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Does regular masturbation cause OCD? Can Doxycycline be taken after a full meal? Is LDL cholesterol level of 154 mg/dl a cause for concern? What causes throat infection with small hard movable bump below tonsil? Suggest remedy for lump in middle of sternum What does this HSV test report indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent hiccups What causes brown discolouration in urine in an elderly person post brachytherapy? What causes back pain when diagnosed with lumbar disc prolapse? Suggest treatment for paronychia on finger Suggest treatment for eosinophilia with severe asthma Suggest remedy for chest congestion and cough in a child What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest remedy for urinary urgency Suggest remedy for depression in an elderly person Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain Can Viagra for men be consumed by women? Suggest remedy for itchy red rashes on skin Suggest treatment for cough and chest congestion in a child Suggest remedy for shortness of breath and fever What does this blood report indicate? What causes swollen ovaries? Can Alpha-lipoic acid be taken along with Folic acid, Spironolactone and Dimenhydrinate? Can Topamax be taken in place of Gabapentin? Can latex condoms cause yeast infections? Suggest a permanent cure for genital herpes Suggest treatment for left-sided headache with hair loss What causes bruises around eyes and face with visual disturbances after facial injury? Can an astigmatism cause blindness? What do these hemogram and urine analysis report indicate? Is PSA a good and reliable indicator of metastasis? What causes severe swelling in legs, joint pain, lethargy and headache? What does this blood report indicate? Can Ampiclox injection be taken for STDs? What causes rash around the head of penis? What does this blood test report indicate? 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Suggest remedy for hard lumps on forehead What causes blood in stool? Can hypothyroidism cause constipation? Suggest remedy for anal bleeding What causes malaise, irritability, fatigue and general weakness while suffering from migraine? Suggest remedy for severe pain and cramps in rib cage Suggest remedy for eye and mouth dryness with difficulty in breathing caused by sinus infection How effective is Clomifene when trying to get pregnant? Suggest medication for whooping cough Suggest alternate over the counter medication for Uribel Can Abilify and Lyrica cause weight gain? Is loss of pregnancy symptoms a sign of miscarriage? Does body tattooing cause seizures? Suggest ayurvedic medication for renal disease associated with diabetes Suggest treatment for depressive disorder with anxiety attacks Suggest remedy for persistent dizziness, fatigue and loss of libido while treating hypothyroidism Can Lignocaine be used to ease the pain of waxing? What causes redness and irritation at the base of penis? What causes retractile testicles? What causes transient ischemic attack in young adults? Suggest remedy for fatigue and pressure in neck while treating benign thyroid nodule Suggest remedy for red shiny streaks on penile head What causes post-traumatic occlusion of anterior cerebral artery? Do Lipitor, Famotidine, Flomax and Zoloft cause liver damage? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Zempred Suggest medication for persistent cough while on Montair5 Can one have Amoxicillin during pregnancy? Suggest medication for recurring submandibular gland swelling
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