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Can I take dicloxacillin for cold? What causes irritation in eyes with headache and eye pain? How many nebs can I take safely while taking mucinex? Does Naproxen cause problems in Colon and Fecal Occult Blood Test? Is cramps in hand a sign of Carpal tunnel syndrome? Suggest treatment for difficulty in breathing despite taking Albuterol nebs and Brovana? Suggest treatment for menstrual cramps? What causes tingling sensation in head? Does low Vitamin D level cause bone and joint pains? What could be the cause for high vaginal pressure? Is it safe to take Alkaseltzer Plus for extended period of time? What causes swelling,hallucinations and joint pain after an MRI? What are the possible causes for blurred vision? What do itchy sores on legs and arms indicate? What causes lump above kneecap and burning sensation in left foot? How to reduce pimple marks? How to induce abortion at one and a half months of pregnancy? What does 'lazy heart muscle' mean? Will skipping a dosage of ampicillin cause any problems? Is an MPV of 5.9 a contra indicator for tooth extraction? How safe is spinal fusion and decompression surgery? What could be the reason for mismatch in blood sugar level and HbA1c? Is it normal to have swelling in legs after a partial nephrectomy? What is the life expectancy with heart rate of 20 BPM? Suggest home remedy for strained foot muscle What could be the cause for headache and walking imbalance problems? Suggest treatment for insect bite allergy How to get rid of oral thrush? Suggest treatment for fever with cold and blocked nose What is the best blood pressure medication while suffering from diabetes? Is human growth hormone a good option for increasing energy? Is it safe to take Herbalife when on Tapizole? What cases Premature ventricular contractions? Is BP is recording 100/140 normal? Does naproxen cause weight gain? Suggest treatment for vision problem due to blood clot in eyes How to reduce weight? What is the treatment for aortic stenosis? How is HIV spread? Suggest treatment for anal fissure and constipation What causes pain in right side when suffering from constipation and loose motions? What teh the treatment for swollen lymph node Can facial flushing, itchy skin and tachycardia be signs of mast cell activation syndrome? Suggest treatment for Neurodermatitis Does pain in lower groin and back be symptoms of bladder tumor? What causes dark spot on urethra orifice? Will lyrica help for numbness in foot? Suggest treatment for lower limb pain due to disc bulge What causes bumps near vaginal opening? What causes salty taste in mouth? What should be normal serum potassium levels in our body? What is the best treatment for bone bruising? What causes soreness in the tip of penis? What causes numbness and popping sensation in in left knee? How to delay periods? Suggest treatment for food poisioning along with sunburn What causes swelling and numbness in feet? What causes watery diarrhea and constipation while taking Budesonide for collagenous colitis? Cause and treatment for digestive tract problem Suggest treatment for sexual paraphilia Can I take mp forte tablets for termination of pregnancy? What causes pain in the left jaw? How to reduce cholesterol levels? What could be the reason for excess hair loss? what causes gradual weight gain? Suggest any cream for maintaining fair skin What causes dizziness,bad dreams,dry mouth and nose when on Azilect? Taking Galvus Met and triglyniese for diabetes, should I make any other changes in diet? Suggest treatment for candidal balanoposthitis What causes intermenstrual spotting? What are the chances of getting HIV through superficial cuts on fingers? Suggest treatment for dry Cough Treatment for hypopituitarism in pituitary gland Does breastfeeding have an effect on baby's color? What is the cure for lumbar back pain and foot drop? Is it safe to consume fresh fruit juice with high ALT and AST levels? What causes rashes and itching all over body while taking Lanoxin, Cardivas and Dytor? What causes pain in lower belly and back? Is fatigue caused due to high blood sugar? Suggest tips for conceving Why did I wake up with absence of heart beat? What causes whooshing sounds,pain and fuzzy sounds in the ears? Suggest treatment for muscle strain in neck and lower back What causes allergy in back? Is swelling under eye caused due to juvederm injection? What causes hematuria? What causes spotting during pre menopause? Will I have regular periods after consuming 23 pills? How is gestational age calculated? Can bloating and chest pain around sternum be signs of Pleural Effusions? What causes shortness of breath and numbness in finger? What causes abdominal pain with dizziness and frequent urination? What causes bleeding during bowel movement? What causes burning sensation in body? What is the treatment for radiating abdomen pain? Does exposure to VOCs lead to damage of brain nerve cells? What causes rashes in mouth and larynx ? What causes iritation inside the breast? Is it safe to stop Suboxine and naloxone combination treatment? What is the tube like object near the Laparoscopic incision point? What causes fatigue with mascular pain,sore throat,dry cough and forehead pain? Is it normal to have peeling gums in cold weather? Are WBC