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What causes inguinal puffiness? What causes dull pain in rectum? Can HIV be contracted through kissing? Why is craniotomy generally done? Suggest treatment for nose bleeding along with sinus pressure What causes soreness and tightness in calf muscle? Suggest treatment for sharp pain under shoulder blade after a fall Suggest treatment for fracture in finger after an accident Suggest treatment for stress and anxiety Suggest medicines to postpone periods Is it safe to give Mox 250 for fever to a 3 year old? What is the window period for antibody testing of various STDs? Can sinus decongestant medicine be taken along with Motrin or Ibuprofen? Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence Can Tamiflu be taken during pregnancy? What does this ultrasound showing congenital defect indicate? Can Zoloft or Aricept cause increase in sex drive? Suggest treatment for early signs of kidney dysfunction What causes difficulty in stretching foreskin when erect? What causes pain in elbows, knees, hip and ankles? Suggest treatment for high body temperature while suffering from flu Suggest treatment for uncomfortable knot in calf Is HIV transmissible through body fluids? Suggest treatment for right-sided abdominal pain What causes dizziness after having Flomax for benign prostate hyperplasia? What does my echocardiographic stress test report indicate? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes floating of white particles in stool? What causes itchy red purple spot on inner thigh? What does my echocardiographic stress test report indicate? What causes pain and burning in feet with history of back surgeries? Suggest treatment for hard lump on rib What causes red eyes? Suggest treatment for bruising and itching on skin after having Anafranil What causes lower abdominal pain, back pain and tenderness in testicles? What causes high pulse rate after consumption of wine? Suggest treatment for anxiety attacks, dizziness and fatigue What causes shortness of breath and heaviness in head with normal BP? What causes consistent clotty vaginal discharge and bleeding? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction due to Flomax intake Suggest treatment for nocturnal urinary frequency due to enlarged prostate What causes increased appetite, muscle spasms and weight loss? Will smoking today affect tests taken 4 days later? What does a mammogram and ultrasound showing fibroid indicate? Suggest treatment for language delay in child Is transmission of HIV from kleenex dipped with infected blood possible? Is it possible to get possible without vaginal intercourse? What causes watery eye and yellow sticky discharge? Suggest treatment for severe itching on scalp and severe hair loss What causes chapped rashes on foreskin? Suggest treatment for bladder dysfunction after an accident Suggest ways of conceiving when having cysts in both ovaries Suggest treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for symptoms of chronic liver disease What causes intermittent pain in left thigh? What causes pain in rib cage and bloating? What causes pain in rib cage especially during movement and bloating? Suggest treatment for severe acne marks, spots on cheeks and forehead Suggest treatment for constant swelling in left ankle after using restraint in hospital What causes white hard bumps on labia majora? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Can Dermadew Baby Soap be used on infant? What are the long term effects of prostate enlargement? Suggest treatment for acne on face after delivery Suggest ways to conceive when having PCOS What aggravates arrhythmia? Suggest treatment for myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for sore throat, cough and severe headaches Suggest exercises for pain in neck Is it safe to have Diabetic tussin for congestion? What causes increased pain in right quad muscle during intercourse? Suggest treatment for reduced bilirubin levels and jaundice Suggest treatment for pimples with pigmentation and marks on face What causes night sweats? Suggest treatment for Turner syndrome What causes high calcium levels? Suggest treatment for spondyloarthritis Suggest treatment for symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis Suggest treatment for lower back pain What causes delay in menstruation? Suggest treatment for multiple deep acne scars on face What are Diazepam and Oxycodone used for? Is pregnancy is possible through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for chronic hip and lower back pain since pregnancy Is bursectomy effective in treating trochanteric bursitis? What causes dull constant pain in tragus? What causes hair fall, itchy scalp and bloating? What are the materials used by dentists? What causes absolute eosinophil count to be very high? Is it possible to increase height at age of 20 years? What causes itchy skin along with shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for symptoms of diabetic neuropathy Is it possible to get pregnant by having unprotected sex during periods? What causes frequent infections? What causes rash with small bumps on penis? Suggest treatment for fever and breathlessness after being treated with stents What causes lump on right side of neck? How to reduce weight post child birth? What causes small lump below skin of the perineum? Can HIV be contracted through contact of foreign blood on open wound? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression Is negative HIV test after 6 month of sexual encounter conclusive? What causes pain and swelling at the base of penis? What causes persistent vomiting? Is it normal to have skin darkening during pregnancy? How long does nicotine stay in our body after smoking? Can HIV be contracted through contact of foreign blood on open wound? What causes heart palpitations after having Thyroxine? Do Eritel, Met-XL, Ecosprin and Valparin Chrono have any side effects? What causes watery red eyes? Can Stalopam be taken in place of Eption? Suggest treatment for dandruff and hair fall along with grey hair What causes body pains along with shivering and cough? What causes solitary polyp in the maxillary sinus? What causes delay in menstruation after taking i-pill? What does my HSG report indicate? What does this X-ray of chest indicate? Can Gleedox and Ranidon-O be taken during pregnancy? What does this follicular study post Clomid intake indicate? Is increasing height possible after the age of 19? What does my follicle study report indicate? What causes weakness prior to bowel movement? What causes delay in menstruation and nausea before periods? What causes low testosterone levels inspite of suffering from flu? Can Sompraz-D along with VSL#3 be taken for acid reflux and constipation? What causes pain in hip with normal MRI? What causes red bumps on foreskin? What causes tiredness inspite of having Provera for Kallmann syndrome? What does high calcium levels in blood test report mean? What are the preventive measures to be taken post head injury? What causes extreme pain in groin area along with swelling and itching? What causes constant fever and rashes on torso and limbs? Suggest treatment for irregular periods What causes bleeding of legs after wearing compression stockings? What causes flappy skin near navel? What causes pain in back inspite of suffering from shingles? What causes constipation after giving Calcimax to infant? What causes difficulty urinating post masturbation? Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair What are the repercussions of accidental overdose of Alex drops? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes burning feet in a liver transplant patient? Suggest treatment for Blount's disease in a 2 year old Suggest treatment for cirrhosis of the liver What does my CT scan report indicate? What causes severe right-sided pain in neck radiating to upper back? Suggest treatment for myasthenia gravis and essential tremors What causes excessive crying of a 4 year old suffering from OCD? What causes dry crusty string like substance around chest and stomach area? Suggest treatment for persistent congestion in sinuses Is accidental consumption of Citalopram instead of an antihistamine harmful to child? Suggest treatment for recurring daily headaches What causes fast heart beat prior to going to sleep at night? What does this MRI report indicate? What causes slurred speech and numb feeling in mouth? What level of creatinine is considered dangerous? What causes black line on roof of mouth? What causes sharp pains in elbow of left arm? What causes blister over the gums accompanied by tenderness in tooth? What causes dizziness post meditation? Do usage of B-complex vitamins cause elevated liver enzymes? What causes weight gain and low libido after a total hysterectomy? How common is it to develop allergy and anaphylaxis from food and medication? Can HCG intake cause anxiety and panic attacks? Suggest treatment for stomach infection causing nausea and tiredness What is luteal phase? What causes dark bruise on scaor on knee after surgery? What causes blackheads around anus? Suggest treatment for anxiety and negative thoughts What causes dark brownish sticky discharge from nipple? Suggest natural remedies to improve skin tone Suggest treatment for infection of navel piercing Suggest treatment for high sugar levels What causes blurred vision during bowel movements? Suggest treatment for phobia, generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks Suggest treatment for swollen ankles, sleep apnoea and high BP What causes weakness in left arm in a cancer patient? Suggest treatment for low libido in a patient with anxiety and OCD Suggest treatment for H.pylori infection What causes sudden onset of stabbing pain under left ribs? How to manage heat intolerance when treating Hashimoto's disease? What causes blister like pimple on penis? What causes burning sensation from buttocks to back of knee? Can Xifaxan be taken when suffering from supraventricular tachycardia? Will accidental consumption of i-pill during pregnancy affect the baby? Suggest ways to conceive when treating cysts on ovary and infetility What does my CT scan report indicate? Is it safe to use essential oils on kids for sleeplessness? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP when on Meth What causes pressure in eyes, severe headaches and pressure in groin? Is Glutathione skin whitening pill safe to use on skin? What are the chances of pregnancy despite having slight alteration of the timings of birth control pills? Suggest treatment for symptoms of vestibular dysfunction Is Augmentin the right choice for chlamydia? What does positive HCG blood test post HCG shot indicate? Can two tablets of Levocetirizine 5mg be taken within 24 hours? Suggest treatment for dry cough while lying down What does this pathology report indicate? What causes humming sound in ears and severe sinus infection?
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