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Suggest treatment for severe pain and fatigue What causes redness of the face after waking up from sleep? Suggest treatment for pain in the arm post Nexplanon placement Suggest treatment for muscle stiffness and weakness when diagnosed with fibromyalgia What does a high RDW blood test result mean? Suggest treatment for May–Thurner syndrome What do the following medical test reports indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy post an intercourse during a fertility period? Does Methamphetamine interact with antibiotics? Does Cephalexin interact with Methamphetamine, Metformin and Enalapril? Suggest treatment for mild asthma with severe cold and cough in a child Suggest ideal diet during pregnancy Suggest diet plan to follow during pregnancy What do the following SGOT and SGPT levels indicate? Does intake of Omeprazole have an effect on Insulin secretion? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall and acne Can Eliquis cause confusion? Suggest treatment for arthritis in feet Suggest treatment for discoloration and bumps on head post injury What causes headache when diagnosed with sinus arrhythmia? Suggest tests to detect pituitary gland issues Suggest treatment for infertility post an ovarian cyst removal surgery Suggest treatment for viral fever in an infant Suggest treatment for severe pain in the knee and leg Suggest ways to gain muscle mass What medication causes high protein in urine? Suggest treatment for hot flashes and insomnia after hysterectomy Does Sildenafil help cure erectile dysfunction? What causes blood in urine while on Allopurinol and Metoprolol? Does watching pornography cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for neck spasms while on Seroquel What causes excessive nose bleeding after smoking Methamphetamine? What causes an open blister on the side of the penile frenulum? Suggest treatment for low grade fever in an infant Suggest treatment for gastric distress after hormone replacement therapy What causes severe shoulder pain when diagnosed with cervical stenosis? Suggest remedies for dizziness and weakness post chemotherapy in an elderly person Suggest treatment for GERD and nausea Is light vaginal bleeding a sign of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for alopecia areata Suggest treatment for stye on the lower left eye lid Suggest treatment for persistent hot flashes Suggest treatment for boils on the neck, cheek and elbow What are the signs and symptoms of thalassemia? Suggest treatment for severe persistent knee pain Suggest treatment for headaches and dizziness Suggest remedies for food stuck in throat Suggest ways to manage histamine and salycilate intolerance Suggest treatment for pain and soreness in the knuckles post an accident What causes fluctuations in the blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for urethral bleeding post a non-penetrative sex Is Lotus skin safe sunscreen lotion advisable? Suggest treatment for redness and inflammation in the scrotum Suggest remedies for erectile dysfunction What does fluid build up in the liver indicate? Suggest medication to prepone periods What do the following test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What are the signs and symptoms of hyperopia in children? What does the absence of periods after taking a I-pill indicate? Suggest preventive treatment for STD after intercourse Suggest treatment for sore throat and nasal bleeding Suggest treatment for scab on the inside of the ear What do the following test reports of a 5 month old baby indicate? Is 50mcg of Thyronorm equivalent to two tablets of 25 mcg of Thyronorm? Suggest treatment for IBS and anxiety while on Quetiapine, Sulpitac and Tynept Suggest treatment for recurrent hives on the body What causes severe pain in the spine and headaches? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain, cramps and diarrhea Suggest treatment for severe pain in the arms and elbows What does a purple discoloration on the ring finger indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the side of the shoulder Suggest treatment for severe anal itching What do the following pituitary MRI scan results indicate? What causes tenderness and redness on the penis head? Suggest treatment for severe pain and burning sensation in the penis What does this HIV test result indicate? What does the following X-ray report indicate? Suggest treatment for nausea and thick salivation in a teenager What causes headaches in a 11 year old child? Suggest treatment for breathing issues after a fall Suggest treatment for pain from a tear near the urinary meatus Why is the vaginal balloon used during pregnancy? Is TPO antibody level of 1,189 a cause for concern? Are all Novo insulin pens compatible with Novolin N penfill cartridges? What does the glucose rating level of 137 indicate? Suggest treatment for tenderness near the nostril Suggest treatment for tiny bumps near the nostrils Are white and red sores suggestive of canker sores? Suggest treatment for recurrent boils and cysts on the body Suggest treatment for severe pain when diagnosed with ovarian cyst Suggest treatment for severe pressure sensation in lower abdominal area Suggest treatment for sore taste in the mouth and elevated ALT levels Suggest treatment for sour taste in the mouth and severe mood swings Suggest treatment for severe cough and throat infection Suggest treatment for recurrent cough, headaches and dizziness For how long is the Rabipur injection effective? What are the signs and symptoms of liver cancer? Suggest treatment for dry cough, fatigue and