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What are symptoms of chikungunya? Whom to consult when diagnosed with binge eating disorder? Suggest medical tests to rule out syphilis Suggest remedies for a boil on the upper buttock Does Qvar cause severe anxiety and insomnia? Is ALT level of 53 normal? What causes sudden and sharp pain in left eyebrow area? Suggest remedies for swollen and painful arm Suggest the ideal dosage for Ativan taken for anxiety Suggest treatment for side effects of Abilify Suggest remedies for hypertension and diabetes mellitus What causes stinging pain and tingling sensation in the toes? What causes excessive flatulence and foul smelling stools in a lactose intolerance? Suggest treatment for urethritis What causes persistent stomach problems with rumbling noises, diarrhea and shivering? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the leg post an injury What do my lab test reports indicate? Are spouse of HIV positive patients are at risk of transmission? Suggest treatment for severe dizziness, blurred vision and pressure in the forehead What causes severe abdominal pain in lower lumbar region, nausea and poor appetite? Suggest treatment for curvature in penis and incomplete erection What causes bumps on face, swollen eyes and blister like bumps on hands? Suggest remedies for sharp pain in the vagina Suggest treatment for severe skin infection What causes bowel incontinence, bloating and excessive gas while on Citalopram? Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort in the ribs What causes headache, fatigue, drowsiness and blurred vision after kidney transplant? Suggest treatment for pain in the back and leg in an elderly person Suggest ways to quit smoking What causes excessive anger after masturbation? What does my USG test report indicate? Suggest treatment for dry cough and throat irritation What causes severe blisters with pain on the nipple while breast feeding? Suggest treatment for oily skin and acne Suggest treatment for fatty liver in a 40 year old male person Suggest treatment for hiatal hernia and acid reflux while on Nexium What causes pain and bad odour during urination? What causes abnormal heart beat with dizziness? Suggest remedies for colic pain in an infant Suggest dosage for Alex P Suggest ways to increase length of penis How long do stroke symptoms last? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the calf muscles What does this blood report indicate? What causes severe headache after taking Rifampicin and Isoniazid? Suggest treatment for persistent acne Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction How can a cyst in the left ovary be treated? Can blood clots at the pons part of the brain cause recurrent stroke? Suggest treatment for severe lower abdominal pain during pregnancy What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest ways to terminate pregnancy Suggest treatment for UTI in children What are the chances of HIV transmission through used syringes? Suggest medication for hives on the face Suggest treatment for dark spots on the prepuce post a mole removal procedure Suggest treatment for nasal congestion while on antibiotics Suggest treatment for pressure and spasms of the urinary bladder Are red raised rashes on chin suggestive of hives? Suggest treatment for severe constipation What causes upper right abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for difficulty in penetration during intercourse Suggest treatment for symptoms of anxiety Can Norco be purchased without a prescription? How long after hemorrhoid banding procedure can recovery be expected? What causes severe pain in the right knee? What causes dizziness with excessive thirst and urination? What causes lack of clitoral orgasms? Is platelet count of 438 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for nausea, indigestion and abdominal bloating What does an increase in vaginal discharge while recovering from bacterial vaginosis indicate? What causes severe tinnitus? What does this electrocardiogram report indicate? Suggest treatment for elbow bursitis What do the following blood test reports indicate? What causes a lump on the neck? Suggest treatment for fatigue and palpitations What causes a painful lump on the palate? What causes right sided pain in the chest area? Is white foamy saliva an indication of GERD? Can Lupron or Norethindrone cause a false negative on a pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for herpes zoster Suggest treatment for symptoms of esophagitis How effective is Adderall in treating ADHD? Can Clindamycin and Sulfamethoxazole be taken together? What is a turbinate reduction? What causes blood in stool? Suggest treatment for persistent acne Suggest treatment for vomiting during pregnancy What are the risks of accidentally ingesting a chicken bone? What causes leg pain and weakness while recovering from viral fever? Suggest treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding What are the repercussions of accidental double dosage of Amlodipine? What causes delayed menstruation and negative pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes black discharge from the nipples? Is cholesterol level of 208 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for high serum creatinine levels Suggest treatment for severe loose motions Suggest treatment for burning sensation in the shoulder Suggest treatment for dark discoloration around the