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What is the cause and treatment for breathing difficulty? Is pain induced labour advisable? Suggest treatment to remove sun burn from skin What causes high calcium level in body? What causes back pain after consuming alcohol? Is a rash on ears and neck symptom of measles? Is one dose of polio vaccine enough for a child? Suggest treatment for depression What causes severe knee pain with swelling on foot? Suggest weaning diet for an infant Suggest tests to diagnose Cushing's syndrome What does "Elevated right dome of diaphragm-significance" mean? What causes allergic skin rash? What causes headaches? Suggest treatment for lower chest pain What causes fever followed by rash on ears and neck? How is HIV transmitted? What do pink and itchy bumps on hands and legs indicate? What causes headaches? Suggest treatment for nausea during pregnancy? What causes abdominal pain after loose motions? Suggest treatment for depression Is drinking milk after eating fish,advisable? What causes delayed periods? Will eating food mixed with tinfoil residue cause harmful effect? What causes body rash when suffering from stomach flu? What causes excessive drooling in infants? How long does psoriasis on the scalp take to get cured? What are symptoms of a concussion? What does HCG level of 89 on day 17 indicate? Is HIV transmission possible after protected sex? What is the difference between Kril oil and fish oil? What causes loss in taste and smell with low libido? When should Dexolac be started for a baby? Suggest treatment for back pain What is the cause and treatment for severe back pain? Suggest treatment for painful decayed tooth What causes painful wisdom tooth with pus discharge? What causes delayed periods with stomach cramps? What do raised pimples around back of the thigh indicate? How to reduce hair fall? Is pain in chest the same as having gynecomastia? Suggest treatment for pain in lower jaw and bottom teeth Suggest treatment for stomach bloating What does these CT scan report indicate? Can Eliquis and Aspirin be taken together? Suggest treatment for psoriasis What causes chest pain with fatigue,palpitation and dizziness? Should i be concerned about these albumin and globulin levels? What is anterior lumbar fusion for L 3.4 and 5? What causes red and oozing scrotum? What causes trouble in eating food? What does my lab test report suggest? What does high D-dimer indicate? What causes stress incontinence? How to get relief from painful swollen tonsil? What causes increased sugar levels when suffering from pneumonia? What is the treatment for burned skin? What is the cause and treatment for nasal congestion? Can homoeopathy or Siddha treatment cure Biliary Atresia? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain and inability to raise arm or rotate What causes severe pain under the breast on the right? What causes low AMH level? Does contraceptive pills have any side effects? What precautions should be taken after cholesteatoma surgery? Is wine intake safe when on Prozac? Suggest treatment for swollen foot after a bug bite Does inguinal scar tissue cause pain in the pelvic area? What causes pain in the urethra? Suggest treatment to improve fatty liver What causes constipation and stuffed feces? What causes elevation of left acromion and limited external rotation? Is it safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy? What causes semen discharge while interacting with a girl? How to keep blood pressure under control? Is it harmful to take Restyl daily for shivering? Suggest treatment for Acute diarrhea after taking medicines What causes purplish tinge on wounds? How to loose weight in a thyroid patient? What causes chronic pain in hands and legs? What is the cause and treatment for constipation? What causes swelling, irritation and pain of penis? What causes lymph node enlargement during pregnancy? What causes Skin, eye or nose allergies? What does a red and round bump in the groin area indicate? What causes breast pain during periods? Suggest treatment for 3B breast cancer Can i get HIV inspite of having protected sex? What causes headaches after acoustic neuroma removal? What causes varicose vein of penis? Is it safe to take flucloxacillin along with food? Suggest treatment for irritation in the urethra after urination What causes difficulty in writing? Can I pill usage effect menstrual cycles? Suggest treatment for memory loss Suggest treatment for severe neck ache What is the cause and treatment for ear pain? What causes right sided body pain? What causes ringing in ears? Suggest treatment for congenital biliary anomalies in infants How long does Vicodin stay in system? How long does femur bone graft take to heal? Suggest treatment for dull and dark skin What causes coughing with foam? What causes glosstits on tongue, difficulty in chewing and swallowing? Should i take tetanus