counts and mCV altered by drinking a night before the tests? What does severe vericose veins and blood clot on legs indicate? What causes bumps in the tip of penis? What causes slurred speech and imbalance problems? Suggest treatment for continual buttox pain What are the findings from the complete blood count test? Suggest treatment for chronic tonsillitis What causes itchiness at bottom of the penis with clear discharge? What is the recommended dose of Prazosin for PTSD treatment? What causes recurring chronic bronchitis? Does vitamin D deficiency cause Melanonychia Striata? What causes centre chest pain in a child? What causes leg pain? What should be done for spike in blood sugar level after eating? What causes chest pain and anxiety when on Levothyroxine? What causes severe bleeding during periods? What does rise in CEA level indicate? What could be the cause for vaginal bleeding after taking excessive alcohol? Suggest the dosage of cipro Symptoms of whooping cough What could be the cause for rash on hand? What causes dizziness,lightheadedness,chest pain that radiates to jaw abd arm? What is the difference between third generation and fourth generation HIV test? What causes lumps near the upper jaw? Suggest treatment for Urinary tract infection How long does Genotropin shots take to increase energy level? Is it safe to take methylprednisolone and biaxin together? What causes terrible smell in nostril? How long does it take to cure adenoid? Is lower back pain caused due to constipation? What causes loss of appetite and shortness of breath when suffering from hernia? What causes swelling and numbness of the tongue after taking Augmentin? What is the best way to get off Norco? Suggest treatment for fever What causes body aches and sinus congestion after catching flu? What causes knot inside penis? Is it true that low grade lymphoma is not curable? What causes water retention in body causing swelling? Is uterine cancer curable? What causes food getting stuck in esophagus when suffering from diverticula? Is white blood cell count of 16 a sign of cancer? What kind of treatment should I take for poor memory problems? What is the cause and treatment for dry lips? What causes pain in the back of lower leg after ejaculation? Is it better to take progressive lens or regular distance lens? Is Primolut N and Premount N similar medicines? Is there any interaction between lorazepam, citalopram and lamotrgine for bipolar disorder? What causes burning sensation in penis after having sex? What causes high B6 levels? What causes grand mal seizure? Is an MPV of 5.9 a contra indicator for tooth extraction? Suggest treatment for recurring hernia Suggest treatment for swelling of the scalp following an accident What causes recurring hernia? What causes eye pain in children when suffering from fever? What causes cramping in calves and feet cramp at night? What are the chances of pregnancy while taking Norethindrone? Is DHEA intake safe for good testosterone level? What causes dust allergy? Suggest treatment for lesions of folliculitis over the arms Suggest treatment for infected pimples on head How to get rid of stretch marks on stomach and thighs caused due to pregnancy? Is RBBB asociated with an increase in mortality and morbidity? What do itchy rashes on arms and legs indicate? Child likes to taste non edible items, what could be the problem in child? What causes sore throat and heart palpitations when suffering from hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for swollen legs and feet What is the role of Cowper Glands during ejaculation? What could be the cause for blood in nasal secretion? How to increase breast milk production? How does APCOD help in pregnancy? What is the suggested antidepressant when suffering from enlarge prostate? Suggest treatment fpr sharp pain under the little toe Can sticky discharge from cervix, bloating and sharp pain be signs of pregnancy? What causes swelling and numbness ith headaches and abdominal pain during periods? What are the symptoms of liver failure and intestinal obstruction? What are the upcoming complications with endometriosis? What causes abnormal QRS in an ECG report? How to overcome absent mindedness? What causes tightness around chest and indigestion when suffering from thyroid problem? How to conceive? Does excessive use of computer cause irregular heart beats? What are side effects of delaudid pills given for pain relief? Is puffy eyes caused due to juvederm and radiesse? Does Multaq affect thyroid functionality? Should I be worried about headache and swelling in temple area after a hit? What causes chronic headaches and fatigue? Suggest treatment for headaches,swelling and tenderness after an injury What are the side effects of testosterone treatment? What could be the cause for cheese like discharge? Suggest treatment for wheezing cough Is it normal to have cheese like discharge with a cut in labia? Suggest treatment for pain in labia minora Suggest antidepressants that have no side effects Is it safe to take FOL123 tablets during periods? What causes sudden bumps on child's arms? Is Preputioplasty safe treatment for phimosis? What does 'vacuolated neutrophils, clotted platelets and fibrin' indicate in a blood test report?
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