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Are 3-D movies bad for eyes with CSR? What is the safe heart rate for a 34 year old? Is masturbating once a week harmful? What causes sudden occurrence of nose bleeds? What do these CT scan and ultrasound findings indicate? What causes big vein and lump on penis? Suggest treatment for severe migraine headaches Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction in a diabetic patient How to manage distress in children post parental separation? How long does anal leakage persist when on antibiotics for gonorrhea? What do these attached reports of cervical area indicate? Suggest home remedies to abort 2 months pregnancy Suggest a diet plan to lose weight What causes black discolored spot around the injection spot? What causes dull pain in right side of chest area? Suggest treatment for depression, fatigue and excessive masturbation What do these X-Ray reports indicate? What causes difficulty in achieving orgasm inspite of being on Vyvanse? Is it safe to continue breast feeding while on Zopi-OZ and Lycored? What are the side effects of steroids taken for spondylothesis and bursitis? Does anxiety causes ectopic heart beats? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and difficulty in getting orgasms Is long term usage of Warfarin safe? What are the side effects of valerian root? Suggest a diet plan for a diabetic What causes pain on the first step after the bed? What causes persistent irritating cough? What are the chances of pregnancy after unprotected sex? What causes feeling of lump in throat? What does blood in stool along with itching and burning suggest? What are the chances of herpes transmission through protected oral sex? How many times an ultrasound scan done in case of healthy pregnancy? What causes small bumps on forearm with history of scabies infection? What causes right-sided upper chest pain? What causes high WBC count inspite of being on Nplate injection? What causes constipation in formula fed babies? What causes blinking color lights in eyes when diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy? What causes vaginal spotting post intercourse? What causes sudden onset of choking sensation at night in a 2 month old? What is the most common reason for nose bleeds in children during summer? What causes persistent unusual dizziness despite having normal MRI? What causes persistent abdominal pain in a patient with ovarian cysts? Suggest treatment for acute urticaria What causes weakness in legs when diagnosed with arthritis? Suggest medication for nocturnal myoclonus Suggest treatment for lower back pain, cramps and bloating What causes fatigue, headaches and chest cold? How contagious is walking pneumonia after 3 days of treatment with Penicillin? What is the use of Watson 365 pill? How long does the effect of Oxazepam last? What causes recurring pain in right lower side of abdomen? Is there a definitive test for Lyme disease? Suggest treatment for occasional attacks of depression, anxiety and lack of interest in life Suggest treatment for severe cough with low grade fever What causes stomach discomfort after having Sulfamethoxazole along with alcohol? Are small itchy lesions on arms and legs one of the symptoms of Morgellons disease? What causes ischemic feeling like pain in right hand? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction to sulfa drugs m Suggest treatment for a high fever What are the adverse effects of alcohol consumption along with Ornidazole? What causes hip pain while jogging? What causes progressive hip pain after jogging? What causes stomach pain in a person with GERD? What causes swollen feet and ankles after an unsuccessful surgery for hydrocephalus? What is curvilinear density of an x-ray report? Suggest treatment for hydrocele How long does it take for Apriso to take effect? What causes a soft lump behind jawbone? What causes febrile seizures lasting for a long duration? What causes itching and red spots on forearm and thigh? Suggest treatment for delayed ejaculation What causes decreased vision post cataract surgery? What causes left-sided numbness on face? What causes excessive sleepiness in a 11 day old infant with jaundice? What causes vomiting after an origin injection? Suggest treatment for surgical blister on lower leg of a type 1 diabetic Do rash under the scrotum and on buttocks suggest shingles? Suggest remedy for recurrent shingles in a person with auto immune disease What is HGH? Can Peppermint cause green stool in infants? What causes odd menthol like sensation on tongue, head and private regions? What does white patches on penile foreskin indicate? How should an Actemra infusion be done? Suggest ways to manage side effects due to overdose of Clindamycin Suggest treatment for redness upon retracting foreskin, irritation and tightness Suggest treatment for pain on the back What do my lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for fluttering heartbeats, sore necks and dry mouth Is fast heart beat after eating food a symptom of Roemheld syndrome? Suggest remedy for difficulty in walking after bone fusion surgery in foot What are the signs of cocaine induced erratic behavior? When can pregnancy be planned after a miscarriage? What causes tightness in chest along with difficulty breathing? Suggest remedy for deal with stammering issues while talking Suggest treatment for pain in head after injury Is it normal to have thyroid disorder despite having normal TSH levels? Suggest treatment for raised itchy lumps on body Is it possible to increase height at the age of 32? Suggest ways to increase length of penis Suggest ways to increase penis size What causes pain in shoulder radiating to foot? Suggest treatment when suffering from functional cyst in the ovary What can cause hand shaking while holding objects? Suggest treatment for depression, anxiety and stress after a medical abortion Suggest treatment for dependency on alcohol and behaviour issues Suggest treatment for colon polyps Suggest treatment for shortness of breath, cough and heart palpitations Can i increase the dosage of Seroxat for anxiety? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in infants Suggest healthy diet for weight loss but not loose muscle tissue Suggest medication for erectile dysfunction when on Isosorbide What causes sternum pain in a person with tortuous esophagus? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What causes painful visible vein on left leg? What causes white shine from pupil of a 1 year old during photography? What causes the pupil to appear white when light is shone? Does Tramadol cause heart burns? Is HCT used with Diovan likely to have memory effects? What causes exhaustion and excessive drowsiness despite taking Thyroxine and Prednisone? Suggest treatment for vaginal bleeding during menopause What are the chances of STD after protected oral and vaginal intercourse? What causes stabbing pain in mid chest and shortness of breath? What causes painful swelling in neck region? What causes pimples around anal area in children? Suggest treatment for violent outburst and mood changes in a teenager What causes belching and stomach discomfort post polyp removal? Suggest treatment for spinning sensation What causes inner ear canal problems along with seborrheic dermatitis? Suggest treatment for recurring cysts in spine Is missing two birth control pills decrease the efficacy of its effectiveness? What causes discomfort in upper chest area while breathing? Suggest treatment for inflammation and sensitiveness in mouth What causes discomfort and swelling in vaginal area? What does HbA1C value of 7.9 indicate? Does Clindamycin belong to families containing Penicillin and Sulfa drugs? What causes tender skin tag in armpit? Suggest treatment for irritation on penis foreskin What causes small bumps and cracks on penis head? What causes heaviness and pain in breasts? Suggest treatment for sore burning sensation on the tip of the penis Is it safe to take Benadryl along with Lexapro and HCTZ? What does poor oral acceptance of breast feed in a 6 month old suggest? What causes persistent heel pain and pain radiating through foot? Suggest treatment for severe UTI with stone in kidney How to determine BMI for this weight and height? What causes swelling inside the anus and bleeding per rectum without pain? Suggest treatment for lump on the testicles Suggest treatment for clear watery discharge at the incision site of tibia surgery What causes pain, numbness and tingling sensation on the shoulders? What causes vomiting, severe sinus and head pain after taking Oxycodone? What does this ANA test report indicate? What are the side effects of Nervijen-Plus and Cozim Q Cap? What causes severely chapped lips, swelling and redness? What do heaviness and lump in testicles after lifting weight suggest? What causes frontal baldness and hair loss on temples and crown? What causes skin irritation, fever and severe headache while treating hypothyroidism? What does the following 2D ECHO colour doppler report indicate? What causes achalasia? What causes a rash over face? Can Xanax be taken 5 hours after alcohol consumption? Can HIV spread by using the medical scissors and tweezers? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction of shrinking of eyes What causes emptying of stomach immediately after eating? What are the side effects of Musli power? Suggest treatment for discomfort in groin area radiating from back to pubic area Is pregnancy possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for recurrent urinary tract infection causing episodes of fever What do FBS level of 120 and PLBS level of 155 in a 62 year old suggest? Suggest treatment for sore throat and difficulty swallowing What causes elevated creatinine levels after taking Coversyl and Norvasc? What can be the effect of overdose of Atorvastatin? What are the side effects of Nexpro L and Zinetac? Suggest treatment for heart rhythm changes due to anxiety Is it safe to serve boiled mashed apple to an infant? What does the scan report at 30 week of pregnancy suggest? Will Tylenol 3 show positive for Codeine in a drug test? Suggest treatment for skin rash in children Suggest treatment for ED, depression, premature ejaculation and night fall Suggest treatment for low diastolic pressure in an elderly person What do irritation and burning at vaginal opening after use of Astroglide indicate? Are antioxidants advisable as dietary supplements? What does this thyroid test result indicate? What do normal ECG report along with positive stress test indicate? What is hemogram? Can antibiotic eye drops cause stomach upset when suffering from IBS? Suggest remedy for itchiness and irritation on labia during menopause What does this BP value of 106/53 in an elderly person indicate? Suggest nutritious diet plan while on anti tubercular treatment Does TBI aggravate seizures? Suggest treatment for difficulty in bowel movement due to large stool Is negative HIV 4th generation test conclusive after 4 months from exposure? What does this blood report indicate? What are the chances of HIV after oral intercourse? What causes slow rising hCG levels in early pregnancy? Suggest treatment for recurrent stomach pain and loose motion in child What does pain in breast upon movement indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Unwanted-72? Are HIV finger prick tests accurate? What causes itchy scrotum? Suggest alternative treatment for metastatic colon cancer
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