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What causes blurry vision after lens implantation for cataract? What does the following MRI report indicate? What causes abnormal discharge from penis? What is the dosage of Warfarin despite having the INR value of 3.3? Does i-pill affect the menstruation cycle? What causes sharp right-sided pain below ribs? What causes severe stomach pain along with vomiting? Suggest treatment for coeliac disease What causes Hidradenitis suppurativa infection? What does my panoram test result indicate? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations What causes heavy vaginal bleeding during 16 weeks of pregnancy with twins? Suggest treatment for sensitive skin especially around lips Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest ways to wean off Lorazepam How are lytic lesions of the hip treated? Is erection possible with the help of a suction device? What are the chances of HIV infection with non penetrative intercourse? Can i get pregnant post unprotected sex despite having Postpone-72? What causes false positive ETG alcohol test result for ethyl glucoronide in urine? Is the staph aureus infection transmitted through sex? What causes burning sensation on left side of chest? Does excessive masturbation cause tiredness and weakness? Is Clindamycin the right medicine for maxillary sinusitis? What causes pain and discomfort in esophagus while having food? Suggest treatment for insomnia despite suffering from Grave's disease Suggest remedy for tingling on the penis tip What causes a low testosterone levels? What causes dizziness, vomiting and chills? What causes swelling of ankles and feet? What causes recurring pain radiating from scalp to ear? Does the missing of a Micronygon pill offer protection after unprotected sex? What causes severe nausea with history of wearing tummy tuck? What causes recurring reddish blister on penile head? What causes elevated liver enzymes? What causes boil on neck? Suggest treatment for sore throat and posterior cervical lymphadenitis Suggest safe way to terminate a 5 week pregnancy Suggest treatment for low grade fever with chills and cold Suggest treatment for fever in child Suggest treatment for severe headache along with vomiting What is the difference between Feneed-XT and Fexid-XT ? Can Cipro and Tramadol be taken together? What causes severe itching of skin? What causes dark red marks on skin after intercourse? Is it safe to have Dexorange for cold during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for stuffy nose along with cold and cough Is travelling advisable during fifth month of pregnancy? What causes delay in periods despite having sex during non fertile period? What does the following ultrasound report indicate? What are the side effects of Opiprol? Suggest treatment for persistent sore throat What is the survival rate when having brain tumor? What are the chances of pregnancy despite taking contraceptive? What causes easy bruising? What causes delayed period in a woman with PCOD? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in children What causes spots in groin area when diagnosed with bacterial UTI? For how long does the effect of emergency contraceptives remain? What causes headache with history of ischemic changes in brain? Suggest treatment for low sperm count What does the kidney ultrasound results indicate? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Is Urotone the right medicine for urinary urgency? Suggest treatment for ring worm infection What does the following sperm count report indicate? What causes left arm weakness, pain in neck, left shoulder and back? Suggest treatment for knee pain and narrowing of the thecal sac What causes tightness and severe pain around chest area? What causes an itchy skin near the ankles? Suggest treatment for mood swings despite suffering from depression What causes pain in ear and and light bloody discharge after injury? What causes elevated liver transaminases? Suggest treatment for itching in vagina and vaginal secretions Suggest treatment for open wound on thumb followed by infection Should the abscess site be covered after the abscess lance procedure? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP What is the window period for syphilis and hepatitis post exposure? What causes nodule at the incision site of arthroscopic surgery? What causes stiff arms and back when arising and stomachache when eating? What causes ear pain along with fullness in ears? Suggest treatment for facial swelling around eyes and nose Does delayed menstruation indicate pregnancy? Suggest remedy for pain after spine surgery What causes drowsiness and excessive yawning along with dry cough? Suggest treatment for severe dry cough and cold What can be the effects of eating a meat piece with melted saran wrap on it? Suggest treatment for ankle sprain Suggest treatment for spots on groins and arms Can Cyclobenzaprine and Fluconazole be taken together? Suggest remedy for runny nose and cough Suggest treatment for high blood pressure Suggest treatment for raised sugar levels Suggest treatment for localised pain that radiates to the left side of chest What causes a burning and crawling sensation after cholecystectomy? Suggest treatment for chronic sinusitis Suggest remedy for presence of blood and protein in urine test What causes pain during urination after a medical abortion? Suggest treatment for fever, chills and acute tonsilitis Suggest remedy for greying hair Suggest treatment for burning sensation and rash on upper legs Suggest treatment for oval patch on skin with burning sensation Suggest treatment for rashes after vaginal radiation treatments Suggest treatment for swollen hands with lumps on the wrists Suggest treatment for high heart rate and BP Can an HSV2 infection be transmitted by skin to skin contact? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node on armpits Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for hematuria Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sex? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in a child What does the following blood test result indicate? Is the Clostridium difficile transmitted from one person to other through hand? What causes pain in buttocks radiating down the legs? What causes chest pain and pain in left arm and neck? What causes spotting during ovulation? What causes swelling in gums and abrasion on roof of palate? How should a large deep wound be dressed? Suggest remedy for swollen testicles What causes a soft spot on the head of an infant? Suggest remedy for burning sensation in rectum after passing motion What causes spontaneous nose bleeds? Suggest treatment for fungal balanitis What causes mild inflammation of small airways in lungs? Does Novex-DS causes heavy menstruation? What causes light spotting after ovulation, pain in breasts, fatigue and nausea? What causes light spotting after ovulation, pain in breasts, fatigue and nausea? What causes swelling of larynx and itching in throat? What causes pain and swelling in hands? What causes soreness of anus and intermittent light bleeding? What causes white marks, itching and swelling after reaction to hair dye? Can Dothep be taken twice in a day? Is it safe to consume alcohol post jaundice treatment? Suggest dosage of Velaflaxine Suggest treatment for inflammatory acne, hyperpigmentation and post acne scars Can HIV be contracted through common use of roll-on deodorants? Suggest treatment for GERD, heart palpitations, upper stomach pain and frequent belching Suggest treatment for piles and oral fungal infection Suggest treatment for swollen face after taking steroids for brain tumor What causes pain in calves along with numbness in feet? Suggest treatment for heartburn, lightheadedness and dizziness What does this lipid profile test result indicate? Is there any problem to the foetus by bite of scorpion? What does this liver function test result indicate? What does my follicle study report indicate? What does this follicle size and endometrial thickness indicate? What is Amoxicillin prescribed for? Suggest treatment for acid reflux What does my stool report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe bloating and nausea What causes swollen labia minora after period? Does continued use of Strocit-Plus cause any side effects? How long cold and cough in children inspite of having treatment take to cure? What causes low body temperature and cold hands and feet? What causes slight bleeding after intercourse? Is it safe to use Fusidic acid on skin while having Amoxicillin for cold? What does this ultrasound of pelvis indicate? What causes skin on hands and feet to be rough? What causes recurrent hiccups? Suggest treatment for cough, cold and running nose What causes earache and auditory hallucinations? Suggest food and diet for infant What are the side effects for frequent intake of I pill? Suggest treatment for cancer cells in the fibroadenoma of breast Can Phenoxymethylpenicillin be taken along with Sertraline? Suggest treatment for indigestion, nausea, slight shivering and vomiting What causes greenish stools in infants? What causes cramps and pain below ribs area while coughing? Is negative HIV 1 DNA PCR test result after 3 months of exposure conclusive? What causes fever and throat pain? Suggest treatment for curved penis Suggest treatment for abrasions near foreskin What causes itchy scalp and forehead? What causes delayed menstruation, cramps, vomiting and back pain? What causes lumps on neck area? What causes reddish spots all over body? What causes redness on penis post masturbation? Suggest treatment for extreme swelling on face Is it safe to double the dosage of Gummi vites for a 11 year old? Can HIV be contracted through protected sex during menstruation? What causes delay in periods after having I pill? What causes allergic reaction on skin while under stress or consume more sugar? What causes reduced fetal movements during sixth month of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for dry eyes What causes dizziness, discomfort in stomach and intermittent sinus infection? What causes pain in left testicle when diagnosed with gonorrhea? Suggest treatment for cold and cough in children Suggest treatment for swelling in leg despite having Coumadin for blood clots What causes discomfort on left side of chest when i sneeze? Can extended use of Estradiol cause memory loss? What causes dizziness when i stand up? What causes stomach upset, cold, diarrhea and shivering? Suggest treatment for dry cough causing sleeplessness What causes abdominal pain after having Unwanted kit? Suggest treatment for urinary retention with history of prostate cancer Is it normal for bleeding to happen during menopause? What causes itching sensation and cuts on penis? What causes tingling sensation on nose while suffering from Sjogrens syndrome?
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