lips What does the following urine analysis report mean? What does the following urine analysis report mean? What causes pubic hair loss? What are the repercussions of accidental double dosage of Lisinopril? What causes abnormal uterine bleeding during perimenopause? What causes nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for cold sores on the lips What causes shingles? What causes rectal bleeding? What causes pain in the rib cage? Suggest treatment for schizophrenia What causes low blood count? Suggest treatment for symptoms of hypothyroidism How long does Marijuana stay in the body? Is pregnancy possible after cervical conization? Is high BP a side effect of Prenazon? Suggest treatment for symptoms of Tourette's syndrome What causes right upper quadrant pain? Is gangrene a type of cancer? How long do hip replacements last? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding with blood clots after an abortion? What causes headache, body and abdominal pain in a child when diagnosed with craniopharyngioma? Suggest treatment for cough during 11 weeks of pregnancy What causes burning sensation in the penis and frequent urination? Suggest remedies for burning sensation in the penis post an intercourse What causes exercise intolerance while on Androcur? What causes elevated homocysteine levels in blood? What causes chest tightness and breathlessness when missed a dose of Advair? Suggest remedies for pain and inflammation in knees What causes constant lightheadedness? Can Methadone be taken for a long duration? What causes numbness in the hands and feet in a hypertensive person with diabetes? What causes persistent breathing problem, heart palpitations and sore ribs? Suggest remedies for birthmark under the eye What does my scan test result indicate? What does my semen analysis report indicate? What causes greyish vaginal discharge after using RepHresh gel? Suggest remedies for nasal congestion and throat pain in a child What causes frequent urge to urinate? What causes delayed menstruation and sharp pain on right side of abdomen? Are fatigue, delayed menstruation and abdomen pain signs of pregnancy? What does my widal test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the ribs and breasts caused by gastritis What causes soreness around the upper right back? Suggest remedies for difficulty in breathing, dizziness, headache and burning eyes Are pain in lower back and upper GI region signs of acid reflux? Suggest remedies for oily skin and acne What causes pigmented purpuric dermatoses? What does my lab test report indicate? What does this electrocardiogram report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe body pain, high fever and body tremors What does my MRI scan report indicate? What does my high neutrophil count in blood indicate? What causes constant dizziness while having diabetes? What causes persistent iron deficiency and low WBC count? Suggest treatment for persistent chronic migraine Suggest treatment for sciatica in the leg Suggest treatment for gall bladder stones Suggest treatment for ulcers in the anus and blood during defecation What causes persistent blood and protein in urine? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the groin area Suggest treatment for swallowing difficulty and improper closure of epiglottis What causes incomplete bowel movements? What does skin like discharge from the anus indicate? How long will Cocaine remain in the system during pregnancy? Is smoking cigarettes advisable while on Naproxen? What are the repercussions of taking extra dosage of Lotrel? Suggest treatment for enterobacter UTI How early should treatment for HIV be started? What do my lab test results indicate? What causes pain in eyes? What causes severe heart palpitations with anxiety while on Vitamin B12? What causes difficulty in opening the mouth completely? What causes persistent diarrhea with loose stools? Suggest medication for a proctalgia fugax Suggest remedies for bloating and abdominal cramps What causes chest discomfort with sharp pain in right armpit? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the testicles Suggest treatment for red spots on penis after intercourse Suggest remedies for severe bruise with a lump on the right forearm What causes persistent vertigo with hot flashes? Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating while having gastroparesis What causes black pepper like flecks in open pores on face? What causes recurring and sharp pain in left side of throat? Is trephination or surgery suitable to treat biceps tendon tear at the elbow? What does my widal test report indicate? Are surgical corrections available for persistent muscle pain in scrotal sac? Suggest treatment for nausea, vomiting and acid reflux while on Pantoprazole and Metronidazole What causes bruise on right arm and weight loos post intake of Keppra? Suggest remedies for persistent neck pain and swollen thyroid gland Can Chlamydia infection be contracted through intercourse? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for brain hypoxia Suggest medical tests to rule out pregnancy What causes severe headache and bluish discolouration of nails? What do my kidney function test results indicate? Suggest ways to manage cough while on treatment for TB What are the repercussions of taking second dose of Citalopram? Suggest remedies for MRSA staph infection on face
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