vaccine for dog scratch? Suggest effective treatment for constipation What causes missed period? Suggest remedies for mouth ulcer Can antidepressants usage for a long period cause Parkinson? What causes painful vagina and foul odor after sex? What causes pain after sex and foul vaginal odor? What causes oozing rash at the crease of the thighs? What causes stomach pain with bloating? Suggest treatment for burning and itching scrotum Does wine intake during initial pregnancy cause problems in the fetus? Suggest treatment for Severe leg and hip Pain after walking a short distance What does a swollen bump on leg indicate? What causes weak legs, knot in back of the neck and cloudy urine? Can alcohol consumption during pregnancy cause heart defects like ASD or VSD? Suggest treatment for sinus pain and running nose, tingling in the hands and difficulty in speaking Suggest treatment for blisters on ear What causes septum primum ASD during pregnancy? What causes coughing up blood, Weight loss, severe pains and breathlessness during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for Facial cellulitis following trauma to lips What causes body rash? What are the side effects of Rinifol Dry Syrup, Atarax and Emigo Oral Solution? What is the treatment for cellulitis of the arm after axillary lymph node removal? What causes pain and discomfort in foot? Suggest treatment for cold sore Can i use Mifeprestone and misoprostol to terminate pregnancy? Suggest treatment to remove dark circle around the mouth What causes bleeding from penis after a huge leg split? What causes pigmentation around the mouth? What are the available medicines for amyloidosis or multiple myeloma? What does blood in urine indicate? What causes cracks on penis foreskin while retracting it? Suggest treatment for Palmar Warts What does a painful lump on testicals indciate? Is delayed period symptom of pregnancy? What brown vaginal discharge after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for cold and sneezing Suggest treatment for severe body ache with fever Why is liquid taken before a colonscopy? What causes fatigue with tingling and tremors in body? When should statin drug be taken for borderline high triglyceride level? Can acid reflux cause pulmonary fibrosis or copd? Is complete cure of rosacea possible? What causes weakness after urination in summers? Is Estradiol application effective after a supra cervical hysterectomy? Suggest treatment for severe dandruff Can Norehisterone,Adderall xr and Wellbutrin be taken together? Suggest treatment for back pain caused by bike rides Suggest treatment for back pain Are acasia berry pills effective in reducing weight? Suggest treatment for gas trouble What does a lump at the back of the neck indicate? Suggest treatment for severe headache caused by stress Suggest treatment for chronic lower back pain Suggest treatment for backpain during pregnancy What causes coughing in sleep? Is exercising advisable during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for nocturnal emission What causes ticklish feeling in the anal region? What causes spike in BP reading at a doctor's office? What causes elevated bun levels? Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in hands and legs due to spinal stenosis What causes pain the the lower back radiating to the the hip? Suggest treatment for high BP Does UTI cause high fever,shortness of breath and vomiting? Suggest treatment for upper back pain What causes abdominal distension after meth withdrawal? Suggest treatment for back pain and neck pain What causes stomach cramps when on implanting phase after a FET? What causes constipation in a baby? What is the cause and treatment for dizziness? Is Lasik treatment safe for eyes? Is Nutrugain intake safe for weight gain? Suggest treatment to get rid of acne Suggest treatment for shin splints Is it safe to apply steroid creams? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for severe bleeding piles and constipation Is surgery the best treatment for the polyps? Does taking Vonavir ensure elimination of HIV virus? Does the sexual drive and fertility of a woman depends on her age? What causes missed and light periods? How to overcome the habit of hand biting? What does FVC"percent predicted" indicate? What does "t4 tumor as increased contact between tumor on the right" mean? What does high potassium levels indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic pain due to degenerative disc disease What causes low memory and cognitive thinking when suffering from PTSD? Suggest treatment for back and groin pain after a buttock injury Does sinus pressure cause high blood pressure? What causes high blood pressure? What causes arm pain with dizziness and ear pain? What causes low grade fever? What are the side effects of Nitrous Oxide? Suggest treatment for itching lesions on hiney
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