylori infection interfere with HIV test results? Suggest treatment for peripheral neuropathy Is pregnancy possible without ejaculation? Suggest treatment for swollen ear after being stung by a wasp How long does Prozac stay in the body? What causes increased blood sugar levels while recovering from pneumonia?
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