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What is the best medication to reduce nerve inflammation altogether? Suggest treatment for a ruptured abscess What does this ultrasound report at 5 weeks gestation indicate? What causes dead skin around the area of nose prick? Suggest treatment for restless leg syndrome What causes continuous headache? What does SP02 of 91% and BPM of 72 indicate? Can bronchomalacia be caused by early inducement of birth? Suggest treatment for hair loss Are spots on lungs with history of colon cancer a serious cause for concern? What causes vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain after stopping Ovral intake? Can the Hepatitis C be treansmitted through shared paper for cocaine? What causes protruding veins on left side of neck? Is body temperature reading between 97.6 to 97.8 indication of flu? What are the chances of pregnancy without ejaculation? What is the cause and treatment for anxiety and depression? Are Prednisone and Fosimax the right medicines for giant cell arteritis? What causes persistent lymphadenopathy in neck region? What causes pain in legs and tingling sensation on skin? What causes bronchopulmonary dysplasia? What causes pain around chest and back? What causes blurred vision for short period of time when i cough hard? What causes excessive loss of blood during D and C procedure? What does this CT scan of adrenal gland indicate? What is the cause and treatment for hip dysplasia? Suggest treatment for high BP, loss of appetite and exhaustion Will 5 mg Oxymorphone show up on a urine test within 24 hours of intake? What causes auditory hallucinations? What is the dosage of Lexapro for OCD? What causes discomfort around neck area? What are the symptoms of bladder neck hypertrophy? Suggest treatment for pain in buttocks radiating towards leg till toes What does a boil on scrotum indicate? Is it safe to have Cardimap for high BP? What is the cause and treatment for melasma? Can abscess and cellulitis coexist together? What causes swollen inguinal lymph nodes? What does this thyroid test result indicate? When do side effects of Firmagon therapy show up once it is started? What does this lipid profile indicate? What causes vaginal itching after intercourse? What are the adverse effects of masturbation? Suggest treatment for anxiety Can hip dysplasia in infant be caused by early inducement of birth? Suggest dosage of mifepristone and misoprostol to avoid pregnancy Suggest treatment for acne along with seborrheic eczema Does discontinuation of Topomax worsen fibromyalgia? What causes itchy left eye along with eye floaters? What causes severe diarrhoea in a child? What causes pain in penis? Suggest treatment for pain in upper back and arms What causes tender areas on the left side of neck? Suggest an alternative to Calpanto Forte for treatment of hair loss What does a boil between scrotum and anus indicate? What causes drooping on one side of face? What causes hoarse voice while suffering from cold and cough? Suggest remedy for back pain and heaviness in chest Suggest treatment for symptoms of mold in lungs What does the following semen analysis report indicate? What causes coughing just after meal? What does " placenta is on the right antero-latetal wall" mean? What causes tremors in fingers? How soon one can take a pregnancy test post unprotected sex? What does a knot in naval area indicate? Can Xyzal and Terbest cream be used for treatment of rash on penis? Can Z-pak cause a severe allergic reaction? What causes corneal thickness? Does aortic bicuspid affect sleep patterns? What causes severe headaches? Suggest treatment for soreness of foreskin What causes pain form head to leg? What causes disturbing thoughts after having Bupropion SR for depression? Can i get pregnant post unprotected sex despite having Unwanted 72? What causes painful lump on shin after an injury? Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection with painful urination What is the difference between canker sore and oral mucous patches? Suggest ways to minimise gum bleeding Is pregnancy possible despite taking I pill? What does this resting blood pressure indicate? Suggest remedy for hearing loss when having an estauschian ear infection What causes red bumps on penis? Suggest treatment for skin tag What causes tingling feeling in head and face? What are the symptoms of sleep apnea? Suggest treatment for sore inside the mouth due to tongue bite What does blood in saliva indicate? What causes irregular heartbeat along with dizziness? Suggest treatment for pain in wrist post injury What causes excessive masturbation in a child? Is weight lifting advisable when suffering from fever? What causes dizziness, low body temperature and slurred speech in old age? Suggest treatment for cystitis What causes sudden onset of missed period at the age of 48? What causes pressure feeling in uterus area? Suggest treatment for optic neuritis What does a constant urge to urinate indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP What causes dizziness, loss of sleep and high BP? Is frequent urination a symptom of STD? What causes pain in upper back? What causes lack of response to physical affection in a