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Is it possible to diagnose internal bone injury by physical examination? Is it normal to have kidney issues when diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome? Suggest treatment for redness, swelling and pain on left toe post injury Suggest treatment for sensation of incomplete emptying of food from the stomach What causes reddish stool in a 2 year old? Does weight loss help in regularizing ovulation while trying to conceive? What causes joints pain while on Humira for spondylitis? Suggest treatment for mild cognitive impairment Suggest alternative medication to Biaxin after wisdom teeth extraction Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving despite going through infertility treatment What causes chronic kidney disease? Can holding one's breath while lifting weights cause brain damage? Suggest treatment for initial onset of herpetic pharyngitis Suggest treatment for pain behind leg Suggest treatment for hematoma in groin area after angioplasty Suggest treatment for painful bump on leg Suggest treatment for WPW syndrome What are the side effects of Depo birth control shot? Suggest treatment for fever, nausea, vomiting and headache What causes cough with phlegm, hot sweats and white spots on tonsils? Suggest treatment for white coat syndrome Suggest treatment while alternating between constipation and diarrhea Suggest treatment for red bumps on penis What causes pus filled lump under tongue? Does Nutrilite slimmetry help in losing weight? When is cervical stitch advised during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for gall bladder stones What causes itchy area on forearm, lethargy and low energy? Is hemoglobin count of 46 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for cellulitis Is it normal to have pain in chest area and arms post injury? Do blood and urine tests reveal sexual status of an individual? Suggest treatment for cut on penis post intercourse How to increase sperm count when diagnosed of varicoceles after testicular biopsy? Suggest treatment for insomnia and anxiety What causes upper right quadrant pain when diagnosed with hepatitis C infection? Can i take Pepcid AC along with Dexilant? Suggest treatment for white dots on arms and legs What causes false positive test results for Benzodiazepines while on Cymbalta and Abilify? Does masturbation weaken the body? What causes loss of armpit hair in a 58 year old? Does chronic amebiasis cause severe constipation? Does chronic amebiasis cause severe constipation? Suggest treatment for hard swelling and infection in gums What causes pulsating sensations in upper right abdomen? What causes fluctuations in BP while suffering from partial seizures? Is pregnancy possible through unprotected sex during menstruation? Suggest treatment for jaundice What are the withdrawal symptoms of Vicodin? Suggest treatment for chronic parotitis due to parotid stones What causes sharp stabbing pain inside anus? Suggest treatment for intermittent flatulence, bloating and dull rectal pain What causes severe sore throat and burning sensation after eating lollipops? Suggest treatment for pain in shoulders, neck, hands and legs Suggest medication for persistent runny nose in an infant What are the adverse effects of not taking Eltroxin for elevated TSH levels? Suggest treatment for warts on fingers What are the side effects of Splenda? What causes passing of marble shaped ball of sticky vaginal discharge? What causes vomiting while on Sephine and Progesterone? What does this biopsy report showing intramucosal adenocarcinoma indicate? What causes missed menstruation cycles despite taking Regestrone? What causes persistent throat inflammation? What causes foggy memory, inexplicable weight gain, knots and acne on face? Suggest treatment for persistent vaginal discharge along with itchy vagina Suggest treatment for pain in calf and knee while suffering from vitamin D deficiency Suggest treatment for loose stool, bloating, painful flatulence and chills Suggest treatment for painful swollen lymph nodes in groin area Suggest treatment for folliculitis on face leaving scars What causes burning sensation during urination and sensitive vaginal area post laser hair removal? What causes loss of focus and hearing the echo of my voice when under stress? What causes tender swollen lymph node in the region of breast? What do these lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling in groin area five days past ovulation What causes drainage from back wound 2 months after spinal fusion? Suggest treatment for painful bruises on anal area post anal sex What causes involuntary muscle contractions on left side of face? What causes small knot above hip bone? Suggest treatment for bloating and spasms in stomach after a total colectomy Is spongy growth in the nasal mucosa significant? What causes mild abdominal pain post EGD and EUS procedure? What causes numbness on left side of face? What are the side effects of Frisium? What are the chances of contracting infections through shared needles? What causes orange colored, foul smelling vaginal discharge? Does mitral regurgitation cause cardiac arrest? What causes one-sided headache and loose motion some days after injury? Suggest treatment for tobacco addiction What causes throat infection after oral sex? What is the dosage of Amantrel and Syndopa for Parkinson's disease? What causes atherosclerosis despite the lifestyle changes and medical treatment? Suggest ways to increase sperm count Suggest treatment for high blood pressure and cold Can Sotalol be taken after discontinuing Amiodarone? Suggest treatment for heavy clotted bleeding when diagnosed with PCOD Can a muscle relaxant be taken while on Oxycodone, Metaxalone and Tizanidine? What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for microscopic colitis, diarrhea and bladder infection Suggest treatment for persistent blocked nose Suggest treatment for swollen legs, weak legs, muscle aches and pain What causes pain during urination despite taking medicines for UTI? Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of mosquito repellent Suggest treatment for Bartholin's gland cyst causing difficulty in walking Suggest treatment for abdominal distension, constipation and diarrhea What causes nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite? Does high BP cause ringing in ear? Suggest treatment for Turner syndrome Is it safe to take Nausetil for nausea with susceptible diagnosis of lung cancer? What causes bad taste in mouth? Is it normal to feel pulsations in abdomen? Suggest treatment for broken ribs and muscle injury What should be the time interval between the two doses of Percocet? Is it safe to take Rizatriptan for migraine? Suggest treatment for cellulitis around the nose and face What causes fatigue, headache and fever after stung by a bee? What are the chances of HIV transmission through oral sex? What causes swelling of ankle post angioplasty? What causes periodic pelvic pain along with delayed period? What causes upper abdominal pain after large amounts of coffee? What causes hard lump at the site of injection? What causes red colored urine? Are antidepressants the right medication for dizziness and difficulty concentration? Suggest treatment for diabetes, body and muscle pain What are the chances of STD transmission through protected sex? What causes hot feeling around face, arms and legs? Suggest treatment for an abnormally small jaw Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving while going through infertility treatment What causes red spots around the penis opening? What causes brownish spot on skin? What causes small red spots on penis? What causes stinging feeling after urination and sharp pain on lower back? What causes painful raised spot on skin? Can Lyrica cause anxiety? What causes persistent headache? Suggest treatment for skin infection on elbow, arm, hands and ankles Is it normal to have inflamed visible vein at the site of intravenous injection? What causes hyperpigmentation of skin around neck area? Suggest treatment for tonsils What causes pain in upper abdominal area while breathing? What causes inflamed vein at the site of injection? Is knee synovitis curable? Suggest treatment for jaundice, choking and wheezing sounds from throat What causes hot flashes and fever post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does my lab test report indicate? What do red spots in sigmoid colon of a colonoscopy indicate? Suggest treatment for dry patch on upper lip and post-inflammatory hypopigmentation Does insulin resistance or PCOS cause insomnia? What causes high BP while on Prednisone for lung sarcoidosis? Suggest treatment for BP, mild sugar and vertigo What causes tiny itchy blisters on fingers? What is the dosage of Paracetamol for fever in an infant? Suggest treatment for sliding hiatus hernia and IBS Suggest treatment for excess mucus secretion in throat What causes tiny blisters around genital area of a 2 year old? What causes painful lump on rib cage? Suggest treatment for small boils on left forearm Is swallowing a single strand of hair a cause for concern? What causes pain in groin area during masturbation? What causes irritation of skin while on Doxycycline? Suggest treatment for subluxation of right hip, tightness, tenderness and weakness What causes reddish inflamed lump at the site of tonsil removal? Suggest treatment for chest congestion and difficulty breathing Suggest treatment for throat cancer Suggest treatment for pain in hands, neck and feet What causes dizziness with history of hysterectomy? Is it possible to increase height at the age of 21? What causes flu like symptoms while on CPAP machine? What causes soft swollen spot on back of neck? Is it safe to take Super green powder food by a cancer patient? Suggest treatment for alcohol addiction Is it safe to start neck pack of Lo loestrin FE pills after having periods? Can Cannabis be smoked after taking Lipo-6 Black Ultra? Suggest treatment for depression despite medication What causes red spots on penis post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for rashes and mild fever What causes dizziness while sitting or standing? What causes intermittent fever in a 1 year old? What causes memory issues in a person with epilepsy? What causes brown patch of skin lesions on scrotum? Suggest treatment for neck pain while lying down and taking deep breaths Suggest treatment for mild anemia and missed menstrual cycles Is it safe to take green tea along with multivitamins? What does a swollen preauricular swollen lymph node would look like? Do steroids withdrawal lead to acute adrenal insufficiency? What do these MRI reports indicate? What causes feeling of blood surging from neck to head? Suggest treatment for painful intercourse despite taking medication for yeast infection Is it necessary to wear long splint all the time despite having discomfort in knee? What does this heart rate of 188 during stress test indicate? Suggest treatment for rapid weight loss due to parasite in stomach What causes small hard painful lumps on thigh? Is it safe to take Statins for these cholesterol levels? What causes redness of eye? Suggest treatment for fever and congestion in infant What does this urine test result for lower back pain indicate? What do these cholesterol and glucose readings indicate? What causes sunken eye post eye injury? What causes headache along with tingling sensation in face and lips? What causes frequent menstruation and physical stress?
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