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What does my lipid profile suggest? Suggest treatment for inflamed colon What causes heel pain? Can hair naturally turn grey instead of white? What does this BP reading of 130/60 indicate? What is the dosage of Keflex for mastitis? What is the correct dosage of Keflex? How long can i continue breast milk in a 4 months old? Suggest treatment for wound near genitals Suggest treatment for frequent urination What are the chances of HIV infection when having wound on penis? Suggest treatment to gain weight How safe is a 2 year old Panadol syrup for kids? What causes frequent spells of lightheadedness? Suggest treatment for BP, migraine and acid reflux Suggest treatment for Syringoma Can HIV be transmitted through saliva? Suggest medication for allergy Can Bisoprolol be cut in half and taken? What does beta HCG positive at 47 indicate? What does fasting blood sugar of 97 indicate? What causes reduced fetal movement during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for injury on corner of the eye What causes hostile behaviour in a COPD patient? What does "immature granulocytes" in a blood test report indicate? How to reduce homocysteine levels? What causes pancreas stone? Suggest treatment for bed sore Is Marijuana use advisable when suffering from Parkinsons disease? What causes burning sensataion and pain in belly button after exploratory surgery? Can uterus cancer recur after removal of uterus? How can HDL cholestrol level be increased? What does the following kidney function test report indicate? What does "residual tumor" in an MRI report indicate? What causes hair loss? What causes vaginal dryness? Suggest treatment for dark pigmenation under the eye What does ALT of 68 indicate? Can Proluton depot amd Feroton be injected the same day during pregnancy? What does a painful lump on upper leg indicate? Is Xanax intake safe for treatment of anxiety? Does Keppra have anti OCD effects? Can neck disc problems cause ringing in ears? Is Propranolol effective for treatment of anxiety? What does "walled off cystic lesion on a kidney" mean? What do skin rashes on legs and arms in a diabetic indicate? What causes post-menopausal spotting when suffering from Graves disease? Can STD be transmitted through saliva? What causes dizziness, shortness of breath and palpitations? Is nuclear stress test safe for an elderly? What causes flatulence while on Metoclopramide for IBS? What causes variation in blood test results? Suggest treatment for head injury Suggest remedy for gas bubbles in the chest area What causes high blood sugar despite taking insulin? Suggest treatment for perianal hematoma What causes bad breath? What does HVS test results indicate? Suggest treatment for infection and itching on thigh What does the following ultrasound scan report indicate? What causes absence of periods? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes on neck What causes puffy face after taking Nitrofurantoin for UTI? What are the chances of HIV infection? What does the PAP smear test results indicate? What causes dropped nose tip after rhinoplasty? What does a red line above the anus indicate? What causes hair loss, heart palpitations, fatigue and irregular bowel movement? Suggest treatment for bleeding gums and yellow teeth What causes back and upper abdominal pain? What causes premature ejaculation? Is a temperature of 98.1 considered as fever? What does blood in urine indicate? Suggest an alternative to Bupropion for treatment of depression What casues bleeding from a bicep tendon repair site? What are the chances of healthy pregnancy? What does HBsAg of 0.026 during pregnancy indicate? What does the pelvic scan report indicate? Can Taxim-O be taken during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for rashes and itchiness when suffering from shingles What causes clogged ears? Suggest treatment for anxiety and mild depression What causes bleeding from urethra? What causes bowel incontinence after taking Bifilac? What causes itchy brownish red patch in groin area? Is Dermadew aloe cream effective for treatment of pigmentation around lips? Can STD be transmitted through saliva? What causes swollen lymph nodes near neck, low WBC count and limbs pain? What causes pain near ribs and limbs pain? What causes endometrial thickness? What are the chances of infection after unprotected oral sex? What are the symptoms of fatty liver? What is the thick jelly like substance in semen? What causes constant dizziness, lightheadedness and imbalance? Suggest treatment for dust allergy and wheezing Will i be able to conceive baby inspite of having polycystic ovaries? What causes pain in hip and back area along with vaginal white discharge? What causes tremors despite having anxiety and panic attacks? Suggest treatment for panic disorder What causes heart palpitations after having BP medicines along with alcohol? Suggest treatment for depression What causes white particles in urine? What do these cortisol and ACTH levels indicate? Suggest treatment