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Is it safe to undergo consecutive abortions? Any chances of pregnancy after taking Regestrone? Suggest the dosage of clozapine and valproate What causes dry cough with change in voice and pain in one side of head? Is mastrubation safe after hysteroscopy polypectomy? Why am I having episodes of confusion and speaking issue and can I continue taking arip mt? Can disc herniation get worse with a fall? Is it safe to take odimont and montek for nasal congestion during pregnancy? What are the long term effects of Simethicone? What causes arm and leg numbness when lying on one side? What is the treatment for raised pink scar and nasty pimples in breast? Can I take fertyl-super for easy conception from fifth day of periods? How to detect pregnancy when blood B HCG comes negative? What is the treatment for irregular periods and bloating? Does change in water cause hair fall problem? Can pulling sensation in left hand and minute changes in chest be indications of heart attack or gastric problem? What causes blood and protein in my urine? Is unequal scrotum sides,normal? Is fullness in lower throat related to tightness in the back of the neck and shoulders? Any chances of hidden cancer despite biopsy? Is swollen lymph nodes a sign of cancer and what are the findings from the child's complete blood count test? Is urinary tract infection in girls a sign of sexual abuse? Cause of clumpy orange vaginal discharge with slight itching? Suggest treatment for tear duct infection What causes painless lump on side of my neck? Suggest treatment for severe itching with sensitivity to cold What is the suggested medication for dry cough? Is Gardasil or Cervarix, better treatment for HPV? Will taking ativan for anxiety interfere with IVF cycle and egg quality? Could lymph nodes in armpit,posterior cervical,submandibular, and supraclavicular areas be Lymphoma? What is the cause for painful earache in children? Suggest treatment for hand swelling caused by an injury Can I take Tylenol along with Paroxetine? How to terminate pregnancy at home? Why is my baby's teeth broken in lower part? What are GERD symptoms? Suggest treatment for persistent neck and shoulder pain with tingling in hands? Is advil and paraffin treatment advisable to keep warm in cold weather? What is the remedy for swollen left leg while taking ciprofloxacin tablets for cellulitis infection? What is the best plan of action for blood clot in my arm? What causes mucous secretions with blood traces? Will regulating diabetics drugs dosages advisable to keep blood sugar in control? What is the permanent cure for nasal congestion and why is my face and neck blotchy after drinking wine? Suggest treatment for compressed nerves with stiffness and pain? How to reduce swelling after intake of draincleaner? What should I do after taking small amount of drain cleaner into my mouth? How long can an adult stay dehydrated? Any chances of diabetes post spinal stenosis surgery? What can cause positive drug result for methamphetamine and amphetamine while taking adderall and celexa? Post ruptured brain anyerism,what causes peristent nausea after eating? Does smoking cause metallic taste in mouth and burning sensation in arms and legs? What causes intermittent warm sensation down the leg? Do gallstones cause diarrhea? Causes for wounds that dont heal? What are the natural supplements for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and anxiety? Is Asmtha diagnosis possible when suffering from bronchitus? What can cause pinching and burning pain behind my right ear with a medical history of acinic cell carcinoma? What causes pain in hamstring buttocks,lowerback and groin areas? What is the treatment for swollen gland under my jaw bone while suffering from headache and diarrhea? What causes headaches,stomach pain and nausea? Why am I feeling sick and dizzy after taking norflaxocin for suspected urine infection? What to do to stop snoring? Is visible pus discharge from genital regions a serious condition? What causes postnatal mucus discharge and stomach bloating? What causes white circles and white lines under my tongue? Suggest treatment for respiratory infection? Is it safe to take Cefdinir for strep throat? What does small greyish lump on anal rim indicate? Why am I having brown sticky discharge and twinges in abdomen even after taking Microgynon? Suggest diet for diverticulitis attack with pain and nauses What causes sudden limping? Is low dose of Ambien for insomnia safe when suffering from tinnitus? Does steroid treatment cause changes to cell and have residual effects? Cause for severe headache spreading accross back and neck? What is the cure for megaloblastic anemia caused by myelodysplactic syndrome? Is testosterone injections safe to improve libido? What is the cure for dementia, high cholesterol and macular degeneration in both eyes while on remeron and synthroid? Home remedies for adenoid inflammation What causes hair loss when on levothyroxine? What happens when suffering from OCD? Is swollen lymph gland in my child's neck a sign of illness? Can I take clomid or dostinex for high progesterone and prolactin levels and how to improve my libido? What causes oily urine in my child? Should I have double protection after having sex without penetration after taking a depo provera? What causes feeling of incomplete voiding after passing stools? What can cause bumps around my foreskin and why am I having electric sensation in hands and legs after drinking sugar drinks? Is lexapro or zoloft better for depression treatment? What are the underlying causes for fluttering in my chest area? Cure for delayed ejaculation Is paracetamol and Inner Health Plus safe during ectopic pregnancy treatment? Is pain and limping normal after bicycling and hiking? What causes recurring twists of ankle? Cause and treatment for headache and the dizziness Is there any drug interaction between Fetzima and Horizant? Suggest treatment for hyperthyroidism Explain "ultrasound of the liver reveals some nodularity and complete resolution of the ascities" What is the treatment for testicular pain with back pain? Does cervical spine arthritis impair the blood flow to the brain? Is it safe to have protein shakes with excess potassium and phosphorus while suffering from chronic kidney disease? Treatment to remove big kidney stone Should I be concerned about fatty hepatomegaly