child? Can Flagyl and Cipro be taken when suffering from diverticulitis? Suggest treatment for cancer close to prostate What are the interactions between Vimpat and Celexa? What causes knee pain while walking down the stairs? What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative intercourse? What causes dizziness along with restless leg syndrome? What causes severe headaches constantly and tingling feeling in hands? What causes sharp pain in jaw and symptoms of eustachian tube problem? What causes severe knee pain? What causes lump on left side of abdomen? What causes difficulty focusing my eyes? What causes abdominal pain and diarrhea after treatment of flu? What is the cause and treatment for horse voice in a child? What causes itching in throat? Suggest treatment for occluded right coronary Is adult onset hydrocephalus a precursor for Parkinson's disease? Do digestive enzymes raise blood pressure? What does blood in semen indicate? What causes extremely dry lips and feeling of sunburns on lips? What is the cause and treatment for constipation? Suggest treatment for big blister on the glans of penis What causes headaches and pain behind eyes? What does pill in stool when on Bupropion XL indicate? How is STD transmitted? What causes lump below tailbone? What causes excessive sweating in a child? What causes sudden explosive sound in mouth? What causes numbness around fingertips and discomfort in hands? What does scars around foreskin after masturbation indicate? Suggest treatment for headchea after lumbar puncture What causes discomfort in testicles and itchy penis? Suggest treatment for bumps on glands Can trichomoniasis be dormant for 10 years? Can i stop Zoloft abruptly inspite of its side effects? What causes pain on left side of mouth? What does a kappa lambda ratio of 2.39 indicate? Suggest treatment for low hemoglobin levels What does brown spotting when on Junel Fe indicate? Suggest treatment for recurring sore throat Suggest treatment for constipation and loose motion Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence What are the symptoms to look post mild head injury? What causes sharp, burning, pulsing pain in leg? Suggest remedy for severe pain in shoulder Suggest treatment for severe migraines, fatigue, joint pain and restlessness What does leaky breasts after abortion indicate? Is frequent urination a symptom of STD? What causes persistent diarrhea? Suggest treatment for light headedness and shortness of breath What causes lousy feeling and loss of appetite? What causes pain and discomfort in throat and chest? How long does a laparoscopic surgery scar take to heal? What causes sweating, discomfort in stomach, vomiting and feverish feeling? Suggest remedy for persistent diarrhea What causes bullying nature after brain surgery? What does urination urge and burning sensation mean when on Macrobid? Suggest treatment for pain due to UTI Suggest treatment for swollen and painful fingers after injury What does vaginal spotting in a 50 year old indicate? Is excessive intake of Zolpidem harmful to health? Suggest treatment for painful swollen inguinal lymph node and hip pain What causes left-sided pain under breast and pain radiating towards back? Can Lexapro cause hand tremors? Suggest treatment for recurrent tonsillitis, running nose and severe ear pain What does the passing of small granular objects indicate? Suggest treatment for disorientation, loss of balance and bloodshot eyes What causes pain, burning feeling and blood in mouth while sleeping? Is there an ayurvedic treatment for increasing height at the age of 20? Can catla fish be eaten during pregnancy? What causes irregular menstruation after removing cyst through laparoscopy? Suggest remedy for stress, anxiety and tension Suggest remedy for severe back pain Is it possible to have hypotension when on Harnal Ocas? Suggest treatment for infertility How long does it take for liver enzymes to be normal in a recovering alcoholic? Suggest treatment for PCOS Suggest ways to manage pain when having UTI? Suggest treatment for cold and achy throat What causes a constant urge to urinate? Can taking furocyst tablets help manage PCOD? Suggest treatment for bleeding and pain due to ripped foreskin What are the chances of success of IVF treatment? Suggest a diet chart for a one and half year old baby Suggest treatment for PCOS and bulky uterus What does the stool culture test results indicate? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and viral fever What causes shortness of breath, high BP and dryness in mouth? Suggest remedy for pain in the navel area Suggest treatment for migraines and inability to concentrate Is it possible for a false positive to come up for chlymidia? What causes vomiting after drinking milk in a 3 month old baby? Suggest treatment for throat pain Suggest treatment for painful swelling on arm What are the side effects of Propysalic nf lotion? Suggest treatment for pain in testicles Suggest remedy for rubella infection Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and lack of sensitivity in penis Suggest treatment for symptoms of esophageal thrush and white spots on tonsils
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