for burning and itching sensation on genitals What are the chances of HIV transmission without ejaculation? What causes burning and itching sensation of penis? What causes nose bleeding? What causes delay in periods? What does this liver function test report indicate? How to determine the biological father of a child? What are the early symptoms of dementia? What causes elevated WBC count? What causes black spots near genitals which turn red and peel? What causes constipation after taking Duoluton-L? Suggest treatment for skipped heart beats Suggest treatment for lichen sclerosis in vaginal area What causes foul smelling stools? What causes numbness and tingling sensation in fingers? What does "nonspecific punctate calcification" mean? What causes weakness, dizziness and red rashes on face and hands? What are the chances of HIV transmission through oral sex? Suggest treatment for external hemorrhoids Is Seroflow inhaler the right treatment for severe cough? What does this ultrasound report of urinary bladder indicate? Is iodine of 500 micrograms appropriate for hypothyroid and fibrocystic breasts? Is it safe to take Citalopram, Azilect and Mirapex together? What does this blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for mental health problem in children What does my scan report indicate? Is it safe to take Mononessa along with Depo provera shot? Suggest remedy for vaginal blackheads? What does my ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for hairloss Suggest treatment for sexual anhedonia What causes headache, dizziness, stomach ache and feeling of something stuck in throat? What causes peeling skin and pale yellow bulged skin near nails? Suggest treatment for cyst on thyroid gland What are the side effect of a single tablet of Regestogen? Suggest treatment for accidental cut on labia minora Suggest treatment for plica fimbriata on the tongue What causes pain and pressure under ribs before bowel movements? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking morning after pill? What causes brown vaginal discharge during 20 weeks of pregnancy? What causes easy bruising of body? Does Acyclovir for herpes infection affect PSA levels? Suggest treatment for Ehlers–Danlos syndrome Suggest ways to curb one's urge for sweets What causes pain in back and shoulder blades? Suggest treatment for swan neck deformity How long before ECT should Lorazepam intake be stopped? Suggest treatment for rash over eyelids Suggest treatment for allergy to spider bites Suggest treatment for breast pain and swelling What causes pressure in frontal lobe and dizziness? What causes white discharge following intercourse? What causes black bowel movements? Suggest treatment for enlarged lymph node under chin Is genital herpes infectious if there are no physical symptoms? What are the side effects of taking Librium or Lorazepam? Suggest treatment for irritation and pain on penis What causes numbness on face? Suggest treatment for tear at back of eye What causes constant dizziness, lightheadedness and imbalance? What causes vibration and buzzing sounds in ear? What causes greenish stuff on tongue and cough? Suggest treatment for fever and cough Suggest treatment for depression Suggest remedy for variation in oxygen levels What causes white bump along with irritated skin on penis? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain that gets worse with spicy food Suggest treatment for chronic hip pain and numbness in arms What causes knot on right side of neck? Suggest treatment for premature ventricular contractions Is touching of frame on the sides while wearing glasses a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for hypertension and palpitations What causes sharp pain in lower abdominal area? Suggest treatment for purple spot on vagina What does the blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for cysts in liver, pancreas and gallstones What does my thyroid test indicate? Suggest treatment for cough, cold and fever Suggest treatment for non retraction of penis foreskin What causes small red bumps with white tip on arms and face? What causes pale blue tongue during routine injections? What causes hot flashes, lightheadedness, itchy skin, bloating, imbalance and ringing in ears? What causes severe headache due to gas and vomiting? What causes difficulty in swallowing liquids? How long does it take for Atenolol to take effect? How to deal with an abusive parent? What does the scan report suggest? What causes red bumps on belly, itchy bumps on arms and legs? What causes red itchy rashes, bump like condition on skin? What causes recurring pus filled pimple like bumps on elbow? What causes symmetrical raised yellowish areas below urethral opening and sore penis? What causes delayed menstruation? Is Ambodil syrup safe for cough in infant? What causes burning sensation on meatus? What does my blood report suggest? What causes bronchial congestion with wheezing? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath
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