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Suggest treatment for mildly raised BP reading Suggest treatment for delayed periods and oligomenorrhoea Suggest treatment for swollen and painful vein on wrist What does my scan report indicate? What causes brownish red urine post 17D vaccination for yellow fever? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations and psoriasis Suggest treatment for upper respiratory tract infection What causes elevated WBC count while suffering from diarrhea? What does my liver test report indicate? Is negative ELISA test for HIV 1 and HIV 2 antibodies after 4 months of exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on penis when suffering from folliculitis Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? What causes muscle cramps in legs along with redness on lower legs? Can Xarelto be taken after an episode of atrial fibrillation? Suggest healthy diet for a pregnant person What are the side effects of Misoprostol? Suggest treatment for non alcoholic fatty liver Suggest treatment for deviation in nasal septum, cold, sneezes and slight irritation What causes pain in arm along with dizziness and nausea? Suggest an alternative treatment for knee pain What causes cold body temperature? Is Mobizox a safe medication for calf pain and inflammation? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving Suggest treatment for growing boil on sole of foot What causes a clear fluid discharge from cut on the leg? Can Cerelac be given every 4 hours to 7 month old infant? Is it okay to urinate immediately after intercourse? Suggest treatment for recurring stomach pain, bloating and loose stools Can HIV be contracted through protected sexual and oral intercourse? Suggest an alternative to knee replacement surgery What causes chest pain and sharp pain in forearm after discontinuing Methamphetamine? What causes increase in BP readings while suffering from anxiety? Suggest alternatives to Franxit for depression Suggest remedy for swelling and blisters after being bitten by fire ants What causes unexplained weight loss along with swollen lymph nodes in lower back? Is MRI a safe diagnostic tool to detect adhesions? Suggest treatment for epigastric hernia associated with ulcer Is baby's heartbeat rate of 199 at 10th week of gestation normal? What does my widal test report indicate? What causes rash on arms and legs inspite of being on Losartan for many years? Suggest treatment for stress headaches Suggest treatment for dementia, viral infection with a history of biliary sepsis What does this stool test report indicate? What are the adverse effects of Harpic toilet cleaner consumption? What causes pain at back of head after eating? Suggest treatment for clear fluid discharge from ear What are the chances of pregnancy if condom breaks? What causes vaginal discharges after taking Postpone-72 Are there side effects of long term usage of Budecort in children? How to remove an advance plus intermittent catheter out? What causes itchy penis along with redness on the glans? What causes worsening of asthma after having Klonopin for vertigo? Suggest treatment for penis rashes What is the half life of Benadryl? What causes reduced sensation in left side of body until the abdomen? Suggest remedy for scars from rashes on the cheek and face Suggest treatment for prostate and bladder cancer What causes high blood pressure? What does chest X-ray showing 10mm nodule indicate? Does excessive drinking cause yellow eyes? Is it normal to pass stools 3 to 4 times a day in an infant? Suggest treatment for blood clots in lungs Should tetanus shot be taken after accidentally stepping on staple pins? Is it safe to have multiple MRI's post cesarean delivery? Suggest natural treatment for bullous pemphigoid What causes pain in head and coughing up of greenish phlegm post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for depression and strange mood swings Suggest treatment for severe itching behind lower ear causing swollen glands Suggest treatment for diarrhea after eating outside food What causes acute shivering along with high fever and cold? Suggest treatment for small bump on penis after hair removal Is Vitamin B complex tablet the right medicine for angular cheilitis? What causes allergic reaction on cheeks and neck? What causes enlarged lymph nodes in armpit and fever? Suggest treatment for swollen lower legs and ankle What causes intermittent soreness in cheeks? What causes passing of greenish stools? What causes pain in heel while walking? Suggest treatment for painful bump on hand after injury Suggest treatment for redness and itching on the penis What causes difficulty in swallowing and symptoms of swollen tonsils? What does the sperm test result indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain in knees, thighs and lower back Suggest treatment for Meniere's disease What causes sudden deep mid calf pain while walking? Suggest treatment for ganglion cysts What causes excessive coughing after lung injury? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? How effective is the Garcinia cambogia natural cleanse plus medicine? Is baby's heartbeat rate of 199 at 10th week of gestation normal? Is the fragile X syndrome be inherited from the mother? What is vampire fungus? Suggest treatment for recurrent abdominal pain and kidney stones What causes generalised itching while recovering from cold? What causes blood in semen? What is the daily intake of water in a person with heart failure? What causes abdominal distention along with stomach discomfort? What is the dosage of Neurotin for seizures? What are the chances of STDs transmission through non penetrative sex? What causes soreness and irritation in breasts post breast augmentation? What causes right flank pain and vomiting? Is Molluscum Contagiosum contagious? Suggest treatment for anxiety and paranoid feelings Is it normal to have reactionary fluid in the pleural sac post VATS surgery? Is HIV RNA test after 13 days of exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for severe COPD and thyroid issues What causes shortness of breath while standing in water? What causes passing of loose stools along with lower abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for pain in stomach and gastric discomfort Suggest treatment for gas problem along with bloating and adhesions in abdomen Does high altitude have an affect on the erection? Do anti hypertensives have any affect on erection? Does multiple myeloma start in the brain? Suggest treatment for fungal infection while suffering from cold What causes pain in the navel area of a child? What causes right upper quadrant pain along with nausea? Suggest treatment for resistance to Lonazep and Mirtaz for sleeplessness What causes a bad odour from the groin area? What causes dizziness and swelling of feet while on BP medication? What does the red carrot shaped things in stool indicate? What causes difficulty in losing weight despite having aerobic exercises and healthy diet? Suggest treatment for runny nose and watery eyes Suggest treatment for strep throat and ulcerative colitis What does little white bumps on the tongue indicate? Does multiple myeloma start in the skull? Does Meth show up in routine drug screen tests? Suggest treatment for liver cysts Suggest treatment for IBS and a low vitamin B 12 What causes a burning sensation in stomach during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pneumonia spreading to lungs Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain What are the chances of STD after protected oral intercourse? What causes a clear watery discharge from the ears? Suggest treatment for rash on legs as well as swollen lips Suggest remedy for persistent hiccups What causes tiredness after having treatment for sepsis? Suggest treatment for sinus infection along with fullness in ears Does Diovan elevated serum potassium levels? Suggest treatment for high BP when on Concor What causes bloating, gas problem and pain in torso? What does stress test and EKG showing murmur indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent boils on the vagina What causes a constant feeling of hunger when on Meloxicam? What causes nausea after having Hydrocodone for pain? Does Prednisone aggravate renal stone disorder? Is it safe to have Aldactone for Conn's syndrome while having atrial fibrillation? Suggest remedy for breathlessness in a diabetic and hypertensive person What is bimanual synkinesis? What causes involuntary vomiting after eating? What causes anal bleeding during defecation? What causes constant burping? What causes blood clots in stool? Suggest allopathic treatment for hemifacial spasm Is increase in thickness of endometrial lining a cause for concern? What are the effects of double dose of Hydralazine? What causes small lump on elbow along with numbness in hand? Is molluscum contagiosum contagious? Suggest treatment for chronic acne problem How should I sleep while suffering from ruptured ear drum? What does the semen analysis report indicate? What causes shivering in hands and body when on Deanxit? What causes bloating and gas problem after having Imodium? Could inverted fetal position during 24th week of pregnancy affect ear formation? Suggest treatment for acute diverticulitis, swelling of tongue and weakness What causes dizziness and lethargy after surgical abortion? What causes sore ribs and intermittent pain in armpit? What causes dizziness while suffering from cough? Suggest treatment for bronchitis, asthma and cough Suggest treatment for painful chronic mouth ulcers What are the chances of pregnancy after taking I pill? Suggest remedy for blood in phelgm What causes abnormal swallowing and numb sensation in throat leading to speech defect? Suggest treatment for vaginal itching What causes fluid discharge from nipple? What causes spotting, menstrual cramps and vaginal dryness after taking few i-pills? What causes burning sensation in throat after taking Vibraymicin and Z pack? What causes vaginial itching and burning? What causes sharp pain below knee while flexing muscle? What are the long term side effects of Goutnil and Feburic-40? Suggest tests to confirm G6PD deficiency in a person What does my MRI scan report indicate? What does the gastroscopy report indicate? What causes sudden nausea, ringing in ears and fatigue? Suggest treatment for hair loss What causes puffiness around fingers? What causes swelling of penis, difficulty in urinating and pain? What cause swollen penis after masturbation? What causes cold feeling on body after inguinal hernia operation? What causes swelling in penis and difficulty in urinating? Suggest treatment for IBS and weakness Suggest treatment for anxiety and fibromyalgia What does my semen analysis test report indicate? What is the ideal dosage of Clavam 625? Suggest dosage of Met-XL 50 Suggest treatment for shortness of breath after stent placement Suggest ways to wean off Spasmo Proxyvon Suggest treatment for symptoms of social anxiety disorder What causes large bumps on back of tongue? What causes pain on the back side of the knee? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Hydrocortisone
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