while suffering from polycystic ovaries? Can I take theraclav and nimsaid for chest pain, fever and body pain? Is CT scan necessary for after a head fall? Why am I having headache and muscle pain while taking thyronorm and undergoing fertility treatment? Remedy to reduce weight What is the cure for reoccurring mouth ulcer? At what age do girls start getting their periods and when does a women stop growing? Expalin "mild fibrosis in left upper zone with pleural thckning/effusion in right CP angle" Does Janumet cause vaginal itching? What does "AST 54 H" and "large forms of platelets were noted" mean? Is whisky good for heart and diabetes? Is alcohol intake advisable in depression? What causes bleeding in my mouth? What is the suggested medication for weight loss? What is the best way to reduce my obesity? Why does penis hurt after sex? What causes light vaginal bleeding after a hysterectomy? Side effects of Pristiq and Sandomigran? What doctor should I consult for head spinning like vertigo while sleeping and doing exercises? What does a large cystic lesion in the adnexa,indicate? Suggest treatment for severe persistent cough? What is the cause for stabbing pain on the right side of my face while taking amox for tooth removal? Is skipping vascoride dosage safe when suffering from BP? Symptoms,treatment and diet for Hepatic steatosis Will Momatasome cream help in curing my acne marks? What is the treatment for pus filled cysts in my groin area? What causes intermittent pulsing dull pain in knee? Does external environment affect the basal body temperature Why am I having shortness of breath and difficulty in swallowing after being diagnosed with Dermatomyositis? Recommend safe dosage of folic acid during pregnancy Should I go for bone marrow transplant while taking thalidomide, dexa and cyclophosmine for multiple myeloma? What does occasional loose and sticky stool indicate? For severe arm pain with titanium plate,is doctor consultation required? What causes thinning hair, chills and cold sweats with fluctuations in body temperature? What is the treatment for continuous pain and tenderness in arm while suffering from bursitis along with medial epicondylitis in both arms? Causes for persistent fever during typhoid treatment? Suggest effective ways to improve my sleep while suffering from nail psoriasis, goiter and subacute thyroiditis What causes pulsations in my head while taking calcium channel blockers, mevacor and citalopram? What causes tightness in the chest spreading to neck,throat and back? What causes deformity in joints,wrist and ankle? What causes redness in tongue? What can I do on a daily basis to reduce my stiffness in my back and hip? Does negative HIV report after a blood tranfusion ascertion that I am HIV free? What causes pain while urination with abnominal pain? Any chances of pregnancy despite negative urine pregnancy test? Why am I unable to have erection with pus around my penis? Suggest treatment for post pimple scars What causes redness in lower part of legs while suffering from congestive heart failure? What are the functions of audospas and is it right medication for reducing heavy menstrual flow? Is it normal to have cold foot after a knee injury? What does "ESR of 40mm/hr and HDL 38" indicate? What causes persistent pain due to nerve injury? How to get pregnant fast? Why am I experiencing delay in periods after taking provera and levlin for reducing my bleeding? What does vaginal redness with white discharge,indicate? Should I take any specific medicines for fever while breast feeding my newborn suffering from G6pd deficiency? Any side effects of lactogen intake in babies? Causes for severe cough with pain in upper back What is the treatment for redness and swollen palm due to thorn prick? Suggest treatment to improve circulation in legs What does isolated Citrobacter koseri Enterococcus faecalis indicate in a semen culture? Suggest treatment for fluttering heart with slight chest pain How to avoid unwanted pregnancy? What is the cure for continuous breast pain with polycystic ovaries? Can bilateral grade 1 varicocele cause permanent infertility? Suggest treatment for swollen foot and toes What causes lower pain with pain in vaginal area? What causes acute pain in the jaw? Suggest alternative treatments for ADD and Anxiety What does swelling of lips indicate? Why am I having an anxious feeling in my chest and stomach while trying to sleep? Suggest treatment for arms and hand swelling when suffering from dementia Why am I having decreased libido and ejaculation problem after taking oleanzapine and fluoxetine for anxiety disorder? Why am I having dizziness during rest while taking Lisinopril, Clairtin and Lipitor? What are the alternative treatments for occipital neuralgia? What do you mean by para central disk protrusion on left at L4-5 and disk bulges in a CT scan report? What are the findings from the VDRL test? What does "Pt has raised ALT level + reduced platelet count" mean in a blood analysis? What does large bruises with no pain after accidental fall,indicate? When will infant get rid of salmonella and lactose intolerance? Suggest treatment for enlarged thyroid with pain in neck and shoulders Child got kicked below her sternum, should i consult a doctor? Is my sinus problem causing lightheartedness, pressure in temples and dizziness? What is the cause for numbness in tongue and bad taste in my mouth? Suggest generic form of Cymbalta for fibromyalgia treatment Suggest treatment and cause itchy rash on buttocks Should I go the urgent care for ligheadedness and dizziness with high glucose in my urine? Is recum tumor a serious health condition? Why am I having vertigo when my head is in backward direction? Is MefathalP advisable when high fever is not controlled by crocin? Should I take my toddler to the ER for wound bleeding after hitting his eyebrow? Suggest treatment for pain below the ribs and the upper back Why am I feeling tired and exhausted after catheter removal? Is 1.5 mg/dl total Bilirubin, abnormal? What is the cause for groin pain, cloudy urine and mild stomach pain? What does hard lump on inner shin,indicate? What causes pain in the left side of back? What is the treatment for panic attacks caused due to family stress? Is appendicitis attack possible after gall bladder removal? What does abscess in pubic area indicate?
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