severe pain in the rib cage Is Diclofenac EC advisable over Diclofenac DR? What causes sinus congestion and distorted hearing? Suggest treatment for lightheadedness and vertigo Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence during the night Suggest treatment for bruising on the arms and legs What does my microsomal antibody test report indicate? Suggest treatment for sneezing and asthma in a diabetic Suggest treatment for a Baker's cyst Suggest treatment for severe adrenal fatigue Suggest treatment for severe leg pain in a child What causes severe shooting pain in the tooth while chewing? What do the following test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for upper abdominal pain and flatulence Suggest treatment for blocked eustachian tube Suggest ideal medications for underactive thyroid Is the pregnancy test kit reliable? Suggest treatment for dark and brown marks on the skin Suggest treatment for severe heartburn and GERD Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain What do delayed periods after stopping contraceptive pills indicate? Suggest treatment for delayed periods What are Acamprosate and Amlodipine prescribed for? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations in an elderly person What causes purple discoloration on the nail beds? Suggest treatment for pain in the testicles Suggest treatment for severe swelling on the left cheek What are the repercussions of double dose of Levothyroxine? What causes sharp pain near the rib cage? Suggest treatment for presence of blood in urine What are the chances of pregnancy post a pull-out method intercourse? Suggest treatment for subdural hemorrhages after a head trauma Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Can calcium supplements cause elevated calcium levels in blood? Suggest treatment for joints pain and tiredness Suggest treatment for burn injury on the soft palate What causes severe pressure in the center of the chest? Suggest treatment for persistent neck pain Can one consume alcohol when diagnosed with stage 2 of chronic kidney disease? Suggest treatment for persistent sneezing Does Primidone interact with Ranexa? Is Clonazepam safe to be taken while driving? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the right calf muscle while on Tylenol What causes scaly patches on the face? Suggest treatment for pulmonary fibrosis in an elderly person What causes an elevated WBC count when diagnosed with a bacterial infection? What causes gurgling sound in the stomach and loose stools? Suggest treatment for peripheral neuropathy while having diabetes What causes pain in the oesophagus after treating shingles? Suggest treatment for sore throat and swollen lymph nodes What causes erectile dysfunction after taking Finasteride? What causes dizziness upon waking up? What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment for red marks on the side of the thumb What causes persistent headache despite taking Nurofen? Suggest treatment for torn ligament in the ankles Suggest diet for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease What does this coronary angiography report indicate? Suggest treatment for elevated blood pressure and fluttering sensation in the chest What causes weakness of the legs while on Sertraline? What causes penile itching post an intercourse in a diabetic? What do these following blood reports indicate? Suggest remedies for insect bites Suggest treatment for persistent cold and cough What causes soreness in the elbow after a fall? Suggest treatment for persistent knee pain What causes pain in the knee during pregnancy? Is HIV RNA PCR qualitative test taken 15hrs after exposure reliable? What does this blood report indicate? What causes pain in the lower left side of the abdomen? Suggest treatment for itchy pimples on face Suggest treatment for neck tic What causes sharp pain in the buttock after attaining orgasms? Suggest treatment for persistent neck pain Suggest home remedies for vertigo Does a colostomy help in treating nocturnal diarrhea? Suggest treatment for chronic pain when diagnosed with coccydynia Suggest treatment for advanced multiple sclerosis while on Modafinil and Hydrocodone Does long term usage of Benzodiazepine cause cognitive disturbances? Does continuous intake of Ativan cause Alzheimer's disease in an elderly person? What does this LFT report indicate? What causes severe pain in the shoulder after a fall? What do these following MRI findings indicate? What causes sudden dry throat, headache and dizziness? Can hyperkalemia impair cardiac function? What causes blood in stool after a colonoscopy? Suggest treatment for skin lesions on the legs What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship Is HIV transmission possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Is negative HIV ELISA test report 3 months after exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for pain on the side of the neck and headaches Suggest treatment for cold and nasal congestion in a child What does the following blood test report when diagnosed with jaundice indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety, dizziness and frequent bowel movement while on Azithromycin Is barley water safe to be taken during pregnancy? What does the following test report indicate? Are dizziness, stomach upset and vomiting side effects of Azithromycin? What do sore throat and difficulty swallowing indicate? Suggest treatment for red rashes on the scrotum Suggest treatment for cough, vomiting and diarrhea Suggest treatment for depression in a bipolar person
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